I Became The Academy’s Narrow-Eyes

Chapter 102: Dungeon Clear

Chapter 102: Dungeon Clear

< Chapter 102: Dungeon Clear >

"He, he lies fallen at the place where you were summoned."

I responded to Miss Phibian ‘s question with the most sophisticated tone I could muster from my right arm.

"Summoned alone, not like us? Why?"

At that, Miss Phibian reprimanded me with a prickly attitude.

‘Why, you ask? It's because that's the only way it makes sense for me not to be there.'

After my business as a right arm was finished, I had planned to rush to him, who was pretending to be fallen.


What's this?

I was taken aback by Miss Phibian ‘s pungent yet unusual reaction.

Until now, whenever I revealed my power while adopting the tone of my right arm, people invariably showed the utmost fear or awe.

And it was not because of the sophisticated atmosphere of the right arm, but because of the nature of the power I possessed.

I had mastered dark magic with this unique power.

I had mastered assassination techniques.

Both were considered the essence of evil in this world, corrupt powers.

Therefore, not hiding my power, I was like an incarnation of a fearsome deity.

Accepting such an entity as an equal was almost an impossible task.

Even Redar and Daltasian, who are friendly towards the true Harasin, could not fully hide their fear when facing me in my right arm mode.

But now, Miss Phibian ‘s attitude.

There's not even a trace of fear.

"Why have your responses been so slow? Are you perhaps concocting some excuse?"

Far from fearing me, she seems to even regard me with disdain.

‘What's this…?'

The thought crossed my mind for a moment.

Is Miss Phibian not afraid of me revealing my power?

Is she not disgusted?

Could it be, she might accept me even if I reveal my true identity?


That couldn't be it.

It seems I've been unconsciously stressed about having to hide my identity from everyone.

It's like expecting something only someone with a flower for a brain would.

Miss Phibian ‘s behavior right now.

Let's interpret it coldly.

Considering Miss Phibian ‘s personality, perhaps this is just bravado.

She's annoyed by the current situation where she has to feel fear towards a warlock like me, and she's transforming that annoyance into bravado.

‘That's it.'

The moment I thought of it, the phrase ‘As expected of Miss Phibian ‘ naturally came to mind, confirming this was indeed the answer.

Even after I had just shown them a dark magic performance of oozing and sticky tentacle show, her daring attitude was surprising.

It seemed reckless, but considering who was behind Miss Phibian, it was a perfectly understandable action.

A noble family.

And the owner of that noble family, the green tower's master, the grand mage.

If we were to translate this into the context of another fantasy universe, it would essentially place him in a position no different from royalty.

Would the legitimate heir of a great family fear a mere warlock?

How could they bow their heads to a mere warlock?

Therefore, this is not recklessness, but pride.

It is dignity.

How cool, Miss Phibian.

Hug me.


In a way, I open my mouth to give a premeditated excuse to Miss Phibian, who seems to be trying not to give me time to think of excuses.

It's a critical moment.

My main character, Ceylon, standing is quite precarious now.

I dragged Miss Phibian into this dungeon with dubious information.

And to top it off, I was not the only one summoned to the cave of the monster.

In fact, I was summoned just fine and even managed to save people by changing my form but-

To others, it might not look like I cleverly escaped the crisis on my own.

A person delivering food to the monster.

It was a perfect situation to be suspected.

The reason why Ceylon is not a person delivering food to the monster.

The reason why Ceylon was not summoned alone to the monster's cave,

I must not mumble.

Explaining in detail as the right arm might not preserve my dignity, but I must clarify here and now.

Resisting the power of the summoning alone?

No. That's not it.

It's absurd to think that a novice, aspiring to reach the 3rd level of power, could resist a force that even a Hollow of the 6th realm could not resist.


"The structure of the barrier."

"The structure of the barrier?"

"It was designed to prioritize the summoning of those with strong powers."

"What, you're saying that monster spit him out because he was too weak and tasteless?"

"Exactly, it's more accurate to say that the barrier's power was exhausted right before it was about to swallow that person last."

Hallow, who was listening beside us, nodded his head.

"I see. That's a relief. Such an experience would only bring fear, not learning, to the youth."


And Miss Phibian –

‘What's with that expression.'


He's become quite adept at lying.

How nice for him.

Being so good at deceiving others.

Pitiful human.

It was an expression that seemed to convey such words.

Surely, it must be my imagination.

"Well, that person was indeed weak. A weakling who's no match for me. A person who's nothing without luck and cunning. A coward who only runs away for fear of losing again in a fight with me. A loser. A pitiful person. A fool. An ugly. A loser. A small fry. A person whose greatest achievement in life is passing the academy entrance exam. A person who will lose the top rank as soon as the semester starts."

And then, she suddenly starts pouring out harsh words towards Ceylon, who is not present here, as if she were provoking him.

"Huh? What's with that reaction? I insulted Ceylon. Why are you the one who's offended?"

Miss Phibian.

She's wearing a mask right now.

Even behind the mask, she wasn't looking at Miss Phibian with a pleased expression but rather as if watching a curious spectacle.

It seemed like our Miss Phibian was quite shocked by this incident.

Showing such mentally unstable behavior.

Let's wrap this up quickly.

So that our Miss Phibian can return from the dungeon and regain her physical and mental stability as soon as possible.

I pulled out what I had hidden.

"Wow, sh*t!? That's freaking huge!!!"

Boltone's eyes went wide.

"Wow, that's massive…"

"I've never seen anything that big…"

Following that, Hallow and Daltasian also expressed their admiration for it – the core of the dungeon.

A spherical crystal resting heavily in the palm of my hand.

This was a chunk of mana that constituted and maintained the mana space known as the dungeon – a kind of mana stone.

It was the reason countless adventurers risked their lives in dungeons.

"Judging by the color, the density of the mana is considerable."

"With this size, it would be classified as at least a grade 7 mana stone…?"

Dorn and Elysia murmured, looking at the interior of the dungeon core that seemed like dark blue paint dissolved in water.

"How much would this sell for…?"


Irene and Dorn, with eyes turned into the shape of gold coins, swallowed their saliva.

Just like that.

I extended the large and beautiful object, which everyone admired without reserve, towards Miss Phibian .


Miss Phibian looked at it with an indifferent expression.

"Why are you giving this to me?"

"A coin fallen on the right path. It's only right that the right foot claims it."

As I said that, Daltasian beside me nodded his head with a dignified expression.

"We, the true followers of Harasin, do not covet wealth."


When did he apply to join our guild?

And when did I approve it?


Miss Phibian looked at me and Daltasian with a ‘really making a scene here' expression.

Yet, she accepted the dungeon core purely and then smirked with a mischievous smile.

"So, your point is? It's only natural for me to have it all to myself?"


"Ah~? Is that so~? Then, I don't need to share this with anyone else~? Ceylon, that guy asked for a share of the dungeon conquest. It's okay not to share it with him, right?"

Miss Phibian started to tease me, who is not present here, again.

What on earth could have caused Miss Phibian to hold a grudge against Ceylon?

It was beyond me to know.

"Huh? You're slow to respond? Are you thinking again?"

"…That's your affair. It's not my place to interfere."

"Oh~? Why is it not your place to interfere? It's our matter, isn't it~? Don't be like that, tell me. You caught that monster, so I'll follow your word. Should I share it with him, or not?"


Please share.


I barely managed to hold back those words and maintained the dignity of my right arm.

Turning my gaze away from Miss Phibian, I looked at the others.

"Huh!? Ignoring me!? If I do this, I really won't share it!? I told you!?"

Ignoring Miss Phibian, who began to throw a tantrum, I delivered my closing statement.

As I had done previously to Daltasian.

When the story was over.

Several people's eyes had turned like Daltasian's.

‘They're sparkling tremendously…!'

That's a good sign, right?

I pray that it is.

Feeling a bit of anxiety and overwhelming pressure, I took a few steps back.

Then, I blended into the darkness at the corner of the cave, pretending to have left the place.

It was a combination technique I created by mixing assassination skills and dark magic, just to keep up appearances as the right arm.

In animations or movies, the big villains usually exit like this.

"What!? Where did he go all of a sudden!?"

At that moment.

"Please hold this for a moment."

"Ah!? Miss Leolalian- where are you going!?"


Miss Phibian entrusted the dungeon core to Hollow and started running at an incredible speed, as if riding the wind.

"The stone gate! We need to go faster than that guy!"

"Who are you referring to-"

Oh no.

Miss Phibian.

Slow down- Just a bit slower…!

‘I'm screwed!'

I fully relaxed my assassination muscle.

While negating the sensation so Miss Phibian couldn't detect me, I ran at my maximum speed.

Soon, I overtook Miss Phibian and arrived in front of the open stone gate.

‘Quick, quick…!'

I destroyed the existing barrier on the stone gate without a trace using a dispelling spell of negation.

And then, as I had told Miss Phibian – I overlaid a new dark magic barrier that summons those with strong powers first to a specific location.

For naturalness, I exhausted all the mana of the barrier and slightly damaged it with a dispelling spell to create signs of wear, then moved to the opposite side of the stone gate.

Returning to my original form, I fell to the ground.

As if I had been unconscious all along due to the barrier.

It was a close call.

I finished all the work and a few seconds later, Miss Phibian arrived at the place.


Lying down, I heard Miss Phibian clicking her tongue as she looked at me.

‘Now, Miss Phibian. Why?'

I realized Miss Phibian ran to me in a flash because she was worried about me, and I was moved by that knowledge.

But that ‘tsk' was not the ‘tsk' of someone worried.

It was the ‘tsk' of someone feeling regret or frustration.


As I was confused, a tickling sensation began to emerge.

It was a breeze.

A very slight wind tickled my nose, ears, nape, armpits, eyebrows—

Every ticklish spot was tickled.

"Miss Phibian!?"

Why are you doing this?

It's driving me crazy.

Insanely ticklish.

I felt like I was about to make a squinting, squealing sound at any moment.

If it weren't for my special power, I would have burst into laughter and blown my cover.

"Can you endure this? You're really tough!"

I don't understand what I'm supposed to be enduring.


Soon, the Daltasian Party and the Hallow Party arrived.


The Hallow saw me lying on the ground and felt him approaching.

"Oh, Ceylon! My brother!!!"

Then, Bolton pushed Hallow aside and came closer to me.

"Brother! Brother!!! Come to your senses!"

Why am I your brother?

This is so annoying, baldy.


Anyway, the time has come.


I pretended to regain consciousness as Bolton shook me.


I stood up and looked at the party members.

"What in the world…"

Then, I locked eyes with Miss Phibian first.

"Tsuh… no?"

The face of Miss Phibian, unsure and tilting her head as she looked at me.

"Why is she looking like that…?"

Anyway, it was a relief.

"Brother, what happened there. You should have seen it."

"What happened in there. You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"I'm jealous~ I wish I could erase everything that happened there from my memory too~"

"Ugh… those tentacles and flesh… ugh…! Just thinking about it again-"

Fortunately, it seemed like the party members believed what Right Arm had said.

Judging by their friendly attitude towards me.

No one seemed to think of me as the villain behind all this, the delivery boy feeding them.

Ceylon was not the perpetrator but another victim.



I checked the reward I had received through this dungeon exploration.

When I realized that the guide that led me here was a troll post.

The first thing I was worried about was the artifacts listed as the dungeon exploration rewards.

Without them, I couldn't complete the main quest of reaching the realm of 3 stars in swordsmanship before the first class.

But fortunately.

The reward wasn't a troll.

‘I knew it was too good to be a reward for a level 5 dungeon.'

I smiled contentedly, feeling the little one soundly asleep in my arms.

[Artifact: Soul of the Devourer]

[Grade: Legendary]

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