I am a Big Villain

Chapter 126: I’m Surviving On A Deserted Island 11

Chapter 126: I’m Surviving On A Deserted Island 11

Finally, the minority obeyed the majority, and everyone moved in the direction Xu Santong and the others went on the first day.

In any case, if the magnetic field blocked them this time, either everyone's signal got blocked, or a few would still have their live broadcasts on. As long as everyone stayed together, the impact would be the same.

Furthermore, for example, Linda and others had entirely given up the possibility of winning the championship this time. They just wanted to keep up with the big team. They had no intention of refuting the words of Yan Chu and Gu Xihe, who had relatively strong force.

Why hasn't Yan Chu's live broadcast room been open? Did he forget to open his live broadcast ball?

The viewers, who were waiting for all the live broadcasts to see that Yan Chu and others had already gone into the forest, but Yan Chu's live broadcast room had not yet opened, asked in doubt.

Yeah, I just thought Yan Chu was going to turn it on again when he set off, but now, looking at his appearance, it seems that he really forgot about the live broadcast. Don't the other players remember to remind him?

Because they could not enter Yan Chu's live broadcast room, his fans could only wander into other people's live broadcast rooms.

If it had been two days ago, they would have gone to Sheng Xiaoxing's live broadcast room, but today the two were no longer sticking together, and Sheng Xiaoxing's live broadcast ball might not always be able to capture Yan Chu's picture.

After suffering, these fans could only remind each other. For a moment, if they said there was a panoramic view of Yan Chu in Gu Xihe's live broadcast room, they ran to Gu Xihe's live broadcast room. For a while, if they said there was a panoramic view of Yan Chu in Ou Yang's room, they went to Ou Yang's room.

In the end, they entirely gave up. No one entered anyone's room, stared at the small screen on the homepage, and looked at the eight-piece frequency division screen at once.

Douxiong Livestream also noticed this problem and immediately sent a message to the spaceship terminal, reminding the players not to forget to turn on the live broadcast ball in the next day's game.

Yan Chu, how did they go to that place? The signals of Xu Santong and the others got blocked at that location, and there are still monkeys there, according to what Xu Santong and the others said back then. Wouldn't it be very troublesome if they encountered it?

I also don't understand, or did they notice something that we didn't?

The audience who watched the live broadcast of StarNet also did not understand the proposal of Yan Chu and Gu siblings. The island was so large, so why did they go against o the danger?

"What a smart kid, and it's getting much more exciting."

The doctor used the live broadcast ball to film the group's behavior from a distance. He was looking at the direction they were going in with eyes as sinister as a viper.

Yan Chu and the others guessed many things correctly.

Earlier, the three of them were locked by the doctor because they were the first to be found by the program of the doctor's AI. It was only because Xu Santong and the others were about to enter an area that they should not enter that he chose to attack them both. In other words, they were unlucky.

The old doctor stayed on this desert island for too many years, and there was no living person to talk to. For a long time, he could not remember his name. The AI always called him Doctor, so he took his name as Doctor.

He was not the only one who first came to this deserted island.

More than 40 years ago, an illegal research group that specialized in human experiments got discovered by the Federation. The people in the research room received the news ahead of time, loaded the research equipment in the research room on the spaceship, and then the group began to escape from interstellar.

It was only because of a space storm that they came to this strange deserted island. After discovering that this planet was not in the Federation's records, the group decided to settle down on this planet temporarily.

Every interstellar citizen was genetically entered into the Federation system at birth, so as long as they left the planet, the Federation Legion might capture them.

Which of them did not have dozens of people on their hands, and if they got caught by the Federation, they only would be sent to those ore stars to serve for life, so their choice was obvious.

The Federation's search and rescue team could not find the coordinates of this planet because they installed a coordinate disorder machine when they first came to this planet.

This tool was installed on the spaceship. After transformation, it blocked this deserted island. At least on this deserted island and extraterrestrial contact, it would take half a month or even longer to break the disordered coordinates and find them.

Of course, there was also another possibility where they turned off the coordinate disorder device themselves. This possibility would not happen unless they wanted to leave this planet.

God treated them well. After removing everything from the spaceship and rebuilding a small laboratory, they found many plants and animals on the island that they had never seen before and creatures they knew had been extinct in the long river of history.

For these ruthless researchers, this place was absolutely paradise.

The resources on the island were infinite, but some research equipment on the spaceship was limited, and soon civil strife occurred within this group of scientists.

No one knew that he, a double doctor of botany and genetics, was actually a master of hypnosis.

The era had developed for hundreds of thousands of years, and the current hypnosis technology was not as shallow as it used to be. Hypnosis was not only a means of treatment but also a means of control.

The less firm the mind, the greater the degree of control.

None of these scientists were mentally weak, so he could not hypnotize them. Doctor could only hint at them in their daily behavior. Soon, as he thought, those useless wastes die in mutual criticism and fear. Gradually, he was the only one who really survived on this isolated island.

Doctor liked research, but at the same time, he also loved power and money. The former served the latter. He had always hoped he could make a fantastic breakthrough and let those ignorant Federation people know what a wrong choice it was to hunt him down.

It was just killing a few ordinary people. It was their honor to sacrifice for outstanding scientific research. Doctor never thought this was wrong.

He did not want to spend his whole life on this deserted island in shame, so even if he had a lot of excellent research results and no one knew about it, what was the use of it?

So when Yan Chu and the others appeared, Doctor realized his opportunity had come.

His genes had been registered in the Federation criminal database, but the genes of these people were clean and unblemished. He was old, and these unexpected visitors let him see a new life.

After Xu Santong and Ou Yang separated, he captured Ou Yang, and after implanting the only control chip he had in his brain, he hypnotized him to make him forget this memory.

Now Ou Yang was the bomb he buried among the nine people, also his pawn.

Unfortunately, he was not good at Machine Research. Now he had only the monitoring tools and some weapons at the technological level more than 40 years ago.

Therefore, Doctor did not plan to meet that group of people before he was sure.

There were the genes he wanted here. If he used weapons directly, he destroyed people, and then he would not be able to use them.

Two of these nine people were smart. And Doctor had always been optimistic about them. So whenever these two people were present, he dared not let his old-fashioned monitors get too close to them for fear of being detected.

Real intelligent people were observant, and they were not like some fools. It was unclear whether there were more live broadcast balls around during the live broadcast.

It was precisely because of this that his live broadcast ball could not be too close to Yan Chu and the others, which made Doctor often unclear about what they were discussing, which was also a problem that Doctor was worried about so far.

But it did not matter. He believed that no matter how smart those two people were, they would fall into his hands sooner or later.

Doctor lowered his head and looked at the medicine being prepared. He was more and more impatient.

"This is the range. But we're lucky that those monkeys aren't here today."

Xu Santong saw that he was about to enter the area where the signal was blocked and looked at Yan Chu with confusion. Did he really want to go in?

Stand at attention, salute, turn back, walk together

The barrages in every live broadcast room were unruly. They did not want Yan Chu and the others to enter that area, so they could not watch the live broadcast.

Good Yanyan, don't go forward, come back, Big Sister will buy you candy

The barrage wailed, but miraculously, after they entered that area this time, the live broadcast was not disconnected, including Xu Santong's live broadcast room.

Uh, what's going on? I remember it's disconnected in this piece before

That's right! I remember too

Fans of Xu Santong and Ouyang said suspiciously. They clearly remembered the last time the two people's live broadcast room got disconnected in this area.

Can the magnetic field change?

Don't rule out this possibility. Maybe this magnetic field is in a good mood today

The audience did not care much, as long as they could watch the video normally.

Yan Chu and others obviously did not know the current situation of the live broadcast room. In their opinion, their live broadcast room was very likely to be closed, but it did not matter. If it should be closed, everyone should close it together. And if several of their group's live broadcasting rooms streamed normally, everyone would gather together. It did not really matter.

"Wow, what's that, such a beautiful sea of flowers?"

Passing through the slightly crowded bushes and forests, a sea of flowers suddenly opened up in front of them. The flowers they had never seen before, red and gold colors, each flower had five petals, and the petals were slightly pointed and long.

The leaves were dark green, the veins were faintly glowing with gold threads, the branches were relatively thick, straight, and erect, and a large cluster of flowers looked particularly spectacular.

Among the women, except for Gu Xixi, who was relatively calm, Sheng Xiaoxing and Linda were amazed at this beautiful sea of flowers. But they also knew that there might be many poisonous plants in the forest, and they did not intend to pick them up.

What kind of flower is this? I've never seen it before

Actually, just looking at one flower is ordinary, but I don't know why when a large piece opens together, it looks a little inexplicably good-looking

No, I think this flower is beautiful. The color matching of red and gold is very expensive at first sight

Upstairs81Upstairswhich is commonly used in post comments and forum comments, refers to the person who responds to the same topic post one step ahead of you, sometimes referred to as LS, it's indeed genuinely expensive, and because the Federation does not have it, you can't buy it if you want

Don't you think this is quite similar to the white star flower? We can manually dye white star flowers. If you want to buy it, please click on this link. This is my star-online store. It will be delivered within one hour on the same planet and within two days on a different planet. Merely my small business. Just poke it if you like

Upstairs made me understand that some people's success is not accidental, 6661666phonetically the same as the character (li) that means proficient or smooth, 666 is the universal online compliment for a task well done in games, an argument well-articulated on online forums, or a sentiment accurately described in the comment section; awesome; powerful66

The audience lived up to expectations and deliberately strayed from the topic once again, and the researchers gathered at the Federation Experimental Center were not as leisurely as they were.

"What kind of flower is this? Does anyone recognize it?"

One of the botany specialists asked a colleague beside him.

"Have you ever seen something like this?"

They cropped the plant photos and put them in the gallery for identification but did not find any flowers like this.

"Look at what that kid Yan Chu said. He has read so many books that he may recognize it."

Two days were enough for these experts to affirm Yan Chu's strength in identifying cherished extinct species, and they did not know how this child's head grows. Their 70-80 old men had not read so many books, and the child had recited those ancient books.

Everyone looked at Yan Chu on the screen expectantly, anticipating him to explain, and so did several of Yan Chu's teammates in the live broadcast.

"I don't know this plant either."

Yan Chu frowned and shook his head.

In reality, he recognized it. After all, the Plant Encyclopedia claimed to let you know all the plants of your era. Since this planet had appeared, the plants growing on it were naturally the plants of this era. Even if it was a variety, Yan Chu would get corresponding introductions in his mind.

The xenobiotic flower was a rare flower species. It could extract heterologous materials and change species genes to a certain extent. It had the characteristics of assimilation and catabolism.

This mystical flower had never been mentioned in any books, and Yan Chu was shocked when he saw the introduction of the xenobiotic flower.

What did it mean to assimilate or catabolism genes? Even though Yan Chu was not studying these genes, he was a doctor for several lifetimes. Even if he did not know much about this study, he could roughly guess its use.

The consequences would be very grave when genes could be assimilated or catabolism.

You might not be yourself, others might be you, you might become others, and others might become others. It sounded a bit chaotic, but as long as you understood that the world might be downright chaotic once this substance was thoroughly studied.

When your parents, siblings, friends, and loved ones' genes got plundered, you foolishly still viewed them as close relatives. What a terrifying situation.

And if a gene-editing drug actually developed, would criminals still be criminals? The supreme rulers of this country, the power class, when they were no longer what they were, what would the people who replaced their genes look like in this interstellar space?

When Yan Chu was living, scientists at that time had been studying the issue of cloning. When they looked into cloning, there were many voices against it. The genetic alteration or assimilation was far more dangerous than cloning. Completely changing a person's genes, or assimilating a person's genes, once this technology spread, how could you be sure that you were yourself?

The development of this technology would only make those criminals more absolutely unrestrained because they could start a new life at any time.

Admittedly, this plant perhaps also had some use, such as improving the cure of diseases with genetic defects. But according to Yan Chu's current thinking, the disadvantages would outweigh the advantages once this plant was exposed.

His expression was so seamless that no one noticed that he truly knew the plant.

During his previous exploration in the forest, Yan Chu did not know some plants, so this time he did not recognize the flowers, which was not surprising.

"Unfortunate. I originally thought that if Yan Chu knew, it would save us the time to find information."

The botanical experts in the Interstellar Research Laboratory sighed and spoke.

"This kind of mentality is terrible. We are scholars and have been learning. We study plants we don't know. The search and rescue team has been investigating that area for so long. I think we will soon find that planet. There will be so many plants on the island that we have never seen before, enough for us to study for a lifetime by then."

Those elderly looked at the flower that had never been seen in the book with excitement. It was nothing more gratifying than the reappearance of such an extinct species in interstellar space for the elderly who had studied plants all their life.



Doctor smiled. Of course, they would not know this "rebirth flower." The "rebirth flower" was the name given by Doctor to this flower. For Doctor, this flower meant rebirth.

Over the years, he collected as many as possible of the seeds of the "rebirth flower." When he left this planet, he would destroy all the "rebirth flowers" left here. As long as he alone knew the secret of "rebirth," it was enough.

With the constant change and recombination of genes, he would gain the power of immortality.

The president, the general, and those who stand at the top of the interstellar space would become his pedals one by one, and he would be the eternal king of this interstellar space.

Doctor's gloomy and cold gaze swirled around Yan Chu and Gu Xixi. They were both good seedlings. Before making a choice, it seemed that he had to start some in vivo experiments.


"Squeak, squeak, squeak"

"Haw, haw, haw"

While Yan Chu and the others were staring at the sea of flowers, the monkey group appeared again. At the same time, the clever monkeys also recognized Xu Santong and Ou Yang, the two villains who stole fruit in their territory.

The little monkeys scratched their ears and cheeks, excitedly picking the fruit from the tree and throwing it at the people on the ground.

"Leave now."

David and the others hurriedly ran out of the monkey's encirclement.

Ou Yang's eyes were dazed for a while. He pulled Xu Santong aside and ran in the other direction.

Yan Chu had been paying attention to Ou Yang's actions. Gu Xihe also obeyed his sister's orders and stopped the man whenever Ou Yang had an abnormal move.

"You're running in the wrong direction. It's too dangerous in the forest. We'd better not scatter from this group."

The two men brought Ou Yang and Xu back. Xu Santong had no objection. It was normal for Ou Yang to lead him in the wrong direction.

The monkeys guarded their territory and generally did not run too far. For example, a person with good skills like Gu Xihe took the opportunity to pick up a lot of fruit and put them in his bag when the monkeys were smashing people with fruit.

This group of shameless people made the monkeys angry.

The monkeys were squeaking and jumping on the trees. The next time it saw them, it would smash them all over.

Strays from the topic, the little monkey paper is so cute

They also smashed people with fruit, silly hahahahahaha

Gu Xihe is the No. 1 shameless person in my mind now. That's right, the monkeys smashed you with fruit, but you still stole it. Why don't you give the little monkey a face?

The feeling of watching monkeys attacking people was completely different from watching pythons attacking people. In addition, the monkeys were small and furry, which was very rare.

Especially when Gu Xihe stole time to pick up fruits while avoiding attacks, it made those monkeys' angry cheeks puff up. It was even cuter.

Only those who got smashed knew how hard it really felt now.

The monkeys all stood in the trees and attacked them. The fruits they threw down were large and small, and some of the shells were sharp. It really hurt when they hit them at high speed.

Those who did not have such good agility could only hold their heads, trying to avoid the fatal place, and ran away.

After about 20 minutes, there was finally no monkey behind them, and everyone stopped to take a good breath.

"I haven't found that good place before." Gu Xihe opened his backpack, which was full of fruits, all contributed by the baby monkeys.

In the monkeys' territory, there were many edible fruits, which were also the rations of the monkeys.

It did not think much when it first attacked. It picked the fruit from the tree and smashed people. Contrariwise, it was convenient for Gu Xihe.

Others were not as good as him. They were all busy avoiding the monkeys' attacks, including Yan Chu. He could not exert himself with one hand, while on the other hand, he had to keep a close eye on Ou Yang. He could not spare his hand to pick up the fruits thrown by the monkeys.

"If there is a shortage of fruit in the future, let's go to the monkey group a few more times. Maybe after days pass, the monkeys will have affection for us."

Gu Xihe thought it was beautiful. Looking at the completely packed fruit, he was satisfied.

Inexplicable sympathy for the monkeys

Sympathy +1

Sympathy +2

Sympathy +my Federation Citizenship Number

Because of his interruption, David and others, who thought that the proposal of Yan Chu and Gu Xixi had almost brought them into danger, did not speak.

Although everyone had acted together at present, the food problem was still unsolved. Should they eat together or share the food that everyone obtained?

Actually, if you thought about it carefully, the attack power of those monkeys was not strong. At least they were all attacking them by smashing things on the trees. There were fruits and leaves. If one was brave enough, one could harvest a packed bag of fruits as Gu Xihe did.

A group of people was wondering, would they not go back again?

If the monkeys were not there, they would pick up all the fruits that had just hit the ground. If the monkeys did it again, they would get smashed at worst. Anyway, food was the most important thing in the wild.

This way, a group of poor little monkeys got targeted by unscrupulous competitors.

"Go back first."

Yan Chu saw that the competitors were restless, but he could not guarantee that the monkeys were really so easy to provoke. Who knew if the monkeys had picked up the stones and waited for them in the tree this time? It would not be fun to keep promises in good faith when the time came.

"After running for so long, everyone's physical strength has been lost. Go back to lunch first, and make plans for the afternoon."

Yan Chu's words reminded other people that after running for so long, their legs were indeed weak. If they returned to the monkeys now, they might not be able to outrun those monkeys. When they got surrounded and suppressed, it would not be fun.

Therefore, no one rejected Yan Chu's proposal, and everyone followed the signs and returned to the camp.

"I'm going to see if there was any message from the platform today, and I don't know whether the live broadcast just now is running normally."

Yan Chu's remarks did not arouse suspicion from others. He passed through the tents of several contestants, inadvertently picked up his deliberately left live broadcast ball that he placed in a hidden location, and then headed towards the spaceship.

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