I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 217 Intergalactic Investigator

"Welcome, Section Chief 112 Aamon. Lord Beelzebub awaits you." An electronic voice echoed in the empty hallway before a secret door appeared out of nowhere.

"Always taking unnecessary security measures..." Aamon sighed and walked inside the dark room.

This Xyran had pale blue skin with small horns protruding from his forehead. Which were the characteristic of low ranking members of their society. His raven hair was tied in a clean braid which made it look like some kind of a whip extending from the back of his head.

"When half of the galaxy wants to get rid of you, these 'unnecessary security' measures wouldn't seem so unnecessary." Beelzebub gestured for Aamon to sit down but not before paying his respects first.

No matter how many centuries it had been since Beelzebub last stepped on a battlefield, he would always be known as the King of Gluttony. However, he wasn't called that because of his greed or hunger, but solely for his lust for consuming his foes.

But nowadays, Beelzebub had given up his old ways and no longer indulged in such bizarre rituals. However, the horror he had exhibited during the last civil war, was enough not to let anyone mess with him.

That being said, it didn't mean that he had stopped doing dirty deeds altogether. He had simply decided to use others to do his bidding in the promise of power, money, and fame. Basically, everything any living organism in an ever-growing civilization would want.

"How can I be of your service this time, sir?" Aamon asked Beelzebub.

"I would like you to investigate a... tier 2 planet."

"Tier 2 Planet? What could you possibly want from there sir?"

"It's not what I want, but who I want. Lucifer had been acting suspiciously and I have reasons to believe that traitorous bastard Astaroth is still alive and somewhere on that planet."

"What? But I thought-"

"While it's a shame that my plan to kill him failed," Beelzebub took a swig from his drink, "It's not too late to finish the job. For obvious reasons, I can not do anything myself. My hands are tied taking care of the things here. That's why you will have to do the job for me."

He continued, "Visit Planet earth and investigate Astaroth's whereabouts. Do not even think about coming back here without finding some damning evidence. I don't have to explain what will happen to you if you fail me, do I?"

"Not at all, sir. I'd die before disappointing you."

"What will your death accomplish, you fool?" Beelzebub shook his head in dismay, "Just... do what I ask. The money will get deposited in your account as usual. Now go."

Aamon bowed once again before disappearing into the shadows. While he had never visited any lower tier planets before, he had heard about earth quite a few times. Especially in the last century, because of Astaroth and the civil war.

It wasn't an exciting planet, to visit at the least. A downright boring and primitive civilisation that no one would have even noticed if they weren't so hell-bent on destroying themselves. Even after their intervention, the situation of the planet remained more or less the same, which made the planet feel hopeless to the Xyrans.

That's why most of them had even forgotten about it. That was also the reason why the technical support related to the mutants inhabiting the planet had been severely reduced as well.

While most of the mutants from other planets under their jurisdiction had their own administrators to guide them, it was a miracle if anyone from earth made a contact with the admins.

Even the few Xyrans that were allotted to look after the earth, were forced to do so and it was comparable to punishing someone. In short, the earth was was planet none of them gave a shit about.

"Meh, there's no point thinking about it anymore. Since King of Gluttony has given me the orders, I have an obligation to do so. I hope that dissonant place has beautiful women to offer."

Aamon sighed while heading over to the ship bay, the place where all of their private and governmental ships were kept at.

Usually, Aamon would have selected a spaceship belonging to the government to carry out his missions as the full prices to get those things running wasn't anything to laugh at. But since this was Beelzebub's personal request, he had little choice but to use his own vehicle.

"Aamon, long time no see!" Another low-ranking Xyran greeted him, "Where to this time?"

"No fixed destination, Preta." Aamon replied, "Pull my babe out of her prison cell, will you?"

"You are one weird Xyran, Aamon. You don't have some weird fetish for your Glider, do you?"

"You got a death wish?"

"Believe me, man, I don't judge." Preta laughed, "How much fuel should I add?"

"... Fill her up," Aamon mumbled underneath his breath.


"Fill the damn thing up to the brim!"

As mentioned before, the fuel prices for Xyrans wasn't a joke. Even after achieving the highest possible technological advancement, the tier 7 civilisation had failed in its battle with fuel prices.

It was because of that when a stingy guy like Aamon wanted to fill the tank up, Preta couldn't help but ask again. Just to make sure he heard him right.

"Relax, no need to yell at me. It's just that the prices of star shards have increased once again." Preta shook his head in dismay, "I promised my wife a vacation, but man, I really don't wanna blow savings on fucking fuel!"

"Damn, how much is it?"

"450 Yeno per shard."

The look on Aamon's face said it all. Although he had enough money to fill the tank, it would leave quite a significant blow to his bank balance.

"How many shards would you need?" Preta knew exactly how many shards Aamon's glider could store, but that didn't stop him from messing with him.

"Around a thousand..."

"What the hell? I can buy a fucking solar system for that much!" Preta laughed and charged Aamon for his services, "Adding storing cost and refuelling cost... you will have to pay 600,000 Yenos. Thanks for doing business with us!"

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