How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 199

Chapter 199

A feast began on the day of Eugenes return. The king and the nobles willingly donated funds and supplies to celebrate the true beginning of their kingdom. Bottles of liquor began piling up throughout the kingdoms squares, and poems and songs praising the king and the duke resonated throughout the kingdom, riding on the sweet aroma of alcohol. Skilled jesters and dancers showed off their talents, and actors recreated various scenes as the young king and the vampire duke in the middle of the square with exaggerated acting and singing. Everyone gathered in the streets and praised the young king regardless of race, gender and status. They drank and ate to their hearts content in anticipation of their kingdoms bright future.

Eugene, the protagonist of the feast, also enjoyed the atmosphere with the nobles in the castles courtyard, and after fulfilling his duties as the kingdoms celebrated figure, he slipped away. He had something more important to handle.

Eugene headed to a quiet annex, which was named the Duke Palace, then sent away all the servants before consuming the red mana stone of the Lizardman King.


His body was consumed by a burning sensation, and a sound similar to a mirror cracking resonated inside his head.

Eugene closed his eyes. The world around him slowly dimmed, but it soon became dyed in red. At the same time, a familiar sight slowly came back into view.

I can see it.

He had previously glimpsed fragments of scenes in a dream-like state, but now, he saw a blurry, yet continuous scene. It was as if a faint memory was being retrieved from the depths of his mind. There were two men and one woman dressed in fancy, colorful clothes. Their white faces, crimson eyes, and jutting fangs proved they were all members of the Tribe of the Darkness.

Within his consciousness, Eugenes gaze headed to a man with thin, silver eyebrows. It felt as if the man was returning Eugenes gaze, and an obvious sneer was visible on his face. The figures lips moved as if he were saying something, but unfortunately, Eugene could not hear it. However, Eugene judged from the figures eyes and expression that it wasnt anything good.

Then, Eugenes gaze headed to the man standing behind the one with the silver eyebrows. The man stood there with his hands clasped behind his back.

The man had long curly black hair, and his frame was as large as Galfredik. What stood out about the man was that his entire face was filled with strange tattoos. The man also spoke, but again, Eugene could not hear it. However, unlike the man with the silver eyebrows, he didnt seem to be mocking Eugene, though he looked quite arrogant.

Eugene finally turned his eyes to the final figure, the only female vampire. She had red hair like fire, and she looked rather young. She was gorgeous, just like a shiny ruby shining on its own.

The red, brilliant queen

Eugene wasnt simply thinking about her appearance. Rather, the emotion riling up from his consciousness defined her as such.

The corners of her mouth crept up.

Was it a sneer?


In the previous, blurred recollections, Eugene had considered it a sneer. But now, he could see that the emotion contained in her exposed face wasnt a sneer. Moreover, the emotions contained in her gaze were concern and expectation, and she was looking at Eugene.


A sudden question came into Eugenes mind.



A sharp sound similar to breaking glass was accompanied by the shattering of the scene inside Eugenes consciousness.



Eugenes Fear slowly subsided from soaring over his shoulder, and he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes seemed to glow red for a moment before quickly returning to normal.

Phew Eugene let out a long breath. His gaze seemed more profound than before.

Sir, are you done? Mirian asked while flying toward him. She had been watching from a distance while lying down.

Thats right. Did you check? Eugene asked.

Yup, yuppers! The one behind your neck has been erased, Mirian answered.

Eugene used a mirror to check his back. One of the tattoos made of strange figures and ancient texts were completely gone. This made it a total of seven tattoos removed.

Eugene repeatedly clenched and relaxed his fists.

Im overflowing with power.

It wasnt just his condition. He could feel power pulsating throughout his entire body. Something that lay dormant inside him until now had finally been liberated. It was an inexplicable instinct and mystery.

Sir, what ability did you gain this time? Are you going to transform into a dragon? Or, or what if you can truly become a demon king? Or transform stones into gold and silver? Kyah~ Just thinking about it makes my heart race! Mirian exclaimed.

Its not that ridiculous, but I did gain a useful ability, Eugene responded.

Kiehh? What is it?! What is it? Hurry up and show me! Mirian exclaimed once more.

Eugene shrugged. I cant show it to you right away.

Huh? Mirian pouted.

Youll find out when we get to the sea, Eugene said. The ability he had obtained from the Lizardman Kings red mana stone was the power to resist all constraints that existed against him due to water. As such, the constraints placed on him by the sea were no longer an issue, and he no longer had to worry about one of the vampires biggest weaknesses. From now on, he wouldnt have to enter an especially made coffin when crossing the sea.

Tsk, what is that? Im disappointed, Mirian muttered in a disappointed voice. It was a response befitting a spirit of desire. She pursued spectacular things for her immediate gratification.

Eugene grinned. But Ive also gained a useful ability apart from that. Its something I can show you right away.

Eugene had also regained a part of a high-ranking vampires power.

Whaaaat?! Hurry! I want to see it! I want to see! Mirian cried out with an expression sparkling with expectation as if she had never been disappointed.

Eugene grinned before taking a breath.

All of a sudden


Kieeeeeh?! The spirit froze on the spot with surprise. Eugenes body had suddenly become engulfed in black smoke. It was the ability that High Lord Federique had utilized in the pastImmaterial Form.


The black smoke rose into the air. The smoke moved as if it were alive, and it took on a specific shapea bat with its wings spread wide open.

S-sir? Where are you? Where have you gone? Mirian shouted.


As soon as Mirians voice was heard, the black smoke swirled like a gust of wind, and Eugenes human figure quickly reappeared.

Kieeeeh How did you do that? Mirian asked as her jaw dropped and became a pool of water.

Eugene shrugged. Im not sure either. I just remembered it, and when I tried it just now, it worked.

It could be seen as an inexplicable mystery by others. However, the abilities he had obtained from red mana stones were expressed in a way no different than simply breathing. The abilities were absolute laws, and they came to him naturally.

So you turned into a cloud? Is that it? Mirian asked.

In that state, I can move anywhere as long as its not completely enclosed, and Im impervious to physical attacks, Eugene responded. If Black Scales protected him from physical attacks, this ability completely neutralized physical attacks. However, it didnt render him completely invincible. He would still be vulnerable to attacks from weapons containing powerful magic, weapons containing Fear or Aura greater than his own, and weapons made from pure silver. In any case, Eugenes abilities were now greater than before, and he had become stronger as well.

Black Scales, Camouflage, and Blood Fogwhich allowed him to absorb blood directly after vaporizing it.

The ability to transform into monsters that possessed red mana stones, the ability to understand all languages, and Berserk, which he hadnt used just yet. In addition, he had gained Immaterial Form, which he had decided to call Black Smoke, as well as resistance against the constraints placed on him by the sea.

A-amazingggg! T-thats just what I expect from my sir! Mirian exclaimed with clasped hands and glimmering eyes.

Eugene found her reaction a bit burdensome.




Eugene suddenly narrowed his eyes and stared at Mirian intently. The spirit looked puzzled for a moment, and then she started to laugh.

Kehehe! Have you finally fallen for my charm? Ang~ If you keep staring at me so intently, I cant help but be embarrassed Kiehh?! The spirit muttered while contorting her body, but then she screamed when Eugene snatched her out of the air.

You, youve gotten bigger Eugene said.


You even have another pair of wings, Eugene observed.

Kieeeeehh?! As soon as Eugene released her, the spirit examined her entire body. Her eyes liquefied and grew twice as large as usual with surprise.

Y-y-youre right! Wow! Kieeh! Kieeekkk! She exclaimed while buzzing around the air. Originally, she had been the size of half a palm, but now, she was as large as a palm. She had also become faster than before, perhaps due to the extra pair of wings.

The spirit had evolved alongside her contractor.

Kiehehehehehe! Ive evolved too, you know what Im saying?! Ha! From today onward, I shall no longer be known as Mirian. No, now, I am Neo King God Revolution Mirian Mark Two! Kihehehehehehe! The spirit spewed nonsense as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Eugene contemplated giving the spirit a good smack, but then he came up with an idea.

Since you evolved, your abilities should have improved as well, right? Eugene asked.

Kihehehe! How foolish, sir. Thats the most obvious thing in the world. I, Neo King God Revolution Mirian Mark Two, have advanced in every way possible to the point where I should aim to become the next Spirit King. Do you know what Im saying~?! Well, you and I might be suitable for each other when you become the demon king. Kihehehehehehe! Mirian shouted arrogantly. Her head was held up high at a ninety-degree angle.

Eugene suppressed his violent urges once more and narrowed his eyes.

Really? If youve become that great, that means you should be able to make water faster as well, Eugene said.

Kihehehe! You dont have to say that twice! I, Neo King God Revolution Kiehh? The spirit abruptly stopped. Even though her arrogance had reached another peak through her evolution, it appeared that her intelligence, or rather, the lack of it, had remained unchanged.

Eugene continued, I heard there was a shortage of drinking water in the city. I was thinking about drawing water from a nearby river, but it would be quicker and easier for you to make a well for them instead.

Huh?! W-Was I dreaming? Sir, my humble self must have dreamt of evolving just a little while ago. Phew! How could a small, weak, incompetent, little, and lowest-ranking water spirit like me evolve? Im content with living my life as your personal cute little spirit before I return to the spirit world Kiehh? Mirian hurriedly explained.

Since youre a Neo King God whatever, who aims to become the next king of spirits, Im sure youll do great. I will give you three days. Just dig three wells, Eugene said with a grin while grabbing the so-called next Spirit King.

The spirits arrogant attitude completely disappeared.

Kieh?! T-that would overwork me to death Mirian muttered.

Three days. Eugene declared. He grabbed her tightly before throwing her out the window.

Sirrrrrr! Kieeeeehhh The mournful voice of the spirit grew quieter as she disappeared into the distance as a small ball of water.


Evil land subjugation?

Thats right.

Out of the thirteen tattoos he originally had, there were only five tattoos left on his body. Now that Brantia was unified, Eugene had the perfect opportunity to hunt intermediate and high-ranked monsters in evil lands without any restrictions.

I have to get rid of all my tattoos somehow. Then I could use the armor, the last of the four treasures as well.

Eugene spoke to Luke while recalling the demonic armor Armis, which was currently sitting deep in the royal vault, Look for places that havent been fully explored yet and are presumed to house high-ranking monsters. I want to visit all of them as quickly as possible. Perhaps a month?

Uh Yes, of course. But master


No matter what anyone said, Luke was Eugene's original fan. He continued with a guilty expression, Im truly sorry, but there are only a few evil lands in Brantia with high-ranking monsters. No, rather, its hard to tell if there are even any places with high-ranking monsters.


Ehem. The kings words are true, Duke Batla. Pythamoras stepped up before continuing, As you know already, the skills and bravery of this lands knights are undoubtedly great. However, the quality of their armor and weapons are rather problematic. Moreover, all the outstanding knights have been engaged in war for the past decade. They paid little attention to evil land subjugations. As such, mercenaries and those fresh on their quest to knighthood would usually participate in subjugations.


The bottom line is that it will take more than a month to find which evil lands meet the dukes conditions, Pythamoras concluded.

Eugene felt dejected. Brantia was inferior to the nations of the continent in almost every way, including the Caylor Kingdom. It was as expected of an island nation on the periphery.

Dammit. Do I have to go through all of them?

Eugene felt disappointed at the possibility.

Princess Lilisain took a step forward and interjected, Your Excellency. You just need to take me with you.

What do you mean? Eugene asked. As another fan of Eugene, Princess Lilisain couldnt hide the joy she felt at the thought of being helpful to the respected duke, so she immediately answered, I am a pure blood of Elands royalty. I can detect beings born from evil energy.

Hooh? Eugenes eyes filled with surprise.

Lilisain felt her body heating up as her nose started to twitch.

For the duke, I-I will, phew, phew! I will find high-ranking monsters, Princess LIlisain said.

We will depart tomorrow. You will accompany me into the evil lands, Princess, Eugene declared.

Accompany me Together together

Yes, sir! Haaaaaaa! Princess Lilisain exhaled heavily through her nostrils, which had grown twice as large as usual.

However, her expectations were never fulfilled.

That night, a vampire that had traveled a long way from the Carls Baggins Peninsula had finally arrived at the royal castle.

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