I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 878 Imeng To The Rescue

Fein couldn't contain his excitement as he stood before Imeng, basking in the glow of his recent accomplishment. Imeng's eyes still held a mix of surprise and admiration, his earlier shock gradually transforming into curiosity.

Imeng leaned forward, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Fein, how did you manage to learn the Wispy Tail Flame in just six days? It's a spell that takes most mages a lifetime to master."

Fein's grin widened, his chest puffing out with pride. He tilted his head back slightly, looking down at Imeng with a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, old man, it's 90% hard work and 10% talent," Fein boasted, emphasizing his point with a confident nod.

Imeng's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "90% hard work, you say?" he retorted, his tone filled with playful skepticism. "I beg to differ, young one. What you've achieved in such a short time goes far beyond mere hard work. It's pure talent."

Fein crossed his arms defiantly, a smug expression playing on his face. "Oh, come on, Imeng. Don't undermine my efforts. I've worked day and night, tirelessly practicing and honing my skills. It's not just some natural talent magically handed to me."

Imeng shook his head, his eyes reflecting a mix of amazement and admiration. "Fein, you don't understand. I've witnessed countless demons struggling for hundreds of years, even lifetime, to grasp the essence of the Wispy Tail Flame. And here you are, mastering it in a mere six days."

Fein's smirk only grew wider. "Well, I guess I'm just special like that," he teased, his voice dripping with playful arrogance.

Imeng chuckled, a mix of disbelief and genuine awe evident in his expression. "Fein, you have no idea how exceptional your talent is. I myself took two months to fully master that spell, and you've surpassed me in just a fraction of that time."

Fein's chest swelled with a mixture of pride and satisfaction. He had pushed himself beyond his limits, dedicating every waking moment to his magical training. It was a testament to his determination and unwavering commitment.

"I guess hard work and a dash of talent can work wonders," Fein admitted, his voice tinged with a newfound humility. "But I couldn't have done it without your guidance, Imeng. You've been a great mentor, and I'm grateful for your teachings."

Imeng's face softened, his eyes reflecting a mixture of fondness and pride. "Fein, you're a rare gem. Your passion, curiosity, and unyielding drive have taken you far. I'm honored to have played a part in your journey."

Fein stood alone in the open expanse, a hint of anticipation tugging at his core. The abandoned city before him lay silent, a haunting reminder of forgotten lives. The air crackled with an eerie stillness, amplifying the weight of Fein's every breath.

With a focused gaze, Fein extended his hand, his fingertips tingling with the anticipation of power. He called upon the depths of his magical prowess, channeling the essence of the Wispy Tail Flame. Wisps of purple energy began to coalesce around his outstretched palm, dancing in a mesmerizing display of raw power.

As Fein concentrated, his brows furrowed in deep concentration, his mind aligning with the destructive force that lay dormant within the spell. He could feel the surge of energy coursing through his veins, intertwining with his very being. The aura of destruction radiated from his being, distorting the air around him.

Without hesitation, Fein released the gathered energy, unleashing the full might of the Wispy Tail Flame upon the unsuspecting city. The wisp of dark blue flame erupted from his hand, its intensity and destructive potential unmatched. The flames engulfed the buildings, the crackling inferno consuming everything in its path.

Fein's eyes widened in horror as he realized the magnitude of his actions. The flames raged with an unquenchable hunger, reducing the once-standing structures to mere ashes. The abandoned city was devoured by the relentless onslaught of destruction.

He stumbled backward, shock etched upon his face, his body trembling with a mix of awe and disbelief. The enormity of the devastation left him speechless.

As Fein stood there, his heart heavy with remorse and his mind clouded by the devastation he had caused, a sudden presence behind him jolted him from his thoughts. He turned around, and there stood Imeng, his mentor, appearing seemingly out of thin air like a ninja magician.

Imeng's eyes scanned the scene before him, taking in the ruins of the once-abandoned city and the desolation that stretched out in every direction. His eyebrows shot up in surprise, and his jaw dropped in disbelief. He couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "Holy smokes, Fein! Did you really do all this damage?"

Without wasting a moment, Imeng moved closer to Fein, his steps casual and relaxed, as if he was taking a leisurely stroll. He slapped Fein on the back, a friendly gesture that carried a hint of camaraderie. "Well, well, my apprentice. Looks like you've been up to some serious mischief here."

Fein's eyes widened at Imeng's lighthearted response, a mix of guilt and relief washing over him. He couldn't help but stammer, "I... I didn't mean to cause such destruction, Imeng. It just... got out of control."

Imeng chuckled, his laughter echoing through the empty streets. "Out of control, you say? That's one way to put it." He flashed a mischievous grin. "But hey, mistakes happen. And boy, did you make one heck of a mistake!"

Fein's shoulders slumped, his face showing a hint of dejection. But before he could dwell on his failure, Imeng's expression softened, and he placed a comforting hand on Fein's shoulder. "Listen, Fein. Magic is a powerful force, and sometimes we stumble and mess things up. But that's where learning and growth come in."

With those words of encouragement, Imeng's demeanor changed. His body began to radiate a brilliant blue aura, shimmering with a mix of wisdom and power. It was as if he had tapped into a wellspring of ancient magic, and the air around them crackled with energy.

The blue aura expanded outward, swirling around Imeng like a vibrant vortex. Time itself seemed to shift and bend under the weight of his spell. The destroyed buildings, the ashes, and the remnants of devastation all started to reverse their decay.

Fein's eyes widened in astonishment as he watched the impossible unfold before him. The broken structures straightened, the charred walls regained their color, and the ashes were whisked away by an invisible force. It was as if the city was being pulled back in time, erasing the destruction with each passing second.

As the last remnants of devastation disappeared, the city stood before them, restored to its former glory. Fein stood there, his mouth agape, completely awestruck by the magnitude of Imeng's magic. He couldn't help but mutter, "No way... Another SS-rank spell!? that's... incredible!"

Imeng turned to Fein, a satisfied grin on his face. "You see, Fein, it's not just about causing chaos and destruction. Magic is a tool that can heal and restore as well. You've got the talent, my friend, and I have no doubt that you'll master it."

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