I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 176: ADLEY'S TRAP: PART 4

Chapter 176: ADLEY'S TRAP: PART 4

Prince Adley snatched the small face of Evelyn forcefully. She winced a little as the grip of his hand was tighter than it looked. Prince Adley smiled at her as she gave him the reaction that he expected.

"You've become more beautiful than everShould I just make you my bride?"

Prince Adley looked at her closely and their face was inch apart. What he was suggesting was something that is plausible but at the same time a crazy proposal.

"What do you say? You wouldn't become that bastard Crown Princess, oh wait"

Suddenly, Adley laughed like a madman and let Evelyn's face slip from his grasp.

"That's right my brother was now engaged to the Saintess who is greedy for power that she would do anything that she was told'

Evelyn expected that Elise was being used. However this doesn't mean that she would forgive her for everything that she has done.

"Ha-hahaha!" Prince Adley was still laughing, finding the situation funny.

"I never had a good laugh ever since I learned that your Father, the Duke, was gravely injured. Though some of my men were killed. They're just pawns so I think about it as a bargain of what happened to him, though he came back to his Dukedom no." He continued.

"What are you talking about? Our father is dead!" Evelyn was still playing the act of having no memories of what happened.

"You're still saying that you don't know what I'm talking about? Really?"

Prince Adley scratches her blue hair. The action was alluring if people won't look at his personality or this dirty room that they were in right now.

"I really don't know what you're talking about! Let us go."

He stared at him with his cold emerald eyes. Then she approached her close enough for them to lock eyes and then


He pulled Evelyn's black long hair. And he showed it to her.

"This here, is the symbol that you are from the Emsworth family. Your unique hair"

Prince Adley then brought his other hand close to her eyes.

"And this right here is also a unique trait that you got from the Powerful Tower Master, Duchess Monica."

Evelyn tried hard not to be swayed as she heard her mother's name from the lips of the enemy.

"Now Do you really think I would believe something like that? Well let's say that what you said is possible, is that the reason why you weren't seen for the last four years."

Prince Adley let her go and Evelyn clenched her teeth hard. She knew that it would be hard to let them think that she really has no memories but it was a gamble that she would take.

"I really don't know what you're saying, your highness please let us go. Let me and my sister go."

Evelyn begged, right now her ego was something that she didn;t need in this situation. What she needs to know if they are also the once behind the sacrifice that was happening all over the Kingdom. 

She needed to know the purpose of why they artificially made a black mana in the form of liquid.

Prince Adley laughed again.

"I see so you're saying that you don't have memories of me, fine I'll try to believe you. So what do you think of becoming my bride?"


Evelyn became flabbergasted.

'He's not joking about what he said earlier?' She thought.

"I think it would be funny to see some familiar faces writhe in pain while they saw you walking in the aisle and coming towards me"

He laughed again.

"Isn't that interesting? Thinking about the faces of the people who are close to you with such despair in their eyes ahh! It's thrilling, it makes me want to want you more."

Evelyn shivered. She expected the man to have a few screws loose with his greediness. However she never thought that Prince Adley was a sadist that preys to the anguish of the people.

'He is a sick bastard to the core'

Evelyn made the resolve to quickly wrap this up. She just needed to endure this first.

"I decided"

Evelyn snapped back to her senses.

"We will have a wedding in the Temple of Light and we will invite the people who know your true identity who knows maybe that would come as a shock for you and you'll remember things then, I'll get your heart when they think that they already saw the pits of hell"

Adley smiles genuinely, the thought of what was about to happen was really making him happy. Evelyn's sunset eyes shook as she heard Adley's words.

"What do you mean? What about my . Heart?" Evelyn tried hard to look innocent as much as possible while she thought to make Adley talk. But deep inside she was raging in anger.

Same for Cathy who was still faking her unconscious state. She needed to grit her teeth as Evelyn ordered her to. Cathy had an order that she absolutely needed to finish.

And that was sensing how far they are from the capital using her magic, she needed to know where this is for the others to know their location. And she needed to concentrate her mana and use as little as possible to not be able to be detected by the others.

'I need to get this done immediately' Cathy thought.

Meanwhile, Evelyn suddenly has a thought about what Adley said.

'If he knew why the Temple of Life wants my heart then I'll try to get as much information as I can get' Evelyn thought.

Prince Adley could only smile as he enjoyed the horror in the eyes and face of the said Princess of the Emsworth Family.

"Ishid... "

He called his right hand man and ignored Evelyn's plea. Evelyn hung her head low while she thought things through.

'I knew that it would be hard for me to get information so easily. But this is fine.. I still have three days before the promise day.' Evelyn deeply thought.

While the two were talking about something, Evelyn was trying to think of how she could get information from them. 

'I could always use the necklace that Chrisfold gave. In that way I could get information from them'

That was the most efficient way that Evelyn has thought since the beginning of the plan. What she needed now was to wait for Prince Adley's reaction.

Evelyn wasn't supposed to come up with this plan and become the hostage. However Prince Adley and Ishid have been living quietly while they were doing cruel things behind their backs.

She needed something that would stir them up, and what she thought was herself.

Evelyn would be the perfect reason for them to come up with the excuse to attack the Emsworth family and the Royal Palace.

They would make the King and the Duke fight each other using her.

'They would accuse my family that we betray and deceive the Royal Family by saying that the Emsworth Duchy let their daughter tarnish the Crown Prince reputation by faking her death.' Evelyn thought.

'King Charles wouldn't let this opportunity come to waste. He has been keeping his calm while my father was ignoring him for the past few years'

Her presence would be enough for the Capital to be in uproar.

Then, Evelyn suddenly recalled what Gil, Alisha and Cathy found out.

'Gil said that Elise said something about making a surprise event at the King's birthday celebration'

Gil, Alisha and Cathy who have moved separately and follow some high ranking officials form the Temple when they leave after installing the paper scroll that have a purpose of diminishing the effect of the black mana

They have gained that the Temple of Light was plotting for a while and they seem to think that the opportunity has risen now.

'...It would be the perfect opportunity to attack. The Citizens who are going to join the celebration of the King in the plaza wouldn't know the crisis that was about to happen.'

They will attack the Capital and some other areas that oppose the Temple, while they will try to rescue them and let the people think that the Temple of Light has done a great deed again.

'Worst case the people would blame the Royal family and they would gladly worship the temple who helped them'

Their influence would rise further. That was why Evelyn decided to make a move herself. At least she knew that if the situation came to worst, she could do something about it. And inform her contracted spirits about what was happening.

And her identity was something that she could use to her advantage. Evelyn knew that Adley had been trying to get close to her in the Academy because he needed her for something.

Now that she thinks about it, Prince Adley and the Temple are accomplices, that means that Prince Adley must have known the purpose of why they needed her heart.

Besides they needed to know where they were meeting in secret. They can't ask the elementals to always become the spy for them. 

They are still spirits that have a lot of ego.

She needed for him to strike first and counter his plans at the same time.

'I won't let you do as you please... '

Evelyn found a new reason to be determined and to proceed with the situation.

At that moment, Prince Adley and Ishid have finished talking among themselves.

"Now, why don't I bring you to our new home my soon to be bride?" Prince Adley smiles.

Evelyn clenched her hand and told herself to be patient.

'I will definitely make you pay bastard!'

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