I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 155:

Chapter 155:

The first step in taking over the Academy is to infiltrate a member of the Family into the Academy.

When else would I be able to infiltrate a member of the family into the Academy?

First, I need a member of the Family who is a little off duty.

Hmmlets see what comes to mind.

No, is there one?

I couldnt think of any.

The organization is currently at war with the Villain Alliance, even if it seems peaceful now.

In fact, after the last terrorist attack, everyones workload was even tighter.

I cant help but think about it. Ill ask them first.


Just then, I heard the sound of something breaking outside.

-Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!

-Dont touch it with your bare hands! What if you hurt yourself?

A familiar voice was heard from beyond the door.

Cautiously, I peek out to see a white-haired girl staring at the broken pottery and Alessia sweeping up the shards with a broom.

I dont have your talent.

Well, youre an intelligence agent, not a staff member, so you shouldnt feel too bad.


The girl looks downcast and Alessia is comforting her.

Then she snapped.


Her gaze meets mine.

Ah, I found it.

Huh? Master?

Was it because I suddenly opened the door? Latte sees me and jumps up and down in surprise.

Latte, do you have anything to do right now?

What? Uh, I, uh, I have to do some cleaning right now?

Alessia nudges the frantic Latte with her shoulder.

Latte, are you sure you dont want to go when the Master wants you?

Oh, thats not it!

Then what are you doing? Go.

Ah. Yes, Master!

She throws her hands up in the air, suddenly energized by Alessias words.

I need help with a family matter, can you help me?


At the mention of family, Lattes expression loosened and instantly turned serious.

Anything for the family. What can I do for you?!

I wondered if she was really an agent who had infiltrated the Villain Alliance for the sake of the family.

Satisfied with her trustworthy answer, I smiled and placed my hands on her shoulders.

Latte, I think you should be the owner of the cafe.

Yes! You want me tothe cafe?

Be a cafe owner.

She told me shed do anything for the family, right?

Lets do it, cafe owner.

* * *

-Whoosh whoosh


The sound of construction was heard from the morning rush hour.

The children passing by, curious to see a building being erected in the vacant lot of the academy, smile as they look at the construction site.

They seem to be looking forward to it.

Thats because a building in the form of a cafe was being constructed, something that hadnt been seen near the academy before.

Hey, boss, what are you doing there?

Jin-woo, who happened to be on his way to school, spotted me standing in front of the construction site and waved me over.

I was looking at the construction site.

Construction? What construction? Do you know what theyre building?

A cafe.

A cafe?

He furrowed his brow as if he thought the word cafe was out of place.

What kind of cafe is this in the academy? If theyre going to build one, they should build a coffee shop. What a bunch of douchebags.

Its my cafe.

Still, I think a cafe where you can relax is better. Well, from the looks of it, I can already tell its going to be a hotspot.


Jin-woo anticipates it would be a hotspot despite the fact that its only a frame of a cafe, and the exterior is just rebar and concrete.

But its strange to have a cafe inside the academy, and it belongs to boss?

He tilted his head again.

This time, Hanwol Group got the business rights to the academy. Since Im attending the academy, Im in charge.

A cafe in an academy? Boss is really amazing.

Then he looked at me again with his usual sparkling eyes.

I dont think itll be ready until this afternoon, so we should get going.

That fast?

Dont you remember the club?

Once again, it was the Move family who came to help with the construction.

This happened because the boss of the Move family pushed me to do it as a congratulatory gesture, saying that anything I do should be the best.

It was a good result for me because I trusted their skills.

Jin-woo and I walked up to the classroom, and when we opened the door, Se-ah and Young-jae, who were talking, looked at us.

Ah. Youre here.

Good morning.

They greeted us like any other morning.

As soon as I sit down, they gather around me as if theyve been waiting for me.

Mr. Eugene, did you see that outside?


You know, that new building theyre building? Its a caf, a cafe in an academy where we dont have a canteen and we have to buy food from outside or get it from clubs. Isnt that awesome?

I did something, and that was it.

Just as I was about to explain to the kids.

Its boss cafe.

Jin-woo spoke first, as if he wanted them to be as surprised as he was.

He waited patiently for a reaction.


Oh, yeah, thats definitely something.

Well, if its Eugene, I suppose its possible.

The kids are more easily convinced than I thought they would be. At this, Jin-woo narrows his eyes and looks at the two of them.

No, dont you want to go to the cafe outside? It belongs to the boss, right?

Well, its Mr. Eugene, so I dont think we should be surprised.

When its the boss, anything goes.


Seeing the two react as if its a given, Jin-woo makes a face that says he doesnt understand.

Am I weird?

Youve always been weird.

Youre always weird.


Yeah, this is who we are, and Jin-woo is the best.

A little while later, it was time for Morning Meeting, and as usual, Ji-hyun entered the class with the attendance book.

Unlike the tired look weve been seeing lately, she looks very cheerful.

Even her skin, which had been dull, was plumped up, so it was clear that something had happened.

Morning, Instructor. You seem to be in a good mood today.

And then the now-obvious question time from Jin-woo.

Normally, she would have told him to shut up, but for some reason, she nodded and answered obediently.

The kids in my class did pretty well this time, so the academy gave me special money. I was counting on you, werent I?

Ahfinancial therapy.

It certainly explains why shes in such good shape.

Its enough to make her feel proud that her students are all in the top tier, and its even better when the academy gives her a bonus for the results.

Today, were going to spend the day replaying yesterdays duel, the so-called midterm exam wrong answer notes.

The kids let out a sigh of relief at Ji-hyuns words.

Yeah~ Its the dean instructions~ We have to do it even if we dont want to~

Smiling broadly, as if enjoying the reaction, Ji-hyun popped the CD that came with the attendance book into the player next to the teachers table, and a holographic screen appeared in the air.

Alright, lets start with the first people to be eliminated from our class.

Thats how the midterms started.

At first, the kids didnt want to do it, but once the class started, they started to focus and the atmosphere in the class became calm and serious.

Jin-woo Bevalt, you tried an all-out fight against Mari, as an assassin. Is that how you wanted to ruin the test? If it werent for the points you earned early on, you would have been in the bottom half of the class.


One by one, she begins to point out their problems, telling them the details of their moves and responses.

Young-jae, rather than buffing your body to evade, youd be better off casting magic around you to keep them from getting too close. None of them can reliably calculate the amount of magic you have anyway, so you should have bought yourself some time by bluffing.

I apologize.

Still, I think you did well enough. Good work.


And so it went, one by one, until finally it was my turn.

Eugene Han.


Youre on your own. I dont really see anything to criticize in this battle. If I had to say one thing, it would be that I felt like you were playing games against Jung-Hoon, but thats just because of your bad character, right?


Its scary how well she read my mind at the time.

Still, the fact that she didnt have anything to point out made me feel validated.

Well, is that it?

Seeing that lunch was approaching, Ji-hyun turned off her screen and looked at us.

Thats the end of class for today. Everyone had a hard time taking the midterm. Those who want to do clubs, go to clubs, and those who want to go home, go home.


The class ended earlier than usual thanks to the buff of being right after the exam.

At the same time, I stood up from my seat and started to walk.

Boss, do we have club activities again today?

At that moment, Jin-woo asks me first as he prepares to go home.

Uh, no. Im probably going to the cafe today. I just got a call that the cafe is finished.

Ek, already?

Really? Can I go now? Lets go together!

Im curious, too. Can I go?

Was it the excitement of visiting the new cafe at the academy?

Se-ah asks with her hands clasped together, while Jin-woo and Young-jae look purely curious.

I dont have a problem with this, as Ive been trying to get them to see the cafe in the first place so I nod and take the first step.

Lets go together. Its our first day, but itll be a simple coffee.

Youve got to start somewhere.

We all walk out of the classroom together, including Se-ah, who cant hide her excitement.

Hey! Thats it, right?

The newly built cafe building was a five-minute walk from the main building.

The building had a total of four floors, with the first and second floors for the cafe. The third and fourth floors were set aside for future use.

Wow looks so pretty!

Se-ahs jaw drops when she sees the exterior.

The terraces are wide open, the wooden doors are painted mint, while the brick walls are modern and clean.

It was reminiscent of a European cafe.

The details reveal that the boss of the Move family, Reg Move, had a lot to do with the design.

Its inspired by the scenery of his hometown, I thought.

If it looks classy and beautiful enough to my untrained eye, they must have really put a lot of thought into it.

My favorite of all was the sign with the cafes name.

Cielo Notturno

Literally translating to night sky, it was a great name that symbolized my two identities.

Huh? Is that the owner?

At that moment, he glanced at the woman inside the cafe and blushed.

It seemed that Jin-woos golden rule had kicked in again.

Lets go in.

He pushed open the mint-colored wooden door and stepped inside, the aroma of fragrant wood and roasted beans enveloping his nostrils.


A white-haired woman bows her head in greeting to us.

Her gray hair was tied back neatly on both sides and she was wearing a neatly designed black blouse and skirt.

To Cielo Notturno!

It was Latte, my henchman and secret weapon against the Academy.

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