I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 429: Giant Wooden Elephant

Chapter 429: Giant Wooden Elephant

Seungju instructed the group with what to do when facing the two tyrannical emperors. He collected information from the group, trying to think of the weaknesses that could come in handy for them in battle.

"I have collected years and years of information through the people that fleds into my realm," Seungju said. "Whenever someone steps right into this world, I can read their minds and study their memories like an open book."

That was the reason why the man knew what Elliot was, and who he is. After he stepped foot in the pink-haired man's realm, his memoried were scanned. Seungju owned the Manual before, so it shouldn't be too hard to piece everything together.

After everything Seungju had told them, his voice resonated in Elliot's mind.

"Come speak to me behind the tree you entered."

Elliot looked at the man who was already looking at him and nodded, mouthing, "Okay."

The group started to disperse to prepare for the battle, but Elliot escaped and went to the place where he was told to meet.

"Hello?" Elliot called out, but heard nothing. "Are you here, Seungju?"

"What did the Manual told you to do?" Kang Seungju asked, appearing out of nowhere. "I know you have it, Elliot."

"I-I" Elliot trailed off. "Should it tell me something? All it did so far was ask me if I wanted more power. It's helping me get stronger."

"Even for me who owned that Manual, even for a brief moment, knows that there is something ominous inside it," Seungju said. "You can't just let it give you powers. One day, it'll lay claim on what it thinks he owns, and maybe you'll exchange your soul by then."

"Like what happened to you?" Elliot said, making Seungju's eyes widen but soften again. "I think I know what happened. There is a lie somewhere in your story. I just don't know where, and I sure don't know what, but something just doesn't seem right."

"What are you trying to say?" Seungju asked, narrowing his eyes.

"You did something, didn't you?" Elliot asked. "I don't believe that the darkness was responsible for everything. Emperor Kang Seungju"

Elliot narrowed his eyes and looked at the emperor with a disappointing gaze. "What have you done?"

The tunnel was perfectly formed, but it was dark. Jon, the Earth Master, had to ask for assistance from Adventurers with flame affinity to light their path.

It had been a few hours of them just walking. Jon, who was in a form of the baby beetle, led them endlessly.

"Jon?" Frederick called out. "Are you sure this is the right path?"

Frederick was the one right beside Jon. He was the strongest person with flame affinity in their group, making him the right person to lead the way.

Jon looked at Frederick curiously but nodded, "It is?"

The tone of his voice was rising, making it seem like he was asking a question rather than answering one. When Jon realized this, he immediately retracted his words.

"I mean, of course," Jon grinned. "I know where your companions are."

Frederick sighed. "You don't know where they are don't you?"

Jon grabbed the man forward, garnering the attention of everyone behind them. He looked at them with a smile on his face, calm and reserved. "Don't worry, I'm just going to tell something to this man."

The Earth Master leaned into the red-haired man's ears, "Is it that obvious?"

"Knew it," Luck said from the other side of Jon, making the man scream in shock. "The tone of the air around you seemed tense since a while ago. I just knew there was something wrong."

"Is it really that obvious?" Jon whispered. "I mean, I'm kind of good at hiding it, right?"

"Not really," Zeus spoke from behind them, making Jon scream again.

"Where do you all just pop out?" Jon clutched his chest.

"You're a puppet," Zeus deadpanned. "You can't get a heart attack. But to the youngsters behind us, your actions are okay. You don't seem suspicious. But for us old folks, you definitely look like you're hiding something."

"Definitely hiding something. Ten over ten," Luck hummed. "Try to act calmer next time, maybe you can pull it off."

"What seems to be the problem?" Frederick asked.

This made Jon sigh, "I was following Kusa's presence, but it seemed like he just vanished. Considering he travels while riding a giant wooden elephant, it shouldn't be too hard to hear a report when it crashes."

"He travels with a what?" Frederick asked. "Who in the hell would travel with a giant wood elephant?"

"Kusa is a very peculiar man," Jon sighed. "I know his kingdom is rather hot, but he's always topless. And he says this because he believes that it would make him closer to the skies, and the sun which he worships."

"Does everyone in their kingdom worship the sun?" Luck asked. "That sounds rather ancient."

"Only he does," Jon sighed. "He said that the sun had brought him the power to control the flames. He's also really ancient that it wouldn't surprise me when he tries to worship the forests next."

"Maybe he was taken away?" Frederick asked. "You saw how capable your people are. Maybe DuDu or Licht sent a hundred flying ships to his direction."

"No, that couldn't be," Jon said. "He was tasked to settle the foreigners feom Shyako, so it wouldn't make sense if the emperors hunt him."

"Foreigners," Fredrick repeated. "I started losing contact with Lance a while ago, so I cannot ask him if they had already encountered Kusa."

"But didn't he tell you that he was in a different realm?" Luck asked. "Maybe it's because of that that the Contact feature is gone."

"That's also possible," Fredrick sighed. "But it's just frustrating to not know what's going on."

"I'll just lead you right where I last felt Kusa's presence," Jon said. "Maybe we can find more clues from there."

While the group was walking to where Jon last felt Kusa's presence was. It was right at the entrance of the tree where Seungju's realm was located.

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