I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 402: 402: Slaughter

Chapter 402: Chapter 402: Slaughter

Translator: 549690339 |

Song Jian’s summoned fire elemental had completely changed its appearance from before; previously, he would summon level ten fire elementals, but now that he had reached level 20, the fire elemental had also been upgraded to level 20, becoming more fierce and stronger.

With a roar, the two fire elementals charged at the level 20 Lord level BOSS in a hall ahead with incredible speed.

As soon as they entered the hall, the BOSS detected the intruders, let out a ferocious roar, and swung its giant blade   almost as long as its own body

at the fire elementals.


Sparks flew as the fire elemental that had been targeted by the BOSS suffered over 300 points of damage, while the BOSS took over 100 points of fire damage.

Broken Wing Dance!

Swinging the longsword, Song Jian joined the fray. The Black Dragon whelp let out a dragon chant, soared into the air, and began spewing Dragon Breath and magic at the BOSS.

“Let’s go! Zhou Qing, keep an eye on our vitality!” Wang Qi shouted.

A level 20 Lord level BOSS is usually a force to be reckoned with, so the four of them would surely turn and flee if they encountered it. After all, the level difference alone is enough to make their attacks less effective, while the BOSS could inflict exponentially more damage on them.

If it weren’t for Song Jian drawing the aggro to himself, Wang Qi and his companions wouldn’t have the courage to engage the BOSS.

Within thirty seconds, the incredibly damaging BOSS had chopped both fire elementals to pieces, and turned its attention to Song Jian.

Since the fire elementals had been summoned by Song Jian, killing them did not divert the aggro.

Sword Silk!

Sweeping Sword Style!

Spiritual Sword Control Technique!

Song Jian’s sword moves flowed like a tide, one after another, relentless in their pursuit of the BOSS. Every strike inflicted over 200 points of damage, causing the BOSS to bellow with rage as its vitality continuously dropped.

Wang Qi and his companions dodged the BOSS’S attacks carefully, dealing only ten or twenty points of damage each time, but they gritted their teeth and contributed their efforts.

“In the name of Samodo, I declare you guilty and incarcerated!” Samodo knocked Song Jian back with a slash and pointed to the Black Dragon whelp in midair, which had been constantly raining fireballs on him, shouting angrily.

Suddenly, countless strands of black energy appeared in midair and coalesced into black chains that shot toward the Black Dragon whelp.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh-

Seven or eight chains danced around the Black Dragon’s body as if controlled by someone, quickly creating a black cage, locking the young dragon tightly inside.


With a piercing cry, the Black Dragon whelp struggled, causing the black chains to grow taut and dig into the gaps between its thick scales. However, no matter how hard it struggled, the black chains remained unbroken.


The young Black Dragon fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, its body, neck, wings, and even its mouth were bound by black chains, appearing like a large rice dumpling.

Song Jian’s heart pounded, but after taking a closer look, he saw that the black chains had only ensnared the Black Dragon whelp without causing any actual harm, and relaxed.

This level 20 Lord level BOSS was almost equal in strength to Song Jian, and just the wind from its powerful strikes left Wang Qi and the other melee characters struggling to breathe. Fighting this BOSS was especially difficult for them, even when it wasn’t paying attention to them.


A flash of white light fell on Song Jian from above, instantly restoring a portion of his lost vitality.

“Immortal Sword Body, activate!” Song Jian gritted his teeth and activated his Immortal Sword Body, his strength soaring once more granting him a significant increase in all attributes by seven points. Now, Song Jian could overpower level 20 Lord BOSS Samodo.

Boom, boom, boom-

After several clashes, Samodo had an astonished expression on its face. The sudden increase in strength caught it off-guard. After exchanging blows several times, it was forced to retreat several steps, back now against the wall and with nowhere to run.

Feeling humiliated, Samodo had never been pushed so far.

With a loud roar, a bloody aura emanated from the BOSS’S body, filling the entire room with the wails of ghostly cries akin to those of lamenting spirits.

“You idiots, hurry up and help!” Samodo shouted, smashing its fist into the wall behind it to vent its anger.

However, after a while, no one else had rushed into the room. At this point, Wang Qi and his companions suddenly realized their relief that they had cleared the cage of monsters first. If they hadn’t, the monsters in the cage would have already swarmed into the room.

Even with Song Jian’s strength, they would probably have to flee and rethink their strategy, while the four of them were likely to die in the fight.

A chill ran down their spines as the four exchanged glances.

Fortunately, while the BOSS was roaring, the group continued to deal damage with their unabated attacks, quickly reducing the BOSS’S vitality by 700-800 points.

Furious at the lack of help from the prisoners, Samodo gripped the massive handle of its weapon with both hands, held the blade horizontally, and started spinning like a top.

“Slaughter!” The BOSS roared as it charged towards Song Jian.

“Fuck!” Tang Rong’s face changed drastically as he retreated, but he was still grazed by the swinging blade, reducing his vitality by half. He flew through the room like a pinball and slammed into the wall.

Ma Yu’s reaction was a beat slower than Tang Rong’s, making him take even more damage. However, Ma Yu was relatively unscathed, as he had a shield for protection, only losing about a third of his vitality.

Looking at the new cracks in his shield, Ma Yu had a tearful expression on his face. The shield’s durability had already decreased by more than 20 points, leaving only about 15 points left. If the fight continued, the shield would likely be finished after the battle.

Flash, flash, flash-

Several beams of white light fell, and the vitality of Ma Yu and Tang Rong was quickly restored to more than half.

As soon as Song Jian saw the BOSS roar and charge at him with blade spinning, he immediately used the Sword Shadow Step, fleeing toward the exit.

Woo, woo, woo-

Dark howls emanated from the BOSS, chasing after Song Jian at a rapid pace. Wang Qi and his companions were terrified. They couldn’t withstand such attacks, and even if Zhou Qing used his ultimate healing ability, it would be too late to heal them.

Now, only Wang Qi could attack, holding his weapon and continuously pulling the trigger to shoot at the BOSS. However, the bullets were all deflected by the BOSS’S rotating blade, and a series of MISS texts floated above its head.

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