I Have A Cultivation World

Chapter 138: Switching to the ’Pure Yang

Chapter 138: Chapter 138: Switching to the ‘Pure Yang


Translator: 549690339

Chen Mobai was anxious about the safety of Qi Rui and the others in his heart, but unfortunately, communication in the Tianhe Realm was inconvenient, nothing like the Di Yuan star where he could just make a phone call to ask about them.

However, his worry was useless, and all he could do was continue to strengthen himself.

After consuming a dose of Qi-replenishing Spirit Water, he continued to refine his Spiritual Energy through the Five Elements Cultivation technique. A night passed, and with the growth of his spiritual power, Chen Mobai started contemplating about switching his cultivation to the “Pure Yang Scroll”.

The cultivation of the Pure Yang Daoist Body should ideally start as early as possible.

Luckily, he had ten Spirit Stones, which he could use to try cultivating the Body of One Yang.

But Chen Mobai didn’t dare frivolously proceed with changing his cultivation technique on his own; it would be better to have guidance from an experienced teacher.

pulling out his phone, he looked at his contact list.

The two with the highest cultivation level were Lan Haitian from the Kunpeng Daoist Institute and Bian Yiqing from the Dance Tool Dao Academy.

However, he didn’t dare to call the former and could only contact Bian Yiqing, whom he had just added as a friend after their magic duel.

“Teacher Bian, I plan to switch my cultivation to…”

After composing a long text about his situation and sending it, Chen MoBai waited for a response.

A few minutes later, a message came back from Bian Yiqing.

“I practice the ‘Dream-shattering Song’, which can’t provide any reference for you, but I can help you ask around.”

Chen Mobai replied with a thankful expression, then continued making talisman, while waiting for a reply.

He took out a stack of prepared, long strips of talisman paper, picked up the green bamboo pen given by Shen Juanxiu, dipped it in the simplest talisman ink he made, and started drawing talisman.

Naturally, what he was drawing was the basic talisman that the Divine Wood Sect used to recruit Loose Cultivators, the Consciousness Talisman.

When he set down the first stroke, he felt good.

However, when he proceeded with the second stroke, he felt something wasn’t right. But he could only grit his teeth and continue.

After finishing, the talisman paper didn’t show any spiritual energy.

With a hopeful heart, Chen Mobai picked it up and tried to activate it by injecting spiritual power.

There was a “poof” sound.

A puff of green smoke rose, and the talisman paper burned by itself without wind, turning into ashes.

He had failed!

Failure on the first try was normal.

Chen Mobai thought so, his mood unaffected. He picked up the pen and ink again and began drawing on the second talisman paper…

After failing repeatedly twelve times and used up all the talisman paper, Chen Mobai’s hand started trembling slightly.

His confidence, which he had slowly built up from being number one in the magic duel, was slightly shaken.

Before drawing the talisman, he had gone over the process several times and clearly understood the order of strokes and writing. He thought that for such a basic Rank-1 lower-grade talisman, he should succeed at least once after trying a dozen times.

But unexpectedly, he kept failing.

Just as he was about to pick up another stack of talisman paper and aim to overcome this challenge through perseverance, his phone rang.

Bian Yiqing had actually personally called him.

“You should go to the Cinnabarite Institute and look for a true person in red robes.”

“Is the true person going to personally give me guidance?”

Upon hearing this, Chen Mobai excitedly asked.

“In my Dance Instruments Dao Academy, there is only one Junior Yang and he is in Core Formation who cultivates the Pure Yang Scroll. But he has been in seclusion for ten years now. Fortunately, the one in red robes is his junior. I mentioned your situation to him, he has a good impression of you, and he is willing to take out some time to guide you.”

“Thank you, Teacher Bian.”

Chen Mobai was well aware that if it was himself who asked for guidance from the one in red robes, it would be impossible to even meet him.

Definitely, Bian Yiqing reported Chen Mobai’s situation to the Daoist Academy, and then the Daoist Academy relayed the information to the one in red robes, giving him this opportunity.

“Don’t mention it, just focus on cultivating your skills.”

After the polite conversation, Bian Yiqing hung up the phone.

He had left Red Sandstone City soon after the magic duel ended.

Bian Yiqing had delayed a lot of time for the school entrance exam. His two apprentices from the Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe had already toured two fairy cities and blessed lands after Red Sandstone City.

However, now when Chen Mobai met Meng Huang and Jiang Yuyuan again, he had to call them his senior brother and sister.

Although he was a bit reluctant to leave this peaceful countryside life, Chen MoBai eventually had to leave for his own path of cultivation.

The next day, Chen Mobai bid farewell to his grandparents.

Although the two old people were reluctant to let him go, they knew that the child’s future wasn’t here.

Tang Panchui however, seemed a bit unresolved. During this time, she was the most popular woman in the village and many people sought her advice on cultivating their children to success.

For the first time, she tasted what it was like to return home in glory. Although it was a halo from her son, she still enjoyed it a lot.

On the day of departure, the two old people packed a large bag of mountain treasures and fruits for Chen Mobai.

On the long journey to Red Sandstone City, Chen Mobai got off the bus outside the city. He needed to transfer to another bus to go to the Cinnabarite Institute.

He also told Tang Panchui about it, who was surprised to hear that her son was going to be taught by an extraordinary Gold Core cultivator, and urged him to hurry up and not keep the extraordinary cultivator waiting.

When he arrived at the entrance of the Cinnabarite Institute, a familiar person was already waiting for him.

“Hello, Teacher Chan.”

“Get on.”

Chan Si was riding a bicycle and patted the back seat.

Chen Mobai hesitated for a moment but eventually got on the back seat of the bicycle in front of many surprised gazes at the school gate. He was then brought into the campus by Chan Si.

“Here we are.”

In the grand office of the Cinnabarite Institute, a real man in red robes was sitting on the sofa, sipping tea, and greeted Chen Mobai as he walked in.

“Greetings, True Man.”

“Hmm, I heard you want to switch to cultivating the ’Pure Yang Scroll’?”

“Yes, I believe everyone should have a dream, and my dream is to Ascend to become Immortals.”

“That’s not right, that was your opponent’s dream last time, why does your dream change every day?”

“Didn’t my dream of going to the Jumang Daoist Institute with my friends already fail? Besides, becoming the head of the immortal doors and Ascending to become Immortals are not contradictory. Rather, they complement each other. If I become an immortal, being the head of the immortal doors is as easy as I like.”

“You have a point.”

After hearing Chen Mobai’s words, the man in red robes nodded.

Then he asked Chen Mobai about his understanding of the “Pure Yang Scroll”.

After all, there were thousands upon thousands of cultivators in the immortal doors, and after joining the Daoist Academy, many students were blinded by the name of the Way of God Transformation, and despite their mismatched spiritual root aptitude, they insisted on cultivating it. However, they didn’t even manage to achieve the basic steps, and thus wasted the best years of their lives.

Conversely, thanks to Yuan Yang’s trailblazing, at least everyone could start with the “Pure Yang Scroll”.

Chen MoBai answered every question and saw no need to hide anything in the presence of an extraordinary cultivator. He fully disclosed his spiritual root aptitude and the reasons why he wanted to switch to cultivating the Pure Yang Scroll.

“Although your chance of Ascending to become Immortals is less than one in ten thousand, since you have decided, I won’t bother to discourage you. Moreover, given your spiritual root aptitude, if you want to attain Foundation Establishment or Core Formation, cultivating the Pure Yang Daoist Body might be the best path.”

The man in red robes’ words left Chen Mobai speechless—his spiritual root was indeed lacking..

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