I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



Prince Adley looked at the Captain of the Holy knights that Elise just slapped and thought that it would be the best chance they could get when they are still preoccupied.

So he quickly learned in Evelyn's ear and whispered.


Evelyn started to run after Prince Adley gave her the signal. Elise and the Captain of the Holy knights also noticed the two running away.

"What are you doing?! Get them you idiots!!! You know what will happen if you didn't catch them! I'll kill you all myself!"

While Evelyn and Prince Adley both have a split second of advantage, they quickly arrive at the glass window at the left side of the hall. 

Without looking back, Evelyn begins to talk to her contracted spirits, Cathay, Bern and Gil that were blended amongst the holy knights.

'Tell the others to do what we discuss and quickly get out from there'

"Then what about you?" Gil asked.

"There's something that's bugging me so I'll try to stick around for a little more"

"What?! You're telling me that you'll stay with that bastard?" Bern shouted as he communicated with Evelyn through their link.

"I'm definitely going back today I'll just need to know why this guy is trying so hard to rescue me from the temple" Evelyn answered.

Then they heard a loud crash. It was the result of Prince Adley breaking the glass window.

"Jump!" He said to Evelyn.

Bracing herself, she told them the last thing before she made a run for it.

'I'll see you guys later~'

Cathay, Bern,.and Gil all sighed as they thought that the plan was still in the process of completion.

"Get them!!!"

Elise shouted as she viciously looked at the back of the two people that she hated the most.

The Captain of the Holy knights begins to order his subordinates.

"These two groups will go around the temple and block all exits! The five of you will leave here and guard her holiness"

The Captain of the Holy knights paused when he thought that the five people who were assigned to guard the Holy Saintess at the back seemed different than usual. More specifically, the three knights that were with the Saint seem to have a different atmosphere to them.

"Captain! What the hell are you doing?!"

However his thoughts were completely buried as he heard the sharp tone of Elise, the holy Saintess of the temple of Light. So, he immediately resumed giving orders.

"The rest of you come with me we need to get them no matter what!" He deliberately shouted at loud for Elise to hear.

"I'll trust you Captain of the Holy Knights Sir Ricardo."

The Captain of the Holy Knights who are called Ricardo bowed his head to Elise while most of the knights immediately did what they were supposed to do..

He knew the consequences that could happen if the order of the Saint or the Pope weren't fulfilled, then his knights will be the one to suffer at the end and Ricardo can't afford to have that.

Ricardo quickly runs to get the two people that have run away from the commotion that happened earlier.

He clicked his tongue when he remembered who was the one they were after.

"Tsk now they also want to touch the royal family."

When they gained a distance between them and the annex of the Temple of Light, the knights started to ask their Captain.

"Captain Do we proceed to the plan?"

"Yes we will stick to the plan so make sure that all the knights that are on our side was the only one who knew what was about to happen."

"Yes Sir!"

The knights that were beside him quickly left his side and went to different directions which their allies were waiting for.

The knights that were with him were his trusted knights that had seen most of the blunder, cruelty, and all the dirty transactions that happened in the Temple of Light ever since the Saint and the Pope sat on their self proclaimed throne.

And they knew that the rotten core could only be replaced when everything was cleaned and replaced with a righteous seed. That's the only time that they could say that the Temple of Light will shine brightly.

Ricardo can still remember how he got the parallel scar on his face. Whenever he saw the scar he recalled the disgusting things that he saw and needed to endure in this hellhole of a place.

At some point, he was an orphan and the only thing that could happen to the orphans in the Kingdom of Levingstone is to either be in the orphanage that will treat you like a slave or the Temple of Light where they made the orphan one of them.

Some things led to another that made him enter the Holy Knights of the Temple of Light and that's where everything began. His everyday life became filled with guilt and anger.

He began to discover the "Light" that the Temple was building up was all an illusion, a facade that they put up for the people to believe in.

However, what was behind the white walls was the dirty and cruel things that they are doing. 

Things that could make people vomit and be horrified. 

'Is this true?'

'Why are they doing this?'

'How can they stomach such cruel things?'

These were the questions that Ricardo were always playing in his mind and until now, there was nothing.

The answer was nowhere to be seen. And everyday felt like he was further sinking in his own conscience and guilt. The cries that he heard from time to time leave him with nightmares.

That was when he began to start his plan. 

'I need help!'

'I need to gather evidence!

'I needed people that would help me fight the temple.'

That was the thing that came to Ricardo's mind when he resolved to commit treason to the Temple of Light.

He started to gather forces, people who have things stolen from them by the Temple of Light, join him.

There's also commoners that the Priest has cruelly stomped upon and molested and cornered them. They joined him as a means of revenge.

All reason became the fuel to unite them. All these lead to taking the measure in their own hands.

And right in front of their eyes was the person that would help them achieve it.

"I need to help her no matter what! She's the only one that I could trust right now"

Ricardo was talking about Evelyn.

At that time, he never knew that the lady he met coincidentally at the back of the adventurer's guild will be the one to make things more possible for them.

Now, he started to believe that it was fate that brought them together.


Evelyn and Prince Adley run at the back of the annex of the Temple of Light. It was far from the eyes of the people and it was in the middle of a forest.

They ran as fast as they could they met knights along the way that Prince Adley started to kill whoever was on the way.

"Haaa Haaa"

Evelyn was taking a break as Prince Adley stopped and hid behind the large body of the trees.

"Go that way!"

"You! Search over there!"

"They didn't get away far so search every nook and cranny!"

The knights that were a distance away from Evelyn and Prince Adley shouted.

And when the knights went away, it was the only time that Prince Adley and Evelyn could only breathe. They sat on the grass with their face and body covered with dirt, blood and their sweat.

"So, what's your plan?" Evelyn asked.

She wanted to know why the second prince that was wishing for her death was now helping her with all her might.

And one thing that she was curious about was the guy that was supposed to be always with him was not by his side right now.

There was a lot of things that didn't match that, his actions and words are contradicting that Evelyn couldn't help but want to know if it was only a facade to keep her and manipulate her, or there really was something that she still didn't know about the characters in the novel that she wasn't aware of.

"I'll get you out of here and I need you to run as far as you can! Hide with all your might!"

That phrase alone was enough for Evelyn to think that her speculation was right.

"Why are you protecting me? Didn't you want me dead?"

Prince Adley looked at her and turned his head to his shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking aboutI just don't like it when people stole something from me..."

"You can't fool me I knew damn well that it's not the reason why so tell me!"

Evelyn held his shoulder as she tried to gain his attention but then suddenly he winched at the pain.

"Wait. Are you hurt?"

She then looked at her hands that were covered with warm blood. That's when she realised that Prince Adley had been injured.

"Don't touch me"

"I also don't want to help you but you said you'll get me out of here so I need you to be in your best shape"

Pssss kkkrerrr

Evelyn tore the rugged dress that she was wearing.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to help you"

"This is nothing"

When Evelyn heard that she pushed the wound with her thumb that made Prince Adley flinched and winched in pain.

"What's that for?!"

"You said it was nothing I was trying to prove that you're right but given the result, I think that you should just accept the help and shut your trap."

Prince Adley scoffs at her.

"So, where is the girl that deliberately tried to act like a naive and innocent?"

"Shut up"

She tightened the torn cloth that she was wrapping in his shoulder.


When Evelyn finished doing the bandage they heard the knights again.

"Hey! Did you see them?"


"Tsk! The Captain said that we should be the first to find them"

Evelyn heard it so she knew that the guys were on her side. Then she started to question Adley again.

"So what really is your goal?"

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