I Came Back but the World is Still a Fantasy!?

4-43: Blue and Red’s Declaration of War II (3/7)

4-43: Blue and Red’s Declaration of War II (3/7)

On the table were laid out many rings, and the boy threw them one after another into his mouth.

Nku, hamu, amu, mogu, ahh, I knew it, when it comes to the 4 oclock snack, nothing beats donuts.

After eating that many crepes, you can still eat that much? What a shocker. Also, snack time is 3:00. Its 4:00 right now, but anythings fine, I guess. Sigh

The fox-eared girl(Myuhi), who was sitting across the table in front of Shinichi, had a dumbfounded face on her, while the beast ears above her head fell listlessly, and the tail hanging from her chair wasnt budging the slightest.

Despite that she still couldnt help herself but throw a jab at him.

But crepes and donuts go to different stomachs, dont they? Shinichi said.

You can treat that as common sense as much as you want, but youre not getting me to take that excuse! Sigh, seriously, youre such a glutton. Eating so much and so happily like that Youre an enemy of women in that regard too, huh, Myuhi said.

Myuhi stared enviously at the mountain of donuts. If only she too, alas

Shinichi had already offered her some, but she refused.

Although there was also the arch-nemesis of all women, the weight scale, Myuhis issue was, in her own words, You cant buy me, and I wont accept bribes!

Despite the casual air between the two, theirs was a relationship meant to clash.

One side was a combatant from the terrorist support group, Nameless, while the other was the Mask that has already destroyed several terrorist groups.

in fact, she herself has once been thoroughly beaten by the Mask(him).

Though they both operated illegally, they were definitely enemies.

Hamu hamu, the differing texture of the exterior and the interior, the slight sweetness of the soybean flour Ahh, Im in heaven.

Yet one side was happily eating doughnuts.

Hed revealed his own identity and threatened her, yet his attitude and behavior remained the same.

I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask, but seeing your face like that makes everything feel so pointless.

Thats why Myuhi said that with resignation and sighed.

Suddenly, it felt so stupid to be so worried, though that in itself made her head hurt.

Yeah, its important that people know to give up.

All the more so when words like those were thrown at her like that.

Somehow, the fox ears on her seemed to droop even lower.

Shinichi had taken her everywhere as though they were really on a date, and in the end, she was brought to this donuts store that they talked about last.

The store was full of women and couples, so they fit right in, but the smiling mask Myuhi loved to wear had long since peeled off.

In the first place, how are you able to switch gears so quickly? You were so worried about Ari-chan before I approached you.

It was that sort of situation when she approached, so the change in his attitude really took her by surprise.

Unfortunately for her, the answer she got led her to fall prostrate on the table because of the item diagonally beneath her.

You got it all wrong. Im not good at switching gears, Im good at putting things off for later!

Thats really not something you should be saying with a smug look.

How could he make such a confident face, while saying that he was just running from his problems?

Hes been like this the whole time. Theyve only been walking around town for about half an hour, but Myuhi was already exhausted. Of course, the tension from their identities being revealed to each other played a part in that too.

Ahh, enough! I cant take it anymore! Waiter! I want what hes having, and just as many! Bill it separately please!

Because of that she gave in to despair and ordered for herself.

The first to arrive was the Ice Milk drink that he too had. She used that to moisten her throat.

As donuts were brought in one after another, Myuhis eyes sparkled, and she dug right in.

She ate with such zeal that from a third partys perspective, it looked as though the boy and the fox-eared girl were having a donut eating competition.

In the end, however, Myuhi too was a girl, and she gradually found her cheeks loosening before the power of sweets.

Fu fu.


She knew he was staring at her because of that, so she panicked and hastily made a serious face.

Unfortunately for her, the white beard left by the milk diminished any pressure she mightve been able to give off.

Not to mention those once listless ears were now going blip blop, blip blop as they restlessly expressed their happiness.

Nah, I was just thinking about how youre enjoying them so much Should I wipe it for you?

Shinichi said matter-of-factly as he pointed to his own mouth to show her what he meant.

Its fine, Myuhi curtly said as she hastily wiped her mouth. That in itself was plenty interesting to the boy, however, and he looked at her with an amused smile.

Uu Its precisely that attitude of yours, teasing girls even though you have no intention of going out with them, that Ari-chan became a problem for you, y-you enemy of women!

Though shed said that partly to cover up her embarrassment, she was mostly being honest when she pointed out to him that the situation with Aristel was purely his own doing.

If he didnt want anything to start between them, then he shouldnt have made a pass at her. Myuhi glared at him, but he too had his own opinions, and so he made a glum face.

Thats rude. When you put it that way, it sounds like Im an enemy to all women. Lets make this clear, okay? Im not proud of it, but Im not an enemy to all women, Im an enemy to the women I like.

Shinichi declared with that same confident face from before, causing Myuhi to come down with vertigo.

Her head didnt actually hurt, but somehow it seemed to hurt. Words were terrifying indeed. They could even induce migraines.

The pair of fox ears on her also stood in shock, they were as honest as ever.

Uwaah, thats really not something to be proud of And you just changed the topic, didnt you? Honestly, if we werent in public, I would have hit you already!

Yep, girls really are best when theyre honest Ah, dont worry, being a girl has nothing to do with age.

Myuhi balled her hands into a fist out of irritation, but Shinichis smile didnt even so much as budge, though the last words he said were laced with spite.

I did think Ive been found out already, but since when did you notice?

Myuhi no longer had the strength left to panic from something on this level, but she still chose to probe him.

But while she mightve spoken in that simple manner, she did so with a sour look.

Since the first time we met at the academy. I could more or less tell when I saw you. Youre around the same generation as Frire, right?

For a moment, when the boy pointed out her age, a lifeless eye without color pierced through her.

Ha ha, bingo. Im the youngest from our org, so having someone play student in this school was really reaching But enough of that, why did you say youre not proud of it?

Compared to that time when he made those headache-inducing remarks with a face brimming with confidence despite saying it wasnt something to be proud of, Myuhis reaction to his amazing eyes that could see even through her was lacking.

Because its not my power or personality or disposition or hobby.

Oh, I see, so teasing and playing with girls is your power, disposition, personality, and hobby? Youre the worst!

Though she spoke as though she were merely playing along with his joke, the smile on her was more than enough to gouge out a persons heart.

She was the kind of girl that everyone found cute, so mixing thorns into her words was more than enough to turn them into knives.

Save for those with special hobbies, most men would likely shutdown before such words.

Fu fu, Im glad you understand me so well, Hina.

Unfortunately, there was an exception here.

For the sake of his honor, let it be known that Shinichi is not one of those with special hobbies.

He was just glad that there was someone who could understand the true meaning behind his words.

But of course, to Myuhi, whod intended those words to be a counterattack, being laughed at by him like that troubled her to no end.

The way you talk as if youre superior to everything else is so annoying!

Huh? Even if you tell me that I mean, I really am superior.

The boy laughed as he took two donuts from his plate, then he passed his finger through the holes and spun them.

After all, isnt the very fate of the world in my hands right now?

See? So high and mighty.

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