How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

Eugene had become privy to an important truththe skull incense burners originated from the Demon World, but he didnt pass the information on to anyone else. Publicizing the truth would only cause unnecessary confusion, and Eugenes guess was that the one responsible for the current situation had the goal of creating chaos. It was clear that Crown Prince Voltaire was involved, but the exact extent of the situation was unknown, as well as what awaited him behind the smokescreen. Eugene had no intention of playing into his enemys hands and helping them create more confusion. As such, he decided to keep the issue regarding the incense burners a secret until he had accumulated more solid evidence.

Are you telling me to stay in Byrne? Prince Localope asked.

There will be no need for Your Highness to come with us to kill the monsters, Eugene responded.

Well, thats true, but Prince Localope hesitated. He couldnt bear to say that he wanted to witness Eugene fighting with his own eyes. Moreover, he could guess why Eugene was asking him to stay behind.

I understand. I will remain in Byrne. Since the governor here is directly related to Lord Hisain, I should comfort him well, Prince Localope said.

Eugene smirked. Prince Localope was no longer a brat. Having encountered many nobles from various countries for more than the year he had spent with Eugene, he now had a clear idea of his role.

Dont skimp out. Spend lots of money and lend a listening ear to the governors sobs, Eugene advised.

Hmm? Wouldnt it be better for me to establish a deeper relationship with him instead? Prince Localope asked.

If you get too close to him, it could become rather troublesome for you later when you return to the empire, Eugene answered.

Ah, you have a point. I understand what you mean, Prince Localope said. For all intents and purposes, Prince Localope was only an intermediary. If a coalition did form between the various nations, he would have to stand on the side of the Roman Empire and speak with the coalition. Things could become difficult for him if he had a deeper relationship with the nobles of the nations, so it was best for him to continue a formal relationship with them while keeping his distance.

Prince Localope was left behind in Byrne with the foreign nobles, and Eugene set off with the expedition, the Knights of Dawn, and the depot merchants. The residents of the village came out to see off the brave warriors who were setting out to destroy the monsters that disturbed the peace of the Demeire region. Grigon also saw Eugene off and the expedition, even though he had a bitter heart after being robbed in broad daylight. What was done was already done, so he hoped that Eugene would thoroughly deal with the monsters as he watched the group depart.

Theyll succeed, right? Grigon asked with a worried heart.

Baron Blanc responded, His Majesty is much greater than what you experienced. No, he is much more powerful than what you saw from him, Sir Grigon.

Well, he did defeat Sir Carmier in a single blow Grigon muttered as his expression suddenly became grim. Although Sir Carmiers actions had been inexcusable, he had still been a representative knight of the Hisain Countdom. The aftermath of Carmiers death in Eugenes hands would obviously be huge.

I wonder whats going to happen once news about Sir Carmier becomes known Grigon muttered.

I am worried about that as well. The hot-tempered knights of the capital wont be able to stand still, Baron Blanc responded with a grim expression. He was clearly in a precarious position due to the incident.

I will mediate between the two sides.

Ah! Your Highness, The two people bowed with respect when Prince Localope stepped forward.

I will personally explain the situation to Lord Hisain. So, I think it would be best if you sirs just tell Lord Hisain what happened, Prince Localope said.

Oh If Your Highness says so, then we will obey. Isnt that right, Sir Blanc?

Of course...

Even if he was the powerless third of the emperor, he was still a legitimate child of the emperor whose veins ran gold. If Prince Localope spoke on their behalf, neither Count Hisain nor the knights of the countdom would be able to act rashly. As such, Grigon and Baron Blanc took on relieved expressions at Localopes promise.

Then, how exactly will you mediate, Your Highness? Grigon asked.

Mediate? Localope said while hiding his panic.

Yes. Ah, well, this is not the right place to talk about this. Why dont we head inside?

Uh Right, lets do that.

Prince Localope was once again taking care of troublesome work on behalf of Eugene.


With all due respect, Your Majesty, how do you plan on proceeding with the subjugation? The representative member of the Knights of Dawn displayed utmost courtesy. All the members of the Knights of Dawn were rather thankful to Eugene. Even though they were his slaves, he had never treated them with disrespect. Moreover, the King of Maren had even allowed them to take the spotlight when they entered Byrne. Although their resentment toward him for the murder of Carmier still remained, they all agreed that Eugene was an extremely honorable knight.

The monsters are concentrated at the Felipoa Volcano, right? We will head there first, Eugene answered. The monster uprising of the Hisain Countdoms Demiere region was rather unusual. The monster uprising affecting other nations usually saw several large groups of monsters roaming around. However, the monsters of Demiere had gathered in a specific location. The monsters traveled in groups, flocked villages, slaughtered, and returned back to their base with trophies.

As Your Majesty says, the monsters are all concentrated in one place. However, it is quite a large area. Moreover, the geography is rather unsuitable for horsemen like ourselves

Mount Felipoa, which meant giants fingernail, was a dormant volcano. It was large and rough. Even hunters and herbalists only climbed the mountain when it was suitable to do so, and there were only one or two months a year considered suitable for climbing it.

I already have some ideas, so dont worry about it, Eugene responded indifferently. In fact, he had no such ideas in mind. Although he was unmatched when it came to strength and power, Eugene was inferior to experienced, veteran knights when it came to tactics and strategy. Until now, Galfredik and the other knights had always provided him with advice as he improvised military tactics based on the situations at the time. He had never been faced with difficulty because of his own power, as well as the power of his subordinates.

But even though he was without a proper plan, Eugene wasnt worried about subjugating the monsters of the Demiere region. The reason was simplehe was accompanied by Princess Lilisain and the elven knightswho were veteran monster hunters for dozens of years.

The princess is confident, so Ill leave it to her.

Lets go, Eugene said.


He had no specific plan, but in a way, it was the best plan.


Operation hammer and anvil? Eugene asked.

Thats right, Princess Lilisain answered with an indifferent expression. She then continued, After scouting, we came to realize that the volcanic zone is quite wide. Moreover, the weather is unusual, and the terrain is rough.

Princess Lilisain and her group had gotten a rough grasp of the geography after spending half a day in the areas near Mount Felipoa, perhaps thanks to their familiarity with mountains and fields.

So? Eugene asked.

So, its impossible to mobilize the cavalry. To be exact, none of the troops will be of help except those belonging to the other races, Princess Lilisain answered.

So, were the only ones who can climb the volcano, since vampires, elves, and beowulfs can be active regardless of terrain and weather? Eugen asked.

And please remember that the twin-headed ogre and the griffons are there as well, Princess Lilisain added.

Hmm? I understand the twin-headed ogre, but are you planning to make use of the griffons as well? Eugene asked.

Princess Lilisain nodded with a proud expression before responding, Although they are a little weak because they havent fully matured yet, short-haul flights and climbing should be possible for them.

Hooh. So, they can finally show their worth, Eugene said while turning his gaze to the griffons. The two creatures immediately folded their wings and groveled. It was a servile, pathetic display, considering that they were intermediate-ranked monsters. However, they felt threatened by Eugenes gaze. They knew that the vampire considered them simply as emergency rations, and they had been fully tamed by the princess along with Mirian. As such, their reaction was natural.

In addition, the griffon siblings had recently noticed the beowulfs licking their lips and gulping while glancing their way. From the beowulfs gazes and the fact that they had recently grown bigger, it became pretty obvious that the beowulfs would fry them like regular chickens at the first chance. As such, the griffon siblings had no choice but to show absolute obedience to Eugene. Eugene was the scariest existence in this world; however, he was the only one who could protect them. The griffons noticed that their scary master seemed disappointed and regretful when he gazed at them, so they instantly realized that they had to do whatever they could to win his favor.

Good. Anyway, tell me the specifics of the plan. How is operation hammer and anvil going to work exactly? Eugene asked. He had a rough idea of what the hammer and anvil tactic meant. However, he couldnt understand how it would be implemented in mountainous terrain.

Even monsters are not capable of moving around the entirety of the mountain freely. It means that their area of activity is limited, Princess Lilisain said.

I see, Eugene responded.

Which means that it will be possible for us to herd them by blocking the cliff over there and the ridge on the other side, Princess Lilisain continued while pointing at a distance.

Hooh, Eugene nodded after turning his eyes. Mount Felipoa was a giant mountain that looked to be over two thousand meters tall. It looked gentle from afar, but even monsters had difficulty traveling through the mountain because of the strange, bizarre rock formations and the cliffs that measured hundreds of meters. In other words, the monsters had no choice but to travel via set routes like bandits, and it appeared that Princess Lilisain had discovered this very path.

First, the bait I mean, the anvil. The cavalry will play that role.

Did you just say bait? Eugene asked.

Your Highness is mistaken. You heard me wrong, Princess Lilisain responded with a brazen expression, after directly denying that she had just labeled three hundred people as mere bait.

She then continued as if nothing happened, Anyway, the cavalry and the depot will organize into a formation at the bottom of the mountain and act as the anvil.


There would be well over three hundred people with the cavalries and the depot workers combined. Moreover, they wouldnt have a problem maneuvering at the bottom of the mountain.

And the rest? Eugene asked.

I will take care of one side with the sirs of Eland, as well as the beowulf warriors. The other side will be taken by the nobles of the Dark Clan and the twin-headed ogre, Princess Lilisain continued. Elven knights and beowulf warriors could move unhindered even through the rugged terrain of the volcano. Moreover, Galfredik, the two vampire high lords, and the twin-headed ogre could also move without being greatly affected by the terrain and weather.

Then I willAh, perhaps? Eugene muttered. He had a rough guess about the job he would be assigned to.

Princess Lilisain spoke with a smile, Yes. You will drive the monsters down from the very top. Its something only Your Majesty is capable of doing.

Princess, you are a genius, Eugene complimented.

Im still inadequate, Princess Lilisain answered with a shy expression.

The representative of the cavalry stared at her with a flabbergasted expression. He then spoke cautiously, Ah, Your Majesty, and Princess. With all due respect, how do you plan to get to the top?

Mount Felipoa is a monster paradise. If Princess Lilisains plan were to be realized, the King of Maren would have to get to the top of the mountain before anything else. Aside from having to face countless monsters on his way, he would cause all the monsters to scatter on his journey up. The plan would go awry before it even began properly.

How is that a problem? Eugene asked.

What? the representative asked; he was confused.

Eugene responded with a smile that revealed his fangs, I can fly there instead.

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