I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Do you want to take revenge and wipe out the An Kingdom, Peng Kingdom, and Shang Kingdom that destroyed your nation, to let them taste the bitterness of extinction? Lin Beifan said with a smile.

The Emperor of the Mo Kingdom nodded without hesitation: Of course! If possible, I would like to destroy your Xia Kingdom as well!

Lin Beifan became angry: Long Paopao, watch your words. It wasnt I who destroyed your Mo Kingdom!

The Emperor of the Mo Kingdom glared back resentfully: If it wasnt for you, would I have lost 600,000 troops? If it wasnt for your actions weakening my military, would the three kingdoms have attacked? Therefore, you are the real culprit!

Fine, if youre so intent on slinging mud, theres nothing I can do! Anyway, I am just a foolish emperor, already covered in so much dirt, whats the harm in one more bucket! Now, I just want to ask you, do you want to annihilate those three kingdoms?

Of course I do! I dream of it! The Emperor of the Mo Kingdom said through gritted teeth.

I can help you! Lin Beifan exclaimed loudly.

You help me? How can you help me? the Mo Kingdom Emperor asked, puzzled.

Of course, by wiping them out! After all, once your Mo Kingdom is gone, they will come after me next!

Thats true!

The Mo Kingdom Emperor took pleasure in his misfortune: Its your own fault for offending both the Shang Kingdom and the An Kingdom without discrimination. Now that the Mo Kingdom is no more, they will naturally come after you. Your good days are over! I hope you can hold out longer and not end up with a destroyed country and home like me, becoming a king without a country, haha!

Thank you for your kind words!

Lin Beifan laughed: It can be said that our mutual interests are aligned. The longer I hold out, the greater the damage to them. Dont you agree?

What you say is true! Although the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend, seeing you all fight each other brings me great joy! said the Mo Kingdom Emperor.

But you know as well, our nation is small and our people are weak; its too difficult to deal with them! So, shouldnt you be offering some support now, just like when I helped you hold off the An Kingdom and the Shang Kingdom?

The Emperor of Mo Kingdom spread his hands: I would like to, but I have nothing at hand. How can I help you?

Lin Beifan spoke with a meaningful tone: No, you do have something and quite a lot at that

The Emperor of Mo Kingdoms eyelids twitched: I dont know what youre talking about! What could I, a monarch of a fallen nation, possibly have?

Lin Beifan leaned in, whispering slyly: Stop pretending. Dont you still have 5 million taels of funds in the Great Li Dynasty? Hand it over, and Ill spare your life and your familys. How about that?

The Emperor of Mo Kingdoms heart pounded wildly, his face turning shades of pale and flushed.

How did he know, how could he possibly know?

He only told the people close to him!

And he had just informed them!

Could there be a traitor among them?

Who is that person to have betrayed me?

Lin Beifan patted the shoulder of the Mo Kingdom Emperor and said with a smile, I hope youll come clean honestly. Dont make it difficult for me!

Knowing that it was useless to quibble any further, the Mo Kingdom Emperor snorted, Do you think if I tell you, you will spare me and my family? I dont believe you would be so kind-hearted! Since thats the case, whats the use of saying anything?

Long Paopao, dont judge others by your own standards!

Lin Beifan said with a smile, If it were you, indeed, you wouldnt let anyone go, but I am different! In my eyes, you pose no threat at all. Whether I release you or not, it makes no difference!

The Emperor of the Mo Kingdom snorted, Arent you afraid that I will come back with a vengeance, seize your lands, and take your head?

Not afraid! Even if you were given another chance, two chances, three chances or even countless opportunities, you still couldnt defeat me! Lin Beifan said with great arrogance, his tone filled with thick confidence.

The Emperor of the Mo Kingdoms body shook once more.

Because he felt that Lin Beifans words were not empty talk, but confidence.

Confidence built on strength.

Recalling the defeats of these past days, he felt that he might have underestimated the foolish Emperor before him.

Mo Kingdom Emperor said with profound meaning, It seems that I, along with everyone else in the world, have underestimated you!

Thank you for the compliment; youre the first person to say that! Lin Beifan replied with a slight smile.

Good! I can give you five million taels, but I want something else in return! If you dont agree, even if you kill me and everyone else, I will never speak! the Mo Kingdom Emperor declared resolutely.

What condition? Lets hear it, Lin Beifan said with a smile.

The Mo Kingdom Emperor spoke loudly, Starting today, I and my family will reside in your Xia Kingdom! You can have us watched and even restrict our movements, but you must ensure our safety! Moreover, you must announce this to the outside world and let everyone know. Do you dare?

Lin Beifan was shocked; the other party had actually proposed this condition.

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