I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 87: Beachside Angel

Chapter 87: Beachside Angel

Using the skill of slipping through the crowded streets honed during the morning rush hour, I dashed through the crowd, and there she was, Shijouin-san.

She seemed to have already changed into her swimsuit, wearing a large straw hat and a white hoodie that covered her upper body, leaving everything below a mystery.

However, despite her guarded upper body, her exposed fair legs and her own beauty were captivating the attention of male passersby, and even some bad insects looking for an opportunity had appeared.

Oh Niihama-kun! Did you come to pick me up?

Oh, are they your friends?

As I slid to a stop, Shijouin-san, who had been looking weak, brightened her face.

Yeah, I came to pick you up since you were late. Is there something wrong?

Uh, well, you see

No, its not a big deal.

As I interjected, one of the university-looking guys, Guy A, spoke without permission.

He and the other two guys had an unassuming appearancenatural hair color, a sporty lookand their demeanor wasnt intimidating at all.

But probably all of that was camouflage to lower the other partys guard. I noticed the slight scowl on their faces when I showed up, not letting them get away with their pick-up tactics.

We accidentally bumped into her and almost knocked her over. So, as an apology, we tried to give her some juice we bought too much of, but she wont accept it.

(Bumped into her and an apology with juice? Oh, I see.)

Right, this was the quid pro quo tactic.

It was indeed a technique used in sales as well, and I called it quid pro quo myself. You give someone a slightly more expensive sample or some sweets, and the other person feels a debt and is less likely to refuse subsequent requests like answering surveys or hearing product explanations.

These guys probably thought that the Hey, babe! Wanna hang out with us? approach of the classic pick-up line wasnt going to work well, so they went for a less suspicious approach, using a facade of being less interested and offering something as an apology.

(Bumping into someone and then apologizing with juice is way too pushy. Its obvious they want to create a connection,) I thought.

In any case, they must have been caught off guard by my drastic change from before, and they couldnt make any moves in this public setting.

I continued with my fake sales pitch, Oh, shes just a bit scared. You see, we just saw some guys hitting on her earlier. Theyre the type who give a little gift to a girl and then say, Where are you from? or Lets have lunch together, taking advantage of the good impression.

[] The guys were left speechless by my over-exaggerated smile and loud voice.

No matter what, it was an amount of juice that could be accepted with difficulty, but one that would make the other person feel a bit bad about it.

So, you see, Ive become a bit cautious around guys like you! Sorry for misunderstanding your genuine apology and offering us juice! We were all thirsty, so were very grateful!


The guys could only groan at my exaggerated smile and volume.

In any case, they wouldnt be able to make a move in such a public place with everyone watching.

Well then, well be going now! Come on, Shijouin-san!


I unilaterally declared our departure and took Shijouin-san with me, leaving the guys behind, who had their true intentions exposed.

As we walked a little faster along the sandy beach, the pick-up guys quickly disappeared into the crowd.

We should be safe now with this distance.

Phew, are you okay, Shijouin

I stopped mid-sentence as I realized that my fingers were tightly intertwined with Shijouin-sans graceful ones. From the moment we left that place until now, I had been holding her hand like a whitefish caught on a line.

Ah S-Sorry!


As I hurriedly let go of her hand, Shijouin-san let out a sound that seemed somewhat reluctant, like a child when their parents hand is released.

This was it because we had almost been approached by those guys just now? Did holding my hand provide her with some sense of security?

Um, well Thank you, Niihama-kun.

Shijouin-san said timidly in her hoodie.

I was puzzled when they suddenly offered me juice. So, that was, u-um a pick-up, right? I experienced it for the first time

Even this naturally airheaded girl seemed to understand the implications behind that act, and her face showed faint fear and agitation.

While the term pick-up might not carry a menacing tone for most people, its natural to feel afraid when youre a teenage girl approached by unknown guys.

No, Im sorry! As the one who brought you to the beach, I should have been more cautious about those overenthusiastic fools!

I bowed deeply, apologizing. While we managed to drive them away, I should have been more careful not to let those kinds of guys get close to Shijouin-san in the first place.

Eh? W-Why are you apologizing? You helped me, Niihama-kun!

No, even if its a beach in summer, its natural to attract attention when someone as incredibly cute as you, Shijouin-san, steps in. I shouldnt have left you alone, even for a short time.

~!? Oh, no, Niihama-kun! Please dont say something so smooth and embarrassing! Even if its flattery, its embarrassing!

No, its not flattery; I genuinely mean it

In reality, during that commotion just now, the men around us were captivated by Shijouin-sans beauty.

Anyway, thank you very much.

Shijouin-san moved closer to me and said, Even though there were three guys, I was really scared and had no idea what they were planning. Thats when you rushed to help me, and I was so relieved, like when my family comes to my aid. It made me feel really happy.


She smiled as if relieved, and the trust shining in her eyes touched my heart deeply.

But, putting that aside, I choked a little when she mentioned family as the word that indicates the highest level of intimacy.

How many times has this girls airheaded lines thrown me off balance?

Indeed, when a cute girl like Shijouin-san appears on a beach like this, its inevitable she will attract pick-up attempts. The words the protagonist says in light novels come to mind.

That guys my girlfriend! Dont lay a finger on her! Something like that, haha

I said that line in jest, to go along with the flow of the conversation.

However, unexpectedly, when Shijouin-san heard those words, her face turned red at an astonishing speed. Not only did she not laugh, but she seemed to be at a loss for words, staring at me with wide-open eyes.

And watching her like that, I realized my entire face was getting hot as well. We were probably both blushing at this point.

An awkward, almost embarrassed silence fell over us due to the unique atmosphere that formed. I cant let this continue I have to break this tension

U-Um, well Speaking of that Shijouin-san looks good in that hoodie! If you were in your swimsuit, even more guys would have come over to hit on you!

Is that so?

I deliberately spoke in a cheerful tone to try and restore the atmosphere.

Thats right! Even I cant imagine how cute Shijouin-san would look in a swimsuit!


When I honestly expressed myself, Shijouin-san, for some reason, put down the sports bag she had been carrying on her shoulder.

Will you be the first one to see me in my swimsuit?

She took off the straw hat she was wearing, and her lush black hair fluttered in the sunlight. Her cheeks were still blushing, and her voice sounded a little anxious.

Shijouin-sans hand reached for the zipper of her hoodie.

And with a hint of shyness, she slowly began to pull it down.

There was nothing inherently suspicious about that act.

Its only natural to wear a hoodie over a swimsuit and then take it off when youre at the beach.

But, watching her gradually reveal the hidden beneath with a mix of shyness and openness it felt strangely seductive.

And finally as the hoodie detached from her body, there was nothing obstructing our view anymore.

So, what do you think?

Before my eyes, an angel by the beach appeared.

Shijouin-sans bikini had a white and blue checkered pattern, giving a sense of purity and summer freshness.

The top, with white frills, couldnt completely conceal the deep valley between her ample breasts, and her overwhelming charm, usually hidden under her clothes, was now on full display.

The bottoms had cute frills on both sides of her waist, and her exposed, fair and slender legs, along with her innocent belly button, were incredibly dazzling.

My thoughts stopped.

As a man, my capacity for processing was saturated, and my eyes were even starting to moisten with emotions.

I was captivated, to say the least.

It wasnt just caught my eye or held my attention; it went beyond that.

She was just too beautiful, and my heart was captured.

If she had angelic white wings on her back, I would have easily believed she was a genuine angel.


An awkward and strangely embarrassed silence filled the air. This this is bad. I need to divert this atmosphere somehow

Um, well Seeing a girl so beautiful that it makes me want to cry Ive experienced that for the first time in my life.


Even though I dont know how to properly express it That swimsuit looks incredibly good on you. You look really charming.


The overwhelming emotion that filled my heart acted like fuel to the engine of my passion, and words that surpassed embarrassment and shyness burst out of my mouth.

Though the words that came out were feeble due to my limited vocabulary, Shijouin-san showed a delighted and radiant smile, as if she couldnt be happier.

Thank you so much! Im really really happy that you said that, Niihama-kun!

The stunning sight of her in that beautiful swimsuit, combined with her radiant smile, blossomed like a flower by the seaside.

Ah, as expected The girl I fell for is the cutest in the world.


Will be queueing up next weeks chapters tonight. Royal Ko-fi members will get access to all of those chapters immediately as I translate them for their bingeing pleasure.

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