I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 201: Peter Yaeger's Women (2)

Chapter 201: Peter Yaeger's Women (2)

“As you know, I am a Princess. Because of that, I was intensively taught how to live elegantly and with dignity, befitting a Princess. I know how to dance beautifully at balls, and I have deeply studied literature, art, languages, and music. If ever my beloved wishes to hear, I can play an instrument or sing with a lovely voice.”

As Louise said, all the education received by the empire’s noble ladies was intended to make them good wives and proper ladies.

Therefore, the ladies presented in the marriage market were generally beautiful and elegant.

Especially Louise, who was born beautiful and had dreamt of marrying a prince charming from a young age, had honed herself with the determination to become a Princess worthy of him, earning her recognition as the most intellectual and elegant beauty in social circles.

This was completely different from Laura, who, with the dream of attending a military academy and becoming a commander like her father, had only the minimal cultural education of a noble lady.

“However, to be honest, General Yaeger, although a count and general of the empire, lacks the cultural refinement of a noble due to his focus on war, right?”

“That’s him. So, even at social gatherings, he often dances poorly or can’t engage in conversations about fashionable literature, performances, or artistic topics with other nobles.”

“So, no matter how well I sing or how much cultural refinement I possess, those facts won’t be very appealing to him.”

Laura could not hide her astonishment upon hearing this.

Because Louise’s words meant that to become family with General Yaeger, she was willing to set aside the refinement and dignity of a Princess and respect Laura von Benner as a person, which was a surprising act considering someone who had lived with great pride and self-esteem in her status and way of life was willing to forsake what she valued most.

“So, I made my own efforts. Whenever I had time, I set aside the books of knights’ stories I used to enjoy and opened military science books that General Yaeger knows and likes. I also called on Baron Chepelin to learn the military knowledge taught at the academy, so I could properly engage in conversations with General Yaeger when he visits.”

After saying that, the Princess naturally placed a first-year academy textbook, marked with her own use, on the desk.

“This is the introduction to military science textbook I used when learning from Baron Chepelin. At first, I didn’t even want to open it because I couldn’t understand anything, but as I continued to study, I was glad to be able to somewhat understand the discussions General Yaeger had.”

Laura, Charlotte, and Anastasia looked through the textbook the Princess had brought out.

Indeed, it was filled with evidence of Louise von Reich’s efforts to get even slightly closer to her much-admired General Yaeger.

Important parts of the textbook were underlined, and the margins were densely filled with annotations.

Anyone could tell at a glance that the Princess’s affection for General Yaeger was genuine because of this.

“Based on what I learned here, when I asked about training the 7th Guard Division, he patiently explained everything with a serious expression. It was truly wonderful. It was incomparable to the flattery from other young noblemen eager to make even a small connection with me. I was so happy that even Baron Chepelin’s introduction to military science lectures, which I initially didn’t understand, became enjoyable.”

Laura, Charlotte, and Anastasia were left speechless by the depth of Louise’s sincere love and effort.

“But the more I learned, the more I understood how great the General is, yet I felt a lingering regret. I can wholeheartedly support him and help him regain strength when he’s not on the battlefield, but I can’t be by his side to assist in his most crucial moments like Mrs. Laura. I am envious of that.”

Laura was able to provide direct help and played a significant role in the Ostarica campaign.

Moreover, for about ten years, they had fought together on dangerous battlefields, complementing each other’s weaknesses.

In that aspect, Laura and Peter Yaeger shared a much broader empathy than other noble couples, being close both mentally and physically.

Even so, Laura could empathize with the Princess’s words of envy.

She experienced not being able to assist him during a life-threatening situation on Richten Hill due to her pregnancy with Friedrich.

Louise directly took Laura’s hand, who was looking at her in surprise, and said,

“That’s why I have no intention of competing with you. We can be of help in different areas, and both you, Mrs. Laura, and I are women whom General Yaeger needs.”

Laura looked at the Princess and thought,

‘General Yaeger is such an outstanding person with many rivals, and the responsibilities and burdens he bears are on a different level from mine. He often has nightmares about the events on Richten Hill; can I alone truly say I’m enough to share his burdens?’

After pondering a bit and considering it coldly, the answer was no.

So, she had been considering deep down for quite some time about getting Anastasia and Charlotte involved with General Yaeger.

Next, Louise took Charlotte’s and Anastasia’s hands and said,

“I’ve heard a lot about the battle on Richten Hill from the General. Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia carried the General on her horse during the retreat, saving his life. And if Charlotte hadn’t taken care of him, he would have died from exhaustion after the battle.”

Using her pride, status as a Princess, and diplomatic skills, Louise successfully united Charlotte, Anastasia, and Laura.

At the same time, Peter Yaeger was being overworked by the Crown Prince, who slightly resented him for daring to take away the sister he uniquely trusted and cherished in the royal family.

“General Yaeger, you know I really care about you, right? Ah, of course, everyone should know how much I cherish the 7th Guard Division, too.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I am well aware.”

“So, you’ll drink on their behalf. A bottle of this wine costs a few gold, but what are a few bottles for you and the officers of the 7th Division? I trust you won’t refuse my hospitality.”

“Your Highness, I have official documents to process tomorrow…”

“Your father-in-law will take care of that.”

Therefore, that day, General Yaeger and the male officers of the 7th Guard Division drank an enormous amount of alcohol—at least two bottles of wine and 1L of beer per person.

In Korea, if a Crown Prince did that, it would be considered violence, but in the macho culture of the Reich Empire, it was seen as an immense reward, leaving everyone more than satisfied.

Except for someone who suffered the most.

The next afternoon, at Peter Yaeger’s residence.

“The Crown Prince said that he doesn’t get along with the other princesses because of political interests, and that he only cherishes Louise. But giving me so much alcohol… Can I really go to work tomorrow?”

As I mumbled that, a savory and sweet smell mixed with the distinctive oily aroma of cooking sausage entered through the crack of the door.

It seemed that Laura and Charlotte were making food to help me recover from the hangover.

“Master, it’s time to get up. Sleeping too much because of a severe hangover is not good for your health.”

“Sorry, but I’m too weak to stand. Could you help me up a little?”

“Yes, just a moment.”

Charlotte, using her experience of helping wounded soldiers to their field beds in Richten, easily supported me, despite my larger and heavier body.

During this process, my right hand and chest seemed to touch Charlotte’s chest, and I felt embarrassed. When I looked at her face…

It seemed she was also quite concerned about supporting me.

Her face was blushing.

So, I wanted to walk on my own if possible, but I didn’t have the strength for it right now.

Thus, supported by Charlotte, who had just turned 20, I carefully went to sit at the desk.

On the desk, there were sausages fried in garlic oil, potatoes, and bread made from a mix of rye and barley, which I often ate to cure hangovers.

Inside the kitchen, Laura, Louise, and Anya were busily moving around.

“Louise, could you please bring the fork and knife?”

“Laura, it’s best to sprinkle a lot of sugar and cinnamon on the churros.”

“Anya, if we have milk or fruit juice instead of beer, please bring that.”

I don’t know what happened yesterday, but Laura and Anya had been subtly competing with each other to the point of sparks flying.

Louise was a Princess, so Laura and Anya should find it awkward to interact with her, but what happened to make them so close and affectionate, almost like a family?

Did someone use magic?

Suddenly, Louise came to my side and put down a knife and fork, saying,

“To become a wife who is loved by you, instead of using my status as a Princess to create discomfort between Laura, Anya, Charlotte, and myself, I thought it would be better for us to get along as well as possible. So, I put aside my pride first and persuaded us to get along well together.”

…Hearing that, I was both grateful and slightly bewildered.

Seeing me like that, Louise whispered quietly in my ear,

“If I were to use my status as a Princess to argue with Laura, Anya, and Charlotte, you would surely distance yourself from me. I want to be loved, so I put myself down quite a bit. So, in return, you have to love me as much as possible, my prince.”

To think she would set aside her pride for me, solving not just familial issues but also various political interests.

I see why the Crown Prince and the Emperor cherished Louise so much.

Yes, I really was the world’s greatest thief.

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