I Have A Cultivation World

Chapter 111 - ill Green Jade Talisman_l

Chapter 111: Chapter ill Green Jade Talisman_l

Translator: 549690339

Just as Chen Mobai was contemplating how to break this Godspeed Talisman, Shi Yuanqing on the stage was displaying his true strength.

While Wu Xue was moving at high speed, she suddenly found her right foot confined.

Looking down, she saw a thread of dust, like a chain, seeping out from the cracks of the rock-composed stage and hooking onto her ankle.

“Got you.”

Shi Yuanqing said coldly, then spread his right hand’s five fingers. The rocks under his feet lifted, and with a wave of his palm, they flooded Wu Xue like a rain of flowers.


However, Wu Xue, being the sole genius second to Gong Xiangyu in the first high school, made it to this round by defeating many opponents, was no pushover.

She clasped her hands, activated a talisman, and a pool of clear water wrapped around her forming a powerful defense.

“Water Dragon Talisman!”

Seeing this talisman, Chen Mobai was taken aback.

This was one of his favorite talismans, part of the same set as the Water Sword Talisman, but it was a Rank-1 superior product and close to Rank-2 in power. It’s a formidable talisman with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

“Is it another quick decisive strike?”

Shi Jingjing murmured, regretting her hesitation. During the second round, she unconsciously engaged in a protracted battle with Hong Gang and ended up losing to his powerful vitality and his Vajra Body technique.

Cao Yaling learned from her mistake, knowing that if it came to a drawn-out fight, females definitely couldn’t outlast males, so she adopted a quick and decisive strategy.

Wu Xue, who had witnessed the entire fight from below the stage, adopted Cao Yaling’s strategy as her own.

“Everyone’s improving, is this the point of the Magic Duel?

Chen Mobai noticed that compared to the first round, many students who were initially flustered on stage, now had a basic sense of strategy.

If Qiao Xingwen was allowed to have a few more matches before encountering him, it would probably take him five minutes to defeat him.

On the stage, backed by the powerful spiritual powers of the Water Dragon Talisman, Wu Xue soared like a dragon goddess, wrapped in spiraling water streams that formed a half-transparent dragon-shaped water shadow.

But, learning from Xu Yuan’s lesson, Shi Yuanqing also activated his own talisman at the same time.

He held a beautiful talisman, which was as clear and transparent as jade and had a faint floral pattern, with two fingers of his right hand and attached it to his forehead.

Broken pieces of jade porcelain tiles spread from the talisman to cover Shi Yuanqing’s body, transforming into a Porcelain Armor with no blind spots in no time.

“Green Jade Talisman!”

Shi Jingjing, Shi Yuanqing’s cousin, couldn’t help showing envy when she saw this talisman.

A dragon roar echoed, accompanied by a wave of water sweeping everything in its path.

Exuding all of her spiritual power, Wu Xue pushed the power of her talisman to its apex. Her skin turned red as she rammed into Shi Yuanqing, who was entirely covered in his Jade Porcelain Armor.


The center of the stage began to twist slightly where the two talismans collided, and there was even a faint thunderous rumble.

Chen Mobai’s eyes couldn’t bear the intense spiritual light, forcing him to squint.

However, Shi Jingjing and Cao Yaling on the side used their Spirit Eye to keept their gaze fixed on the outcome of the talismen clash.

“We won!”

Shi Jingjing cheered as the spiritual light at the center of the stage gradually faded. Chen Mobai saw Wu Xue slump beside Shi Yuanqing’s feet. The latter crouched down and swung his right hand, striking heavily on Wu Xue’s pale neck.

With wide eyes, Wu Xue who thought Shi Yuanqing might show mercy because she was a woman, passed out in disbelief.


Having finished his task, Shi Yuanqing coldly called out to the referee outside

the arena.

“This guy, he seems to have gone a bit extreme.

Chen Mobai saw Shi Yuanqing’s actions. From a Magic Duel’s point of view, there was nothing wrong, but he still felt something was off.

“He’s been shy since he was little, and only Xu Yuan could make him lower his guard.”

Shi Jingjing began to babble. Shi Yuanqing was the one with the best Spiritual Root Talent among their generation in their family, but he was timid and looked like a child, almost developed autism due to the excessive expectations from his family.

The Xu family and the Shi family were neighbors. Every time the two families communicate, Xu Yuan would play with Shi Yuanqing. Over the decades, their bond had grown closer than actual brothers.

“Yuanqing was the first in our school to reach the Qi Cultivation eighth layer. If he didn’t have to worry about Xu Yuan’s feelings and suppress his own progress, he might have reached the Qi Cultivation ninth layer.” Shi Jingjing knew best about Shi Yuanqing’s talent. His Earth and Fire Dual Spiritual Root Talent were extremely high, and he was no less than Gong Xiangyu. His cultivation of Green Jade Jue perfectly fit him.

After hearing this explanation, Chen Mobai, looking at Shi Yuanqing who silently walked down from the arena, had an idea.

“Xu Yuan has been eliminated, the responsibility he can’t carry would be shouldered by you.”


Shi Jingjing and Cao Yaling on the side were completely bemused, having no clue what Chen Mobai was talking about.

However, the usually indifferent Shi Yuanqing showed a flash of determination in his eyes upon hearing these words. He then pounded on his chest and vigorously nodded.

“I’ll take it.”

Are these two crazy!?

Shi Jingjing and Cao Yaling realized they couldn’t keep up with the thought processes of these two.

If Mo Simin were here, she would resonate strongly with them.

“Next up is Song Zheng, but I won’t have time to watch.”

Chen Mobai glanced at the time. His match would start in an hour. Moreover, the arena wasn’t here; he needed to go to another peak.

“It’s fine, they’re all basically eliminated anyway, we won’t watch either.” Shi Jingjing’s words made Chen Mobai sigh, wondering how Song Zheng had such poor popularity.

“Old Song still has some skills and he has mastered quite a few strong spells. Maybe he’ll create an upset.”

Chen Mobai felt that his match was almost guaranteed, resolving within one minute.

His classmates coming with him wouldn’t have much to watch.

They should go cheer for Song Zheng instead. Perhaps just this little outside help might spark something in him.

“Xue Luan’s strength is comparable to mine. Song Zheng’s chance of winning is less than io%.”

Shi Yuanqing spoke.

After the college entrance examination, in order to hone their Magic Duel skills, he and Xu Yuan had been sent to the army by their parents through connections. Among the fifty people of the same batch, the most formidable were him and Xue Luan.

Shi Yuanqing had suppressed his own strength slightly so as not to overshadow Xu Yuan, but Xue Luan had seen through it.

During a practice duel, Xue Luan deliberately injured Xu Yuan, infuriating Shi Yuanqing.

That night on the drill ground, Shi Yuanqing found Xue Luan, who had been waiting for him, and the two had a fierce duel.

Although Shi Yuanqing was stronger than Xu Yuan, he still lost due to having suppressed himself for a long time..

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