I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 136:

Chapter 136:

Holy shit!!!

A huge ball of light fell over my head like a celestial judgment rod.

Seeing it, I abandoned my motorcycle, fortified my body and fists with all the aura I had at my disposal, and slammed it upwards.


A bone-crunching sound from my fist as my muscles twisted under the immense weight.


Ouch. What is this.?

If I let go, Im sure Ill become a rat, so I hold on with all my might.

At that moment, I hear a voice overhead.

What filthy wolf dares to prey on the Lords lambs?

With a snap, something is placed on top of the ball of light, weighing it down.

Anyway, this is why I always told you to be careful, children. Are you alright?

Meanwhile, the figure on top of them checks on them.

I felt like an alien training in high gravity, using every muscle in my body and holding on to the white aura that circled my entire body.

From the sounds of it, there must be a misunderstanding.

I need to talk to him somehow-

Bishop, hes not a raider, hes a guest!

Fortunately, Sister Mary, who has opened the window, yells at the figure overhead.

In response, a voice from overhead.

Huh? What do you mean, it was definitely the Raiders motorcycle that he was riding.

Then there was a loud bang and the bus door opened, followed by a rush of people.

Bishop, please help him!

Hes a good man! Hes not a Raider!

Ugh, the bishop killed him!

No. Im not dead yet.

By the sound of the voices, the kids on the bus have all gotten off and are arguing with the bishop, who is still on top of my head.

Huh? No, really. Hes a guest?

Thats right, youre going to kill him! Get that crucifix off him!

Huh? Huh.

At that moment, the weight I was feeling from above disappeared in an instant, and I heard the sound of someone landing behind me.

Mr. Cloud, are you okay? Your arm is arm is bloody.

She stares at my hand, which is already covered in blood, in disbelief.

Apparently, the condition of my arm was completely tattered.

Still, Im glad I was able to block that technique.

Playing as a villain, Ive been confronted and questioned many times, but this time I didnt die in one hit, so my training must have paid off.

Im fine, but a golden cross falling from the sky, theres the only person I can think of who has that ability.


I wonder if he heard my muttering.

The voice behind me sounds embarrassed and apologetic, a far cry from the high-pressure tone of earlier.

I feel sorry for him, but Im the one whos been wronged, so shouldnt there be some sort of payment?

UI think we need to talk about this.

I said, turning around and extending my crushed hand, forcing a smile.

The woman had been entrusted by the Catholic Church with full authority over Jeju Island and given the title of bishop, and was the head of the Halla Cathedral, Augustus.

One of the four major powers on Jeju Island and the most powerful at Halla Cathedral.

Hitman from the Corleone family, Saber Cloud. Bishop Augustus, is that you?



She was the unilateral perpetrator of violence against someone who was innocent and could be called a benefactor.

Us. Lets talk about a settlement, shall we?

* * *

On a moving bus.

From there, I had the luxury of being healed by several sisters as we made our way to the cathedral.

Healing from this many nuns, sir. You are truly blessed, arent you?

Its the bishop, be quiet!

Okay, okay, okay, I said I was sorry.

A moment ago, the Bishop cowered in the corner, unable to take a picture as the Sisters yelled at him.

(TLN: This is not a mistake, youll see later in the chapter.)

In real life, she looked like a woman whod had enough of life.

Dark circles under her eyes, disheveled hair, and a lethargic expression.

In the game, I called it decadence, but now I just see her as an overworked office worker although I suppose her scruffy appearance helps with that image.

By the way, being a Hitman for Corleone, I wasnt expecting anything out of the ordinary, but youve been more supportive than I could have imagined.

The Bishop looks at me with a cigarette in his mouth from whenever she took it out.

Sister Maria tries to snatch the cigarette away from him, but the bishop blocks it with his hand and exclaims in frustration.

I wont light it! I wont light it! I was only biting because my mouth was bored!

Still, its not good for education in front of children!

The bishop, who eventually has his cigarette taken away from him, looks at me again and continues.

I wonder whats up with Corleone, whos never done anything like this before, not to mention stopping my attack.

Still, a bishop is a bishop.

His eyes looked very sharp for a moment, as if he found me very suspicious.

Dont worry, Im not here to do anything bad, its just that I had business on the island and needed a place to stay in the meantime.

I dont mind if you do , but dont do anything to damage the church. You know what I mean?

I wont.

Okay then, please make yourself at home.

With that, he starts to move to the back of the bus.

Huh? What?

No way, youre just going to leave?


Look at this shameless face.

Naturally, hes trying to get away with putting his rank above hers. Its not like hes a bishop of a diocese who hasnt seen this kind of political maneuvering before. I dont know if its intentional or not.

But Im not one to fall for it.

No way, that cant be the end of it, youve just crushed my arm.

What? Come on. Thats how our nuns treat.

Ugh! I still have my arm!


The bishop, who flinched under the gaze of Maria, who was sitting next to me at the same time, shuddered and then sighed.

Dont worry too much about that, Ill make it up to you. Ill get you some good quality holy water as soon as we get back to the church.

Holy water?

Hes trying to play me for a sucker, isnt he?

Even if the Jeju diocese is in a bad economic situation, I dont think its appropriate to bribe me with holy water.

But I dont really have anything to give. What do you want?

What do I want?

It wasnt that hard to say, it was just the wrong place.

Well have to talk about it back at the church, because Im exhausted from being attacked by someone and I want to collapse right now.


The bishop who finally shuts up after being made to say what he did wrong.

Still, it was an unexpected harvest, as I never thought Id be able to get the bishop to pay up in this way.


The bus screeches to a halt, and the other vehicles behind it stop as well.

Okay, everyone! Fasten your seatbelts and get off slowly. Dont forget to wash your hands as soon as you get in.


One by one, people began to get off the buses and cars, carrying their luggage through the outside trunks.

Eventually the two of us were left alone inside the bus.

Is this enough to talk about? For your information, my room is dirtier than this one.

Yeah. I guess it doesnt matter.

So what is it that you want? You know, were poor here at the Cathedral, barely scraping by on the handouts we get from Corleone. I dont know if theres anything else in the church that would satisfy you besides holy water.

Oh, thats fine, I came here knowing you had it, Ascalon. Id like to borrow that for a while.

At the same time, the air inside the bus begins to crush me from above.

You. Where did I hear that?

Judging by your reaction, it must be here after all.

Im not answering, how do you know that?

Pfft! Pfft!

I couldnt help but chuckle as he glared at me like I was going to kill me.

Whats so funny, youve gone crazy-

You didnt ask what I was going to use it for, Augustus. No, Angelina.


In an instant, the bus crashed, sending a giant cross of light crashing down where I was standing just moments ago.

I cant believe Im getting hit twice.

I knew she would react as soon as she heard the name, but I didnt expect it to be this violent.

It was a good thing I had prepared in advance, just in case, or I would have been completely torn apart like the bus I am now.


Everyone go into the church and dont come out!!!

Suddenly she heard voices outside calling for the bishop, but she shouted even louder.

In response, the priests and sisters entered the church with the children, looking judgmental.

You. The name.

How did I know? I asked the town hall and they told me.

No kidding.

My highbrow humor didnt work and shes obviously angry.

I didnt know if shed take me seriously if I angered her further, so I spoke in a calm voice.

Don told me.

Of course, he hadnt but the simplest way to get out of this situation is to sell his name.

Id explain later, and hed be convinced.

I dont take my eyes off her as she clenches her fists until they resound.

Him? Theres no way thats true.

It is. Theres money and something you promised him.

She pauses, listening to my words.

youre the guy?

Im sure youve heard about me on the bus.

CSs Jeju Island story was pretty simple.

In the past, Jeju Island had become lawless due to constant dungeon breaks and the arrival of foreign criminals.

And there was only one way to completely restore it.

The main culprit of the dungeon breaks is a monster that resides in Baekrokdam, the main vein of Jeju Island.

And that monster is.

I assure you, if youre thinking of killing Fafnir with only that much skill, you might as well give up and get lost. This is the last bit of advice I can give you because youre a Corleone.

There is one person who is essential to the slaying of that Fafnir: Augustus, Bishop of the Diocese of Jeju. Angelina.

She has a holy relic that acts as a counter to Fafnir, and the game requires you to invest a lot of time and effort to get her to join your party.

However, as a frequent player of the Gothic concept, I knew that she didnt have to be there.

I knew she didnt have to be there, because in the end, it wasnt Angelina herself that you needed, it was the Ascalon she carried.

You think youre going to find out who I am?

What? Thats ridiculous So, what the hell are you?

Finally answering the question Id been waiting for, I smirked and recited my prepared line.

Im Saber Cloud, a Hitman from the Corleone family.

And eventually.

Im a Hitman ordered to kill a dragon.

She had no choice but to hand me Ascalon.

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