I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 105: The Truth

Chapter 105: The Truth

"Who are you? Tell me the truth." Shen Rong asked.

Shen Rong released a pressure that could rival mine back when I was in the Dao Realm. Well, his cultivation was not far from mine if you compare it to my previous life so that much is expected.

"Please tell me, honestly, who are you, Yong Rui?" Shen Rong repeated yet again. There was an ominous tone in his voice. For a split second, I thought that he would kill me if I didn't answer correctly.

No, I'm fairly certain that he would kill me if I gave him an unsatisfactory answer. I mean, it's all written on his face. There's no way he wouldn't kill anyone if he happened to wear such an expression on his face.

"Shelter leader, can we talk this out peacefully?"

"Answer me while I'm asking you this question peacefully." Shen Rong responded as he clenched his fists and pressured me even more with his aura. This time, he didn't hold back in attacking my Virus Qi Core.

Fortunately, my Virus Qi Core and my Original Qi Core are completely stable right now since I've absorbed enough Qi Energy and Virus Qi Energy from before. Still, the amount of Qi Energy he was mercilessly pressuring me was too much that blood spurt out from my ears and eyes and it continued to flow through my mouth. I never experienced such intense pressure before.

Figures, I was the strongest cultivator before.

"Do I have to ask you again? Who are you, Yong Rui? Why do you have the Dark Element and the Blood Element? Are you on the Black Spirit Shelter's side?" Shen Rong asked. It was obvious that he was running out of patience. Just from his voice alone erupted a sense of anger and fury that I never experienced from an ally.

"Shelter leader, please cease your attack and hear me out!" I plead. "I' not on their side, and I don't know how I got both elements. I swear to the heavens and the earth that these elements are not something I use for evil. You know how I got rid of the Qi Current and the Rush Hour Event, right?"

Shen Rong's eyes widened as he stared at me with great disbelief. As soon as he did so, I blanketed myself with my Qi Energy so I would at least survive the next onslaught of pressure that Shen Rong will give me.

I gloriously fell down on my knees as blood continuously flowed from my ears and eyes. I don't know if I'll be able to recover quickly from the internal hemorrhage he caused but it certainly felt uncomfortable. I'm already half undead but I still feel like I'm dying right now.

Curse you, Shen Rong. I wasn't even doing anything to you. Why would you attack me like that?!

"What did you say? Is that true?" Shen Rong asked. Right about now, I'm guessing he was trying to sense the Qi Energy of the horde of rabid humans but he couldn't sense it. I could see in his face that he realized I was speaking the truth.

"Yes, and I even saved that girl Yang Mei Mei, as well as all the children who were in Ziyou Shelter." I continued. I still found it difficult to breathe but I let out everything that Shen Rong needed to know since I didn't want him to attack me again. Seriously, why do all cultivators just assault someone whenever they want their questions answered?

I mean, even in the past, that wasn't how I behaved. And I was the strongest cultivat wait... maybe I did that as well. I just didn't realize it. Sigh~

"I... " Shen Rong stuttered as guilt filled his eyes. "I uh... I'm sorry for suspecting you Yong Rui. I... please forgive me, Yong Rui. I lost my composure back there." Shen Rong continued.

A smile appeared on my face as I heaved a sigh of relief. Although he attacked me like that, I'm sure that he didn't mean it. He was just blinded by the fact that I had the Dark Element and concluded that I was in cohorts with the Black Spirit Sect.

"It's all right, shelter leader. I shouldn't have hidden my elements like that." I cupped my hands in return. I didn't want to incur the wrath of Shen Rong once again so I decided to suck it up to him. In other words, I have to get on his good side no matter what so he won't attack me like that again.

Or I could just rush my cultivation and get to Transcendence Realm but I don't think that's possible. This method is far easier than cultivation so I decided to take it.

As expected of myself! Who would've thought that I could still grow in terms of wisdom even at my age.

A few figures rushed towards me as Shen Rong and I got on good terms with each other. As usual, they were Liu Zhi's party just like before. But this time, Luo Zehn was coming with them as well.

Then there's Yang Mei Mei.

Before I knew it. She was already charging towards Shen Rong with all the killing intent leaking from her body. I could tell that she was determined to kill whoever's in front of her so I just had to step in and stop her. "Yang Mei Mei, what are you doing?"

"That Shelter Leader! He just attacked you for no reason. I'm going to kill him and then you get away from here, Yong Rui." Yang Mei Mei said while trying to get out of my grasp.

In return, I hugged her even tighter so she wouldn't suffer the consequences of what she's about to do.

This girl. She really is reckless.

"Don't stop me, Yong Rui."

"You have to stop right now and calm down, Yang Mei Mei. You don't know who you're dealing with." I hissed. I didn't want her to hurt herself but she really was determined. She must've decided that the only way out of this situation was to kill Shen Rong, or at least, injure him while I tried to escape.

"No, he attacked you without reason. That person is a bad person."

Since she wasn't exactly listening to me, I decided to use force to compel her to listen. Releasing just a tiny bit of pressure from my Qi Energy Core, I caused Yang Mei Mei to collapse to her knees as all energy left her body. I then knelt behind her and grabbed her by the shoulders. After turning her around so she would face me, I gave her a glare that made her flinch. "Look here, young miss. I didn't save you just so you could kill yourself. We had a misunderstanding and I was hurt. So what? It's not like Shen Rong killed me. If he wanted to, then he would've killed me in a snap of a finger."

"That's because he's strong. He can toy with you however he wants and you won't even be able to fight ba ow!"

That's right, I gave her a good whack on the head. "Are you calling me weak? The one and only person who managed to destroy Ziyou Shelter? The one and only cultivator who annihilated all the rabid humans in the Rush Hour? The one and only being who stopped the Qi Current once and for all? Are you calling me, Yong Rui, weak? What insolence, Yang Mei Mei! I thought you were better than that?"

I stood up and crossed my arms as I asserted my dominance over Yang Mei Mei. By now, I know that she would listen to me.

"I'm sorry, Yong Rui." She finally said. "I was out of line. I lost all reason when that shelter leader attacked you."

"Yong Rui, are you okay?" Wu Yan asked, grabbing a handkerchief as she wiped the blood off my face. "What happened?"

"Nothing, it was just a misunderstanding on both parties." I vaguely answered as I forced myself to smile. Right now, my body started repairing itself. Thanks to my incredible healing abilities, which I got from I don't know where, I was able to survive such deadly pressure from someone in the Peak Dao Realm.

"Still, we were surprised when those black figures appeared in our shelter. Blade told us all about it but shelter leader was so furious that he didn't listen to Blade." Wu Yan said. "Stay still, I'm trying to help you clean that blood on your face."

"That's fine. The Dark Element is a foreboding and sinister element that allows one to have control over undead summons. It may not be as bad as a Necromancer but... it's still as evil." I explained.

I don't know where I got this element but its part of my power. Even if it's an evil element, I will use it for good.


Suddenly, Yang Mei Mei grabbed Wu Yan's hand and snatched her handkerchief from it. "Where are you touching Yong Rui? Who are you?" She lashed out.

'What is it this time?!' I thought to myself, inwardly heaving yet another sigh.

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