I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 129 - 129: Planting

Chapter 129: Chapter 129: Planting

Translator: 549690339

The originally powerful demonic summoning skill was reduced through a system bug to the blood pool summoning skill, much to the chagrin of Song Jian;

In reality, what Song Jian didn’t know was that given his current physical condition, even if he had acquired the demonic summoning skill, he couldn’t summon demons from the depths of Hell. To summon demons from Hell, a contract with the demon has to be made first. Given the powerful strength of demons, Song Jian couldn’t possibly coerce them into forming a contract by force. Therefore, even if he had the demonic summoning skill, it would remain unused for a long time;

However, the weakened “Blood Pool Summoning Skill” didn’t have this problem. Song Jian was already an owner of the Blood Pool. Regardless of how formidable the monsters bred in the blood pool were, they wouldn’t be able to counterattack Song Jian under the constraints of the game system. Moreover, when the level of the blood pool is low, the extent and rank of the blood servants bred are also low, making them easier for Song Jian to control;

Even if he could only summon the weakest blood crows, thirty of these launching an attack together could easily obliterate an average player. Even when facing a formidable monster, thirty blood crows could exceedingly serve as a diversion and support, making them perfectly suitable for Song Jian’s current conditions;

After turning on the radio, Song Jian found a large group of people chatting inside;

“A hidden world has been found in the town of Konstan, anyone interested in teaming up for an exploration?”

“Konstan town? Not far from me. What level is the hidden world? How many people can enter? I’m a level 11 berserker, both a tank and a dealer, looking for a team!”

“A second level hidden world. Level requirement is above 10, the number of people allowed in is limited to five, there are still two chances left to enter…” “A level 2 hidden world? Great! Buying coordinates, willing to offer 100 Doomsday Coins for a chance!”

“Sorry, we already have three people. We plan on conquering the hidden world ourselves. If there are any remote mages, please message me privately!”

“Oh, you guys are so lucky. It’s quite rare to encounter a level 2 hidden world in the wild. You could get good level 10 equipment there. If you manage to get hold of something and don’t need it, I’ll buy it…”

In the midst of the sounds of envy, a voice suddenly interrupted;

“Excuse me, does anyone know where to obtain a blood essence stone?”

The radio channel suddenly went silent. Soon after, a man asked with a peculiar voice: “Isn’t the blood essence stone the lowest grade of crystal stone? You can buy it in any grocery store!”

“Blood essence stones aren’t worth much. Did you find a blood essence stone field in the wild? If it’s not far from a safe zone, we, the Oro Commerce Guild, are interested in buying it for 1000 Doomsday Coins.”

“Young man, don’t let the Oro Commerce Guild trick you, blood essence stones have a lot of uses. If you can mine some yourself, especially high-quality ones, we, the Blue-collar Commerce, are willing to buy at a high price.”

“This is Blue Sword squad, we have mined thirty units of blood essence stones from an abandoned mine. Blue-collar Commerce, how do you plan on buying it? If it’s 50 per Doomsday Coin or under, then let’s not discuss further.” “Blue Sword Squad, private message!”

The radio was filled with noise. Today, for some reason, there were a great number of people. As soon as one person finished speaking, another would cut in. There was barely any time to get a word in, and Song Jian only barely managed to say his piece;

“Grocery store? There’s no grocery store in Zombie City…” Song Jian’s brows furrowed. He had checked within the bar’s system shop; there was no blood essence stone for sale;

After thinking for a moment, Song Jian took out the map of Zombie City and spread it out to search for a likely spot;

Indeed, at the northeast corner of Zombie City, in a spot far from the city, there was a representation of a large mountain. Here, a cave was marked;

However, this place was too far from Song Jian. To get there, he would have to cross the entire city. Even if taking the ring highway, it would still require at least half a day’s time. Furthermore, the route was fraught with dangers; it was too risky.

“Mines, mines, damn it, why is there no mining spot near me?” Song Jian scratched his head, his face showing his frustration;

“Doomsday Coins, I still need money. If I had loads of Doomsday Coins, 1 could just buy them through the radio. Judging from the looks of it, blood essence stones aren’t particularly valuable!” Song Jian took a glance at the Doomsday Coins in his parcel, his sullen mood growing stronger;

Just then, a system prompt appeared before Song Jian;

System: Your employee Tammy is prepared to craft furniture, requires 670 units of timber. Will you approve the payment?

“My employee has started working?” Song Jian lit up and immediately selected the option to pay, which led to a decrease of 670 units of timber in his inventory;

Before long, Song Jian heard the sound of wood being cut coming from the courtyard. Looking down from the window, he saw Tammy cutting the timber into planks on a sawbench she had set up in the courtyard;

At another side, gardener John was busy turning the soil in the Spirit Field with a hoe. Butler George stood nearby the Spirit Field.

With a thought, Song Jian appeared next to George;

“Master, these six Spirit Fields need to be hoed, and then we can fertilize and sow the seeds.” George said, bowing;

“George, what are we planning to plant in the Spirit Field?” Song Jian asked curiously. “Do we have any plant seeds?”

“Master, John brought with him some wheat and soybean seeds. For now, we can temporarily plant these two types of crops. Once master acquires better plant seeds, we will switch to planting those.” George replied respectfully;

Song Jian nodded slightly. Wheat and soybeans were the most common plants and probably wouldn’t fetch much even if grown and sold. They could only increase the food reserves of the Manor Castle;

“Alright, George, 1’11 be going out for a bit. I leave the Manor in your care. If anyone tries to barge in without your permission, deal with them severely.” Song Jian said;

Ever since the creation of Song Jian’s safehouse, there were quite a few players lurking around, attempting to strike up a conversation with Song Jian. Some had even tried to dismantle the traps outside the wall in Song Jian’s absence, which had displeased him greatly.

“Don’t worry, Master. Should any intruders try to enter the Manor, I will definitely make them regret it.” George said solemnly.

Song Jian nodded, walked over to the Bloody Ghost Poison Tree Alex, and lightly tapped on Alex’s thick trunk a few times, this being the strongest combat power in the Manor. However, it spent most of its time in deep slumber;

After tapping on Alex a couple of times, Song Jian started walking towards the Manor’s exit;

Alex slowly opened his eyes and watched Song Jian’s retreating figure, saying softly: “Master, 1 have some information on the combat occupation of the Tree Shepherds, I wonder if…”

Watching Song Jian’s figure disappear through the gate, a helpless expression appeared on Alex’s wrinkled face;

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