I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 867 Natural Wizard

"The cooldown of Dragon Fire is relatively short," Imeng explained, his tone steady. "After casting the spell, you can utilize it again within a span of one minute. However, keep in mind that the duration of the flames themselves is dependent on the amount of mana you invest. With a steady supply, you can sustain Dragon Fire for several minutes."

Fein nodded, absorbing the information. He imagined the flames flickering and dancing, envisioning the intricacies of maintaining their fiery presence.

"As for Air Purifier," Imeng continued, his voice filled with assurance, "the cooldown for this spell is slightly longer, around two to three minutes. It requires time for the winds to settle and regain their balance. The duration of the purifying effect varies based on the concentration of your mana and the extent of the area you wish to cleanse. With precise control, you can maintain its effects for approximately five to ten minutes."

Fein's mind drifted to the gentle breeze and the sensation of purity that accompanied it. He contemplated the importance of moderation and control in harnessing the power of air.

"And finally, Frost Nova," Imeng concluded, his expression growing more serious. "The cooldown for this spell is the longest among the three, spanning around five minutes. It takes time for the frigid energy to replenish within you. The duration of the frozen burst, on the other hand, lasts for a few seconds, providing a short window of opportunity to subdue or disorient your adversaries."

Fein absorbed the details, his mind racing with the potential applications of Frost Nova. He pictured the brief but impactful surge of icy power and the strategic timing required to utilize it effectively.

Imeng's gaze met Fein's, his eyes reflecting a deep sense of understanding. "As for their ranks," he continued, his voice filled with sincerity, "Dragon Fire, Air Purifier, and Frost Nova are all classified as D-rank spells. They are the initial stepping stones on the vast path of magical mastery, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the fundamental principles and build a solid foundation."


As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting an amber glow over the training grounds, Fein stood poised, his concentration unwavering. Imeng, observing from the sidelines.

"Alright, Fein, it's time to show off those spellcasting skills!" Imeng exclaimed with a grin, his voice tinged with excitement. "Remember, it's all about control and focus. You've got this!"

Fein nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. He took a deep breath, centering himself, and then began to chant the incantation for Frost Nova. He extended his hand, and in an instant, a wave of icy energy radiated outward, freezing everything in its path. The air turned frigid, and even a tiger demon that had been prowling nearby found itself trapped in a solid block of ice. Fein's control was spot-on, like he'd been doing this his whole life.

Imeng's jaw practically dropped to the ground. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Fein had just frozen a freaking demon tiger!

'The kid was a natural, a magician prodigy in the making.' Imeng couldn't help but feel a a little overwhelmed. Although Fein has the magical amounts of Satan. When they first met, he could genuinely feel that Fein was a complete noob when it comes to spell casting and magic applications. But now...

But Fein wasn't done impressing him just yet. With a mischievous grin, he turned his attention to Dragon Fire. He raised his hand again, and with a flick of his fingers, flames erupted, dancing and twirling with an intense heat. Fein manipulated the fire with ease, directing it towards a makeshift stove nearby. The flames lashed out and engulfed it, instantly igniting it into a roaring inferno.

Imeng's eyes widened, his jaw dropping even further. Fein had just conjured fire like it was nothing, and now he was using it to cook! The guy was a walking barbecue pit! Imeng had to admit, he hadn't expected this level of control and finesse so soon.

Fein, basking in his success, turned his attention to Air Purifier. With a determined expression, he closed his eyes and extended his senses, feeling the currents of the air around him. He drew upon its power, concentrating hard, and suddenly the atmosphere shifted. The smog dissipated, replaced by a refreshing breeze that carried the scent of nature.

Imeng stood there, dumbfounded. Fein had just cleaned up the air like a magical air freshener! The guy had gone from freezing demons to barbecuing to purifying the air in one go. It was mind-boggling. Imeng couldn't help but think that he might have stumbled upon the next big thing in the magical world.

As Fein finished his spellcasting extravaganza, he looked at Imeng, a mix of pride and excitement shining in his eyes. The two of them stood there, the weight of their accomplishment settling upon them. It was a moment of pure magic, of realizing the untapped potential that lay within Fein.

Imeng clapped Fein on the back, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Fein, my friend, you're an absolute wizard! I've never seen anyone pick up spells so quickly. You're a natural-born genius!"

'Of course, I have SS-rank magic talent!' Fein said secretly, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Ah, it's no big deal. I guess I just have a knack for this magic stuff."

Imeng chuckled, his admiration for Fein growing with each passing moment.

As the last rays of sunlight began to fade, casting a hazy glow over the training grounds, Imeng turned to Fein with a solemn expression on his face. The intense training session had come to an end, and it was time to seek shelter from the encroaching darkness.

"Fein," Imeng said, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "We should head back to the inn. The night is about to descend, and it's not safe to be out here alone."

Fein, his brow furrowed, nodded in agreement. They walked side by side, The evening air was cool, carrying with it a hint of chill and a touch of weariness.

As they reached the outskirts of the training grounds, the inn came into view, its warm glow spilling out from the windows. It beckoned them, offering respite and a chance to reflect on the day's events. Imeng pushed open the door, and the familiar scent of hearth and home enveloped them.

Fein followed suit, stepping into the cozy interior of the inn. The wooden floors creaked under their weight, and the murmur of conversation filled the air. The innkeeper greeted them with a friendly smile, acknowledging their return.

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