I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 145:

Chapter 145:

The subsequent processing of Jeju Island proceeded quickly with the arrival of members of the Corleone Family.

The remnants of the Junk Town were dealt with, and the tangerine farms where new drugs were being made from haunted tangerine trees were cleared. And then there was the rough and tumble of organizing across Jeju Island.

It was all done in less than a day.

So youre going back now?

At the small dock that I used to enter Jeju Island we talked as we watched Fafnirs body being loaded onto a large boat.

I guess I should. I have a lot of work to do when I get back.

By the way, you said you were the Little Boss of Corleone, so I suppose well see each other again sooner or later?


Since this was my initiative, of course my father would want to let me go.

Hes a man who likes to keep things fair and square when it comes to family matters.

Ive learned a lot from you and Im sure youll be able to reach higher levels in your aura!


Nodding as I watched the departure of the slightly overzealous but familiar members of the Blue Moon Workshop, I extended my hand to Yoon Kwangsoo and said.

Ill see you later for the equipment, right?

Yes. Ill come and see you then, master.

Okay. See you soon.

And finally, I look at the children of Halla Cathedral who are looking this way.

Big brother, are you going?

Brother, are you going back to the mainland?

Are you coming back?

Some of the children are crying or looking wistful, as if they realize Im leaving.

And among them was Jeanne, who was looking at me with a more determined expression than anyone else.

Big brother, Ill see you again, right?

She was holding it together but I could see the corners of her eyes fluttering.

Yes, I will see you again, so listen to the bishop and Sister Marie over there, and Ill check on you later.

I stroke Jeannes head, which shes grown accustomed to by now, and as I speak, one by one the children run to me, clinging to my legs and waist.

Thank you, big brother!

Bye, big brother!

Tell us a different story next time you come!

To them, its only been a day.

I didnt realize that I had grown attached to them.

Okay, next time Ill tell you the story of Father Andersen, the Devil Butcher.


All of the childrens faces stiffened.

Is it because theyre so excited?

Yes, Master. They say were ready to go.

Just then, I hear the voice of a gang member from behind.

Apparently, they had already loaded Fafnirs corpse and the items from his Rares.

Ah. You go ahead, Ill be right behind you.

Yes, sir.

It was time to leave Jeju Island.

With everyone looking at me, I felt embarrassed to say anything particularly emotional, so I put on my natural smile and said what I normally say to friends.

See you later.

Because obviously it wouldnt be long.

* * *

This is really amazing.

Corleones mansion.

There was Fafnirs corpse lying in a heap in the middle of the garden, and a group of men looking at it with interest.

You mean Eugene caught this?

Yes. There was the bishop at the Halla Cathedral who uses Ascalon, and he and the boy worked together to capture it.

Theres a little bit of rawness on the outsidebut no major outward wounds, so I dont understand how they caught it.

Father and another man look back and forth in disbelief at Fafnirs strangely unharmed appearance.

The mans name is Kowalnose Garcia.

He was the boss of the Hunters Guild and the family in charge of disposing of monster materials in Korea, one of the few experts on dismantling monsters, and the technician who had been called in to dismantle the dragon.

Thank you for coming all this way Kowalnose.

His reason for traveling all this way was simple.

We didnt want anyone else to know we had Fafnirs corpse.

Fafnir, not just any monster, but a mythical Named Mob.

If the government or anyone else knew that we had the carcass of such a dragon, we would be in a lot of trouble.

You know, like the countless handshake requests that come in when you win the lotto.

Hehe. Its my nephews request, not anyone elses, so of course Ill come, andhow many times in my life will I get to dismantle a monster of this magnitude?

Kowalnose smiles brightly at my words and places a hand on my shoulder.

On the contrary, Im rather grateful to you, so dont think too much of it, Eugene.

By using my name and nephew in this way, he seemed to take this as a personal favor from me, rather than a Corleone event, though Im much more comfortable taking it that way myself.

Thank you uncle.

Good. Well, I suppose we should get ready. If youll step back for a moment, its been a while since Ive had to use my full strength.

He steps toward Fafnirs corpse, his index and middle fingers forming the shape of a gun.

A moment later, a green aura forms on his fingertips.

The sight of it is enough to cut, and slowly the aura begins to cut through Fafnirs scales.

Haha, so much resistance from the start, thats fun!

As he does so, Kowalnose slices away at the scales and bones as if it werent too difficult.

Fafnirs scales predictably failed to hold up against the aura and began to chip away.

What followed was a two-hour dismantling show.

The materials began to pile up in the garden, and by the time he was done, the sun was already setting.

Huh, that should do it for now, then Ill take some of Fafnirs meat and scales like you said.

Sure. Thank you for your trouble, uncle.

No trouble. By the way, Don. Why dont we have a drink together, since Ive dealt with such a marvelous find?

Yeah? Im looking forward to it. Come on, lets go.


I watch them walk away, laughing and stare at the sight before me.

The scales and bones were perfectly dealt with and the red blood and meat was in the tanks but the most eye-catching of all was a red orb the size of a grown mans fist.

Dragon heart.

The thing that was the biggest reason why dragons were able to become magical beings, and the nuclear fusion reactor of the magic system.

I slowly walked over to it, picked it up then put it in the cube.

I cant use it right now, so I might as well put it here for now.

What I need to use right now is.

Then I look at the giant tank of blood.

Theres something people overlook, and its the most important thing in Fafnirs body.

Fafnirs blood.

According to Nibelungs song, Fafnirs blood has the power to make those who bathe in it immortal.

Of course, the game doesnt give you immortality for balance reasons, but its definitely something I needed right now.

After removing DisPater, I naturally stepped into the blood.

The temperature inside the tank felt warm despite the fact that Fafnir had been dead for quite some time.

Slowly, I could feel Fafnirs blood seeping into my body and changing me.

[Fafnirs blood penetrates your body!]

[Attribute [Natural Healing (C)] reacts to Fafnirs blood]

[Natural Healing (C)] becomes [Natural Healing (A)]

[Item: Ancient Berserkers Ring (Sealed). begins to suck the blood of the Evil Dragon]

[Item: Ancient Berserkers Ring (Sealed). breaks its seal!]

[Ancient Berserkers Ring (Sealed). changes to Ancient Berserkers Ring (True).]

[Name: Ancient Berserkers Ring (True)]

[Class: Artifact]

[Type: Ring]

[Description: This ring was worn by those called Ancient Berserkers. It absorbs the blood of its wearer and, in return, greatly enhances their strength.

Having absorbed the blood of the evil dragon Fafnir, this ring causes a fear effect in its surroundings just by being worn.]

Thats it.

The indispensable ability to grow stronger as I absorb fear was finally in my hands.

Fafnirs blood begins to cool and turn transparent.

It has lost its color as all of its power is drained from it.

Stepping out of the liquid, which no longer held any power, I used my aura to blow away the moisture and changed into my normal clothes.

Well, that leaves me with one last one.

Given the upcoming midterms, improving my abilities was crucial, so I decided it was better to get it done today rather than procrastinate and head to my room.

Unlike last time, this time I prepared thoroughly.

First, I put a towel over my mouth and Midas gloves on my hands.

Next, I sit upright on my bed and stare at the button that still light up in front of me.

[(N) Epic Inscription]

I got a new ability the other day from the battle.

Its a mechanic that imprints new abilities on you based on the narrative youve written, and Id gotten myself into quite a bit of trouble the last time Id pressed it unprepared.

This time will be a little different.

As I clicked the button, a thought flashed through my mind.

Last time, I got a wolf tattoo because I killed a wolf, so does that mean Ill get a dragon tattoo because I killedFafnir?

No, wait.

A dragon tattoo?

An evil dragon?

At that moment, I started to feel a violent pain in my right arm. I dropped the door towel over my mouth as I realized what was about to happen.

No way-


Purple flames begin to engulf my entire right arm.


Unlike when it was the wolf tattoo, my voice couldnt even come out properly.

I writhe in horrific pain, as if Im plunging my arm into lava, and I pray that this will end sooner rather than later.

The pain reaches a breaking point as the wolf symbol on my right shoulder blade and the dragon symbol on my arm begin to join together.

I feel like Im going to lose consciousness at any moment.

My gums, which had already let go of the towel, were leaking blood, and his clenched left and right hands were turning white.

Finally the flames finally went out.

I thought I was going to lose it, really!

I look at the black dragon imprint on my right arm and immediately recognize my new ability.

Holy shit

The performance isnt bad.

If theres a problem.

Master, I knocked but why is your answereh?

Alessia opened my door and walked in.

Is thatblack dragon tattoo on your arm?


She looked at my right arm, which was clenched in pain.


No, wait a minute, Alessia, this is-.

Its okay, I think thats, what do you say pretty cool?

No thats not it, its really.

Then Ill get out of here, have fun master.


The door slammed shut on my pathetic excuses.

Having finally come to terms with the reality of the situation, I sighed as I wiped my face with both hands.


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