How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 293

Chapter 293

Mount Felipoa was a place of numerous legends and mysteries even before the appearance of the evil lands. The path of light began from the top of the mountain, and it was clearly visible to Edmund and the cavalry as well. Shortly after the wailing sound of a gust echoed down the mountain, the thick mist covering the hillside was split like a wave as the light descended. Everyone knew that the light was simply the visualization of the suns rays as the clouds parted. Moreover, everyone knew that only a single person was responsible for creating the path of light. However, was it truly appropriate to address someone capable of performing such a miraculous feat as a person?

The cavalry stared with blank gazes as the distant path of light and the true figure of the mountain made their appearances. Suddenly, they saw a crimson energy stretching in all directions from the top of the brilliant path of light. Like the wings of a giant bird, the crimson energy embraced a portion of the mountains top and began to descend through the path of light at an incredible pace.

Numerous monsters began to crawl out of their hiding place and began to flee from the crimson energy, which continued to spread fiercely like a tsunami. A portion of the monsters chose to flee sideways, but the majority of monsters followed their instincts and began fleeing down the mountain. The sight of hundreds, or rather, thousands of monsters flocking down was similar to a herd of ants.

This entire phenomenon was caused by a single person. The cavalry simply stared with their jaws agape with their hands barely holding onto their reins.

Everyone, get a grip on yourselves! Edmund cried out.

His Majesty has begun! The other sirs and the warriors will soon be herding the monsters! Everyone, organize your ranks one last time! Front ranks! Raise your shields! Edmund shouted, and the cavalry began to move busily. The ones responsible for causing the unbelievable event were their alliestheir strong allies who had come to help the Knights of Dawn, as well as the Countdom of Hisain.

W-we can do this!

We can win!

The shocking, even awe-inspiring sight quickly transformed into a sense of conviction for victory and courage for the troops. Similar to those who previously fought alongside Eugene, the Knights of Dawn were slowly falling for him as well.


Here they come!

Princess Lilisain raised an Eland-made bow made from a rhinoceros horn at the shouts of an elven knight. There were three arrows loaded onto the tense strings. It wasnt just her either. All of the elven knights had loaded three or four arrows onto their bowstrings.



The infesting monsters that originated from evil lands were different from regular roamers. They werent afraid of humans, and they were much more aggressive than the former. However, the fully unleashed Fear of an Origin had injected a powerful terror into their very souls. No living creature could escape the dread brought by the realm of Fear. In the end, the minds of the monsters were only filled with one thoughtto escape the ever-expanding tsunami of Fear.


Dozens of arrows left their bowstrings. The projectiles of the perfect marksmen created a gentle parabola before finding their mark in the monsters. Every arrow had struck the head or heart of the monsters.


Princess Lilisain and the elven knights picked up more arrows from the ground under their feet and reloaded their bows as fast as lightning before unleashing another storm of arrows. In all, it took less than a second for them to reload before firing. Their movements were fluid, practiced, and without a single hitch. Their rapid fire was godly.

Meanwhile, the monsters had lost their reason due to fear. They didnt care even as the other monsters fell and continued to flee as fast as they could. It was truly a terrifying sight. Hundreds of monsters were rushing down in a half-crazed state. However, the elven princess and the knights continued to repeat their movements like well-oiled machines. Their feet were firmly planted as if they were ancient stone machines, repeatedly loading their arrows and firing.

The elves were true knights who felt no fear. Even the beowulf warriors were struck with awe at the courage and spirit of the elves.


They were a family of darkness that once shared the same blood as the vampires. The blood of the beowulf warriors began to boil under the influence of their monarch. The eyes of the beowulf warriors glistened red and yellow, and their hot breaths were filled with expectations of slaughter and battle.

The gazes of the fighters were fully focused on determining the direction of the monsters escape. Meanwhile, the arrows of the elven knights continued to sweep the monsters away, and the barrage that began at a hundred meters in proximity continued until the monsters were only twenty meters away from them.

Suddenly, the beowulf warriors opened their jaws all at once.


A powerful roar seemingly capable of even tearing down mountains echoed. The power contained in the roar drove away the nearby fog, and the beowulf warriors charged.


In the blink of an eye, the beowulf warriors clashed with the monsters. Battleaxe, mace, morning star, and other weapons specialized for pummeling opponents began to run wild and flesh scattered everywhere. Five or six monsters clung to each beowulf warrior, but low-ranking monsters such as gnolls and harpies were no match for the transformed beowulf warriors.

As the low-ranking monsters were ripped to shreds and tossed here and there, larger monsters like dire wolves and lycanthropes followed behind.


The large claws and sharp teeth of the monsters had shredded the bodies of numerous low-ranking monsters and humans. However, they could not penetrate the thick hide of the beowulf warriors. Each beowulf warrior was no different from a moving siege tower. Moreover, the arrows of the elves continued to fly between the rampaging beowulfs. It was impossible for the hordes of monsters to endure, especially since they were without any armor. In addition, the beowulfs were accurately predicting how they would move with their beastly senses, while the elves placed arrows through the gaps to strike them down.

Although the elves and beowulfs werent landing many critical hits, their actions were more than sufficient to disturb the movement of the monsters. The weapons of the beowulf warriors created a storm in their midst.

The elven knights had finally depleted all of their arrows. As if they had timed it, the monsters driven by the beowulfs began to change their direction of escape down the valley. Princess Lilisain unsheathed her sword from its sheath.


The other elven knights began to draw their own swords as well.

In the name of Eland! Princess Lilisain held her sword in front of her chest and gave a vigorous shout.



The elven knights and the griffon siblings took after Princess Lilisains lead and began chasing after the monsters, even though the number of remaining monsters was still more than ten times their own. Less than five minutes later, only one figure remained at the scene of the overwhelming battle.

I didnt even need to offer my help Georg muttered softly. He had been watching from behind the elven knights as if he was unconcerned about the situation.

Mirian sprawled on his shoulder raised her head proudly and responded, Kihehe! What did this humble one say? The sir princess knight and the dog-brains are super strong!

And your master is even stronger? Georg asked.

Way, way more! Hes much stronger! Invincible! The King of Darkness himself! Mirian exclaimed.

Hmm. The King of Darkness Georg muttered while chasing after the elven knights with feather-like steps. Even though his footwork was light, he was keeping pace with the elves.

Georg glanced at Mirian and asked, What about the vampires who took the other side? Are they as strong as them? You said there were only three, right?

Theres also the twin-headed ogre. Its undead, but its loyal to our sir as a slave. Anyway, those peeps are awesome too! Especially vassal Gal. He can break anyones head aside from our sir! Mirian chattered excitedly.

Vassal Georg frowned. The loyalty of the spirit toward her master was admirable, but she wasnt very smart, which allowed him to acquire some unexpected information.

She could have described him as a subordinate or a slave, but she definitely said a vassal.

Georg knew that there were only a few members of the Dark Clan capable of having their own vassals. Moreover, the spirits master was an existence who had performed the great mystery of parting the clouds and fog before the battle took place. Such an existence was few and far between in the Dark Clan or even among the different races.

Is it really him?

Georg hurried after the elven knights with complicated emotions. He was filled with both anxiety and anticipation.



Eugene descended the hillside like the wind while listening to the earth-shaking roar.


Madarazika left behind a trail of Fear as it danced in the air and tore apart the monsters at the rear. Hordes of monsters were being devoured and ripped apart by Eugene, but the others kept on rushing down the hill without even looking back, much less resisting.

They are doing well.

Eugene nodded with satisfaction after looking around. Although there was a slight difference in tempo, both Princess Lilisain and Galfredik were faithfully accomplishing their mission of herding the monsters down toward the middle of the mountain. Some monsters veered off to the side since there were only a few individuals participating in the herding, but it didnt matter. The strong winds, rapid currents, and the cliffs on the sides provided a natural blockade. It was pretty obvious that even monsters wouldnt be able to properly escape by going around.

And even if some monsters managed to pass the valleys and cliffs to make their escape, they would only be a few of them. The Countdom of Hisain could take care of the remnants on their own.



Hoo, hoo! Eugene breathed heavily while clutching Madarazika. He was exhausted after unleashing the full might of his Fear and power. Even an Origin wasnt immune to the curse of exhaustion. Even so, Eugene was relaxed. In addition to driving the monsters down the mountain, he also killed many of them by throwing Madarazika.

Suaaaaaaa Eugene drew a long breath, and his eyes began to emit a red glow. His Fear, which had spread out behind his back like a bats wings, slowly began to scatter like vapor. The amalgamation of Fear began to wrap around the corpses of nearby monsters.

The blood flowing through the earth drifted upward, then transformed into a mist of blood before permeating the Fear.


The vapors of Fear absorbed the blood of the monsters and formed a path back to Eugene in the form of hundreds of lines, similar to a spiders web. Blood poured like a waterfall straight into his open mouth.


The color of Eugenes wine-like eyes became even deeper. The large amount of blood was quickly replenishing his energy. And as if responding to the absorption of blood, the four great treasures of the Batla Duchy also started to dye crimson. The most dramatic change was seen with the armor. The demonic armor, which could only display its true brilliance in the hands of a vampire, started trembling after absorbing the blood of the Origin.

With a strange noise, the metal of the armor became animated like a living creature.

Krrrr! Clack!

The armor transformed while letting out metallic sounds. The flat chest plate became erect, and the helmet changed shape.


Soon, the blood around Eugenes figure disappeared like a mirage, and what remained in its place was a red dragon.

What is this?

Although Eugene could not see himself, he could sense that the shape of the armor had changed. It felt as if he had unexpectedly acquired a new power.

The demonic armor kept on drawing blood from his body, but it wasnt particularly concerning with all the blood he had absorbed just now. In fact, there was no need to worry. After all, he could kill and take the blood of the monsters whenever he wanted.

He was the predator and the absolute.

A smile appeared around the Origins lips.

Eugenes eyes were no longer directed at the fleeing monsters. Rather, his gaze expanded and looked down at the world. His eyes swept over the landthe land beyond the Countdom of Hisaintoward the superpower called the Roman Empire.

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