I am a Big Villain

Chapter 118: Im Surviving On A Deserted Island 3

Chapter 118: Im Surviving On A Deserted Island 3

Yesterday's roasted snake meat was a little burnt. With only the no-frills salt to season, the taste was average. But the seafood simmered in seawater was extraordinarily fresh and sweet. The boiled shellfish was tender and juicy yet salty and savory with the correct heat control. The hungry players wanted to swallow their tongues.

In a pot full of shells and crabs, there actually was not much meat with shells as the main weight. There were nine contestants, and each of them did not eat much. Because most of this seafood came from Gu Xihe, the largest crab belonged to him. He and his younger sister Gu Xixi got half each person. Other contestants were basically not filled. A few pieces of shell meat and a few pieces of burnt snake meat were barely satisfied. When the live broadcast began in the morning, many people's stomachs protested with them.

So today, all of them had another important goal, to search for as many ingredients as possible, especially drinking water. It was unknown whether there was a freshwater lake on the island.

The spacecraft was loaded with a package of beer and two boxes of mineral water before setting off, and most got consumed. Currently, there was only one bottle of beer and three bottles of mineral water left. The drinking water could not be guaranteed any longer for nine adults for ten days or more.

A person's life limit in a state of hunger was up to 7 days. If they did not eat for three days or drink water for seven days, they would face the threat of death. No matter how bad it was, they also had to find fruits that could quench their thirst. The forest in the middle of the deserted island seemed to be rich in materials, and they should be able to find what they needed.

At ten o'clock, the live broadcast started.

It's said that the contestants had fallen to an unrecorded planet by the Federation and couldn't be located for the time being. It's a little exciting to think about it. This thing is the outdoor adventure I truly liked. Who knows whether those things broadcast by the previous anchors are true or false, especially Yan Chu. Haven't his staff come out to expose his ugly picture?

Aaaah, our Xihe looks so handsome shirtless. I'm going to lick the screen.

Almost at the beginning of the live broadcast, the audience who had logged in to StarNet and watched Douxiong's live broadcast started frantically slaughtering the screen with the bullet screen.

Douxiong had used the contestants being stranded on the deserted island as hot publicity these days. An unregistered planet by the Federation, whether there were unknown creatures on it or what would happen to several contestants before the Federation's search and rescue team found them, those situations excited those Federation people, who had a slow pace of life and no stimulation.

Especially since it was a new planet, it might never have had human footprints. Those so-called top field exploration experts could prove their strength by conducting live games on such an island.

Nine live balls simultaneously turned on, and the homepage of Douxiong Live had nine small screens. One could choose to watch the live broadcast of these nine people at once or the favorite to enjoy their live broadcast alone as the audience.

Each live ball was bound to each player before starting. Unless several players acted together and were in the same area, it would stream only that player's scene during the live broadcast.

Is Yan Chu's arm injured?

Before the live broadcast, Yan Chu had already accumulated a lot of fans, so at the same time, his live channel had the largest influx of viewers. His arm got fixed simply due to the dislocation. The audience could obviously know that he was currently in bad condition.

In particular, there was still blood from the impact on his forehead. Although this could not hide his outstanding appearance, it still made his fans cry in distress.

Hah-hah, didn't he intentionally injure himself to escape this competition? Sure enough, all the explosive allegations on the Internet were true. He was just a pretty boy who cheated with his face.

Our Yan Chu still has the nerve to cheat. Before saying this sentence, let's see if your appearance is qualified to say this sentence

It's a little distressing. As a fan, I still hope that Yan Chu will quit this game. After all, no one can tell what's on the island. His right hand is seriously injured, and it is not enough to deal with the future. As a person who likes you, I can fully understand. I won't suspect you because of defamation without substantive evidence

The money of the brainless fan is indeed easy to deceive. If he has real strength, I'll live broadcast eat s***

There's pressure to eat s***. I'll support you upstairs. If Yan Chu, this pretty boy, has strength, I'll eat the keyboard live

Because of the news on the Internet some time ago, Yan Chu's live studio was particularly lively. Before the live broadcast, the audience supporting and opposing him had already set off a wave of curse war, each with its reasons and statements. Each message had refreshed at the speed of light, which was almost invisible.

Unfortunately, these players could not see it, including the popularity change of homepage players.

So far, the popularity values rank the nine contestants from top to bottom.

First: Yan Chu

Second: Gu Xihe

Third: Gu Xixi

Fourth: David

Fifth: Xu Santong

Sixth: Sai Daman

Seventh: Sheng Xiaoxing

Eighth: Ou Yang

Ninth: Linda

At the beginning of the game, Yan Chu and Gu Xihe were the strongest contenders for the championship. The rankings of the two often fluctuated before the live broadcast, but after the live broadcast, Gu Xihe was uninjured, while Yan Chu got injured from the beginning. This fact made his fans a little excited and doubled his popularity by smashing the spaceships, and his popularity suddenly fell behind Gu Xihe.

"Good morning, my friends. Today, David, Sai, and my goal are to search for some edible fruits. Wish us good luck, and if you like us, give us a recommendation or a hovercar."

In Douxiong, the recommendation was free. Every registered user could get a recommendation ticket for free every day. The hover car was the lowest level gift, requiring only 1 Star Coin, followed by the submarine with 10 Star Coins, then the rocket and the spaceship were respectively 50 Star Coins and 100 Star Coins.

According to the current federation prices in the county, an adult federation had to spend 50 Star Coins a month, so there were still relatively few spectators for rockets and spaceships.

Because of Yan Chu's face, many affluent young ladies and wealthy women liked him on StarNet. There were not a few people who smashed the spaceship on him. That was why so many players take him as their imaginary enemy. It was still difficult to shake the position of such a man with countless local tyrants as long as he did not break his public persona in the competition.

Linda, David, and Sai Daman from the Western Federation gathered together. It seemed that they were planning to form a temporary alliance. They greeted the live ball with a smile, then sorted out their clothes, brought their weapons, and were ready to go.

Yan Chu remembered the only three women among the nine. Gu Xixi and Gu Xihe had a tent, and Linda and Sheng Xiaoxing had another. Linda now skipped Sheng Xiaoxing and joined the other two players from the Western Federation, which meant that Sheng Xiaoxing would be alone.

The silly little girl saw Yan Chu's gaze turned to her and smiled stupidly at Yan Chu. She felt embarrassed to be stared at by her idol.

Yan Chu was a little helpless about this silly baby. She had not seen her situation yet.

However, people in similar circumstances and conditions should be considerate and not laugh at each other. Regardless of whether other players were wary of him before or if he was injured and his physical fitness was seriously affected, other players seemed unwilling to team up with him.

First, they were afraid that his face would steal the limelight and even attract their loyal fans in his live broadcasting room by his outer appearance. Second, they were scared of being dragged down by him. Yan Chu had not given a convincing reason for the boisterous news uploaded on the Internet. No one knew his true strength.

After the Western Federation group left, the siblings of Gu Xihe and Gu Xixi also left the camp. Xu Santong and Ou Yang were temporary roommates in the same tent, so they naturally formed a temporary alliance.


Yan Chu asked Sheng Xiaoxing. Although Sheng Xiaoxing was one of the last people to die in the original self's sketchy memory, he could not guarantee that the direction of the world would not change. Yan Chu was also worried about leaving her alone on this deserted island with many blatant dangers.

Saving all players was a side mission. There was no mandatory requirement to complete it, but he was willing to save one more person.

Sheng Xiaoxing did not expect that her idol would take the initiative to invite her to form a team. Her eyes lit up, round-eyed. She was incredibly adorable, fitting in with her apple face.

"Mm-hm mm-hm, I'm actually quite capable. I know tens of thousands of plants. My family runs a martial arts school, so I've practiced free combat and ancient martial arts since I was a child. Even my six older brothers can't beat me. Don't worry. I'll protect you."

Sheng Xiaoxing patted her chest and promised. Now Yan Chu's right arm was injured. When encountering dangerous animals, he certainly had no power to protect himself. Thinking about her fearless appearance in front of her idol at that time and how Yan Chu probably thanked her for her commitment

Shaking her head, she could not think about it anymore. Her nosebleed was about to flow down.

The little girl patted her chest to show the benefits of teaming up with herself, but her biggest trump card was also exposed. Before the game started, no one knew that such a thin and weak girl still had a high force value. Otherwise, she would not be left behind by all players and scavenged by Yan Chu.

Similarly, because of his lack of memory, Yan Chu did not know that Sheng Xiaoxing had such a high level of strength as she said.

He was stunned for a while. After looking at Sheng Xiaoxing's face collapsed because she thought he did not believe her, he stepped forward and stroked her hair. The little girl suddenly became lively, her eyes were bright, and she seemed to want Yan Chu's smoothing hair actions to be repeated.

My Yan's hand has distinct joints. I want to be touched by him

Want to lick. Am I too lustful?

Who is that little girl? She looks so cute. For the sake of her saying she wants to protect my Yan, go to her live broadcast and downvote to increase her popularity

Sheng Xiaoxing's appearance was really harmless to humans and animals. She was cute and charming. Both the opposite sex and the same sex predominantly eat this kind of face. There was no oppression but had full marks for affinity. There was a feeling of brother and sister when standing with Yan Chu. Especially when the big brother Yan Chu stroked her head to kill, Yan Chu's fans actually had a sense of achievement like an old father, as if their idol had become a father.

This kind of mood was very complicated. In reverse, it was alright to dislike Sheng Xiaoxing. The same was true for Sheng Xiaoxing's live broadcast on the other side.

I thought I was a fan of a sunflower, but I didn't expect her to be an overlord flower. Her family runs a martial arts school and has six brothers. I choose to pretend that I have never heard this sentence

Xingxing restraint, stop your saliva, or your Adonis will be scared away by you

Fans followed their favorite star. The audience who favored Sheng Xiaoxing liked that she was sunny and cheerful, occasionally cute, and had the aura of a scholar who also was the Department of Botany's top student.

Her fans all knew that she liked the big shot in the field of live broadcast, but they did not know which one. Gu Xihe, David, and others were on the fans' list of suspicions. And after watching Sheng Xiaoxing's current appearance, who could not guess who she liked? Chasing a star to the point of a deserted island, this level of liking was really enough.

But no one currently took Sheng Xiaoxing's statement that she had a high level of strength seriously. From the audience's point of view, the other three teams, one was a combination of Gu Xihe and Gu Xixi that were already very popular. One had a very high level of strength, and another with extremely high IQ and medical skills. And the trio of the Western Federation, even Linda's ranking was temporarily at the bottom, the three were allied, and Western Federation people with superior physical strength and physical quality. It was enough to increase their competitiveness.

Xu Santong and Ou Yang had no remarkable points. Their odds were one was old, steady, and had rich experience in field exploration, while the other was young and energetic.

And Yan Chu and Sheng Xiaoxing, even the former Yan Chu, were now disabled and weak. What did they rely on to win the field exploration competition, selling face or cuteness?

Fans were content with thinking about not letting their idols lose too badly.

Fans on both sides were in a state of indifference. Before the Federation found that planet, it was enough for them to play games and explore as long as they were safe on the deserted island.

They started relatively late, and the previous teams had already entered the forest. Sheng Xiaoxing did not take anything. Yan Chu thought about it and took out the utility knife from the system space.

I am me, a different utility knife. My sharpness is beyond your imagination.

Yan Chu bought it after reading this coquettish introduction. Each player could not carry high-tech products when participating in the competition, but some necessary self-defense tools still can be brought. The original self took a sharp triangular bayonet, but Yan Chu felt that the things that appeared on the system shelves should not be simple. An extra weapon would give him a sense of security on this deserted island where everything was unclear.

"You take this."

Yan Chu realized that Sheng Xiaoxing only had a stick and handed her the triangular bayonet in his hand.

"I have this one. It's enough."

He raised a knife in his hand that was no different from an ordinary utility knife and said to Sheng Xiaoxing.

It was so touching. Sheng Xiaoxing wanted to tell Yan Chu that she was better at playing with a stick, but looking at Yan Chu's injured right hand, she was afraid that he would be completely unable to use this kind of lethal weapon. Well, at least she could protect him better.

I'm a good gentleman, but I still hope he can be selfish at this time

Such a man can be slandered by so many people, being able to give the triangular bayonet to a girl in such an environment and then defend himself with a utility knife. I only ask if you can do his level in that situation

Yan Chu's fans were quite happy. They felt that they had become a fan of a good idol. At the same time, they were worried about his situation. He gave his powerful weapons to others. How could he protect himself in case of danger?

You women are so easy to deceive. What you say is what you say. if Yan Chu has strength, I'll eat s*** live

I support you, Upstairs80Upstairswhich is commonly used in post comments and forum comments, refers to the person who responds to the same topic post one step ahead of you, sometimes referred to as LS. I'll eat the keyboard when you eat s***

People who did not like Yan Chu still tirelessly refreshed their sense of existence in his live broadcast room, but Yan Chu could not see all this. Even if he saw it, he probably just laughed it off. It did not affect his mood.

Yan Chu remembered that the casualties started on the third day. In the first two days, he should study the deserted island.

Has this planet indeed never been reached?

"What kind of plants are these? I've never seen a fruit sold in interstellar space for so long."

The Western Federation trio, who stepped into the forest first, took the wooden sticks cut with a dagger last night to cut down the shrubs and trees along the way. At the same time, this was also to find a path. In this jungle, akin to the tropical rainforest, many poisonous insects, snakes, and scorpions were usually dormant.

"Take these seemingly edible fruits back first, and then ask Sheng Xiaoxing, isn't she the walking plant encyclopedia?"

David frowned and said that he never thought this forest would be so weird. He initially thought that they could always find something edible in such a big forest, but now it seemed that he was too optimistic.

It had been more than an hour or two, and they still got nothing, except for some gorgeous looking fruit, and they did not know whether they were edible plant fruits.

"Will she be willing to tell us?"

Linda's expression was a little unnatural. She and Sheng Xiaoxing were in the same tent, but she abandoned her and chose to ally with David and Sai Daman. If she were Sheng Xiaoxing, perhaps she would have a grudge against her.

But Linda could not help it. She and Sheng Xiaoxing were the weaker contestants this time. If she allied with Sheng Xiaoxing, didn't it mean that she would give up the chance to compete to take the crown?

What attracted audiences to live broadcasts was the colorful and exciting pictures. It was not possible with Sheng Xiaoxing.

"As long as she is willing to help us identify these fruits, we will give her one-tenth of the harvested fruits. Xiaoxing is very simple and certainly willing."

In front of the live broadcast, David certainly could not say that the girl Sheng Xiaoxing looked stupid and naive. And he still had a secret idea in his heart. After Sheng Xiaoxing helped them identify these fruits, he would see if the other party would eat them. If she ate it and nothing happened, it proved that these fruits were truthfully edible.

Participating in the same competition for the one million star coins, David was also worried that Sheng Xiaoxing would overshadow them.

None of the three noticed. After the three people's live ball, another live ball appeared unknowingly behind them.

This scene did not attract anyone's attention, including the audience watching in the three's live broadcast room. Occasionally, when the live broadcast ball entered, they would only think it was one of the other two teammates and not doubt it.

"I did it. I did it."

The scruffy-looking, white-haired old man in the laboratory looked at the monster of cattle and sheep living in the petri dish and shouted excitedly.

"Doctor, three of the intruders have been locked. Do you want to kill them?"

The mechanical sound sounded again in the laboratory. The screen full of data got replaced by a live broadcast. The three people in the picture were Linda's group.

"When- hold on!"

The doctor frowned. He was not happy that this stupid AI bothered him again, but when his eyes swept across the three people in the picture, a flash of light struck his mind and changed his original idea.

Previously, most of his experiments in this place were on animals. It was unknown whether this magical substance would have the same effect on humans.

The nine humans who stepped into his territory might have been a gift from God.

The old doctor smiled, both crazily and cruelly.

"Catch them one by one. I want these people alive."

The mechanical sound disappeared, and the laboratory was calm again.

"This, this"

Before entering the forest, Sheng Xiaoxing was full of confidence. She was ready to show her skills in front of her idol and find a bunch of delicious food for him. As a result, as she walked around in the forest, she knew very few plants. She did not know most of the plants on this planet since they were undiscovered by the Federation.

This fact made Sheng Xiaoxing, who got slapped in her face, somewhat embarrassed.

She blushed, just like a big ripe apple. Her eyes were erratic. She wanted to cry when looking at her idol had a smile yet not a smile expression.

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