How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Werent we going to keep His Highness identity a secret?

You bloody duke! What the hell are you thinking?

They were greatly taken aback by Eugenes words, but the prince and his party had no choice but to take off their hoods. Although he was an impersonator of the prince, Vizaks handsome appearance reflected his status as a member of a prestigious family of nobles. Priscillas eyes quivered when she saw his face.

A real imperial prince of the Roman Empire? Is this for real? What is a member of the imperial family doing here?

I-I-I give my greetings to Your Highness I-I am Priscilla, daughter of Vincenzo Palin. I am the Vice Executive of the Palin Associations Maren branch, Priscilla stuttered.

Nice to meet you, Vice Executive Palin, Vizak responded.

Its my greatest honor! Please, come inside No, some tea; no, ale or wine maybe some wine Priscilla floundered even more after hearing his curt answer. As the vice executive of a large association, Priscilla regularly met with many nobles. However, it was her first time meeting a member of the imperial family.

Its fine. The Vice Executive can treat me just like how you treat Lord Batla, Vizak said.

What?! How would I dare to Priscilla exclaimed.

Hmm? How dare? Hey, Vice Executive, are you saying that you can treat me however you would like but not the prince? Eugene asked.

No! Thats not what Im Priscilla hurriedly tried to refute.

Thats enough. Anyway, I have already made a contract with the prince. I dont know if my schedule will allow for anything else, Eugene stated.

Ah Priscillas face turned ashen. The current situation was a mess. If Eugene had refused for any other reason, she would have been very disappointed and hurt. However, this was on an entirely different scale. She couldnt simply ask him to break his promise with an imperial prince of the Roman Empire, could she?

What should I do?! Grandfather, the Mayor, and the other guild leaders will be greatly disappointed. Ah! This is not the time.

Priscilla forced a smile. It wasnt like she could come up with a solution by thinking about it alone.

P-Please, come in. You will still stay here for a few days, right? Right, Sir Eugene? Priscilla asked.

Please say that you will!

One of the most important skills for a merchant to have was the ability to control their facial expression, regardless of the situation they found themselves in. However, Priscilla had completely lost her ability to keep a straight face at the sudden appearance of the imperial prince.

Hmm. Well, I was planning to, but Eugene answered leisurely while turning his gaze toward the prince. Priscillas urgent heart was in plain view for him to see. Through his action, Eugene was silently indicating that although he was in no rush, he would have to leave at any time if the prince so desired.

Priscilla felt rushed. She desperately exclaimed, Your Highness! Although its nothing compared to the imperial palace, there are a lot of things to be enjoyed in our city as well! Please give me the honor of serving Your Highness and the rest of your group!

Hmm. Vizak looked sideways and shared a glance with Prince Localope before nodding slowly.


It was unclear what Eugene was planning, but they had already promised to do as Eugene wished in the Caylor Kingdom as long as it wouldnt tarnish the dignity and the reputation of the imperial family.


Priscilla spent dozens of gold coins and treated Eugene, the prince, and the rest of the group to the best food and accommodations before rushing to the city hall.

What?! Did you say that Sir Eugene is in our city? And hes with a member of the Roman Empires royalty?!

The mayor and the guild leaders had been about to end their meeting. However, they immediately sat back down in their seats after hearing Priscillas shocking words. They had been pondering about how they would bring Eugene here, but it turned out he was already here. Moreover, he was accompanied by a member of the Roman Empires imperial family.

Thats correct. I did find it a little strange that Sir Eugene was accompanied by so many people, but it turned out they were guards of the imperial prince, Priscilla explained.

W-Which prince? What was his name?

Was he really a prince? Why would a direct descendant of the Roman Empires royalty be here?

The guild leaders poured out one question after another without hiding their shock and disbelief. Priscilla answered their inquisitive questions one by one.

He stated that he was the third prince, Prince Localope. The ring with the imperial seal looked genuine, and I even confirmed that they spoke the language of the Roman Empire. In the first place, theres no way that Sir Eugene would be going around with a fake, right? He is a Duke of Brantia after all, Priscilla said.

Thats true! Huh! Then whats going to happen now? The mayor asked while looking around at the guild leaders. However, the guild leaders were still dazed by the shocking news. They couldnt answer the mayors question.

Meanwhile, Priscilla had thought extensively about the matter on her way to the city hall. She carefully spoke, Mister mayor and respected guild leaders, although Im not certain exactly what it is, Sir Eugene mentioned that he had signed a contract with the prince.

A contract? What kind of a contract is it?

Im not entirely sure. However, thats not the problem. Sir Eugene said that he would have to leave for the Roman Empire with the prince and his entourage. Then what would happen to our city?" Priscilla replied.

"Oh, my...!"

The mayor and the guild leaders became even more dismayed. If that happened, the most reliable card in their deck would disappear.

Priscilla continued, Ive managed to keep Sir Eugene and His Highness here for now, but they could leave our city right away, even tomorrow. We must figure something out before that, wouldnt you agree?


The mayor and the guild leaders shared gazes with grim expressions. They felt burdened by the sudden, unexpected problem.

Priscilla then mentioned the worst possible scenario. However, given the current situation, she was certain that it was also the most likely outcome.

Respected mayor and guild leaders. The people at the accommodation and the people of our association have already seen Sir Eugene. In other words, the news of Sir Eugenes arrival will soon spread throughout the city.


Everyones eyes shook violently. It was one thing if news of Eugenes arrival was kept a secret, but things would quickly spiral out of control if the people discovered it. After all, Jan Eugene was a heroic knight recognized by all the residents of Maren.

What would happen if they let him simply leave? The criticism of the citizens would obviously land on the mayor and the guild leaders. It was entirely possible that the City of Maren could collapse from the inside before they could even properly confront the royalists.

Where are Sir Eugen and His Highness staying?

Lets hurry! We must talk with No! Even if we have to give them everything they want, we have to make them stay!

The citys available funds No, we have to make the guilds collect all the money they can.

The leaders of the City of Maren started to panic.


Sir, I was a little surprised earlier, Vizak spoke. He was still posing as the prince.

What do you mean? Eugene responded with a relaxed expression while turning toward Vizak.

Sir, do you take the golden blood of the Roman Empire to be so lightthat you would speak of it so carelessly? If you had told me beforehand, I wouldnt have expected anything from you, Vizak continued.

Look at this guy

Eugene smirked at the blatant, sarcastic comment.

He then responded, Are you angry that I revealed your identity? Or are you worried about something else? It appears that the one with the glorious golden blood flowing in their veins isnt very broad-minded.

Ha! Vizaks face turned slightly red. Eugenes words were an insult to both him and his master.

The golden blood of Rome wouldnt be swayed so easily by such things. I am only worried that there could be some rascals with evil intentions. Vizak pointed out.

In Maren? Against me? Are you being serious about that? Didnt you hear what the people were saying at the pier? Eugene asked.

Thats Vizaks face turned a deeper shade of red, and he was made speechless. Indeed, Eugenes reputation in the city was beyond imagination. Regardless of whether they were knights, workers, merchants, and nobles, everyone admired and revered the knight Jan Eugene.

If he ever ran for mayor, he would be uncontested. It was also highly probable that quite a few people would support Eugene even if he declared himself king, considering civil war was just around the corner.

At least in Maren, theres no one mad enough to go after the prince, Eugene stated.

Lets say thats true. But were not going to stay here forever, right? Sir, as you know, we must depart quite soon. If we think about how chaos will break out with the civil war Vizak retorted.

So someone could take the opportunity and attack the prince? Eugene asked.

I dont think theres any guarantee that such a thing wont happen, Vizak replied.

Thats funny, Eugene remarked. He revealed his fangs before asking in a cold voice, Have you forgotten who I am, Your Highness?


Vizak flinched. He was forced to shut up. He had forgotten in the heat of the moment, as it felt like Eugene was looking down on his master, Prince Localope. Eugenes reputation in Maren wasnt born from nothing; rather, his reputation was akin to a tall, strong tower created from his numerous, incredible feats. The tower's foundation was Eugene's abilities and skills as a knight and member of the Dark Clan. It was something that Prince Localope himself admired.

- It was easier to rob the treasure house of the imperial palace than to infiltrate a marecasios castle. It was because the former was worth an attempt during the night, but the latter wouldnt differentiate between day and night.

Vizak recalled the old dictum spoken in the empire as he took a deep breath. A marecasio stood above all other vampires and was capable of moving around unrestricted during the day. Marecasios were strong creatures possessing transcendent mystery. In other words, attempting to attack a daywalker was no different from suicide.

I would like to offer up a word to His Excellency the Duke. Would that be all right, Your Highness? Prince Localope stepped forward.

It was a proclamation disguised as a question, so Vizak nodded immediately. Localope turned to Eugene and continued, Let me ask you a question, Your Excellency.

Go for it, Eugene responded.

Are you trying to get His Highness name involved in the civil war of the Caylor Kingdom? Localope asked with a serious expression.

Eugene responded with a chuckle, Why? Are you willing to help if I asked?

Localope responded, That would be absolutely impossible. The weight of the honor carried by the one with the golden blood is unfathomable. There should never be a situation in which it becomes involved with the political situation of another nation

It wont happen, so dont worry, Eugene interrupted.

But sir Localope was unconvinced.

If you dont believe my words, then feel free to break the contract right now, Eugene stated.


Prince Localope became wide-eyed at Eugenes unexpectedly strong stance.

It wasnt a promise of honor, and we are the only ones who know about the contract. Even if you back out now, no one will say anything. Isnt that right, Your Highness? Eugene spoke while turning his gaze to Vizak.

W-Well, thats Naturally, the fake price didnt have the authority to make such a decision. He became flustered by Eugenes words.

Vizak met Prince Localopes gaze, then bit his lips before continuing, Let us keep the contract. However, you must tell me why you revealed my identity to the Vice Executive of that association.

Eugene responded, Im trying to clear my debts.

Debts? Vizak asked.

Its something I was going to do anyway, but its more profitable if I let them seek me out first, right? Moreover

Eugene took his eyes off the confused Vizak and looked at the real prince before continuing, I think if His Highness becomes involved as well, itll make his name more renowned. But if you dont like it, I can just

Localope frowned before interrupting, I think you should definitely participate in whatever Sir Eugene is planning, Your Highness.

I-Is that so? Then Vizak nodded obediently. As expected, the real prince was definitely smarter than the servant.

A knock resounded at the door, and Edmund, the former holy knight, entered. He had accompanied Eugene to Maren from Brantia.

Edmund spoke, Your Excellency. The mayor of Maren and the guild leaders are asking to meet with you.

Eugene responded, That was quick. I will meet with them.

Yes. Edmund left the room after saluting.

Vizak still couldnt grasp the situation, so he asked, The mayor and the guild leaders? Why? Ah, are they trying to hold a banquet to welcome Lord Eugene and me?

If you want, Im sure they could hold a banquet for three whole days starting today. However, I dont think they are here because of that, Eugene responded.

Less than an hour had passed since Priscilla handed them the entirety of a luxury inn to stay in, but the mayor and the guild leaders were already here. Their actions essentially represented their growing anxiety.


Oh, my! If it isnt the pride of Maren! Your Excellency Duke Eugene Batla! How long has it been!? Ooohh! I see that youre still using the armor that the City of Maren gifted you! Hahaha! the mayor exclaimed. He had heard from Priscilla that Eugene disliked excessive formality, despite becoming a duke. As such, the mayors greeting sounded quite natural.

It has been a long time, Mayor. The armor is still serving me quite well, Eugene responded.

If you would like it repaired, let me know anytime, Your Excellency, The leader of the blacksmith guild, a half-dwarf, quickly stepped forward. The plate armor was inscribed with the symbol of Maren, and it was an item symbolizing Eugenes relationship with the city. The mayor and the guild leader had even seriously contemplated making the symbol bigger under the pretense of repairing the armor.

Well, that sounds good. Since Ill be heading into something major, itll be problematic if theres any trouble with my equipment, Eugene replied.


The phrase, heading into something major, caused the eyes of the mayor and the guild leaders to sparkle with hope. Eugene was a knight known as Marens hero. At such a time, what else could he be talking about other than

Your Excellency, as expected, the City of Maren

It would be good to have them checked out before I head to the Roman Empire, Eugene interrupted.

The expressions of the mayor and the guild leaders instantly turned ghastly, but Eugene feigned ignorance as he asked, Anyway, what brought all of you here together?


Knock, knock!

Edmund once again entered the room after knocking, even though only a few minutes had passed since he brought the mayor and the guild leaders here. However, he wasnt alone; a restless man accompanied him.

Your Excellency. Someone from the city hall is looking for the mayor, Edmund said.

The action officer? What are you doing here? the mayor asked with a frown. Why was a mere employee of the city interrupting them when the matter of the citys future was about to be decided?

The action officer hurriedly raised his voice, Mister mayor, theres trouble! An army with the flag of the royal family has appeared on the side of Etherin!

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