I Am A Corrupt Official, Yet They Say I Am A Loyal Minister!

Chapter 37: Spoiling the Top Scholar, the Foolish Empress!

Chapter 37: Spoiling the Top Scholar, the Foolish Empress!

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The Golden Imperial Hall was crowded for the morning court session.

We greet Your Majesty, long live the empress for ten thousand years! All the officials knelt in unison.

Please rise, my dear ministers, said the empress who sat on her throne, observing the whole crowd.

When she saw Lin Beifan standing at the back, her eyes lit up and she smiled sweetly at him. Minister Lin, where have you been hiding? Come forward, please.

Lin Beifan stepped out and made a bow. Your Majesty, what can I do for you?

I just wanted to see you, thats all, the empress smiled again. Minister Lin, youve been serving for some time now. Are you still comfortable in your position? Is there anything you dont understand?

Your Majesty, everything is fine. I appreciate your concern, Lin Beifan replied with another bow.

And how is your work in the Imperial Academy? Have you familiarized yourself with it?

Thanks to the help of my colleagues, I have adapted well to the environment and various tasks are running smoothly, Your Majesty. Lin Beifan replied confidently.

I see. Thats why youre the top scholar that I admire. Ive rewarded you with a mansion. Are you comfortable living there?

Your Majesty, I live very comfortably. Thank you for your generosity, Lin Beifan said, touched by her kindness.

Are you eating well, though? You seem much thinner than before.

Your Majesty

Lin Beifan felt flattered and honored by the empresss unusual attention. Why was she so concerned about his well-being? It made him feel a little embarrassed.

The other officials, on the other hand, looked at each other with annoyance. Could they please focus on some serious matters and avoid such petty and lovey-dovey chit-chat? This was the Golden Imperial Hall, after all, a place for discussing important issues of state!

However, they all remained silent, knowing better than to contradict the empress.

After a round of Q&A, Lin Beifan had answered all the questions perfectly, causing the empresss dissatisfaction to grow. The whole point of her inquiries was to discover what she could do for him as a sign of gratitude for his contributions. However, he had claimed that he had met no challenges that required her intervention.

Whats wrong with you, Minister Lin? You must have some issues. Tell me honestly, or else Id charge you with deceiving Your Majesty! the empress shouted.

Lin Beifan shook with fear, unsure of what to say. Must I tell you, Your Majesty?

You must!

Lin Beifan sighed. Okay, I have one problem

What problem? Spit it out!

Im struggling to make ends meet! My salary is meager and the cost of living in the capital is exorbitant. Im barely making it through, Lin Beifan said, blushing with embarrassment.

The other officials at the Golden Imperial Hall rolled their eyes. Really? Is he now crying poverty?

Since you became an official, you have embezzled millions of taels! You even embezzled money from our sons, and you dare to cry poverty? What a shameless scoundrel!

However, the empress nodded in agreement. Lin Beifan did not have much background, and as a low-ranking official, his salary was limited. He had spread his ill-gotten gains around and also had to support his family in the expensive capital. It was indeed difficult for him.

Therefore, the empress said sympathetically, You have truly worked hard, my dear minister! Let the Ministry of Revenue increase your salary to resolve your financial troubles! How about we give you the salary of a fourth-rank official? Lin Beifan was dumbfounded.

I havent done anything, and youre already increasing my salary? What does this mean?

The officials were also not calm. He hadnt even worked a few days and this scoundrel was given a raise? And, he was suddenly made a fourth-rank official? It was too chaotic!

The Minister of Revenue was the first to stand up and said loudly, Your Majesty, this is inappropriate! Since the founding of the Great Wu, the Ministry of Revenue established a rule that officials of different ranks must receive a salary at their respective rank levels. How can we maintain stability in the court if we do not follow the rules? We cannot break the law and violate the ancestors wishes. Please think twice, Your Majesty!

Think twice, Your Majesty! the officials echoed.

Seeing this group of officials opposing her, the empresss anger rose. Okay, I wont increase sir Lins salary! Then I will give him a reward of ten thousand taels of silver. Shouldnt that be enough?

The Minister of Revenue spoke again, Your Majesty, a reward of silver comes from the national treasury and involves the states economy. We cannot use it rashly. Sir Lin has no merits, and a reckless reward would violate the law and reason. Please think twice, Your Majesty!

Think twice, Your Majesty! the officials chanted again.

The empress was so angry that her chest heaved. She wanted to compensate the only honest official in her court, but why was it so difficult? You greedy officials! One day, I will execute you all!

Fine, I wont use the national treasurys money. Is it okay to use my private money? Its my money, and I can give it to whomever I want! the empress said angrily.

Your Majesty

Dont say it. My mind is made up! The officials looked at the empress, who was not to be trifled with, and shook their heads in unison. They all thought the same thing: a foolish monarch!

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