I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 83: Tactical Retreat!!!

Chapter 83: Tactical Retreat!!!

Luo Zehn had a perplexed expression on his face but nevertheless, he listened to me. In a split second, he easily grabbed Liu Zhi, Wu Yan, and Blade away from the Forsaken Tree. Once he reached the nearest spot of the Forsaken Tree, Luo Zehn suddenly tripped.

If it were a normal person watching him, he would've thought that it was just a little accident but with my enhanced perception skills, I immediately realized that it was the Forsaken Tree's fault that he lost his footing.

That's because the moment he stepped near the Forsaken Tree, it immediately went after Luo Zehn's Qi Core, sucking his Qi energy and at the same time, trying to make it unstable. Fortunately, Luo Zehn managed to get out of there before the Forskane Tree gets him any further. 

As for me, it should be said that my Qi Cores were more unstable than Luo Zehn and since I have more than one, there's a greater chance that they will go out of control at the slightest disturbance. That's why even though I still have my distance from the Forsaken Tree, my Qi Cores were already agitated.

"Yongrui, are you okay? A moment ago" Luo Zehn stopped short. He couldn't explain what happened back there. Of course, he was sure that the Forsaken Tree has something to do with him losing his balance, but as to how it did that sort of thing, he could only wonder.

"That Forsaken Tree is dangerous, it messes up with the Qi Core if you get near it. If I were to gauge its capabilities, I'd say it's in the Ancient Realm."

"A tree which is on par with Ancient Realm Cultivators, isn't that dangerous?" Luo Zehn clicked his tongue as he brought his katanas out. His eyes clearly showed his fighting spirit and if I don't stop him now, I think he wouldn't have hesitated to charge at the tree, no questions asked.

But I know for sure that doing so would only be disadvantageous for us. I did say that the tree was on par with Ancient Realm Cultivators but I might have perceived it incorrectly. As far as I know, the Forsaken Tree is even more ominous than that.

"Luo Zehn , relax. You don't have to attack it now. This tree has existed for years in this shelter and yet it never caused any damage around it. As long as we don't step into its territory, we'll  be fine." I advised. "Also, we have to get out of sight as soon as possible. Someone might see us here."


Before Liu Zhi, Blade, and Wu Yan woke up. Luo Zehn and I dragged them away from the place to regroup. I didn't know what happened to them nor why they were caught by the Forsaken Tree. Adding to that, the System has been acting weird lately. Was it related to the Forsaken Tree? If so, how could I utilize it so I could level up even more?

The moment we got out of the Forsaken Tree's domain, a few people arrived at the scene and they were scratching their heads. They seem to be looking for someone or something nearby but they couldn't find them.

"Are you sure you left them here?" A bearded man with brown hair confirmed. By the looks of it, he might be the boss since he was holding both his arms backward as he spoke with clear dominance.

"Yes, shelter leader," The bald man said. "They were only in the Immortal Realm so it wasn't that hard to bait them."

"Then where are they?" The brown-haired man scowled.

"I swear they're just here. We left them here! Someone below Ancient Realm shouldn't have been able to escape the Forsaken Tree." The bald man reasoned out. It seems like he didn't want the shelter leader to get disappointed in him.

"Shelter leader, they may have escaped but I can sense that they're nearby." The one with a slouch on his back and long black hair said. I couldn't see his eyes because of his bangs but they're probably there.

"This is troublesome," I said to myself as I evened out the Qi in the area. While doing so, I gradually cloaked Liu Zhi and the others with Qi so they wouldn't be detected by the long black hair guy. I didn't have to tell Luo Zehn to cover up his Qi energy since he was already doing so from the start.

"Should we wait here, Yongrui, or do we make our move?" Luo Zehn asked.

I carefully scrutinized the two guys and Ziyou's Shelter Leader as they continued searching around. There was no doubt about it, they were looking for Liu Zhi, Blade, and Wu Yan! There must be a reason why they put them there. They were probably aiming to sacrifice them to the Forsaken Tree or something along those lines.

"Luo Zehn, let's watch them a little bit more. We can't move too much because Liu Zhi and the others are still unconscious. We just have to stay here for as long as we can and hope that they don't come here." I responded.

After a brief consideration, Luo Zehn nodded.

The Shelter Leader and his lackeys didn't stay long. After a  few minutes, they continued their search in the marketplace where Luo Zehn and I were once. They didn't even bother searching where the long black-haired guy detected us. I guess they didn't bother searching there since they expected us to escape from the area as soon as we perceived his detection skill. Well, they just got outplayed.

I heaved a sigh of relief.

At most, those three guys were approximately in the Ancient Realm as well, just a realm above Luo Zehn and my current realm. If we were to fight head-on, I don't think I'll be able to take confidently take them on and emerge victoriously. They are a scary bunch, to be honest. And whatever they're planning, I won't hesitate to stop them.

For now, it's time for a tactical retreat!

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