I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 110: Middle Plane (Epilogue)

Chapter 110: Middle Plane (Epilogue)

A man in a black robe paced back and forth the room, sighing constantly. There was a constant worry in his eyes and a little hint of anger as to what had ensued.

No one expected anything like it to happen, much less their plans to be thwarted by a mere human in the lower plane.

Another man in a black robe, sat behind a desk, watching the other man pace back and forth as he tried to figure out what happened. There was something mysterious about the person which stopped their plans altogether.

"Duan Yan, please cease whatever it is you're doing. You're not helping with our sanity." The man behind the desk called out, clicking his tongue. As much as he hated to admit it, he was frustrated at the conclusion of their plans, probably more so than Duan Yan.

"But, Sect Master Qian Li, we can't just sit here doing nothing. Shouldn't we proceed with another attack on the Lower Plane?" Duan Yan asked. "He's just a lowly mortal, surely we can get rid of him in no time."

Qian Li stood up and slammed his fists on the desk, making it collapse into pieces as the building where they in shook violently. Cracks appeared on the walls and on the ceiling but the building still stood.

The building was something akin to a pagoda so it was very stable. It was also reinforced with Qi Energy but the Qian Li didn't have a hard time putting cracks on it. Calling him angry was an understatement, he was simply wrathful at what happened.

"And what? Do you think it's that easy to make a Qi Current? It took us three years to make a stable Qi Current and to control those undead hordes! Do you think you can do that again in a few weeks? What are you talking about?" Sect Master Qian Li exclaimed furiously.

"But, Sect Master. If we let them be, they might be strong enough to climb to the Middle Plane. There were a lot of people who are already on the verge of breaking through the Transcendence Realm. It won't be long before they manage to track our whereabouts. We should send the rest of our soldiers down there and have them destroy the Lower Plane. That way, we can have the Lower Plane all to ourselves. The Middle Plane is still out of our grasp and our plan is still on its early stages here. We can't afford to be attacked and sandwiched on both sides. Otherwise, we'll be sitting ducks."

The more Duan Yan spoke of what happened, the more furious Sect Master Qian Li became. Their plan was foolproof. It was so foolproof that they managed to destroy all the most influential Sects in the Lower Plane. Aside from that, they managed to turn the strongest cultivator into one of their underlings as an infected. Everything was going so easy for the past five years that they were nearing the end of their plan. It was almost coming together. It was almost coming to fruition.

And yet, one person managed to stop them all, and what's more. He was an unknown expert. Not only did he manage to stop the Forsaken Tree and stole the Spirit Beast that they're nurturing for Sect Master Qian Li, he even managed to absorb the entirety of the Qi Current which they were also nurturing for five years.

Furthermore, the undead horde, which they were cultivating to challenge the greatest cultivators in the Lower Plane, were all killed by that same person.

An unknown expert that only appeared a few weeks ago.

Because of him, all their planning and work the past five years wholly went down the drain and now they have no choice but to move on to the second phase. Except, there was no second phase since no one knows if it will work again.

After a brief pause and a heavy sigh, Qian Li knew that there was only one thing that needed to be done. Right now, conquering the Middle Plane was close to impossible because the amount of higher-realm cultivators that exist here are in the thousands. Well, that was normal since the lowest cultivation in the Middle Plane is Transcendence. Although the number of rabid humans they have that could rival any cultivator in Transcendence Plane and above amounted to hundreds of thousands, they're still not sure whether they could take control over the Middle Plane.

It was only recently that they managed to cross over the Middle Plane so they still haven't gathered enough information. Luckily, their plan of replicating the outbreak in the Lower Plane succeeded and now, they're almost at the next phase of their plan in the Middle Plane.

But now that the Lower Plane managed to survive the Rush Hour and the Qi Current just when the plan was almost complete, it posed a greater threat towards Qian Li's Sect more than ever.

"You're right, Duan Yan. We're doing it." Sect Master Qian Li said in a low tone. "We don't have any choice but to completely annihilate the Lower Plane. This time, we won't hold back. We will send every last undead and summons we have to the Lower Plane and conquer it once and for all. We can't move forward with conquering the Middle Plane if we can't conquer the Lower Plane first."

"Sect Master, are you telling me that  But Sect Master, aren't we saving that for the Middle Plane? If we use all of them, what will become of us if things go south? We can't afford to use the army we have in the Middle Plane. I say we prepare another Qi Current and nurture another horde in the Lower Plane."

"And what of it? By that time, the cultivators in the Lower Plane would be a hundredfold stronger than our undead horde.  If we use our undead horde here in the Middle Plane, the cultivators in the Lower Plane wouldn't stand a chance against them. And then, we can finally obtain complete control over the Lower Plane, which, in turn, will extremely help with the growth of our undead horde."

"But aren't we close to proceeding with the second phase of the plan? When are you planning to attack the Lower Plane again, Sect Master?"

"It won't be long now. Trust me, Duan Yan, we're on schedule." Sect Master Qian Li said with a grin.

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