I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



An incident occurred whereas Evelyn didn't anticipate. Her brother, Allan, was lying on the cold hard floor.

"Young Master!"

The leader of the second group of the Light Legion shouted. However Allan can only respond in grumbles and moaned.

"Young Master?! Please stay strong!"

"What's happening to him?" Cabel talked and crouched down.

"I don't know We should get him out of here" The knight replied.

Evelyn was left astound as she looked and stood there blinking at her brother's paled face. She didn't imagine that one day the brother who looks and stands likes a boulder and mocks her can someday show vulnerability.


Evelyn can't hear Cabel's voice. Seeing that she wasn't paying attention to him, Cabel stood up and grabbed both her shoulders.

"Adelyn Get a hold of yourself."

Cabel didn't call her Eve or Evelyn but instead he called her in her alias because the Knight was beside them.

"Duke, can you help me get the Young Master at my back?" The knight asks, and Cabel can only look back and forth towards Evelyn and Allan's situation.

He did what he needed to do and assist the knight. The priority is the health of their Young Master. They knew that Allan was the only capable person to face the problems that they are facing.

Evelyn didn't even know how she climbed up the stairs and into the bedroom located in the Cabin.

"Call for Sir Jede in the mansion, tell him that the young Master needs medication and a doctor to check up on him."

The leader of the second division of the Light Legion commanded one of his trusted knights.

Cabel looked at the situation at hand and assessed what happened that resulted in Allan's fainting.

Evelyn came near him after she calmed down her mind.

"What do you think is the cause?" Evelyn asked.

"There's a lot of things that could be the reason for this"

"You're right It could be stress, pressure or does he have an illness?"

Cabel paused for a moment to think if ever one of his shadow knights have reported something about Allan's condition.

However, he can only shake his head.

"I'm not aware if he has a health problem we should ask that guy."

He looked towards the knight who was beside Allan, it was the leader of the second division. The knight was wiping Allan's cold sweat, for a while now, he was mumbling incomprehensible words and seemed to be in a nightmare.

"Young Master, please hang in there"

Evelyn followed his sight and nodded to Cabel as she agreed to his suggestion.

"Sir Knight"

"Duke I'm sorry but I think we should postpone the inspection underground"

The knight slightly bowed and tried to appease Duke Cabel.

"Please there's no need for that, we fairly knew that this situation is unprecedented. I understand the circumstances... Don't worry about it, however, I have a question"

The knight then looked up at Cabel abruptly.

"Please, ask away"

At that moment, a light came from the middle of the room and Jed with a doctor appeared out of nowhere.

"They sure are quick to act" Cabel mumbled.

"Young Master!!!" The head butler Jede called, you can see in his eyes the urgency to quickly attend to Allan.

"What happened here?" He asked.

The doctor immediately ran to Allan and diagnosed his condition. The doctor checked his eyes and his breathing. That moment, the butler immediately asked the knight who had the task to guard the Young Master.

"Sir Alex, what happened to the Young Master?"

Cabel and Evelyn can only know the leader of the second division's name and the one who accompanied them to the underground..

The knight then faces the butler.

"Sir Jede, the Young Master just fainted after he experienced some pain"

Pain? Was he hurt?" The doctor asked after he heard their conversation.

"There's no wound that I'm aware of"

"Is that so... Then, could you please leave us for the moment, I need to thoroughly examine the Young Master."

"We understand, if you need anything we will wait in the hall" Jede said and left the room with everyone.

Outside the only bedroom at the Cabin, Cabel, Evelyn, Jede and Alex, are patiently waiting for the result of the examination of the doctor. The cause of the sudden ailment of the Young Master is something that would affect the whole Duchy of the Emsworth.

The reason wh butler Jede has been walking back and forth in front of the door.

Cabel then resumed his talk to the knight, Alex.

"So, Sir Alex.. I would like to resume our conversation earlier"

"Oh, your Grace, you're right. Please ask"

Evelyn closed her eyes as she leaned at the wooden wall of the Cabin while she heightened her senses, so she could hear Cabel and Alex conversation.

"Does the apparent heir of the Emsworth Duchy have a history such as these?"

The butler halted his footsteps and looked back to the knight Alex and Duke Cabel. He walked to them and gave his respect to Cabel as he has the higher status among them.

"Forgive me for my late greetings your grace, Duke Cabel."

Cabel sighs, it was the second time that the answer he wanted to receive didn't come up from their mouth.


"I heard you're asking about Young Master's health history, I may be stepping out of line but we cannot give information like that as it concerns our Master."

Cabel shot his brows up, impressed by the butler's loyalty and bravery.

It is because the butler just went against a noble and with a higher status at that.

"I'm impressed by your loyalty but I'm not asking because I'm concerned by his well being or will use it to my advantage but because I need to know the cause of his sudden poor health given the situation of the Emsworth Duchy..."

Cabel's cold tone vibrated in the space that the people were in.

The knight Alex and the butler flinched at the frank words that came from the young Duke.

Gulped. The butler, Jede, also knew that as the situation stands, it will be quite disadvantageous to them once the vassals or the King knew that the Young Master collapsed and the Duchy had no master governing it.

Of course, he will do anything to not let any news about Allan's condition be exposed on the surface but that is only possible if Duke Cabel and his companion will shut their mouth.

"I assume given your reaction you understand the situation?"

Cabel coldly spat the words that seemed to wake the butler up.

The butler sighs.

"Are you on the Young Master's side? No.. are you on the Emsworth side?"

Cabel smirked.

"I'm on my father-in-laws side"

"Father-in-law? Your Grace is married?"

"Soon" Cabel smiles after thinking about his bride that is sending him stares that can put holes in his body.

Jede became stupefied at his answer and squinted his wrinkled eyes. Evelyn can only listen to Cabel's ridiculous words.

Anyway, Jede decided to trust his word. Duke Keene actually talked about him before he departed from the mansion and to the St. Prisch Academy saying that if ever Duke Cabel asked for anything while he is away, definitely give him the information that he wants.

He didn't know what it meant at first but given the situation, Jede thought that maybe the Duke Keene anticipated something like this.

"Yesterday, the Young Master's aide said that the Young Master became dizzy when they also visited the underground prison where the sacrificial spell was written on the floor"

Cabel stayed silent and let the old butler continue his words.

"... they thought that the Young Master must have been tired because of the trip and so, they left the underground After that, nothing happened. He was still fine when he was facing the vassals and was listening to their complaints. ALso, he stayed up all night because he was planning some things regarding the Duchy."

Evelyn, who was staying silent, started to process the information that she got from the butler.

"Is it because of lack of sleep? But that would not result in Allan's sudden fainting, besides he felt immense pain that caused him to pass out"

Evelyn tried to come up with the reason why Allan suddenly became ill when she knew that Allan is not a sickly child, rather he has a strong resistance to illness because his constitutions are blessed with immunity like her father.

"He got dizzy when he was standing in that open space where the sacrificial spell was inscribed on the floor Now, he fainted in the same space. Is there a connection?" Evelyn mumbled.

The words that left Evelyn's mouth became a realization to her.

"Can I have the keys to that dungeon?"

All eyes fall to Evelyn who just butted in the conversation. Evelyn walked until she was in front of the butler and her sunset eyes that were closed a minute ago became vividly visible to Alex and Jede now that she faced them.

"Wait a minute"

Jede's eyes slowly opened wide as he saw the familiar cat-like sunset eyes, under the black cape and the masked, no one could think that someone like her would make Allan, a strict person, let her enter the Cabin without his permission if she was not a person who he could trust.

And now that Jede heard her voice, a strong guts was telling him that maybe just maybe those hints are pointing to the one answer.

"I might be wrong but may I know this maiden's name?"

For so many years, his heart beat again in anticipation. Jede was praying that his guts was correct.

"Are you?"

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