I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 184: THE DUNGEON: PART 3

Chapter 184: THE DUNGEON: PART 3

Evelyn found herself in the predicament after she saw what was inside the parlor room.

A man was sitting inside the room and was casting a shadow as his back was against the window. 

His golden hair that was much close to white was shining brightly under the luminescence of the sun.

'Who is that?'

It was what Evelyn could only ask herself. 

The maid that guided her to the parlor room hasn't said anything about what it was all about. 

Her dressing up was not given a reason as to why she needed to do so. She was only given an order to shut her mouth and follow the maid.

They only made her wear that pure white dress that was given to her.

After Evelyn went into the parlor room, all the knights and the maid hurriedly left the room. It was so odd for Evelyn to see the others scurry away.

She began to think about who was the one to summon her here.

Suddenly, the man sitting comfortably on the sofa began to talk.


The man greeted him casually like Evelyn and he were acquainted. It made Evelyn think about who he was but she didn't have the memory of that voice.

She has the gist of who it might be for some reason as she heard the voice of the old man and also because of his golden hair that was close to white appeared to Evelyn that she already saw it before.

Evelyn only glanced at the man sitting in front of her. The shadow was still hiding what was underneath the white robe that has gold patterns at the linings on the cloth.

The greeting was solemn and has a deep tone accompanied by it. You can already say that the person who just talked is at his peak and is entering his golden age.

"Please sit, my Lady."

Evelyn became vigilant. She didn't know what she was supposed to do but she was sure that she could fend for herself if something amiss happened.

She can do it because they were alone in the room, it would be easy for her or that's what she thought.

For now, Evelyn sits down far away from the man.

"Hmmm the white fabric suited you well. I'm glad it seems that my choice was correct."

Evelyn looked down when she heard what the man just said. 

'He's the one who prepared this? I thought that bastard Adley was the one who orchestrated this?! What the hell?' Evelyn thought as she scanned the white dress that she was wearing.

"Are you the one who called for me? Can I ask for what reason?"

Evelyn asked, and the man slowly uncovered his face. She squinted her eyes as the lights behind him were too blinding for her.

After her eyes were adjusted to the light could only make Evelyn see who was the person that was in front of her.

The smiling old man was looking at her, Evelyn now confirmed that it was really the Pope. She needed to pretend that she was shocked at the same time and didn't have a clue who the person in front of her is and so she did.

"Who who are you? What do you need from me? Are you with the Prince?"

"Ha...haha the Prince said that you seem to have no recollection of who you really are is it true?"

The doubtful words that Pope Nelson said rings inside Evelyn's head, she didn't also miss the look of the Pope's eyes.

It was examining her every inch of her movements. Evelyn could only smile inside.

It was because the Pope who was always hiding behind his pawns voluntarily made his presence known.

'Now, this would be interesting' Evelyn thought.

"What is your name, my Lady?" Pope Nelson asked with an amused tone in his voice.

'So, you decided to play along'

Evelyn bowed down and made herself look like a scared lady.

"I'm I'm called Adelyn, can I know who you are?"

The quivering in her eyes made Pope Nelson think twice if she really lost her memories. However, he was sure that she was the Evelyn that Duke Keene is searching for.

"Adelyn huh? What a good name it means a noble one. Hahaha!"

Evelyn flinched when she heard her name spoken from the Pope's mouth. It felt like her whole being was grossed out by it. Then she heard Pope Nelson speak again.

"You don't need to know who I am Just know that I'm someone who will give you a chance to be worshipped by the others."

"What do you mean about?"


Evelyn and Pope Nelson turned their heads to where the sound came from.

Prince Adley burst inside the parlor room and stood in front of the Pope with a scrutinizing look in his eyes.

"Oh my look who it is." The Pope merrily said as he glanced at the door and saw the guards that left the room to have been bathing in their own blood.

"What are you doing here?" Prince Adley said, still holding a sword with blood dripping at the tip.

He glanced at Evelyn before he looked again at the Pope.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Evelyn just kept her mouth shut as she saw the maid that was cleaning her room to be lying down on the floor with her head detached from her body.

'This psycho!' Evelyn could only curse inside her mind, even though she knew that the maid was on the Prince side she can't believe how cruel the second prince was to do such a thing for a maid who was just obeying orders from some high aristocrats.

At that moment, the Pope's voice resounded inside the parlor room.

"Why? I can't even see the lady in the prophecy?"

Evelyn turned her head abruptly as she heard what the Pope just said. Her eyes have a visible looked of confusion and as well as shocked.

Prince Adley also saw this and clicked his tongue.

"Guards! Escort my fiance to her room."

The Guards immediately heed the orders of Prince Adley however, the Pope's mouth was faster.

"Since when did she become your fiance? Why am I not informed? Are you trying to manipulate the poor lady?"

The Pope's voice was friendly and he was smiling but the words he spoke were provoking for Prince Adley.

"And why don't I see your right hand man? Where is sir Ishid, I wonder?"

"Hey, Old man you think I have time for your taunting? If I kill you this instant, no one will know do you get what I mean?"

"Oh my I knew that the Second Prince had a bad temper but not to this extent"

The Prince saw that Evelyn was still in the room and shouted at the guards.

"What are you still doing here? Should I kill you all and escort my fiance myself?"

"No, your highness we will escort the lady."

Evelyn hesitantly followed the guards that were escorting her outside the parlor room. When the door was about to close, Evelyn heard the Pope again.

"I see You will make her your bride to get."

But before she could hear the last words, the door was shut and she didn't hear the important discussion that the Prince and the Pope have been talking about.

As she was walking down the hallway, she already had been thinking about what the pope just said.

'Prophecy? What prophecy are they talking about?'

Evelyn doesn't have a clue about what it was. She also doesn't have memories of such things when she was young.

'There's also no such thing that was said in the novel So what was this all about? What the hell is missing?!"

While taking the stairs going to her room on the second floor she encountered Ishid.

There was still darkness surrounding him and his aura was still suffocating for her. 

'There is something about this man that irked me and also made me cautious.' she thought.

Evelyn just had her head down as she walked past Ishid however she stopped when she saw a pair of shoes that stopped in front of her.

She slowly looked up and there she saw Ishid's eyes that were mysterious and the depth seems to be the endless pit of the abyss.

His eyes were dark and still had the glow of the color of fire. A fire that if you will compare then it would be the fire in hell

Ishid looked at her with piercing eyes as they made eye contact. He reached for her chin and made her look up as he saw her lowered her face.

"If it isn't the Second Prince bride to be"

'Seriously do you really think I would accept being a bride of some bastard!' Is what Evelyn would like to say to his face but of course she didn't because she still needed to be that naive, pitiful and innocent lady that she portrayed.

"What are you doing here outside your room?"

Ishid asked Evelyn but the guards were the one to answer.

"The Pope summoned the Lady Sir Ishid."

Ishid stares at the guard with a horrendous look.

"I apologize, Sir Ishid"

"Are you going to your room now?"

This time, the guards kept their mouth shut. Sensing that no one will speak on her behalf, Evelyn kneeled that she needed to answer.

"Yes sir. The Prince said that I need to go back to that place"

"Hmm you don't want to call it your own room?"

Evelyn kept her mouth shut again. She didn't feel the need to answer such obviousness.

"Then, I'll escort you to that place."


hello guys! 

I think I need to explain some things yep... so umm, I knew I owe a lot of chapter and I'll try to double work hard for that. 

As to why, the reason was that one of my family members passed away and I was kind of all out of place and didn't have the energy and passion to do my stuff. I know this is super personal but I thought I need to explain the reason why because you guys are the people who support this novel since day 1...

I will start to think about how and why I started this so I could move on and get my passion back... and thank you so much guys for waiting. You guys are the best <3

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