I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 13: Chapter 2: Part 5

Book 13: Chapter 2: Part 5

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Part 5

Hah they looked like they were in trouble, so I couldnt help myself

The young man who had saved Lexia and the others was in a deserted back alley muttered to himself.

The young man was not injured at all despite being beaten and kicked, as Luna and Yuti had figured out.

As if to confirm this, he looked down at his body.

I protected myself with spiritual power for the time being but it doesnt look like anyone, in particular, has found out?

The young man, who once again confirmed that there were no people around, let out a sigh and looked at his own hands.

I dont know what Im doing. Im an enemy to this world

Even though his head understood it, his heart was not convinced, and his body was moving when he realized it.

The young man stared painfully at his own hands and eventually made up his mind.

I dont need this kindness. I am the enemy of this world

And then he disappeared into the city.

Meanwhile, in the other world

I wish I could have avoided this.

(What a weak-minded thing to say)

On the stage of the [Heavenly Sacred Festival], Odis, the Magic Saint, and Usagi, the Two Saints, were confronting each other.

I dont have a choice, do I? You and I have too much difference in combat experience. It is only natural that I want to avoid being hit as much as possible.

(Dont be ridiculous. You are an elf, arent you? You could have had more experience in combat in your long life if you wanted to. If you still think Im more experienced than you, its only because youve been cooped up studying magic for too long.)

Ugh when you say it like that

(Well, thats okay. Anyway, Im not saying Im going to go all out, but Im going to do it in moderation.)

Hah please go easy on me.

The next moment, the signal was given to begin the battle.

(Its a preliminary check. Hmph!)

Usagi stamped on the ground forcefully and crushed the distance between him and Odis in one fell swoop.

You call this a preliminary check?

Unable to cope with the sheer speed of the attack, Odis managed to dodge the attack by rolling away.

(Whats wrong? Youve been cooped up for so long; your body must be slowing down.)

You may be right. But I cant keep getting beat up, can I?


The moment Usagi saw Odis smiling fearlessly, he realized the situation he was in. To his surprise, before long, countless magic bullets had been placed around him.

(You set up this amount of magic in that split-second evasion?)

Thats exactly it. Now, dance!

The magic bullets were fired at Odiss signal.

These bullets, which had no attributes and were simply a mass of pure magic power, easily pierced the ground. Even a single hit was powerful enough to inflict a certain amount of damage.

Such bullets rush toward Usagi, numbering in the hundreds and thousands.


Hey, hey are you a monster?

(How rude. Im just a rabbit.)

How can there be such a rabbit?

Usagi leapt from the spot and dodged all the bullets.

Odis cursed at Usagis brilliant maneuvering, but he did not let up on his attack.

Then how about this! [Magic Flash]!

Odis thrust out his palm as if to aim at Usagi, who was advancing through a hail of bullets.

Then, a line of magic power was released from his palm.

It was like a ray of light, but Usagi barely dodged it by twisting his body.

(Tsk! Thats depressing!)

Unfortunately, this is how a magician fights. I have no intention of letting you near me again.

A one-sided attack from a distance.

With this attack, Odis had prepared a variety of moves, such as cutting off Usagis mobility, aiming for the momentary gaps, and trying to wear out Usagis stamina as it was.

However, despite the desperate situation Usagi smiled with a ferocious smile that was not unlike a herbivore.

(Interesting If thats the case, Ill show you a little more power too!)

Wha-!? Magic?

To his surprise, Usagi has reproduced the same Magic Armor as Yuuya, using a magic technique that he learned from Yuuya.

When Usagis body was covered with magic power, his physical abilities were suddenly strengthened at that moment.

Also, the magic armor made it possible to repel magic attacks to a certain extent.

(Lets decide all at once!)

Kuh! [Magic Wave]!

Making full use of his strengthened body, Usagi dodged all of Odiss attacks.

In order to intercept Usagi, Odis immediately activated another magic and tried to hit Usagi with a torrent of magic power.

However, using the torrent of magic as a foothold, Usagi closed the distance in one fell swoop.


(Its over!)

Finally, Usagi reached Odiss bosom and stopped his attack just before he kicked him in the abdomen.

After a few moments of silence, Odis eventually released his stance and raised his hand.

Total defeat. Its my loss.

(Fuh it was fun, Odis. But youll have to work out a little more before our next fight.)

Ill keep that in mind.

Thus, the match between Usagi and Odis ended with Usagis victory.

Around the time when Usagis and Odiss match had been decided.

In the student council room of Ousei Academy, Kaori and Kitaraku were having a certain discussion.

Now that the stage has been successfully decided how would it be effective to advertise the event?

The content of the discussion was about the stage of the school idol project that Kitaraku has been forcibly pushing forward, and the discussion was about how to attract audiences.

However, since the plan was originally pushed forward by Kitaraku, Kaori was surprised to learn that the stage had already been decided.

I-I see that the stage has already been decided, too.

Thats because its better to do it as soon as possible! It seems that Tenjou-kun and the others are doing their best, so we can expect great things from them, cant we?

I-I see

Thats why I want so many people to see them, but I havent thought too much about how to attract an audience or what kind of audience I can expect! Hahahaha!

Kaori couldnt help but smile wryly at the endlessly jovial Kitaraku, as this was certainly no laughing matter.

Well then, how about we call out to the neighboring middle schools?

Mm, why is that?

In the first place, the main purpose of this school idol project is to get various students to come to this school, right?

Yes, thats right! I think there are still a lot of interesting talents gathered here. But it would be great if more people would become aware of this school and more students would apply to enter this school than ever before!

Thats right. Thats why I thought we should call out mainly middle school students. And if they are junior high school students, we can offer a student discount on the ticket price, and I think it will help spread awareness of the stage itself

Hearing Kaoris words, Kitaraku looked a little thoughtful.

Thats right handing out flyers in the shopping district and on the streets would be good, but its certainly easier to advertise if you focus on a specific target audience. Also, although we decided on the stage this time, it would be possible to visit each junior high school from the next time onward to perform There is a delicate balance here, but the students will certainly see it, and it will lead to our primary goal of gaining new students

U-um student council president?

Kaori timidly called out to Kitaraku, who had suddenly entered his own world.

The next moment, Kitaraku looked up and stood up.

All right, Ive got an idea! So Ill be on my way immediately!

Eh? Ah, where are you going!

Kaori hurriedly tried to stop him, but he just left without a second thought.

I-is everything going to be alright?

Seeing that Kitaraku was acting so boldly, Kaori felt a little uneasy.

Its getting a little late.

Having finished helping Sawada-sensei, I was finally about to head home.

It seemed that club activities had just ended, and many students had also begun to return home.

Huh? Yuuya?

Eh? Ryo, Shingo-kun!

When I was suddenly called out and looked toward the voice in surprise, I saw Ryo and Shingo-kun there.

Are you two finished with your club activities?

No, Shingo was actually helping me with my studies. Actually, Im not good at math, you know. So I really appreciate his help!

D-dont worry about it. I always get help from Ryo-kun too

Really? I dont think I did anything, though

Ryo tilted his head curiously at Shingo-kuns words. Maybe Ryo doesnt mind, but there are many things that are helpful to Shingo-kun.

Anyway, it seems the two of them stayed until this late to study.

I should study properly, too Theres been so much going on lately that I might be neglecting my studies

Aside from us, what was Yuuya doing? Ah, could it be that youre preparing for that school idol?

Um, we had that practice, but after that, Sawada-sensei asked me to help out until now.

T-thats right! But I never thought Id see school idols at this school, so Im looking forward to it.

I didnt really feel it because we just had to work hard, but when people look forward to it like this, it makes me feel like I have to work harder.

Thats right! Lets take a little detour before heading home.

A little detour?

Yeah! Theres a new hamburger store near the school that looks really good. Ive never been there before.

Oh, I didnt know there was such a place.

Recently, Ive been spending most of my time outside of school in the heavens, the underworld, and in a sense, in a different world than this one, so I had no idea that such a place had opened up in my neighborhood.

So we were on our way to the hamburger store.


Huh? Isnt that Akira?


Suddenly, we saw Akira handing out flyers around town.

Surprised by the unexpected appearance of someone, Akira also noticed our appearance.

Oh! Its Yuuya-kun and the others!? Whats the matter?

No, were on our way to a newly opened hamburger store

What are you doing here?

Ryo asked, and Akira handed us a flyer.

Sweet Magic? A pastry shop?

Thats right! Im currently working here as the nobleman of the pastry store!

Uh you mean youre working part-time?


It seems that Akira is working part-time at this pastry store.

Oh I didnt know this kind of store had opened.

Its still a new place. Thats why were advertising it like this! Im sorry, but Im still in the middle of being [the nobleman of advertising]. See you later!

After saying that, Akira went back to handing out flyers.

I had an image that this kind of flyer distribution would be difficult to get people to accept, but Akira easily slipped it into the other persons pocket, handed it to them, and then walked away. A-amazing So thats the nobleman of advertising, huh?

While I was impressed by Akiras mysterious skills, Ryo muttered.

So, we havent had a chance to hang out with him much so far, but maybe he couldnt because of his part-time job?

I-I wonder. Surprisingly, I think he might be working while calling himself [the part-time nobleman]

When I think about it, there is still a lot I dont know about Ryo and Shingo-kun, as well as Akira.

One of these days, I hope there will come a day when we can all play Shingo-kuns recommended games

We enjoyed hamburgers at a newly opened store and then split up for the day.

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