I Came Back but the World is Still a Fantasy!?

4-35: On That Day, the World Came to Know the Devil (3/6)

4-35: On That Day, the World Came to Know the Devil (3/6)

The moment the gentleman let out his true feelings and lamented his lack of power, a strange voice resounded.

When he raised his face, what greeted him was a white-mask fashioned from a raptor, floating.

Within that dense amalgamation of black darker than darkness itself was a certain white floating that seemed to be laughing.


The gentleman threw back his head in shock, and shamelessly screamed out from the top of his lungs despite his tall stature.

Not only did this thing give him the creeps, it could also bring about such great destruction, enough to part the ocean over a thousand kilometers.

How could he not be afraid?

Now why am I more relieved to get a reaction like that?


A little tilt from the mask, and the gentleman was screaming again.

Every single, itsy-bitsy movement from the mask was enough to submerge him into a sea of nightmares, but precisely because his fear was so great, the trembling would not stop, and he could not run.

You bastard! How dare you show yourself here so brazenly!

Monster from another world! Our plans are a mess because of you!!

But to these brave, hot-blooded, old men, it didnt matter even if the mask were that sort of existence.

All of their pent up feelings that had nowhere to go just happened to find an acceptable exit and exit they did, accompanied by bullets.

As expected of the people who wrote that stupid script Youre really stupid.

But in response, the mask of the black mist just turned to a certain direction, and scorned the old men as lead bullets found their way to him.

The least you couldve done is to use Garestos weapons But of course, they wouldnt work either.

The mask chuckled as a shrill sound resounded and the bullets were deflected.

The mask hadnt move at all, and yet the bullets were deflected as though theyd hit a robust wall of steel, and they ended up finding their way into the furniture of the room instead.

You should be well aware that those are nothing more than antiques by now.

The firearms that were once the most convenient personal weapons on Earth were too easily neutralized by the defense systems of the otherworld terminals.

Although they havent circulated much in countries where firearms werent popular, they sold like hotcakes to those with gun cultures.

After all, it was much simpler to protect oneself with the terminals than it was to use a gun. There was no fear of thoughtlessly hurting others and no fear of spontaneous discharge either.

They also werent weapons, so it was safe to let children use them.

As a result, firearm-related deaths dropped sharply.

And along with that the production and sales of firearms.

Shut up! It was because of those weird things that my country!

That all firearm-related companies went bankrupt and you took a huge loss, right? To be more precise, its not your country thats affected, but your purse.

Thats the same thing!

And youre seriously saying that. Wow. Despite the fact that this country is actually one of those that are doing relatively well covering for the deficits and getting people reemployed.

In the first place, there was no way for that to be the only industry supporting this country.

It was just that the people in power didnt see it that way.

I so dont want to be an old geezer like these guys. Though, to be honest Theres a scant difference between us.

Ha ha, the mask laughed dryly as it approached the old men.

The old men knew it was meaningless, but they didnt want to accept it, so they reflexively fired, but the result was the same.

Gunshots resounded and sounds of metal rebounding and furniture breaking resounded in futility.

Die! Die!!

W-Why? Why wont anyone come even though were making so much noise!?

Because I cut off all sounds and communications earlier. But even if someone came, even 10,000 of your guards wont be a match. I just didnt want to be bothered. Its true that battles are decided by numbers, but thats a comprehensive number that includes other things as well, not just the number of troops.

As the mask said that, it approached in a manner that made it impossible to know whether it was walking or sliding along the floor.

When the mask had approached the old man in military uniform, it easily took the gun away from him.

What!? G-Give that back GUO!?!?

And then without any warning, he shot the two thighs of the old man, and just like that, the old man with the best physique among the elderly gathered here all too easily collapsed onto the floor and was left groaning.

What happened next was like the reenactment of a disaster film, or perhaps a b-rated horror flick, as the unidentified black mist of a monster went out of its way to take the guns from the old men and shoot them as they scrambled to get away.

Ha, ha ha What the heck is this? Ha ha

Finding it even scarier to look away, the terrified gentleman watched the whole thing from beginning to end.

Before he knew it, his fear went past the peak, and he found himself laughing.

The old men scrambled to be the first to get to the door, only to be shot by the mask.

When the gun ran out of ammo, the mask stole another gun from someone on the floor and started shooting again.

Someone managed to reach the door, but when he tried to open it, and it wouldnt budge, despair filled his face, and when the cry of a gun resounded, his consciousness left as a bullet entered his legs.

Sigh If you just stayed put, I wouldnt have had to shoot any of you

The mask said as it crushed the gun, as though none of this had anything to do with it, not a hint of elderly compassion could be felt from it.

The mask hadnt hit any of the vital points, but that seemed less an act of mercy, and more a means to prolong their suffering.



The mask said as it turned to the gentleman that didnt get hit precisely because he couldnt move.

The man screamed again, but the mask didnt mind and just continued.

Tell me. Which() among these old men that were shot by someone() is the most renowned in the world by face and by name?

He couldnt disobey. He mustnt lie.

He understood that rule naturally and quietly pointed to the old man with the majestic beard.

T-That guy He has connections with enterprises everywhere. He himself holds enormous wealth, and he has close relations with the financial world of other countries. He loves attention, so he appears before the media a lot too.

Thank you for the thorough explanation. In that case, Ill be taking just this guy. You take care of the rest.


The gentleman blanked out for a moment when the black mist suddenly said that. When he saw that the black mist had stop the old mans bleeding and was about to carry him away, he inadvertently asked him to wait.

I mean, please wait. What are you asking me to do here!?

This is payback, for the people who did something so unnecessary. For the sake of satisfying their own worthless pride, they exposed the whole world to danger. That is unforgivable. In that regard, even if you were being threatened(), your sins arent light either.


Though the eyes beneath the mask were apathetic, they seemed to be condemning him as well, and the gentleman found himself gulping.

He couldnt even ask something as simple as why he knew that.

But that question did surface on his face, so the black mist did him a favor and answered the question.

Its not hard to figure it out just by looking at you. After all, I checked how everyones family was doing. Well, I was a little bit surprised when they became hostages before they even turned them into hostages, though.

D-Dont tell me, my wife and children are!?

For a moment, the gentleman imagined the worst.

That the one threatening him may have simply changed into this monster.

Dont worry, your wife is doing her volunteer activities as usual without any knowledge of herself being targeted, and your daughter is in school studying the subject shes so bad at, Math. As for the suspicious people watching them, they should all be on the operating table by now.

He was relieved that his fears were for naught, but at the same time, he was speechless. It had only been some dozen of minutes.

The fact that this thing could move into their country was plenty surprising already, but from the way it was talking, it seemed to be privy to some information, and that made him sweat buckets.

But that doesnt mean that youll be forgiven for what youve done. Still, I am always in need of someone who can take care of the aftermath. Especially, someone who can come up with a convenient story for things like this that cant be made public.

Although there was an implication of threat there, the idea of coming up with a story and dealing with the aftermath made him come up with an idea that has recently become familiar with him.

What should be sacrificed to survive this national predicament?

You wish to push everything onto the old men?

Im sure you have plenty of material that the old men are guilty of. Besides, they really are the culprits this time, so even if you have to sacrifice them, you wont feel any guilt, right?


When he nodded, he was already plotting and calculating how to make this plan work.

If he were to make it out so that everything was because these men went out of control, it would be possible to absolve their nation of the crimes.

If needed, the old men could be made to give up some of their personal interests.

But even with all that, it wouldnt be possible to avoid being penalized, and their nation would surely enter an age of diplomatic difficulties.

Instead of allowing these old men to do as they pleased, it would be best to give the world the impression that theyve cleaned the infection and have extracted all of the pus.

The matter about the submarine was one thing, but as much as possible, he didnt want the matter about the missiles to blow up too much.

Alternatively, they could also just deny all accussations since no one was openly blaming them anyway.

Thats a good expression, the kind of look the respectable conspiring politicians have on their faces.

But arent you the one who came up with the gist of this scenario? Ah, I mean

It was hard to tell if the black mist was praising him or mocking him, so he ended up grumbling inadvertently.

For a moment, when the black mist labeled him conspiring, and also because he felt it was much smarter than hed thought, he forgot his fear, and he ended up saying something he shouldnt have.

Hmph, the script you people came up with was too bad, so I had to revise it a bit. Be careful not to make the same mistake Or you might just end up like the old men around you.

Ill keep that in mind.

After leaving that warning and threat, the black mist vanished.

The pressure bearing down on the gentleman also vanished, and he was finally able to let out a breath of relief.

But he was only relieved for a moment. Nothing had been solved just yet.

The first thing he did was to call trustworthy people who wouldnt make a fuss.

That was the first action that this politican, who would one day carry this country on his back, took upon being freed from his puppeteers.

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