I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 14: Ersil (2)

Chapter 14: Ersil (2)

TL/Editor: looloo

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

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11 PM.

As I worked with the Demonic Qi, time slipped away. Before I knew it, it was late into the night.

[How is it?] the voice asked.

"It's intriguing," I replied.

Despite the Demonic Qi acting as mana to a degree, it's different from mana in nature. Yet, once Spirit Against Heaven was included, the energy's efficiency became quite similar to that of mana. Not that I can confirm since I'm not using mana.


As I pondered this, a blue window materialized before my eyes.

[The special stats Nyeom () and Demonic Qi will combine. The conceptual stat, Spirit Against Heaven (), will replace them.]

[With the replacement of Nyeom () and Demonic Qi by Spirit Against Heaven (), all related abilities will increase.]

"Oh," I muttered, surprised. As I examined the description of Spirit Against Heaven, my eyes widened in bewilderment. A conceptual stat isn't something you can just stumble upon.

Composing myself, I moved the energy of Body Against Heaven. Now it slid more easily, moving from its position near my heart.

No, it's more accurate to say it moved as naturally as my own limbs.

[What's happening...?] the Heavenly Demon asked, its voice thick with confusion.

Ignoring its question, I silently channeled my energy.

Black Abyss.


Black Spirit curled and coiled, covering my hands until both were completely enveloped.

[...This can't be happening.]

"Don't you think?" I agreed. It felt impossible to me too.

Spirit Against Heaven, a power now evolved into a conceptual stat. Maybe because it's a 'conceptual stat', it feels markedly different, almost as if it's an extension of my own body.

Conceptual stats differ from special stats. As the name implies, they govern concepts.

This is a power I wouldn't have been able to acquire until my second year at the earliest, even if I had taken the optimal route.

That's assuming I sacrificed everything else just for a single conceptual stat.

Conceptual stats are valuable, but it's unnecessary to make such sacrifices. Even without such drastic measures, it's a power one could gain midway through their second year.

A thought crossed my mind. Choosing the Body Against Heaven, could it be the best route for me?

[By this pace, even the previous owner needed over 5 years of training in the Black Divine Martial Art to attain such power. She was a pioneer in martial arts, but this speed is just] the sword trailed off.

"What about this pace?" I asked.

The Heavenly Demon fell silent.

"Could I learn Black Wings () or Black Abyss ()? Either of the two?"

[Absolutely. With your current level, you could learn either Black Wings or Black Abyss without a hitch,] the sword replied.

I found myself sitting on the floor for a moment.

Black Wings and Black Abyss.

Both are impressive abilities.

[I suggest Black Wings,] the Heavenly Demon spoke.

[Black Abyss may have unbeatable defense, but Black Wings allows for unrestricted movement and limitless possiblities using its wings. Black Abyss has powerful penetration abilities, but... it would be more beneficial for you to use Black Wings to create unexpected variables for your enemies.]

[Even with the energy of Body Against Heaven, it's difficult to penetrate something with focused intent, the world's laws, or multiple layers of magic.]

Difficult, yes.

But not impossible.

[Your combat skills are exceptional. You learn quickly, grasp quickly, and adapt quickly. Even more impressive is how you alter your methods depending on your opponent.]

To be honest, that's just my gaming addiction showing.

It's hard to find someone like me in the real world.

I excelled at strategizing against bosses.

[So, I conclude that Black Wings, aiming for a decisive strike, is better than Black Abyss.]

Black Wings is just as it sounds: a wing. A wing made from the energy of Body Against Heaven.

It moves according to the user's will and grants the advantage of aerial combat.

I found myself torn between the two options. To be honest, I saw it as a luxury problem.

Normally, I would have had to wait at least three months to learn this.

"So, I"

I began, turning to the Heavenly Demon.


Raei Translations


5 AM in the morning.

Time for physical training. Exhausted, I collapsed on the ground, trying to catch my breath.

I felt like I was about to drop dead.

Until Saturday, I had managed to survive, but today they added an extra sandbag because I seemed fine.

Could that be the reason? Beside me, Ersil and Hong Yuhwa lay comfortably.

"Ah, I really hate physical training," I mumbled.

"But it's not too bad," one of them replied.

"Wow, crazy. Look at Hong Yuhwa," another student chimed in.

Following his words, I found myself glancing at Hong Yuhwa. Her shirt clung to her body, soaked with sweat, accentuating her chest.

'...that was a reflex.'

I quickly turned my gaze away.

"Perverts. Disgusting."

Kim Seohyun looked at the students who had just spoken, his tone laced with contempt.

Fortunately, he hadn't noticed my fleeting glance. I nodded in agreement, playing along.

"Huff, puff, I'm really, going to, die, huff."

"Haa, so crude, well, phew."

Both of them were slowly regaining their breath. Kim Seohyun said 'good job' to both of them and handed each a bottle of water.

That's what being in the inner circle is like.

"You all did well today. It might be tough to train from dawn right now, but some of you are already showing changes."

Instructor Seo Woojoo looked at me with a satisfied expression.

"And today, we have a special lesson."

Seo Woojoo gave us a sly grin.

His smile sent shivers down our spines.

"So everyone, make sure to prepare thoroughly for today."

Seo Woojoo turned and walked away.

"Did we really need to do morning training today?"

At someone's murmur, I almost found myself nodding in agreement.

Even though we knew missing morning training would result in a deduction in attitude points.


Raei Translations


The Korea Hero Academy was built above the East Sea.

Korea's land is incredibly narrow, but beneath it flows the dragon vein.

That's why, no matter how remote the location, establishing a large plot of land costs an insane amount of money, and it seemed more practical to build an island on the sea - which is what the grand hero agreed upon.

For this reason, an island was constructed in the middle of the sea, and it was built over the East Sea because it was not good to teach students nearby due to the constant wars in the Five Kingdoms of China.

Its area is comparable to Yeouido, and a variety of environments have been created within it.

And today we found ourselves in a grassy field teeming with weeds among those places.

"Today's class is special. It's monster hunting," Instructor Seo Woojoo announced as he looked out over the expansive field.

A mind-boggling hunting ground that spans a total of 4km in both length and width.

It was a unique spectacle only found at Korea Hero Academy.

Instructor Seo Woojoo looked at the students.

"You can freely form teams in this grassland field. You can collaborate with each other. However, everything is monitored by cameras and drones installed everywhere, so you might not get points. Everything is conducted 'fairly'."

He emphasized fairness.

"Also, everyone should carry this bracelet. In case of an emergency, if you break the gem in the middle of the bracelet, the nearby instructors or assistants will come immediately."

Instructor Seo Woojoo brought a large number of assistants today.

There were as many as 20 people.

"We will start the monster hunting in about 20 minutes."

At Instructor Seo Woojoo's announcement, the students immediately started looking for people to team up with.

Monsters are typically fierce and vicious. Unless they're overly confident, they'll likely operate in teams.

Or those who can lead others will form a power base. Like Park Woonhyuk, for instance.

As soon as I arrived at the grassland field, I found a monster to hunt. Now, I'm hiding from the others' 'eyes', biding my time.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have bothered, but the technique I learned from the Heavenly Demon yesterday yielded considerable results.

'To make that work...'

I need Kim Ara to form the group first. Then one among Hong Yuhwa or Ersil Merhen.

I followed Kim Ara with my eyes first. Luckily, nobody has recognized her true identity yet.

"Ara, want to form a group together?"


Kim Ara tilted her head but soon nodded.

"Okay. If you're fine with it."

"Of course."

After recruiting Kim Ara, I scanned the others. There were already people following Hong Yuhwa.

Kim Seohyun was having a stare-down with Park Woonhyuk.

Kim Seohyun is the type to wander alone, so it's best to ignore him.

So, the one remaining is...

"Oh my, Lee Seoha, your eyes are quite passionate, aren't they?"

Ersil Merhen appeared with a mischievous smile.

"...Want to come with me?"

"Hmm, if the 1st and 3rd rank team up, they may not award us a lot of points."

Ersil Merhen chuckled as she spoke.

"Still, let's go together. Seeing you, the top-ranked one, wanting me so desperately...I think we'll hunt some really interesting monsters."

Ersil Merhen nodded.

"Of course. Even if we share the points, we'll definitely rank 1st, right?"

"Hehe. Then I'll just trust you, our top ranker."

"...Me too."

While Ersil and I were talking, Kim Ara interjected.

Me, Kim Ara, and now with Ersil Merhen.

This was a really good party.

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enjoy! :)

the start of the chapter is confusing damn

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