How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 204

Chapter 204


Those with even a bit of knowledge of tactics frowned, including the mercenaries and the knights. Mount an attack with a small group and let the main army defend? Regardless of how powerful cavalry was on a plain, it was a tactic that they had never even heard of. However, it was difficult for them to point this out in the open, as Eugene was the one who suggested it. However, Eugene didnt even spare a glance at the knights, who were expecting an explanation. Instead, he turned to Trevik and said.

The opponent is an army of royalists receiving orders from the king. You said that they had labeled us as traitors, right? Then that means they are Marens irreconcilable enemies. Is that right?

Thats right, Trevik responded. He couldnt understand why Eugene was asking him something so obvious.

Eugene then continued in a cold voice, Then if we lost, how do you reckon they would proceed? For example, how do you think they would deal with the mayor and the guild leaders?

Everyone will be executed Trevik answered.

The reason that the enemy gave for the conflict was that the king was attempting to stifle a rebellion. No monarch would be generous enough to forgive traitors. Moreover, Marens leaders had been at odds with the king for a long time, and they had also driven out all the royalists from the city.

Thats right. That means this is different from a regular battle or a territorial war. Honor? Mercy? Such things shouldnt be expected. If you lose, you will literally lose everything. And as I said earlier, I am not standing here as a duke of Brantia. Im simply a knight who had been labeled as a pagan and a traitor by the King of Caylor, Eugene said.

Eugene paused before looking around at the knights and the mercenary captains. Everyone was looking at him with mixed expressions of expectations and tension. It appeared as if they had a conjecture about what Eugene was getting at.

This was the Caylor Kingdom, and the current situation differed from Eugenes Brantian expedition. Eugenes goal in Brantia had been to obtain the throne for Luke. However, there was no need for Eugene to take anyones circumstances into consideration, except for a few friendly forces like Maren and Essandra. It was even truer as his opponents were the king and the cardinal. He had no intention of showing mercy to those who had provoked him first.

As such

We dont need to show them any mercy, and theres no need to hesitate in using whatever method possible right? Eugene continued.

It wouldnt matter even if he used all of his abilities as an Origin to kill the king and all of his followers. After all, they were the ones who pushed the matter this far.


Hoho! Sir, were you thinking of standing up to the king by relying on those weak, contemptible men?

Viscount Cody Jenas, commander of the royal infantry, sneered while looking back and forth between his prisoners and the man standing next to them. The prisoners were knights of noble families who had been defeated and captured in battle.

You lowlife!

Jevin Evergroves cheek twitched as he suppressed the rising feeling of humiliation in his heart. He responded with a forced smile, Standing up to the king? Thats ridiculous. The Evergrove County and I have always been loyal to the king and the royal family. Those men are the ones who have betrayed me.

Some of the prisoners were related to him by blood. However, the count didnt hesitate to dismiss his relationship with them from the moment he had decided to stand by the king. The prisoners glared at him with contempt, but Jevin avoided their eyes. He could momentarily disregard honor for an opportunity to rise to become a great noble lording over the nearby areas, including Maren.

Moreover, isnt it a truly honorable thing for a vassal to be loyal to the king? I am just walking down the right path.

Jevin convinced himself that his own actions were justified. As if recognizing Jevins innermost thoughts, an arrogant smile appeared around the lips of Viscount Jenas.

Hahaha! Lets just say thats what it is. Anyway, once I return to the royal castle with triumphant victory, I will put in a good word for you to His Majesty, Viscount Jenas said.

Vulgar, abominable bastard!

The words and demeanor of Viscount Jenas were completely unbefitting for a noble, and in reality, he was actually the captain of a large mercenary group known as the Ashen Mercenaries. Jenas had more than three hundred men under his command, and he had occupied three small territories before demanding a title from the royal family.

It was a demand that went against common sense, but his request was immediately granted on the terms that he would pay half of his territorys income as tax and serve only the cardinal and the king, as well as act as their private army. It also helped that the previous masters of the territories Jenas had occupied were those who had often expressed dissatisfaction with the royal family. It was better for the king and the cardinal to have a lord loyal to themselves, regardless of whether they were a noble or a mercenary captain, rather than three disobedient lords.

In any case, Jenas and his men renamed themselves the Ashen Knights from Ashen Mercenaries, then served the kingdom as the kings sword by renewing their contract with the royal family on a yearly basis. They had received about two hundred horses from the king and had supplemented their other needs through looting. They had made sure to avoid the territories of royalists while they repeatedly invaded and plundered the territories of those disloyal to the royal family.

Their nefarious deeds even caused some of the royalists to demand that they be controlled, but the king and the cardinal ignored such pleas. The king had only condoned the actions of Jenas and his men, as they were necessary during times like these.

By the way, you must remember your promise to have my men take the leadership positions of Maren once you take over the city, Jevin said.

Hehe. Do what you want. My men and I will be satisfied with just plundering them. I heard that the girls of Maren are silky and soft. Itll be a treat for my friend down here as well. Uhahahahaha! Jenas boisterously laughed.

Hehe! I heard that you could even find elves there since its a port city. Youll definitely be getting your fill, boss, one of his subordinates replied.

Dont call me boss. Its sir. You simpletons, how many times do I have to tell you? Jenas said with a scowl.

Hehe. Im sorry, the subordinate responded. The kingdom had knighted several of Jenas mercenaries during their time with their captain. They grinned in response to their captains scolding.

Jevin hated working with such ignorant and shallow people, but he was determined to endure anything to achieve his ambition. He forced a smile on his face.

The scouts returned, and a long note of the horn trumpet resounded.

Sir Jenas! A messenger has arrived from Maren! one of the scouts reported.

Huh? So, they have already figured out our movements? Jenas responded with a fishy smile. He was slightly impressed, but it changed nothing. Now that even Count Evergrove had offered his cooperation, there were no more territories that could come to Marens aid. It would take a little more time if the enemies holed themselves up in the city, but Jenas was confident in taking over the city in just a month, even if he had to lay siege.

He had three hundred members of the Ashen Mercenaries on top of five hundred other mercenaries. Moreover, his three hundred subordinates had been with him ever since they were nothing but ordinary mercenaries.

Furthermore, he had obtained an approximate estimation of Marens current situation after the Evergrove County had joined hands with him.

It was a fight he simply couldnt lose even if he wanted to.

Hehe! Messenger or not, Im going to cut off their head and throw it in front of the citys gate.

Befitting his origin, Jenas did not care about the honor of a knight or any aristocratic customs. In addition, the enemies would be hanged for treason, anyway. He had permission to lay waste to his enemies regardless of the methods. If he killed the messenger, he could properly imprint the dignity of the royal command and fear toward himself on the hearts of the traitorous





Jenas became wide-eyed, and bursts of admiration erupted from all directions. A female knight was approaching them with three other figures on horseback and two flags, one with the crest of Maren and the other with an unknown crest. However, the beauty and the appearance of the knight riding toward them were simply shocking.

The clear, unblemished milky skin of her face housed two pure emeralds that shone with quaint light. The word beauty did not do her justice. She was simply otherworldly. The female knight possessed both a pure and seductive charm, and her ears were about a fingers length longer than regular humans.

An elf.

Its an elven knight.


Everyone was stunned speechless. They simply gulped and stared, not even thinking of speaking the vulgar, obscene words they were used to speaking every day. And although no one had given the order, the soldiers cleared the way for the elf and her group as if they were under a spell.

Clop. Clop. Clop.

Even Jenas could only stare at the elf in a daze, although he had objectified the women of Maren with his dirty words just a few moments ago.

A-A goddess! Ive finally met my soulmate!'

A bolt of thrill and excitement swept through Jenas entire figure. However, the spell broke the instant the red, plump lips of the elven goddess parted.

The commander here. Which bastard? Princess Lilisain said.


Everyone stared with dumbfounded gazes, wondering if they had misheard.

However, their ears hadnt betrayed them.

Is everyone a moron, just like how you look? Or, are there tiny, cute dicks plugged into your ears? I asked who the commander was she added.


A deafening silence enveloped the area. Everyone looked as if they had been struck in the head with a hammer.

How could she be swearing so powerfully, despite having such a beautiful face?

B-but even this This is

Isnt this basically a reward in the mercenary industry?

M-more More, please do more!

Some of the perverts bathed in the sweetness of the princess harsh words. Jenas hurriedly stepped forward with a cough.

Ehem! Such a beautiful lady has a rather harsh mouth. I am Viscount Cody of Jenas, an honorable, faithful knight of His Majesty the King. I have dedicated myself wholly to the glorious mission assigned to me by His Majesty.

Has this bastard gone mad?

Jevin felt dumbfounded to see Jenas instantly change his attitude and imitate a nobleman while boasting. It wasnt only Jevin either. Jenas long-time subordinates stared at him with pure shock.

However, Jenas ignored all of their gazes and straightened his back as if he were a real noble. He spoke proudly, Sir. I can tell that you are an extraordinary knight at a glance. Wont you escape the coming demise of the gang of rebels and dedicate your body I mean, entrust yourself to me? I will make a special exception and ask His Majesty to

Princess Lilisain interrupted, I despise ugliness.

?! Jenas became wide-eyed as he stared at the beauty.

Princess Lilisain asked with a look of confusion, But sir, are you a half-goblin? Ah, no, judging from your size, you must be a half-troll. The continent is truly a place of wonder. I cannot believe that there exist mysteries that even my kind cannot fathom. Truly amazing.

She meant it!

She wasnt trying to mock him. Instead, she seriously believed in what she was saying!

The hundreds of troops could neither cry nor laugh at the ridiculous situation. They looked back and forth between Princess Lilisain and Jenas, whose face was gradually turning red.

You You..

Jenas face crumpled and distorted. He truly looked like a half-troll as he eventually burst into a roar, You fucking bitch! I will strip you naked and %%%%#####***#### you!

Jenas had returned to his original self after being called ugly. Even the other mercenaries frowned after hearing his vulgar words. However, Princess Lilisains expression remained unchanged. No, rather, judging by the slight flush in her cheeks

Just imagining it alone makes my body temperature rise. Maybe its because youre ugly, but you have a good imagination. I acknowledge it, Princess Lilisain stated.

You crazy bitch Jenas muttered.

Truly amazing! Princess Lilisain exclaimed.

W-what? Jenas asked.

Princess Lilisain responded, My brothers sometimes called me that. As expected of a half-troll, you possess truly mysterious abilities. What amazing talent.

You bitch! Ill kill you! Jenas cried out.

No! Sir Jenas! S-stop, wait a minute! Jevin suddenly stepped forward. He had been looking closely at the two flags that Princess Lilisain was carrying with her instead of admiring her beauty.

Oi, Sir Evergrove, have you forgotten who I am? Jenas spoke angrily.

Jevin ignored him and turned to Lilisain before asking hastily, S-sir, that flag. Is that the crest of Sir Eugene?

A brilliant eye. Thats right. I am the representative of His Excellency Duke Jan Eugene Batla, Princess Lilisain responded.

Uah! Jevins face quickly turned ashen.

Sir Eugene?!

Has he finally returned from Brantia? The knights of the Evergrove County also expressed their surprise. Eugene had left an everlasting impression on them in a different way than he did on Jevin. How could they ever forget how Lugates, the winner of the tournament held by the county, died under Galfrediks hands? How could they forget how three knights led by Marvel were defeated and taken captive by Eugene?

However, their shock was not as great as Jevins. Eugenes last words were still fresh in his ears.

S-Sir Jenas! Jevin exclaimed.

What? Jenas responded with an irritated voice. Although Jevin was technically greater than him in rank, Jenas was still the commander of the royal infantry. He did not like being interrupted.

However, Jevin could not afford to care about the mood of the lowly mercenary captain.

Y-you cannot kill the messenger. You must send them back! Jevin hurriedly said.

What? Sir, did you not hear what she just said to me? You want me to let that bitch go? After she trampled on the honor of the one who had received His Majestys royal command? Jenas responded.

Please, just listen to me! The one she serves is Jan Eugene! Jevin cried out.

Eugene? Who is that? Jenas asked.

Ha! Jevin felt even more dumbfounded.

Even before leaving for Brantia, Eugenes name had been widely circulating throughout the kingdom. His numerous achievements were one thing, but he had even won Count Winslons tournament and had become the champion. Every knight in the kingdom would have heard of his name at least once.

Ah! N-no way

No way, yes way, I dont know a guy like that. Sounds to me like hes just a rebel in cahoots with Maren. Ill just kill him too, Jenas responded. Jenas attitude convinced Jevin that the man was really ignorant of Eugene.

T-the king and the cardinal have no intention of actually attacking Maren. T-this was all a ploy!

They were infamous and notorious, but the Ashen Knights were commonly considered to be the royal familys hounds rather than its sword.

Hounds were good to have, but they werent necessary. However, the lowly, greedy hounds had come running all this way without being privy to the truth.


The most dangerous beast Jevin knew was here to hunt the hounds.

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