How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

We were against it.

But the cardinal was so stubborn about it

The wizards origins were unclear, and they didnt even say which school they belonged. Thats why I was against it

The priests were the first ones to deny their relationship with Dolgwen.

We do not know politics.

Although they were a wizard, we simply accepted it because the cardinal had said so.

Of course, if you consider that as neglect of our duties as holy knights, then I have nothing to say. However

I have never committed any dishonorable act.

After that, the holy knights made their excuses as well.

I-I should have made a stronger statement as a loyal subject of the royal family, but the cardinal and His Majesty had been so insistent

I couldnt help it. It was the kings sole authority to pick out a court wizard.

T-thats right! Otherwise, we would have never allowed an unidentified wizard into the royal castle. We only allowed it because the cardinal had vouched for the wizard.

Finally, even the nobles of the royal castle desperately denied any connection with the cardinal or Dolgwen. The man in question, the cardinal, could only remain silent with a ghastly expression. It was entirely possible for a man to be stunned into silence, and even he, a master of politics, was simply too stunned to speak. His brain had stopped working entirely due to shock.

Those who had revered and held him in awe until yesterday were now unwilling to even make eye contact with him, and it was in the middle of the royal castle, to boot. The cardinals mind was broken after the experience. He had experienced the unthinkable, and the unimaginable had taken place.

As a result, he made a crucial mistake.

I-Is this a dream? Thats right. This is a dream. This is a trial from God. When the moments darkness passes, his light will the cardinal muttered with a dazed expression, and the holy knights and priests became convinced.

Its over for the cardinal.

Only a few people had actually liked the cardinal. Most of them had only stayed by his side because of his religious status, power, and financial capabilities. However, it was now confirmed that King Payle the 2nd had been killed by the undead monster and that the cardinal had shared an undeniable relationship with the black wizard. All that remained was for the fortress of status and power the cardinal had built over the years to collapse into nothingness.

Good. The atmosphere is now ripe.

Eugene grinned inwardly while watching the scene play out. Naturally, he maintained a somber expression on the outside. He then spoke, Hmm. So when the cardinal recommended the evil man as the court wizard, all of you were against it. Is that what you are saying?

Silence followed Eugenes cold voice.

How could that be true? Some of the people gathered here, or rather, quite a few of them, had been very much in favor of Dolgwens appointment as the court wizard. They had been attempting to get into the cardinals good books, after all. That was why everyone immediately closed their mouths. If anyone said the wrong thing, half of the people gathered here could be swept away in an instant.

While the people looked around awkwardly, one of the holy knights turned to his colleagues with a determined expression. He was one of the knights who had accompanied Eugene down to the cathedrals basement in pursuit of the black wizard.

Brothers. In the name of god, let us speak the truth and leave behind what we must. He is watching and listening to all of our actions and words, and he is omniscient, right?

? The holy knights stared at their colleague with puzzled expressions.

The man continued, When the cardinal tried to have the evil black wizard become the court wizard, some of us were in full agreement. Is that not true?


The expressions of the holy knights completely changed. Indeed, it was true that a small number of them had actively supported the cardinal. And among them, the one who most enthusiastically sympathized with the cardinal was


It was the knight who was still holding on to his sword even when all of his colleagues had already sheathed their weapons.

Sir Dircht. Why did you actively agree with the cardinal when all of our brothers wanted to be cautious and watch the matter play out? one of the holy knights said.

W-what? Dircht responded.

Didn't you say that us holy knights have to empower the cardinal, sir?

Thats right. You said it was the best way to definitely eliminate heretics and apostates.

The creator of the undead, a black wizard, is a terrible heresy I cant believe you were in favor of bringing such an evil man as the court wizard

I-I Jung Dircht muttered with a pale expression while slowly retreating.

Eugene spoke nonchalantly, Sir Dircht, is it? Come to think of it, I recall you saying that you would definitely kill me at Count Winslons knight competition, right? You even called me a heretic.

Eugene had spoken in a quiet voice, but everyone heard his words. The first to respond to his words were the chivalrous knights who had accompanied him down to the cathedrals basement.

Ha! No wonder you started badmouthing Sir Eugene ever since you suffered a crushing defeat and returned from the knight competition in the Winslon County!

You labeled an honorable, faithful knight like Sir Eugene as a heretic? How could you possibly

Without him, we would have never killed the undead, let alone the evil, black wizard.

Dont tell me

The conversation between the holy knights seemed to be heading in a particular direction, and Jung Dirchts started to blank out.

Eugenes voice pierced through his daze like a dagger.

Hmm. Did it seem like I would get in the way of the cardinals plan?

Killing two birds with one stone

Eugene successfully cornered both the cardinal and Jung Dircht with one move. He continued with a laugh, But you failed. Holy knight Jung Dircht, or should I call you what you are? The kings murderer?

It was finally time to settle the debt from his past life.


No! Im telling you, no!

Sirs! Brothers! I-Im the cardinal! Im the guardian of faith in this land Huagh! Arghh!

The gazes of onlookers were cold as the cardinal and Jung Dircht were dragged away. All circumstances and evidence indicated that they had not only brought in Dolgwen but had also been involved in the creation of the undead monster and in the conspiracy to kill the king.

Even their positions of faith could not exert any power in the unprecedented crime of killing the king. Most importantly, those present were desperate to identify the real culprit and sever their relationships with the culprit as soon as possible.

Um, I think we should discuss how to proceed someone muttered, and the eyes of the nobles and ministers immediately turned to a certain someone. Regardless of what anyone said, Eugene currently held the most power in this place.

Is he planning to take the throne?

N-no way He wouldnt have any justification for doing so.

But you never know with a knight like him.

The nobles and ministers wore complicated expressions as they looked at Eugene.

Eugene parted his lips. Why are you all looking at me?


Have you all forgotten? I am the Duke of Batla. I am not a nobleman of the Caylor Kingdom. Eugene pointed out..


Come to think of it, it was certainly true. The knight neither possessed a title in the Caylor Kingdom nor had he been sworn in by the king. He was a duke of the Kingdom of Brantia, which made him a perfect stranger.

Its a matter of the Kingdom of Caylor, so do as you all please. Ah, of course, it might be a bad idea for only those gathered here to discuss and decide, Eugene stated.

What do you mean by that?

Although Brantia was a relatively weak, smaller country, a duke was still a prominent noble. As such, the nobles and ministers of the Caylor Kingdom were perfectly polite to him. Of course, the presence of dozens of knights fiercely glaring at them from behind Eugene was also of great help.

The civil war isnt over yet, right? And the king died in the midst of it. Are you trying to establish a new king with just whoevers present? In this situation? No, in the first place

Eugene continued and enlightened the cold reality for the dazed nobles, The king and high-ranking members of the royal family are dead. What do you think will happen if news spreads that the culprit was the cardinal and the court wizard?


Shock bloomed on the nobles faces. It was just as Eugene said. The king and the cardinal had been the ones responsible for inciting civil war and sending a large force to fight against the noble union. They had laid out the plans and had executed them.

However, one of them was now dead, and the other would soon be sentenced to death. But what if this news reached the noble union and the expedition sent to face them? Moreover, what if it became known that the nobles and ministers had discussed the enthronement of the next king without any of them?

Were fucked!

As nobles, they knew exactly the current situation. The one holding the sword was the king, and even if all the nobles gathered here organized their troops, it would be less than a tenth of the soldiers belonging to the noble union and the expedition. More than ten thousand troops would inevitably advance into the capital, and those gathered here would meet an unfortunate end.

Please help us, sir!

Please share your wisdom with us! Sir Eugene! Please, I implore you!

The nobles flocked to Eugene. Eugene was their only hope. He had nearly a hundred knights under his command, the support of the holy knights, and he had even killed the undead twin-headed ogre.

S-sir, you are a close acquaintance of Count Winslon, correct? You are the only one who can resolve this predicament! The nobles begged. They had found their only lifeline, and they were desperate.

Eugene looked around at them with relaxed eyes before answering, Although it is true that I am close to Count Winslon, Im not the only one with the answer to this situation.


Eugene slowly turned his gaze after answering, and the nobles followed suit like baby birds following their mother. There stood the imperial prince of the Roman Empire, but he was actually Vizak, with a dazed expression.

If its the one with the golden blood, they should be sufficient to bring together all of your opinions and represent them, Eugene added.



Vizak frowned, and the nobles immediately flocked toward him.

Your Highness!

Please! Help us!

Your wisdom is known even in the empire, so please, for our kingdom

Your Honorable Highness!

Your Highness!

The nobles called for help with all kinds of praise and flattery, even though it was their first time meeting the prince.

Kieeeh They look like a bunch of zombies, the spirit remarked while shaking her head. She had been slowly drooping while yawning at all the political talk until now.

Princess Lilisain, who had been staring at Eugene with respect and awe, quickly stuck to his side and spoke, Your Excellency. Im thinking it might be better if you would just accept their request.

Why would I? Eugene responded with a smirk. Then, he turned his gaze to the holy knights.

Sirs, Eugene called out.

? The holy knights turned their eyes to him.

Eugene continued in a gentle voice, No matter what anyone says, wouldnt you say that you were the biggest contributors to killing the black wizard and crushing the cardinals evil conspiracy? Thats why Im saying this, but doesnt it make more sense for you to speak out in such a chaotic situation rather than the nobles?

! The holy knights became wide-eyed. However, it was only for a moment. The holy knights were completely ignorant of politics. They had done nothing but train their bodies and sword in the church for their entire lives. However, their eyes started to glow with determination after hearing Eugenes suggestion.

Eugene then delivered the decisive blow. Only those armed with true faith and chivalry can present a proper standard to calm the chaotic storm of politics. Caylors holy knights should take the center stage during such a precarious time for the nation. Who else can do such a thing?

You are right!

We have to stay alert, especially at times like this!

God is watching us, brothers! At this time when we have no king, only God's will can lead this country to justice!

A small piece of firewood thrown by Eugene immediately grew into a roaring flame. The holy knights trotted over to the nobles without hesitation.

S-sirs, why are you?

What are you doing, sirs?! This is not a religious event The nobles voiced their dissatisfaction at the holy knights unexpected action.

God speaks! It is a natural obligation of obedience to correct the wavering faith in a national crisis like this

No, what do you mean?!

The chaotic atmosphere turned even more turbulent with the sudden intrusion of the holy knights.

No! Im just saying

Stand back! You are troubling His Highness!

Show some honor! This is His Highness the Prince of the Roman

Naturally, Prince Localope and his entourage were also flustered by the sudden situation. They had suddenly been thrown to the center of the stage.

Eugene met the princes gaze in midair.

- Try your best. This is your chance to become the main character.

- Well, thank you, but this is

The two shared a silent conversation. Eugene then withdrew his gaze from the flustered prince. As planned, he managed to deal with both the cardinal and Jung Dircht. In addition, he even managed to throw the Caylor Kingdom into chaos. Now, there was only one thing left for him to do.

Now, lets go do what we must do, Eugene suddenly said.

Huh? What we must do? Princess Lilisain asked with a confused look.

Eugene gave an honest smile as he answered, This is the royal castle, isnt it? We are the benefactors of the kingdom, so dont you think we deserve compensation?

Ah! Ah

A true knight always had to be sure of their favor and spite. Princess Lilisain was once again awed by Eugene.

Kieeeehhh! Leave it to me! I will find everything, gold-silver-treasure-deeds-documents, everything! The body of the spirit sparkled in the same light as gold and silver as she prepared to make use of her specialty after a long time.

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