I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



Two days before the fateful day of rescuing Evelyn, Allan has received information about the man who blatantly spread the rumors about the underground basement which has writings and scriptures that form the circling spell.

"Where did you say the merchant was?"

"He's currently in the waiting room, young master."

Butler Jede were telling him about how and where they found the man who escaped the cabin in the forest of Shield.


Allan didn't hesitate to open the door, he didn't even bother to acknowledge the guards that were stationed in front of the waiting room which became a precaution if ever the merchant tried to escape again.

Though it would be hard for him again because right now he's inside the residence of the Emsworth where a lot of the Light Legion knights are in patrol ever since Evelyn.

Opening the door, Allan can see the back of the head of the man who made the situation for the duchy worse. If not for his father who controlled the situation and made the citizens calmed down, the King would immediately see it as an opportunity to corner them.

Allan walked in and stopped in front of the man who had sleek black hair. As he sit down he started to 

"Are you the one?" Allan asked.


Allan's brows twitched at the man who blatantly looked at him and smiled like what he just did was something natural.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"You really looked like her hmm except for the eyes and the hair color I guess. Well, is that how she will look after she takes off that disguise?"

Allan was quite confused as to what the man in front of him was talking about.

'Disguise? Hair color? And the eyes' Allan tried to think about what the man just said and immediately came to the conclusion that it was about Evelyn, his sister.

"Who are you?" 

Allan asked with a low tone in his voice. It has a hint of hostility and the atmosphere became intense that Jede who was quietly standing beside the door can feel the tension in the air.

Jede gulped down but still looked at the man who still seemed to be relaxed even though he was looking straight at the cold sunset eyes of Allan.

Then Allan and the butler Jede heard the man answer the question that Allan threw at him.

"Me? I'm Erick you could say I'm one of the colleagues of the dead rose of the battlefield."


Allan didn't know what Erick was talking about, even his identity was unknown to him. Well, it was evident because Erick was from the neighboring country and was at the edge of the territory.

And Erick was clothed like a commoner that Allan thought that he was just a merchant just like what the report said a while back so he immediately ignored it. Of course, he didn't know that what Erick was talking about was about his sister's alias during her adventurers days.


"Yes are you curious?"

Allan faltered and was curious after he heard Erick say that he was a colleague of his sister. He tried his best to focus on what is important right now and later asked about the details as to what his sister was doing ever since she disappeared four years ago. 

However, for now, he quickly thought about why he was here and that is to learn how this man could find a cabin in the middle of the shield forest where it seems to be cast in illusion magic that made it possible for the other adventurers and knights to not notice it.

"I'll get to the point how did you find the cabin in the middle of the shield forest that has an incantation of illusion magic?"

"Hmmm~ don't tell me you're still stuck on that clue?"

Allan was getting irritated to Erick who was circling the conversation.


"I'm not here to waste my time if you don't want to be in prison then tell me how did you find it out?!"

Allan can't help but to make his voice louder than it should be as he was getting impatient and there were still things that he needed to do as the day to corner the people who tried to harm their family were getting nearer in the day.

"Then I'll give you a clue"

"I'm not here to joke ar-"

"You should focus on what happened to that Cabin right?"

When Allan heard what he said he couldn't help but jump and grabbed the collar of Erick.

"Tell me what you know!"

With his murderous aura leaking in, Erick chuckled like he was feeling a sense of deja vu.

"The both of you really are siblings she also tried to get her way every opportunity that arisesfine~ I'll tell you..."


At present, Evelyn and Prince Adley were still surrounded by the holy knights of the Temple of Light and all of their swords are pointing at them.

Hostility and tension arise in the vicinity and everyone could see that the second Prince doesn't have the intention to leave Evelyn in the Temple of Light like what Elise demanded from him.

"You sure become an insolent wench after I gave you that position you do know that I could also destroy you right?"

"I've already paid you enough for your help and I don't think that I still owe you besides no one would believe what you're going to say I'm the Saintess! Everyone would believe whatever I say"

Evelyn, who was listening to the conversation between Elise and Prince Adley, were secretly trying to take as much information as they were talking to each other.

She was also talking to her contracted spirits that she sensed after Nine told her that some of her friends are stationed outside the Temple and some are disguised as a holy knight.

And right now, she spotted Gil and Cathy as well as Bern in the mix in the holy knights that were surrounding them.

"I'm giving you a last warning, Saintess! Get out of the way!"

As Prince Adley said that he pointed his sword towards Elise whereas the holy knights responded to it with closing in the proximity towards them.

Evelyn can feel that in any moment a battle will break out and that would be the signal for her to escape from them.



And as it seems it was a coincidence the sound of the bell in the clock tower resonated in the area, the battle also started without a warning.



The surroundings soon become full of the sound of the clashing of the sword of the Prince and the holy knight of the Temple of Light.

While Elise was at the rear, shielding herself from the battle and was laughing her hearts out.


Meanwhile, Evelyn was pulled closer to Prince Adley.




One of the shoulders were mercilessly killed. One after the other, Prince Adley didn't let go of his sword and kept on swinging it against the enemies.

"Take this!"

One of the holy knights tried to kill Evelyn who was behind Prince Adley.




"Dammit they're too many!"

Evelyn heard Prince Adley, who seems to have been struggling as he killed twenty men after half an hour in the battle.

It was a feat for him to be able to defend him and Evelyn by himself while having baggage like protecting Evelyn throughout the battle.

So, Evelyn whispered to him. She also doesn't want to be killed like this 

"Let me go I'll just get in the way"

"And what? You'll escape from me? No! Not gonna happen!"

A trickle of sweat dropped from his chin. And Evelyn knew that at this point, his stubbornness would lead them to their death.

"Stop being thick headed and just let me go you're not using both your hands that is why you're having difficulty in fighting. So let me go or else both of us would definitely get hurt because of your stubbornness!"

Prince Adley only glanced at Evelyn. He also knew that protecting someone in that close proximity will be hard for him to do as he was both defending and attacking the enemy as well as making sure that Evelyn didn't get snatched by the holy knights.




Prince Adley was still fighting the knights while holding Evelyn closer to his body.

But as far as his concern, he also knew that Evelyn could fight like what he remembers during the tournament in the St. Prisch Academy four years ago.

'Should I let her fight?'

'Should I give her a sword?'

'But what if she escaped? Then what?'

All of this thought was swirling in Prince Adley's mind as he was facing one of the knights that both their swords clashed together.


At the end, he had no choice but to seek help because the more he tried to be here in the vicinity of the Temple the more it would be dangerous for them if more holy knights rushed in as back up.

So using his foot, he tossed a lying sword from one of the knights he killed and gave it to Evelyn.

"What's this? You want me to fight?"

"If you don't want to get killed then help me"

"Ha-haha I'll guess I'll try."

Evelyn could only laugh and smile like a villain at the situation that she was in and thought that it was the perfect opportunity to mess things around or even kill the Saintess "accidentally".

'That wouldn't be so bad..,' she thought.


As it seems like a perfect timing, one of the holy knights rushed in and swung his sword that made shadows casted in Evelyn's face and with her quick reaction she immediately defended herself.


Their swords clash together and while on the fighting stance, Evelyn hears the sweet voice of Elise from the rear.

"Don't hurt her too much, Sir knight a broken rib or decapitated leg should suffice"

Evelyn heard Elise chuckle after she gave the order to the knight that she was exchanging sword blows.

The knight smiled and answered the Saintess command like he was entranced.

"Of course as you wished, Saintess"

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