I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 446: Floating Island 1

Chapter 446: Floating Island 1

Lance was taken. Everyone was panicking. The elite Adventurers had to recover their strengths in order for them to fight for the next Maiden.

"I don't know if we can make it to the next Maiden," Connor said. They were still on the island while preparing for their attempt to get to the floating island above them.

The island was still, unmoving and was simply hovering in the sky. There was no sign of anyone in it and you would mistaken it for nothing but clouds if you don't pay clear attention to what it really is.

The ones who are going to Lance was his group along with Iris, Aquarius, and Daniel. They were the ones who could still fight among the elites since the others were heavily injured.

"You need help," Alice said, trying to stand even when there was a huge hole on her leg.

"Just stay here, Alice," Elliot said as he placed his hands on her shoulders and lowering her. "Please just stay here. You're still unable to fight."

"The brat is right," Zeus said. "If we try to force ourselves to fight, we'll only become huge liabilities and would hinder them in the fight."

"But if we can't even handle them, then they"

Alice paused when Daniel conjured a giant pair of wings behind him. It was made of blood and each wing was almost twice the size of him. When he opened the wings, it would match up the length of six people standing side by side.

"I think we can handle it," Daniel said. "I have become much stronger than I was. I think I could handle them."

Alice had no other choice but to sit back down, seemingly in shame. She looked down and sighed, taking Elliot's hand and sandwiching it between her own. "May the light bless you with all its brightness."

Her hands lit up and Elliot felt a warm feeling wrapped on his hands. The light swallowed his entire arm, making everyone turn to them. Alice was chanting an unfamiliar language while Elliot stared at his glowing arm.

When she finished, the light died down and his arm showed a tattoo that traced over his entire arm. The tattoo was curves of wings that had symbols and runes in them. It looked like his entire arm was a weapon.

"The spell will amplify your powers when you activate it," Alice said. "It will also heal all your allies within a ten meter radius by thirty percent each."

The healers walked towards them and crowded around Elliot. Alice nodded and they pointed their weapons in the air, the weapons glowing as it shoot beams in the middle creating a roof over Elliot. 

The boy looked around him, seeing all the healers and support Adventurers focus their powers to him. When Alice gave them the signal, the healers lowered their weapons and the collective beam of light shone onto Elliot.

The boy felt his entire body weigh like nothing. He felt more powerful and his strength to grow a couple of hundred times than the original. He felt like a king with this.

"Elliot," Zeus said, standing in front of the boy. "You are our hope. You're the only one who can do this. You shall lead your team to rescue Lance and defeat the women in that island."

Elliot nodded in understanding. He had the heavy weight in his shoulders, a huge responsibility that he had to fulfill. The life of Lance and the others were in his hands.

With a courageous deep breaths, Elliot closed his eyes and accepted all the powers bestowed upon him. He felt every single one of the mana cursing through his veins, running through his organs and his entire body.

"I can do this," Elliot said to himslef.

The healers finished their chant and Elliot had tattoos all over his body. They were different shapes, but all resembled like he was some sort of a decorated weapon. This made Elliot gulp, fearing that he might make a mistake or something. 

It dawned him how big of a responsibility he had after he saw the team he was going to lead. Him, Connor, Ed, Hope, Aquarius, Iris, and Daniel. All seven of them were going to the island and fight the women Zeus and the others failed to defeat.

"It should be fine," Aquarius said. "I can play aggressive since we already have a healer."

"Aki, don't kill them, okay?" Minos chuckled. "Also, don't hold back. They did injure Freddie and Luck."

The other injured people looked at Minos with glaring eyes. The man chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Also, the others. They injured the others too. I mean"

"Enough, Minos," Aquarius said. "Let them work their way up in that island. Maybe then we can get more clues as to why they targeted Lance and only Lance alone."

"Okay, let's try and go," Pommel said, placing his staff on the ground. He conjured a large magic circle and let the ones on the rescue team stand inside the circle. "There's only a few of you. The distance shouldn't be too much of a problem."

"Maybe," Elliot said. "Shoot us up, old man."

"I wish you don't call me that," Pommel sighed. When everyone on the rescue team was inside the circle, Pommel grunted. Three people stood behind him and places their hands on his back. 

A bright green light erupted from the three and they passed their powers into Pommel. The old man closed his eyes as he felt the power surge through his veins. He slowly activated the magic circle, the rescue team was also slowy hovering in the air.

Their feet was being lifted off the ground, bit by bit, little by little. Pommel then grunted and opened his eyes, only for the entire rescue team to be shot into the skies.

There were dragons that prepared on the ground. They opened their mouths to cast a skill for the clouds to open up and let the team pass through.

"Don't worry, Lance," Elliot said to himself. "I'm coming."

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