Hunter Academy’s Battle God

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

After being left alone on the 1st floor of the Tower, Shin YuSung looked around for a while.

'Today's goal is the 5th floor.'

The warp stone took the floor that the party leader had reached in consideration on future visits to the tower, so although he was alone at the moment, he could continue with his party members later.

'That's why I don't need to clear the lower floors with them.'

Shin YuSung could clear the lower floors alone.

Still, playing as a party was better for maximum effectiveness. For example, what if he needed a party to go up to the second floor?

'If you had a choice would you take party members and reduce the time it takes to clear, or would you choose to do it alone and obtain more experience?'

As Shin YuSung fell into thought while standing in front of the desk, a group of hunters began talking to them.

"Hi~ It seems you're planning to go to the 1st floor. Did you come alone?" said an innocent-looking long-haired woman who had a pin in her hair.

"I feel like I've seen him somewhere" said a woman wearing glasses.

"What are you looking at? Are you trying to pick up a girl w-wait a boy?" the greatsword-wielding man exclaimed in surprise.

It seemed he was sorry for his reaction, so he tried to apologize. "Ha haha It's also our first time in the Tower. We were just surprised to see a student."

"That's right. Hes wearing a uniform. How cute~ It reminds me of the past."

The girl wearing the glasses patted YuSung's back and smiled. "How about that~ Do you want to join us?"

"We have an empty spot, so it would be perfect! We're also all Korean" The girl with the pin in her hair gave him an innocent smile.

Meanwhile, the man with the greatsword hit his chest. "Yes! Come with us! This rank 4 hyeong won't let you get hurt!"

YuSung took a glimpse at how much mana each of the three hunters had.

'Judging by their mana The man with the greatsword is a rank 4; the other two girls seem to be rank 3 hunters.'

Of course, it wasn't that Shin YuSung's senses were an absolute measuring tool. Just because a hunter had a lot of mana didn't mean they were strong, but he could at least roughly guess.

'It seems that they won't be baggage on the lower floors'

After quickly getting a grasp of the situation, YuSung smiled and nodded. "Okay. I'll join you until the 5th floor."

The glasses-wearing girl stretched out her arms. "Good~ Good~ Based on your uniform, you seem to belong to Gaon. Let's see your elite skills."

As the party of four reached the front desk, the guide smiled and spoke to them. "I'm going to ask for final confirmation. The destination of you four is the 2nd floor, correct?"

"Yes! Correct!" the girl with the hairpin replied energetically.

The man with the greatsword and the girl with the glasses exchanged conversation.

"What if someone tries to recruit me to a guild? After all, I aim to become an executive of the Association!"

"Pff, don't exaggerate. If someone hears you, they will think you're at least a rank 5."

The glasses girl laughed at the greatsword man and placed her hands on the warp stone.

Paf! Swoosh!

The glasses girl and greatsword man disappeared. The girl with the hairpin smiled at YuSung and began to explain. "The warp stone activates when you place your hands on it and send out some mana. I'm going first, okay?"

Paf! Swoosh!

After seeing the others disappear, YuSung placed his hands on the warp stone.

'Place my hands here and mana?'

YuSung made a tiny bit of mana flow through his hands.


Light surrounded him, and he was dragged into the warp stone.

'It doesn't feel like I'm going to get used to this anytime soon'

After YuSung took a second to reorient himself, a blue hologram appeared before him.

[ID: Shin YuSung]

[Trait: Heightened Focus]

[Affiliation: Gaon Academy]

[Current Location: 2nd Floor]

[The Hunter Association wishes you luck on your new adventure.]


YuSung turned off the hologram and took a look at the area.

Everything in front of them was greenthe 2nd floor was a wide grassland.

[3rd Floor Entrance Condition: Kill the Rex Boar.]

[Information: The Rex Boar is the strongest among the Kald Boars and is their leader.]


Distant steps shook the ground. Boars with red manes that resembled a lions and sharp claws were rushing toward Shin YuSung's group.

"They aren't giving us a single moment to relax. What a welcome." The man holding the greatsword stepped forward, worried about Shin YuSung.

"Student, move back. We'll deal with this."

"Find their leader in all of that? That will be hard" The glasses girl put her glasses into her Pocket and retrieved a wand.

The pin girl moved her hands and beckoned YuSung closer "Come here, student YuSung. We don't want you to get hurt already."

Shin YuSung wasn't willing to be treated like a normal student.

'Don't tell me these people don't know how to spot a Rex Boar'

Rex and Kald Boards looked exactly the same on the outside, but the biggest boar in the group would probably be the Rex Boar.

'You need to observe closely in order to spot the Rex Boar.'

Besides the Kald Boars, which had the lead and had the most dangerous role in the group, the Rex Boar would be somewhere in the middle.

The man with the greatsword was just looking at the foremost boar.

'He definitely doesn't know. I have no choice.'

As a child, YuSung had once faced a group of boars on the Martial Spirits' Mountain. Of course, it wasn't in a group like the Kald Boars, but hed learned the characteristics of boars.

'The opponent's weapon is their weighty charge.'

The faster they moved, the stronger the impact they'd be able to create, though it was a double-edged sword.

'It seems like it won't be hard this time.'

Shin YuSung, with his great sight, looked at one of the Kald Boars. The target was in the middle of the second line.

'Thats definitely a Rex Boar.'

Since he'd set a target, it was time to destroy their formation.


The greatsword man began getting nervous as the group of boars rushed toward them in a stampede.

"The 2nd floor is already this hard?"

"As expected of the Tower"

The glasses girl was preparing her Trait. On the other hand, Shin YuSung covered his hand with mana.


With his body fortification active, YuSungs hands could even pierce stone.


The leading boar clashed with the greatswordsman.


* * *

* * *

Sumire poured furikake on top of her porridge.

"H-how is it? Is it delicious?"

Sumire waited for Kim EunAh's review with shining eyes. When EunAh saw how anxious she looked, she was forced to nod.

"It's delicious Really delicious."

"R-really? Miss EunAh, you've probably tasted all sorts of delicious food throughout your life So I was worried that a porridge like this wouldn't be to your taste I'm glad you liked it!"

Sumire was really happy, but EunAh was still tearing up from the previous days memories.

'I what did I do?'

The more she thought about it, the more she remembered the embarrassing things shed done. She'd pinched his cheeks, asked him to hug her, had him carry her on his back, bit his ears, and gave him food to eat.

'EunAh Let's just die.'

She'd behaved in the worst possible way.

'I never imagined getting drunk from tiramisu'

EunAh's spoon stopped moving, and she fell into thought. Sumire's expression turned serious.

"Are you worried about something?"

"Yes. I'm worried about something serious"

"Wh-what's worrying you?"

"No It's better if you don't know."

EunAh could never say that she was worried about trying to act cute after getting drunk off of tiramisu.

Sumire smiled at her. "But what you told me It made me happy because, among everyone, you picked me."

"H-huh? I said something?"

EunAh began trying to remember again. That time, the target wasn't Shin YuSung, but Sumire.

'What did I say?'

It didn't matter how much Kim EunAh thought about it, she couldn't remember what she'd told Sumire.

On the other hand, Sumire blushed.

"That tomorrow, you'd stay with me for the entire day"

When EunAh heard Sumire's explanation, she finally remembered.

[Sumire~ You're happy about sleeping with me, right? Tomorrow~ I'll play with you~ for the entire day, okay?]

Sumire seemed disappointed at EunAh's reaction. "Ah, if you forgot about it I'm okay"

"N-no! I said we should play together, right?!" As Kim EunAh quickly replied, Sumire's expression brightened.


"Okay! Then I'm going to fill the bathtub! I wrote everything you asked for down!"

Sumire smiled and gave her a piece of paper where she'd written what the drunk Kim EunAh had told her.

[1. Make breakfast.]

[2. Bathe together.]

[3. See a horror movie together while eating snacks.]

[4. Pajama party]

[5. ]

[6. ]


Kim EunAh hit her forehead. Sumire had really written it all down.

Sumire was the first same-gender friend Kim EunAh had made. Although she'd always dreamed of it, she'd never done any of it.

'I said all of this with my own mouth? Ugh'

EunAh smacked her lips when Sumire called her from the bath.

"Miss EunAh! It's ready!"

"Yes~? Ah! Okay."

* * *

Steam rose from the tub.

Green bath salts floated over the water; Kim EunAh and Sumire looked at each other.

"What I was imagining Was doing this in my house's bathtub" Kim EunAh complained. It was a bit small for both of them.

"But it isn't bad here," she added.

She wasn't saying that out of courtesy. Although she could touch Sumire's legs or arms every time she moved, both of them occupying the entire bathtub didn't feel badit felt different from the giant one Kim EunAh had in her house.

EunAhs eyes narrowed as she looked over Sumires body.

"You just what did you eat to get"


On the other hand, Sumire seemed to be in a good mood, so she just smiled in return.

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