I Am Stuck In A Beta Test For 1000 Years

Chapter 235 235

Chapter 235. This Was Great!

Just like what Mitsuya said, the arrival of a powerful will to this world required a lot of energy, which meant that the arrival of the Holy Spirit was not easy.

Energy was not a factor in Char's calculations, but there was one thing that could not be ignored, and that was the 'maintenance'.

Before the maintenance, sacred souls always left him with an unfathomable look.

However, this time, they were both impatient and impulsive.


He should not have made such a move.

There were many possible reasons, such as preventing players from witnessing this scene, the object of dependence must be a player, and even more likely that they could not descend in open mode.

No matter which one it was, it was a huge restriction and also highlighted the rarity of this opportunity.

When Char said that it was a hard-won opportunity, the first thing that came to the Holy Spirit of order's mind was how did he know, and then it was shocked.

After his expression changed, Char knew what she wanted to know.

The Holy Spirit was once a human.

Moreover, they were becoming more and more they in their behavior.

Once the fear of the unknown turned into a real threat, his image would collapse.

"You're right, this is a rare opportunity. Our request is very simple," The Spirit said, "We hope that the goddess will hand over her authority."

"Get him out of here!" said Messiah angrily.

Char laughed. "What do you think she'll say?"

"She'll say get lost..."

"You're right. If I were you, I'd roll on the ground, and then we might be able to settle this.

The Holy Spirit of order did not pay attention to this joke. It shook its head and sighed, "You should have found out something from her, right? For example, the origin of the Holy Spirit."

"I know, but not completely. Besides, I firmly believe that the words of one family can not be trusted. You can at least share these things with me, right?"

"Of course."

The Holy Spirit of order then told a very simple story.

Just like what Mitsuya said, as the Chosen Ones, most of them suddenly won the prize when they were in a certain death situation. They were surprised to find that they could be resurrected on the spot. Therefore, their initial faith in Mitsuya was devout and enthusiastic. He was the one chosen by the real goddess.

However, after their continuous losses against the abyss, their entire civilization was eventually destroyed by the abyss. Instead of letting God's Chosen Ones like them continue the legacy of their civilization, Mitsuya dispiritedly took back their authority and left them to fend for themselves.

Hence, civilization truly died out.

So far, almost every God's Chosen One had a deep hatred for the goddess, which had once been a support for them after they became Holy Spirits.

"Goddess, are they telling the truth?" Char could not help but ask.

"Yes," replied Mitsuya.

"No way, you're not even going to defend yourself?"

"No need."

"I don't think you need to be afraid. I've said it before," Char said helplessly, "I won't listen to one side."

"I understand." Mitsuya seemed to have heard him. After a few seconds, she explained.

The situation was indeed not far from what the Holy Spirit of order had said, but it was very subtle from the description of this emotionless goddess.

With the demons wreaking havoc and the fire of civilization on the verge of extinction, God's Chosen One naturally became the last survivor on the wasteland.

Therefore, they all made a request to Mitsuya at the same time.

"Goddess, let our Union be the beginning of the next era! We might not be able to defeat the abyss, but our children, our children's children, can definitely do it!"

Mitsuya's answer was also unusually simple, "

"Get lost!"

"Is he crazy?" Char was also dumbfounded.

"Yes," Mitsuya replied slowly.

Moreover, there was an indescribable sense of self-blame.


Char was silent.

Yes, a civilization had been swallowed by the abyss. How big of a blow would that be? how could they not go crazy?

He looked up at the Holy Spirit of Order.

"In fact, I can understand you. If I wasn't a player but a Chosen One in the true sense, I would also choose to do the same," He replied.

The Spirit of Order sighed, and there was an inexplicable sense of appreciation between the two.

Char took this opportunity to ask, "Did you kill Fredrick?"

The other party was stunned for a moment before nodding without hesitation.

"He's a very good human. Even in our eyes, he's extremely outstanding. I could have come to you a few days ago, but he broke the container, so I could only use the current method." He explained.

Seeing Char's gaze on him, he continued, "Don't even think about it. This body has the attributes of 231 players stacked together, so it's at least level 95. It's even stronger than the vessel from before. No one in all of Andaheim is my match."

"I do want to kill you, but I'm not arrogant to that extent." Char replied, "but this matter can't just end like this. Do you know that Fred has a son?"

The Holy Spirit of Order raised its eyebrows, as if it was searching through its memories.

"Luke?" He said with uncertainty.

"A weak guy like him really can't attract the attention of Holy Spirit." Char laughed coldly.

Seeing that the Holy Spirit of order had no reaction, Char continued, "Before Fred died, he came to the court of the Holy tree and entrusted Luke to me. Although that fellow and I can't be considered as friends, I can't talk and laugh with Luke's father's murderer. Since you're level 95, are you willing to put on a show with me?"

"What show?" The Spirit of Order curiously.

"Give him a chance to kill you with his own hands." Char replied, "let's talk about this in detail. I think what you all want is nothing more than to spread the Faith of the Seven Saints throughout the entire territory. This is obviously not something that can be done during the maintenance period, so you must ask me for help. This is negotiable."

"You're really smart."

The Holy Spirit of Order sighed with emotion.

Char was right, they were indeed here for that. The so-called demanding the power of the Goddess was just a convenient bargaining lion's mouth.

"I can agree to this. I can do it now." He replied.

To him, being stabbed by a teenager was not worth mentioning.

Even if Char wanted him to die hundreds or thousands of times, it would not be a problem.

"This is great! Now!"

Char immediately beckoned to the outside of the barrier, and Luke, who had been called over long ago, quickly came to his side.

"Young man No. 1, I'll give you a chance to avenge your father." Char whispered in his ear.

Luke's eyes suddenly bloomed with divine light.

Then, an invisible dagger was stuffed into his hand.

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