I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 191: PLAN A. NOW IN MOTION: PART 3

Chapter 191: PLAN A. NOW IN MOTION: PART 3

"That! What the hell are they thinking?! They're a temple that serves the goddess of light but they made something as gruesome and cruel as that?!"

Cabel can't help but let his inner thoughts out. He can't even believe what he just heard from Cassandra.

"What's their intention for doing that?! Making a black liquid that came from an unnatural black mana and what?!...It came from the hatred of dying people and that it eats and absorbs the essence of the surroundings?!"

Cabel summarized what he heard from Cassandra and shockingly repeated what he heard. It was unbelievable that he even wished to crack open the skull of the Pope who obviously would know all about this.

He didn't even realize that the room was quiet and only him was becoming irritated and worried.

When he finished cursing the temple with every cuss word that he knows, that's when he noticed the unusual atmosphere that surrounded the contracted spirits of Evelyn as well as the black witch.

"What? Is there still something that is more shocking than this?!" He asked.

"This is not part of" Chrisfold mumbles and Cabel heard it and confusedly asked.

"What the hell is not part of it?!"

"No, nothing" Chrisfold dismissed Cabel's doubts by making it seems that he was just talking about something else.

Then they heard Cassandra.

"Does it mean It's happening again?"

"What do you mean?" Gil asked.

"It's just it's something I heard from the witches that helped me when I was still new to my affinity. Do you know about what happened to the forbidden city of the Stygian?"

"Do you mean the land of Elves that became a land of darkness and nothingness?" Bern asked, still standing at the end of the bed with Cabel, Chrisfold, and Alisha.

"Yes I actually don't know much about it because it was a thousand years ago but I remembered that one of the witches told me about a black liquid that came from a person that the witches deemed as their superior."

"Wait Do you know about this Gil?" Chrisfold asked. 

Among the spirits that Evelyn contracted, Gil is the oldest amongst them.

However, Gil could only shaked his head.

"No I don't recall something like that because at that time I'm still considered as a low spirit. I'm mostly in the land of elementals and didn't meddle in the circumstances that are happening in the land of the humans."

"If the story I heard at that time were true then there's a possibility that they're trying to do the same thing again." Cassandra said.

"This is.. I don't even know where to begin." Cabel mumbles.

"We should contact Evelyn and tell her to get out of there we need to change our plans. This is getting bigger than we thought." Cassandra said that everyone agreed.

"I'll contact Cathy and let her tell Evelyn about it."

Alisha decided to move in the farthest place in the room, she started to focus her consciousness to contact Cathy who is with Evelyn.


Alisha let out an unexpected exclaim.

"What did you just say?!"

Hearing the unusual raise of her voice, everyone's attention was poured in the corner of the room.

"What is it?" Chrisfold asked.

"Well.... Evelyn seems to have gone in Cathy's radar."


Bern, Cabel, Chrisfold, Cassandra and Gil all asked.

"What do you mean?" Gil asked.

"Hey! What the hell happened?" Chrisfold also asked.

"How can Evelyn be gone just like that?!" Cabel shouted.

"Didn't Evelyn just contact us earlier?" Bern said, confused.

"What happened in that short amount of time? Cassandra mumbles.

"Tell Cathy to get out of there but before that, asked her about what happened."


Earlier after Adley left Evelyn in her room she decided to lay down in the bed. The guards are outside her room and the windows are still sealed with iron bars, still looking like a cage.

"I need to do something but"

She seems to be exhausted as she yawns and felt her whole being succumb to sleep, what she didn't know was there's a sleeping drug mixed in the air that she inhaled since the guards and the maid went outside that seems unusual to her too.


Evelyn slowly opened her eyes and saw nothing but a ray of light that penetrated through the small window that also had iron bars on it.

"What the-"

Evelyn was dumbfounded, she can't believe what unprecedented situation she is, now that she saw where she was.

"Did that bastard drug me?! That f*cking"

"Oh you're awake"

Evelyn's mind still is clouded but she can immediately distinguish where she is or who just talked.

And on the other side of the iron door was a lady dressed in white and with cotton candy hair that touches her body with a small lantern on her hand.

Still, she needed to act like she didn't have a clue.

"Who are you?!" Evelyn yelled.

"Oh my~ don't be like that I know you know who I am. I've missed you, you know~:"

The disgusting way of how she talks makes Evelyn shiver in disgust. Of course she knows who she is it was the heroine of the novel "A happy Ending" that now Evelyn hated the most.

'Do you think I don't know who you are, you green tea b*tch?!' is what Evelyn would like to say right now however she tried not to let her inner thoughts burst open and ruin her plans.

"Who are you?" Evelyn asked again.

"Are you one of Prince Adley's lackeys?!" 

Now, she was trying to provoke Elise by asking if she is a dog of Adley. Of course, Evelyn knew that she was one before she became a saintess.

"Lackey's?! That man? Ha hahaha!"

Suddenly, Elise burst out laughing at how ridiculous it was to hear it from someone who was imprisoned by the same person that she was talking about.

"What's so funny? Why are you laughing?" Evelyn asked while she struggled to let the drug out of her system by shaking her head.

"Don't you think that what you said is really funny, Lady Evelyn?... oh or should I just call you Lady Adelyn?"

Elise laughed again after she saw the woman that was sitting on the floor held her head down.

"You think I wouldn't' know it's you? What? Do you think I'm foolish enough to believe that disguise of yours?!"

Still with her head down, Evelyn laughed and smirked.

'There's no point in acting like I don't know her for this b*tch it's more effective to gain information as Evelyn who she felt inferior to.'

Evelyn smirked at her as she faced the woman that at the beginning of the story was her favorite character.

"What are you smiling at?!" Elise asked as she saw the look on Evelyn's face.

Even though the only light that came in that smelly and dirty prison is from a small window the size of a book, it was enough to illuminate some parts of the room and that include Evelyn's ridiculing sunset eyes.

Evelyn started to laugh.

Elise moves forward and leans in.

"Are you going crazy now? Hahaha! You can't believe that your plan was discovered by me right?!"

"You really are a one crazy b*tch."

"What did you say?! Look who's talking your life is in my hands you wench!"

"It was my fault that I didn't know how aware you are of my existence the saint must have paid a lot of attention to me are you that threatened now that you know who I am?"

"Huh! Do you think that you hold a candle against me, Evelyn?! Your family didn't even know that you're alive no one in this society knows that you're alive. You're not even a noble anymore, so even if I kill you no one will pick your bones to bury them"

Elise smiled like a villainess that Evelyn began to doubt the story.

'Is this really what supposed to happen after the ending?' Evelyn thought as she saw the wickedness in Elise's eyes.

'Or is this the effect of me abandoning my role at the beginning of the story?'

Anyway for whatever reason, Evelyn thought that Elise's actions are her own and has nothing to do with what she has done for herself.

'So there's no reason to hesitate this b*tch has already lost her chance to change'

"How does it feel to be in this dirty cell?"

"Well it doesn't seem so bad when I think that a dirty b*tch like you are at the other side pretending to be holy."

Evelyn begins to look uninterested at Elise, which makes her grit her teeth like a mad woman. And because of the distance between them and the iron bars that were standing in front of Elise, her face was almost glued at the space between the two iron bars.

"Why don't you go and kneel at the Pope who also thinks that you're a disposable and dirty wench that he can replace anywhere and anytime?!"

"You b*tch!"

Clang Clang Clang!

Elise shakes the iron bar with all her might that the guards that let her in also heard about it.

"You think you'll be safe because you're in there?! Ha! I'll tell you this whatever happens I'm the heroine of this world and whatever I do no one will win against me! But you won't understand this because you're just an extra meant to make me shine!"

The words that Elise just spoke make Evelyn pause for a moment and process what she just said.

'Heroine?! Does it mean she also knew about the novel? Is she a reincarnator like me?'

Evelyn can't help but seriously think that she isn't the only one that reincarnated in this world.

'How much does she know? I need to find out' she thought. 

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