I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 134: Dark Saturday

Chapter 134: Dark Saturday

The Saturday afternoon I spent at home was very calm and peaceful.

Although the weather was expected to worsen in the afternoon, it was still clear and the chirping of sparrows outside was pleasant.

(Even when someone is going through the worst of times, the world goes on as usual. Well, I guess thats how it is.)

Even during my darkest days at the black company, even when I miserably collapsed in the office in the dead of night, time in the world outside of me continued to pass indifferently.

After all, misfortune is just an ordinary, everyday thing that can be found anywhere.

Well then, Im off.

Ah, okay take care, big brother.

At the entrance of my home, I was being seen off by my younger sister, Kanako, as I put on my shoes.

Considering where I was about to go, normally she would have thrown at least one tease or nag at me, but there was no such sign.

For better or worse, my sister can read the atmosphere and is a kind person.

Sorry for worrying you.

I included the fact that recently the atmosphere at home has become a bit gloomy because of me in my apology.

Honestly, its a bit painful to hear. Especially the first two days after that day, I was so lost in a daze that I seemed like a wreck.

Dont worry, of course both mom and I have been worried. Big brother, these past ten days, we couldnt bear to see you like this.

Honestly, its a bit hard to hear. Especially the first two days after that day, I was so lost in a daze that I seemed like a wreck.

Sorry, I wasnt in a mental state to even feign cheerfulness. But well, dont worry. I can eat properly now and I wont collapse or anything.

While touching her slightly gaunt cheeks, I smiled at my sister.

Even if it was just a faade, I made sure to put on a cheerful smile.

Well then, Im off. Ill be back by evening.

Yeah take care, big brother.

Seeing me off with a solemn voice, my sisters voice resounded, and I left the house.

The place Im headed to is the mansion of the Shijouin family, which Ive become quite familiar with in recent days.

Welcome, Niihama-sama. Weve been waiting for you.

Having arrived at the Shijouin familys estate that Ive become quite familiar with over the past ten days, I pressed the intercom. On the monitor, the familys chauffeur, Natsuzaki-san, responded.

Yes, Ive come again today.

For the Shijouin family right now, your visits are greatly appreciated. Please, come in.

Natsuzaki-san looked at me with concern and spoke kind words as if to console me. His consideration made my heart feel a little lighter.

And so, I passed through the incredibly spacious courtyard of the Shijouin estate and made my way to the entrance.

There, nothing had changed since that day. Just like before, the courtyard was filled with brightly colored flowers, and the lavishly decorated fountain was a sight to behold.

Really it seems like nothing has changed.

Realizing that I was becoming overly sentimental, I slowly opened the luxurious front door of the Shijouin family and stepped inside.

Welcome, Niihama-kun. Thank you for coming. We were looking forward to your visit.

Akiko-san Good afternoon. Thank you for welcoming me.

The youthful mother who closely resembled HarukaAkiko-san welcomed me to their home. But from my perspective, her appearance was far too pitiful.

(Akiko-san she seems quite worn out)

Shes an impressionable woman who is often seen frolicking around like a girl, but now she looked exhausted and fatigued.

She had dark circles under her eyes, and she seemed even thinner than me.

Lately, Im always intruding, I apologize. Can I still visit today?

No, Its not a bother. Im incredibly grateful to you for always visiting her. Hehe, please take it easy today. Have various conversations with her Well then, Fuyumi-san. Im counting on you.

Yes, maam.

The one who responded was Fuyumi-san, the young housekeeper of this household.

Ive met her many times over the past ten days, but at first glance, she seems to maintain her composure just like before that day.

However thats probably a mask she wears to uplift those around her. Even in her eyes, a deep sorrow is constantly present.

Please make sure to get some rest too, maam. I understand that you might not be able to sleep, but at least lying down would help.

Hehe, true. If I showed this face to her, it would probably surprise her.

Just hearing this exchange already pains my heart.

Because Ive been coming to this house so much lately, I can see the light gradually fading from the once bright Shijouin family, and its truly painful.

Now, lets go, Niihama-sama. To the young lady.

And so, once again today, I make my way there.

To the girl I couldnt confess my feelings to on that day.

Walking through the eerily quiet Shijouin residence, I soon arrived there.

It was none other than the room of the most beloved girl in this householdHarukas room.

This place, for several consecutive days, has been where Ive been visiting constantly.

Looking at the door to this room, I cant help but remember the times I spent in here with Haruka.

The fruit tart we ate together, the sweet atmosphere that arose from trivial things, and Tokimune-san barging into his daughters room due to being overly protective

Such commotions now seem like a distant memory.

Miss, Im coming in.

Entering the room with Fuyumi-san, I was greeted with a sight that didnt befit a girls room.

Various medical measuring devices, a chair for visitors.

The latest medical electric reclining bed, and a state-of-the-art bed mattress designed based on ergonomics to reduce the patients burden. And next to it, an IV stand was set up.

This room now was a sickroom created within a private residence.

Miss Niihama-sama has come to visit today too.

Fuyumi-san proceeded further into the room and gently addressed the girl on the large medical bed.


I quietly spoke to Haruka.

Her appearance hasnt changed at all from before.

Her long, lustrous black hair was woven meticulously like threads of silk, and her skin was a creamy milky white.

The face, as if meticulously carved by a god everything about her was the Haruka Shijouin I knew.

(She really looks the same as before but)

The medical reclining bed had its upper part raised to become a backrest, and Haruka was in a position where she was leaning back against it.

Wearing pajamas, she wasnt asleep, and her eyes were completely open. Anyone would think she was awake.



The heart that should reside there had changed beyond recognition.

(TLN) Being honest. I normally skip chapters like this when I read a novel. I read stories like this for the good feels.

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