Hunter Academy’s Battle God

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

EunAh looked down at a book in her hands and sighed while a gentle breeze blew through her hair during the picnic. Are these the types of books someone should read for parenting?

[Neighboring Worlds, Distant Worlds! Walking Into the Portal! (Dragon's Ecosystems)]

Who would take a book meant for hunters going into battle and read it for parenting advice?


EunAh opened the thick book and looked at the index, hoping to find something helpful.

1p. What is a Dragon?

16p. The Difference Between Dragons and Lizardmen!

62p. Understanding Polymorph Magic

102p. The Characteristics of Each Clan

162p. Making a Contract with a Dragon

199p. The Red Clan's Sardonyx

233p. The Gold Dragon's Legend

301p. Lifespan of Dragons

333p. Dragon Language

366p. Dragon Mana Properties

'Why is it so long?' The book, which looked very thick, had over 700 pages. It seemed impossible for someone like EunAh, who wasn't fond of reading, to finish reading all of them. Eventually, she chose what looked to be the most important chapter.

452p. About Dragon Hatchlings

[As explained in the previous chapter, dragons from 1 to 100 years old are called hatchlings. These dragons are extremely curious at this age and are very rebellious.]

'Rebellious?' EunAh looked at Velvet, who was busy playing.

"Kyahang~ Mommy EunAh is staring at me~ Im popular!" Contrary to what was written in the book, Velvet and her usual behavior seemed far from rebellious


[Newborn hatchlings are especially picky eaters and are reluctant to eat meat. Therefore, dragons feed them sweet fruits.]

'They're picky eaters and are reluctant to eat meat?' EunAh once again looked at Velvet.

"The card is the best! No matter how much I eat, there's still a mountain of food! Kyahang~ Im really happy!"

There was something strange about the book It was said to have been written by a hunter who'd dedicated 30 years to studying dragons, but everything in it was wrong.

'What a scam.' EunAh regretted the time shed wasted going all the way to the school library for the book and decided to read it one more time.

[The abilities the hatchlings can exhibit vary greatly. You can measure their talent through their ability to polymorph.]

You can measure their talent through their ability to polymorph?' She wasnt very impressed by the book but still turned the page.

[It takes a slow dragon about 20 years to learn polymorph. 10 years is normal. Dragons who learn it in 5 years are considered geniuses. Sardonyx of the Red Clan learned it in a year.]

"Huh? It takes some dragons 20 years?" She looked at Velvet again. Although the dragon girl still had a tail and horns, it hadn't taken her 20, 10, 5, or even a year to use polymorphshed been able to do it from the day of her birth.

'If it takes five years for a genius to learn polymorph then what does that make Velvet?'

Munch, munch

Whether Velvet knew what EunAh was thinking or not, she sat on the mat while enjoying her food.

'Now that I think about it, she also teleported me and YuSung, right?' It wasn't that Velvet could use teleportation on everyoneit could only be used on those whose mana wavelength matched hers and who werent too far away. However, teleportation, a magic that moved bodies, was a higher-level magic than polymorph, which only changed the appearance.

'Weren't all dragons supposed to be remarkable?' EunAh suddenly remembered something Velvet had said.

[Kyahang! Im a genius!]

[Im the best Dragon! I can breathe fire, too! I can even make heart-shaped fire!]

'Hmm' Velvet had emphasized her genius a few times. 'So that wasnt just random boasting?' EunAh didn't believe everything the book saidshe just thought that Velvet was a bit smarter than other dragons.

"Ah! This!" At that moment, Velvet stood up while holding a large piece of meat.

EunAh threw the book aside and ran toward the girl. "What happened?! Do you have indigestion?!"

"I can feel it! This mana belongs to" Velvet frowned and pointed with her index finger to where Sumire and YuSung were smiling at each other.

"Huh? YuSung and Sumire?" EunAh mumbled. She felt happy to see them before she noticed somethingthey were making soft expressions toward each other and holding hands.

'Mommy EunAh looks scary.' Velvet, who was quick to notice, felt the upcoming storm. She quietly picked up a portion of chicken and moved away from EunAh.

"Sumire~ YuSung~?"

Even though EunAh was smiling, Velvet knew 'Mommy EunAh is angry!'

"Ah, EunAh!" Sumire exclaimed.

"EunAh! Velvet!" YuSung called out as he and Sumire happily rushed over.

EunAh tapped on the mat and urged them to sit down. I didnt know you were so busy this morning because of this. She felt offended and grabbed YuSungs arm, who was obliviously eating chicken.


"Ah I happened to go to prepare YuSung's dinner and ended up" Sumire began mumbling an excuse.

EunAh just nodded as if to say, Yeah, sure~ She gave YuSung a sharp glare and said, "So you ended up hanging out for the entire time holding hands?"

* * *

* * *

Velvet nodded while tearing apart her chicken. 'Mommy EunAh is incredibly jealous!'

Whether it was anger or jealousy, EunAh's feelings didn't last long. "How come you're always like this? You said the same thing with Adela Couldn't you have said that you'd go with Sumire?" She complained.

Velvet stopped munching her chicken, and her expression drooped. 'Mommy EunAh is feeling neglected'

"EunAh" Sumire felt uncomfortable to see the usually confident EunAh in such a state and tried to think of how to cheer her up.

Looking visibly upset, EunAh asked, "So, where did you go?"

YuSung's answer was shocking enough to blow away her sour mood. "To the ShinOh residence."

"What?! The ShinOh residence? But you" EunAh stopped talking and belatedly looked at Sumire's expression. Shed heard stories about the ShinOh family from YuSung before, and Sumire had heard the same stories from HaYoon.

Sumire nodded as if to confirm the stories were true, which made EunAh worry about the two of them even more. "Are you okay?! Did they do anything strange to you?!" Even though she felt neglected, she cared for her colleagues a lot.

"Sumire, is it me, or does your neck seem a bit red?" EunAh asked.

In response, Sumire quickly covered her neck and shook her head. "Ah, I'm fine!"

YuSung smiled and said, "I'm also fine We just went there as guests."

Still, EunAh couldn't understand the ShinOh family's actions. "I'm glad you say it's okay, but why did they want to see you? Don't tell me Did they ask you to go back?" She looked far more fierce than she had a few moments before.

If anyone knew why the ShinOh family had abandoned YuSung in the first place, it was easy for them to understand why the family would suddenly want him backthe family changed their attitude depending on the person.

EunAh sighed and looked tired. "So what did you say?" How had he answered their invitation? Had he gotten angry at them, cursed them, politely declined, or foolishly accepted? She couldnt make a guess.

Sumire spoke for him. "YuSung refused to go back to the ShinOh family."

"Right?" EunAh felt relieved. From her point of view, forgiving them would be foolish. After all, it was obvious that they were trying to use YuSung. "Good job. They're dark-hearted people. Even if they talked about being family it's obvious what their intentions are." EunAh looked at YuSungs face again and gave another deep sigh. "Are you okay?"

Contrary to her worry, YuSung felt energetic and refreshed. "Yes. I feel liberated." He had faced his past trauma and the members of the ShinOh family. "I realized it wasn't me who was wrong or at fault"

YuSungs bright smile helped EunAh feel even more at ease. "That's right. That's not what family is."

"Yes! Family should be unconditionally on your side!" Sumire exclaimed. Shed incessantly talked about the value of family.

YuSung looked back and forth between EunAh, Sumire, and Velvet, who was eating at a distance, and then said, "Unconditionally on my side" If family was what Sumire believed it to be, there was no doubt who his family was. "Then you guys are my family."

There was a weird atmosphere, and EunAh narrowed her eyes at him. "You're suspicious." He acted as if he didn't know much about women, but could he be pretending? "Hmm"

Before EunAh could say anything else, Sumire smiled and said, "To me, YuSung and EunAh are also like my family"

EunAh fell into thought. Wouldn't Sumire agree with whatever YuSung said at that point? "Don't agree with him. He's grouping us as he pleases." Did Sumire understand what YuSung was talking about?

"Fufu, but it's true" Sumire just happily smiled.

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