I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 63: Deserters (2)

Chapter 63: Deserters (2)

More often than not, ominous premonitions tended to come true and unwanted events were bound to happen.

Such was the law of the world.

After five days of travel, what Dale encountered was a group of hundreds of bandits waiting in the distance.

It seemed the bandits had not learned their lesson from their previous defeat as they now boldly initiated a confrontation.

Rebecca muttered in disbelief,

How audacious. One would think they were a regular army.

Instead of opting for a surprise attack under the cover of night, they were brazenly waiting in the plains.

Whats more, despite being mere bandits, they were flaunting an elegant flag adorned with a silver shield.

Could it be that they didnt see themselves as bandits?

Dale quickly assessed the strength of their opponents.

There are no ambushes, and their number exceeds two hundred. At a glance, it seems slightly less than a hundred of them are well-armed. The remaining 150 or so appear to be new recruits, and theres also a small contingent of cavalry.

You can see all that from this distance?

Rebecca looked surprised and Dale nodded his head.

Having lost all other senses, Dales sight and hearing were far superior to those of an ordinary person.

He had managed to discern both the weapons of the bandits waiting in the distant plains and the quality of their troops.

It seems theyve come out prepared for a serious fight.

Did they believe they could win?

As Dale scrutinized the enemy lines, he noticed people in shabby clothes being held captive.

They were mostly elderly people and children. Dale realized what they were intended for.

Are those the villagers theyve captured? Looks like they plan to use them as human shields.

Young women and men could be useful in their own ways.

But the elderly and children were not as useful Yet, it seemed they had found a way to exploit them nonetheless.

Rebecca too must have spotted the captured villagers as she let out a deep sigh.

To stand against the army of demons, soldiers had to fight with utmost efficiency and cruelty. It seems those deserters are keen on applying what theyve learned.

She turned her gaze to Gabriel.

Gabriel nodded his head and issued an order.

Everyone! Form up for battle!

It is disadvantageous to line up the carriages and move forward. Gabriel reorganized the carriages into five columns before advancing slowly forward.

The carriages would also serve as cover during the battle.

It was now clear that a battle was imminent. Both the mercenaries and the private soldiers were abuzz.

Are all those bandits?

What a number

No one said anything about fighting these many.

Harkin in particular was making a fuss.

Look at that formation Could they be soldiers?

Theyre said to be deserters.


Harkins eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly scanned his surroundings and slowed his pace.

Esther looked at Harkin with half-narrowed eyes.

Im saying this just in case, but if you run away during the mission, Harkin, youll be expelled from the mercenary guild.

Ah, run away? That would be serious. Im just, you know, scouting for any ambush that might be lurking behind us.

Ah, I see.

As they talked, the distance between the enemy and their own forces steadily decreased until they were within range of arrows.


Their forces came to a unified halt at Gabriels command.

Both sides stared at each other for a moment.

The new recruits among the bandits fidgeted with agitation for the impending battle.

On the other hand, the deserters stood calmly and were eyeing them with a steady gaze.

Then, the formation of the bandits split in half, moving aside to create a path.

And a dwarf with unusually bloodshot eyes emerged through the newly formed path.

The man was similar to or slightly shorter than an ordinary human male but was extremely tall by dwarf standards.

The dwarf looked over with displeasure and he bellowed loudly.

I am Lapin, the captain of the Silver Shield bandits! I believe you know why we are standing here today!

Hah, hardly a name befitting a band of thieves.

Rebecca remarked and without waiting for a reply, she gestured to Gabriel.

Understanding her signal, Gabriel quietly began preparations for the battle.

But Lapin continued to shout as if he didnt care about their actions.

You have killed my men! Now is the time to pay the price!

Ignoring Lapin, Gabriel gave the command.

Prepare to fire.

The private soldiers armed with bows and crossbows readied themselves to shoot.

Lapin scoffed at the sight and bellowed a command.

Charge in, you bastards!

Only then did the bandits turn towards the captured villagers before raising their weapons and yelling.


If you want to live, run!

The bandits mercilessly stabbed the hesitating captives without hesitation.

The terrified elders and children started running towards their allies, flailing their arms in desperation.

Dont, dont shoot!

We are not bandits!

The private soldiers were taken aback. They turned to Gabriel for guidance.

Wh-What do we do?

And without a moments hesitation, Gabriel responded.

Theyre playing dirty. We have no choice. Just shoot.

But what? What if

How can we know if theyre truly captives or thieves in disguise? Fire now!

The soldiers closed their eyes and released their grip on the bowstrings with heavy hearts.




The captives fell helplessly as the arrows rained down upon them.

Only then did the bandits start closing the distance towards this side with the shieldmen at the forefront.

It was hard to find any sign of guilt on their faces for sacrificing the captured villagers.

They seemed only pleased that they themselves had not been struck by arrows.

Without any hesitation, they trampled over the bodies of the elderly and children as they advanced towards the enemy lines.

Dale saw it all.

From the moment Gabriel ordered to shoot the bandits stepping over the corpses to advance.

His impassive eyes captured the entire scene.

And he thought as he held his sword.

There are 250 people in total Perhaps after this caravan journey, my grade might just increase.

At that moment, Dale decided the fate of the bandits in his heart.

As Dale readied himself for battle with his sword, Harkin who stood beside him muttered to himself.

Lapin. Lapin. Lapin Could it be the giant Lapin?

Dale asked him.

Do you know him?

Ive heard the name. I was in the 2nd Legion, and he was in the 4th, so I dont know exactly. But Ive heard he survived on the battlefield for over a decade. And to have lived that long on the battlefield means.

That he must be quite skilled.


Does that mean hes strong?

If that were the case, killing him would surely result in great progress.

While Dale was assessing the battlefield, the soldiers from both sides finally clashed in the middle.

Kill them all!

Dont falter! Maintain the formation!

Hold the line!

The shieldmen braced fiercely with their shields while the spearmen behind them continuously thrust their spears forward.

The enemy had the advantage in numbers.

However, the caravan side had an advantage that the bandits lacked.

It was the churchs priests.

Light, grant your lambs the strength to resist evil

Mercy upon those who are wounded

The blessings of the priests not only enhanced physical abilities but also instilled courage in the heart.

With this newfound formidable strength, the soldiers and mercenaries pushed back the enemies with renewed vigor.

Even if they were wounded by the enemys weapons, the priests were quick to heal them.

And what was especially notable was Esthers performance.

Esther was capable of bestowing blessings on multiple individuals at the same time or healing deep wounds in an instant.

This was a remarkable growth compared to what she could do before.

This is incredible.

Shes the churchs promising candidate to succeed the saintess

The splendid efforts of the beautiful priestess significantly boosted the morale of the caravan forces.

And they began to aggressively push the enemy back.

The front lines of the enemy were held by veterans who were deserters, and they were taken aback by the unexpectedly strong onslaught.

In the previous battle, the priests didnt have a proper chance to showcase their abilities due to Gabriels mistake.

Thus, the bandits didnt anticipate that the other side would have so many priests.

But they too were veteran warriors who had faced even more challenging situations.

They knew all too well that in war, the side that endures to the end emerges victorious.

The bandits held their lines with gritted teeth.

Meanwhile, the confrontation intensified in the middle.

The bandits also made their move.

About ten cavalrymen, who had been held in reserve on the right, began to move.

They skillfully maneuvered their horses and targeted the flanks and rear of the caravan forces.

The caravan archers released arrows and bolts, but each time, the cavalrymen mockingly widened the distance.

The cavalrymen adeptly whittled down their forces.

Rebecca let out a sigh.

If only we had cavalry at a time like this!

The best match for cavalry is another cavalry.

Gabriel flinched at Rebeccas words. He was the one responsible for the loss of their cavalry after all.

It was then that Dale stepped forward.

I will go.

You? What can you possibly?

Instead of answering, Dale sprinted towards the left side of the caravan forces where the enemy cavalry was running rampant.

Its easier to deal with cavalry that can potentially strike from behind if they are taken care of in advance.

Otherwise, the caravan formation could collapse and the enemy might break through to directly target the priests.

Just as the enemy cavalry was harassing and disrupting the soldiers and mercenaries there,

Dale reached out to a mercenary standing nearby with a spear in hand.

Ill borrow this.

What? Bu-But this is mine?

Just for a moment.

When Dale spoke again with a hint of irritation, the mercenary hastily handed over the spear.

Feeling the weight of the spear, Dale quickly extended his right arm backward and his left arm forward while aiming at the enemy.

After taking aim for a moment, he threw the spear.


The spear flew at a terrifying speed and hit a cavalryman square in the chest.


The chainmail armor prevented the spear from piercing through but the impact was enough to overthrow the cavalryman.

The rampaging cavalrymen all turned to look at Dale in unison.

Thats the one

Be careful.

Dale expected them to flee immediately.

But they didnt.

Whether it was to protect their fallen comrade or to circle Dale, the enemy cavalry began to run around him at a wide distance.

Even if the new recruits dont have it, the deserters seem to share a strong bond.

In fact, they got along well because they were from the same legion.

Dale took out his axe as he watched the cavalrymen whirling around dizzyingly.

He rolled the axe in his palm with a practiced flick.

And in the next moment, he hurled it at the closest cavalryman.

Think you can hit me!

The prepared cavalryman immediately extended his buckler to deflect the axe.

Unless its a surprise attack, I can block this much.


The axe collided with the buckler, and the cavalrymans eyes widened in shock.

The force behind the axe was stronger than expected.


The cavalryman lost his balance and fell under his horse.

The other cavalrymen were taken aback by the sight, but they did not waste the opportunity created by their comrade.

Two cavalrymen charged towards Dale from opposite directions.

The leading cavalryman anchored himself using just the strength of his thighs and grasped his sword with both hands.

The momentum and weight of the charging horse were fully transferred to the sword.

He dazzled Dale with a flurry of swift movements while swinging his arms in a dazzling display.

But Dale calmly deciphered the trajectory of the movements. He was reminded of a strong opponent he had faced not long ago.


Could it be that their swordsmanship shared the same origin? There were many similarities in their movements. But compared to Kristen

Its too lousy.

The path of the attack was blatantly obvious.

Kristen would never have attacked in such a manner.

Anticipating the direction of the incoming attack, Dale extended his sword in preparation.

In the next moment, his opponent acted exactly as Dale had predicted.


The shock in the enemys eyes was clear but it was already too late.

Dale smoothly raised his sword and sliced through the exposed neck of his opponent.

The cavalryman instinctively clutched at his throat as a thin red line appeared which was soon followed by a gush of blood.

He then collapsed on the spot.

Immediately, Dale seized the fallen cavalrymans body and turned around.

Another cavalryman charging from behind was about to bring down a large double-edged axe in a vertical swing.

Dale thrust the dead cavalrymans body forward.

The double-edged axe buried itself into the dead body but didnt completely pierce through.

The cavalryman who was dressed in chainmail armor served as an effective shield.

You bastard!

The other cavalryman erupted in rage at the sight of Dale using his comrade as a shield.

However, the moment the first attack failed, the outcome was already determined.

Dale pressed his relic gauntlet against the waist of the cavalryman and released a shockwave.

Bang! With a loud crash, the cavalryman was sent rolling across the ground before eventually coming to a halt.

It was a clean victory.

Dale quickly absorbed the life force from the two fallen cavalrymen.

And as he did so, he started thinking.

. Have my skills improved?

It wasnt just a feeling of becoming faster or more robust physically.

It was the art of combat.

More precisely, his skill in wielding the sword had improved.

Was it the fight with Kristen that led to this enlightenment? Even so, the growth seemed substantial

Dale didnt make much of it. It wasnt surprising that real combat could enhance ones abilities.

He was simply satisfied.

It was then that the cavalrymen realized this dark knight was a more formidable opponent than they had anticipated.

They hesitated for a moment before attempting to flee.

But Dale was not one to just watch.

He skillfully threw his grappling hook.


The hook caught on the chainmail of the cavalryman at the back.

Dale pulled the rope and started dragging the cavalryman on the ground.

Without hesitation, he slit the cavalrymans throat and immediately sought his next prey.

What caught his eye was a hesitating horse without a rider.

Without a second thought, Dale mounted the horse.


The horse reared up as it was startled by the dark knights sinister and cold aura and was trying to shake Dale off in fright.

Yet, Dale maintained his balance and gave the horse a light smack on the bottom.

Calm down. Run.

The horse didnt exactly calm down, but it did start to run.

Driven by fear, the horse ran faster than expected.

And the distance between them and the other cavalrymen slowly began to close. The fleeing cavalrymen were astonished.

What in the world

Someone had taken over one of their horses!

Instead of responding, Dale threw his grappling hook once again.

A terrified cavalryman raised his spear to deflect the hook.

Its something Ive practiced before.

When Dale was practicing hook throwing on Fraud in the past, the latter would always try to knock the hook away with his weapon.

As a result, Dale had no choice but to practice countering this move as well.

Dale gave the rope attached to the hook a slight tug, causing the twisted hook and rope to wrap around the spear.


The cavalryman struggled desperately to keep his weapon but it was futile.

The cavalryman was far too weak compared to the unruly Fraud.

He was immediately pulled off his horse by Dales forceful tug.

Six people were killed in an instant.

Only after losing half their number did the cavalrymen realize that Dale was not an opponent to be taken lightly.

Zod has fallen!

Scatter, scatter!

They dispersed in all directions.

But Dale was determined to pursue and eliminate each of them, no matter how long it took.

Dale spurred his horse forward.

On the other hand, the private soldiers and the mercenaries could only watch in stunned silence as Dale single-handedly decimated the enemys cavalry.


Lapin surveyed the battlefield. The situation was, as expected, not good.

Their forces were gradually being pushed back.

The one advantage they had was in their cavalry, but even that was being thwarted by some dark knight.

If one flank were to break, the entire formation would collapse.

But Lapin was unfazed.

He harbored no fear of defeat since he possessed a special weapon.

Lapin caressed a cylindrical tool made of dark-colored metal.

It resembled a cannon in appearance.

However, it was smaller than a typical cannon, small enough to be carried and moved with both hands.

Lapin gently stroked the surface of this relic cannon.

Bizarre inscriptions were etched on the surface of the cannon.

Lapin could not decipher these characters.

Yet, deep in his heart, he thought they were beautiful.

A strong urge welled up inside him.

He was eager to test this weapon.

Lapin lifted the relic cannon.

He aimed the cannon at the entangled soldiers as if he was entranced.

Show them your beauty too.

He stroked the cannon one last time and in the next moment,

The relic cannon began to spew green flames towards the sky.

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