I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 38: The Culprit was caught!

Chapter 38: The Culprit was caught!

The novel's cover got removed for being explicit and now I can't update it. I can update after 3 days... I am so sad.


Chi Miya's workplace-

Chi Miya urged Zhao Tian "The plans are already set. Come on, let's go Tian. It is already time..." Zhao Tian shook his head lying on the sofa "Nah, wait a little..."

"Give them tea and something to eat in the meantime."

H-Huh? Chi Miya looked at him blankly "What are you doing?"

Zhao Tian rolled his eyes "I am taking a little rest." Chi Miya walked over to him shaking his body "Tian, get up..."

"Just let me rest for a while." Chi Miya's lips twitched seeing him being so casual. "Maam!" Chi Miya's PA walked into the room "The meeting is ready and the share holders are already there."

Chi Miya glanced at Zhao Tian smiling at her. A sigh left her lips "Do as I say."


In the conference room, around the large table, many men in suits are discussing. "Why the sudden meeting?"

"I don't know..."

"Mr.Jin, do you know why this meeting is?" Chi Jin let out a sigh "Miya will come and say it herself."

"By the way, Mr.Jin, who is it beside you?" A man asked looking at Luo Bo sitting next to Chi Jin. "He is my friend, soon he will also become an integral part of our company. So I brought him for this meeting."

All of them nodded in agreement without any hesitation or doubt. Chi Jin holds a highly esteemed position within the company and he also happens to be the President's uncle. As a result, they are all too afraid to challenge or speak up against him.

At this time, a waitress entered inside pushing a serving cart with tea cups and a kettle. Following closely behind her was Chi Miya's personal assistant, a warm smile lighting up her face as she delivered the news, "Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ma'am will be unavoidably delayed for the meeting. Please enjoy some tea while you wait."

The shareholders frowned hearing this "She called us for a meeting and she is late?" The PA gave a slight nod "Maam got up with some things right now. So please be patient."


After a while, Zhao Tian and Chi Miya entered the conference room and everyone stood up seeing her. "President!" Chi Miya gave a nod and sat on her seat and Zhao Tian took a seat next to her.

The arrival of the newcomer piqued the curiosity of everyone present, resulting in all eyes being locked on him. After a brief moment of intrigue, they all again sat in their seats.

Out of curiosity, one of them voiced "Madam Chi, the young man beside you is..." Chi Miya looked at the man and then glimpsed at Zhao Tian "He... is my boyfriend."

As she spoke, she turned her gaze towards him, curious to see how he would react. However, Zhao Tian just sat there nonchalantly his eyes scanning all the people in the meeting.

The others were amused hearing this. Chi Miya frowned "Keeping my personal life aside, I recently noticed a large amount of money missing from our company's accounts, which was not accounted for in any of the financial calculations."

H-Huh? The shareholders who were allied with Chi Jin panicked upon hearing this. It wasn't just a recent occurrence, but rather a scheme that had been ongoing for years, since the death of the previous president they have been embezzling money and it is really a huge amount.

Chi Jin squinted his eyes in shock 'How did Miya discover this? I was sure I did without leaving any error in the calculations...'

Chi Jin asked 'surprised' "What? Our company's money..."

"What are you saying, President?"

"Are you saying that someone is embezzling our money?"


Zhao Tian saw some genuine people voicing their concerns, while some shareholders who were the culprits were also acting surprised.

Looking at these money dogs acting, he got irritated "Miya, fuck this shit!" Huh? His outburst caught the attention of everyone in the room. Chi Miya was taken aback. What? This is not in their plan!

Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes "Let me get this straight. Someone tried to assassinate Miya yesterday."

A wave of shock and surprise washed over them as they looked at Chi Miya in disbelief "Madam Chi, what your boyfriend saying is..."

Chi Miya let out a sigh acting along with Zhao Tian "Yeah!" What is he planning?


"But why would anyone want to kill our President?!"

*thik* Zhao Tian placed his mobile on the table and everyone was confused seeing his actions. Huh?

A voice note played "You pieces of crap! I gave you that much money and you can't even kill a woman? That Chi Miya? huh? Give my money back?"

The shareholders heard someone raging and they felt the voice familiar and they immediately recognized this. Isn't this...? Without hesitation, all eyes turned towards Chi Jin.

A deep silence blanketed the room, leaving everyone present in a state of utter stillness. Even the shareholders who had previously aligned themselves with Chi Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping into their hearts, causing a wave of panic to wash over them.

Chi Jin's eyes widened in shock upon hearing the phone conversation he had with the assassins. His entire body trembled with fear and stress 'Fuck! Fuck!' he kept cursing in his heart.

He slowly turned his eyes and saw Chi Miya looking at him coldly. 'Shit! Miya's mad... does she already know? Fuck!' Dread and despair washed over him, his mind processing to get out of the situation.

One of them stood up "What is this Chi JIn? How can you do this to our President?"

The shareholders who were allied with Chi Jin also began to act "C-Chi Jin, I never knew you were this kind of person."

"Yeah, Madam Chi... arrest him and send him to prison."

"We shouldn't have such people in our company."

Chi Jin glanced at the people who were opposingly voicing against him 'You fuckers are betraying me now?'

Chi Jin retorted back looking at Zhao Tian "T-This voice note is not real, it is fake. It must be AI shit or something... Boy, do you know who you are playing with?" He said glaring at Zhao Tian.

Luo Bo who was looking at the drama clicked his tongue disappointed. Frustrated he abruptly stood up from his seat "I am tired of this playing Chi Jin. Let's kill her here and now."

He narrowed his eyes and focused on Chi Miya before charging towards her in a flash. With a confident smirk, he closed the distance between them and prepared to strike 'I don't even need to use my cultivation technique.' As his fist neared her face, he could already sense victory within his grasp.

H-Huh? Confusion filled his mind as he observed Zhao Tian rising from his chair with a smile as he was waiting for this. Just as he was about to strike Chi Miya with his fist, *swoosh* Zhao Tian swiftly intervened, firmly clutching Luo Bo's head and forcefully slamming it onto the table.

With a resounding *boom* Luo Bo's body was violently blasted onto the table, the impact shattering it into two pieces. "Arghh!!" The excruciating pain caused him to let out a guttural scream as his face slammed into the hard floor below.

*creek* *thud* The people sitting around the table abruptly stood up from their seats in fear as the table broke. W-What just happened? Confusion and fear filled the room as they tried to comprehend what had just occurred.

They saw Chi Jin's friend jumping at Chi Miya but in the next instant, he was blasted onto the floor.

Every single person in the room shifted their gaze towards Zhao Tian, their eyes wide with a mix of trepidation and anxiety and they instinctively gulped their saliva, feeling their heartbeats accelerate in a state of panic and fear.

*cough* *cough* Luo Bo coughed blood as he writhed in agony. The excruciating sensation seemed to permeate every inch of his body, leaving him feeling utterly helpless. "Urghhhhh!"

Chi Jin took a step back in terror as he saw Luo Bo squirming and screaming under Zhao Tian's feet. H-How could this ordinary man overpower a powerful cultivator like Luo Bo?

Zhao Tian smirked as he pressed his foot down on Luo Bo's head, all while casting a disdainful glance at the horrified Chi Jin "Even now you are trying to kill Miya, huh..."

"Arggggghhhhhh!!" But the guttural cry and screaming noises of Luo Bo were heard across the room as Zhao Tian stomped his foot on his head, crushing his head against the floor.

"You are annoying!" Zhao Tian spoke with a swift kick to Luo Bo's face. *thooom* The force of the blow sent Luo Bo flying across the room, where he collided with the wall and crumpled to the ground, rendered unconscious by the impact.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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