I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

TL: Moonlit

Xiao Hen followed them outside and stood by the car, watching Ji Rong refueling. However, his attention was focused on Wen Qingling and Yang Mengyu, not far away. Xiao Hen could roughly guess what Yang Mengyu wanted to say, but he couldnt anticipate Wen Qinglings attitude.

Yang Mengyu said, Which base are you in now?

Wen Qingling replied, Civilization Base.

Yang Mengyu nodded and asked, I havent heard of this base. Where is it?

Wen Qingling responded, Ling City.

Yang Mengyu was surprised and said, Didnt they say that an eighth-level evolved General appeared in Ling City, and there are no survivors within a hundred miles? Why is your base still in Ling City?

Wen Qingling casually said, The General has already left. Ling City is safe for us.

Yang Mengyu hesitated and spoke again, Considering that we were classmates, can you introduce us to your base? We have nowhere to go now. If we cant find a place to settle down, well end up becoming food for the zombies.

Wen Qingling replied, No.

Yang Mengyu said,

Yang Mengyu fell silent. She wanted to try again and said, Among us, there are people with abilities. We wont cause you any trouble. Can you please help us?

Wen Qingling still refused and said, My base is not suitable for you.

Yang Mengyu was extremely surprised and asked, Is the Civilization Base the base you established?

Wen Qingling confirmed, Yes.

Yang Mengyu felt embarrassed and helpless, saying, Then why cant you accept us? Are you still angry about what happened earlier? It was our fault. I can have Feng Yi and Feng Hui apologize to you. Can we?

Wen Qingling shook his head and said, No need.

Yang Mengyu bit her lip, not knowing what else to say.

Compared to their high school days, Wen Qingling was much colder now. He seemed like an emotionless block of ice, and even his tone of speech hardly changed. The apocalypse truly changed peoples characters, and the gentle and kind youth from back then had completely vanished.

Yang Mengyu pleaded, Wen Qingling, please help us.

Wen Qingling remained silent.

Not receiving a response, Yang Mengyu sighed and asked, Where are you heading now?

Wen Qingling answered, A small town in the countryside.

Yang Mengyu looked at the large truck and said, Can you take us with you? If we come across a survivor base along the way, you can drop us off there. Would that be possible?

They were indeed in a desperate situation, not even having a gun in their hands. The best weapon they had was a knife, and although they had a few individuals with abilities, those powers were not endless and would eventually run out. They lost many people during their escape, and if they continued like this, they would all die.

Wen Qingling thought for a moment and said, 10 common zombie crystal nuclei per person, and the cost of the ride.

Yang Mengyu hesitated and replied,

Yang Mengyu said, Okay.

Yang Mengyu went back to discuss with the others.

Feng Hui was the first to explode, saying, He has his own base but refuses to take us in. And now he wants 10 common crystal nuclei per person to ride in his car? Is his car made of gold?!

Feng Yi scolded her, Shut up. No one considers you dumb if you stay quiet.

Feng Yi had already sensed Yang Mengyus intention. Yang Mengyu only mentioned that they would be dropped off at survivor bases they encountered but didnt mention what would happen if they didnt encounter any. If they didnt, they would have to perform well on this journey. Maybe they could really go to Wen Qinglings base.

Feng Yi agreed with Yang Mengyus approach, and the others also agreed. If giving up 10 common crystal nuclei could secure their safety, they were willing to do so. They had suffered too many casualties on the way, and they didnt want to die. Sometimes, they had to spend money to avoid disasters.

Yang Mengyu quickly collected the crystal nuclei and presented them to Wen Qingling, saying, Please count them.

Wen Qingling scanned them with his psychic power. Counting was unnecessary, so he took them and tossed them into his backpack. He said, Get in the car.

Wen Qingling went to the convenience store to see if his mother had gathered everything they needed.

Xiao Hen held a long knife in his arms, leaning against the off-road vehicle with his arms crossed.

Feng Hui walked over, feeling a bit shy, and asked, Excuse me, can I ride in your car if theres space?

Xiao Hen glanced at her and asked, What did Wen Qingling say?

He agreed to take us for a ride, but he wants 10 common crystal nuclei from each of us. Hell drop us off if we encounter survivor bases along the way, Feng Hui said angrily, Why is this person so heartless? Isnt he our classmate? He treats strangers better than us. Does he only care about crystal nuclei?

Ji Rong chuckled and said, If hes willing to give you a ride, you should be happy about it. Dont complain. If you annoy him, he might just leave you here. You can try it if you dont believe me, especially you and your family.

Ji Rong had already noticed that Feng Hui was afraid of her mother. As long as she spoke, Feng Hui would definitely listen.

Feng Hui became silent and didnt dare to test Ji Rongs words. If their family was truly left behind, there would be no other option but to become food for the zombies.

Feng Hui tentatively asked, Are you also survivors from his base?

Ji Rong shrugged, No, Dr. Wens base is difficult to enter. Dont feel wronged.

Feng Hui sneered, He didnt even finish his freshman year. What kind of doctor is he? Dont say it out loud and become a laughingstock.

Ji Rong tapped the car and said, Young lady, your thinking is very dangerous. Let me say it again, if you continue to speak without filters, youll only bring trouble to your family. Im not trying to scare you.

Feng Hui pursed her lips, Then can I ride in your car?

Xiao Hen coldly said, No.

Feng Hui:

Feng Hui: Arent there only two of you? The backseat should be empty, right?

Xiao Hen: I sleep lying down there.

Feng Hui: Then the co-pilot seat

Xiao Hen: The co-pilot seat holds my knife.

Feng Hui:

Ji Rong:

Ji Rong: Hahahaha

Xiao Hen walked towards Wen Qingling and helped him bring out the bags, stuffing them into the trunk of the off-road vehicle.

Wen Qingling said, Put them in the big truck.

Xiao Hen replied, You want to put these food items with the smelly mutated poultry together?

Wen Qingling thought for a moment and agreed, so he and his mother piled up all the bags in the off-road vehicle. The trunk was full, so they placed the rest on the backseat until it was completely packed.

Wen Qingling felt extremely exhausted. His mother had really emptied the entire convenience store.

Jiang Lan brought a bag of snacks to the big truck and gave them to the two children.

Wen Qingling didnt say anything when he saw these people. The big truck had such a spacious cabin, so he didnt mind bringing them along. They all sat in the front drivers cabin, and no matter how many people were there, it wouldnt affect them.

Feng Hui failed in her attempt to hitch a ride and could only return to the cabin with resentment.

The two vehicles continued on their journey. Several barrels of diesel were placed in the big trucks cabin, and the scent of diesel filled the air, making the people inside feel nauseous. Those prone to motion sickness ended up vomiting directly.

Feng Hui was extremely irritated, but Yang Mengyu and Feng Yi remained calm. Sang Qin had been suppressing her anger, feeling that she had stepped into a quagmire during this reunion.

Whether it was mutated black chickens or ordinary chickens, not a single one was in sight. They had traveled a long distance, only to find not even a single feather.

Old Zhou was worried that Wen Qingling would blame him, and for a moment, he didnt know what to do.

Just because others couldnt see didnt mean Wen Qingling couldnt either. His psychic power had already covered this entire area.

Wen Qingling said to Yang Mengyu, Follow this road straight ahead. Within a distance of less than five kilometers, there is a survivor base where you will find familiar faces. Yang Mengyu, who thought she could stay, hesitated and said,

Feng Yi said, I was wrong about what happened before. Now that its the apocalypse, can we reconcile and shake hands? Its not worth it to cause such a fuss over one person.

Wen Qingling replied calmly, Once you see him, you wont say that.

Feng Yis heart trembled, Mo Jing is still alive?

Wen Qingling responded, He is in the base ahead.

Feng Yi was skeptical, How do you know?

Wen Qingling turned around and lightly jumped onto the cars roof, startling Feng Yi and the others. What was this? Did he awaken a monkey-like jumping ability? He effortlessly leaped several meters high.

Wen Qingling threw down metal cages one by one from the car roof and said, Hurry and leave, dont stay here.

Feng Hui, who couldnt bear it anymore, said, Are you doing this on purpose? You said theres a survivor base within five kilometers, is it true? You took our crystals and promised to take us to a survivor base. Dont try to abandon us in this desolate place!

Wen Qingling said coldly, Leave quickly.

Feng Hui angrily said, You can ask us to leave, but give us back our crystals!

Xiao Hen said, He said theres a survivor base within five kilometers, so there must be. You better leave quickly before he gets angry.

Feng Hui wanted to say more but was stopped by Feng Yi. After looking around and seeing that there were no zombies nearby, it shouldnt be dangerous to walk there. If Mo Jing was really in the survivor base within five kilometers, he had to go.

Feng Yi said, Lets go and take a look.

Feng Hui said angrily, Brother, are you an idiot? Why do you believe everything he says?

Feng Yi ignored her and took the lead, while the others followed. Feng Hui had no choice but to begrudgingly follow along.

Wen Qingling threw down all the cages and stood on the car roof, looking a bit worried. This car doesnt seem big enough.

Jiang Lan looked up at him and said, My child, did you find traces of poultry and livestock?

Wen Qingling nodded, They have scattered, but theyre nearby. Theyre easy to find. Lets go catch them.

Several civilized zombies were eager and ready to show off their skills.

Wen Qingling looked at Xiao Hen and Ji Rong and said, What about you

Ji Rong eagerly responded, Well help you catch them.

Wen Qingling shook his head, No need. Youre too slow. If possible, stay here and look after the car, and take care of the children.

Ji Rong, who was deemed slow:

Xiao Hen, who had to take care of the children:

Xiao Hen said, I can keep up with your speed. Are you sure Im slow?

Wen Qingling thought for a moment and said, Then you can help. Ji Rong, Ning Ning, and Tong Tong can stay behind and watch the car. We will bring back the captured poultry and livestock. Make sure they dont escape.

Ning Ning nodded solemnly, Dont worry, we will take good care of it.

Feng Tingting nodded her little head in agreement, We can handle it.

Ji Rong weakly made a gesture to show his obedience.

Lets go! With Wen Qinglings order, several people had already disappeared in an instant. Xiao Hen followed suit.

Ji Rong:

He was scared out of his wits.

Damn, with that speed, he really couldnt keep up!

Were these people all monsters? Even Wen Qinglings own mother, a middle-aged woman, could move at such terrifying speeds. How the hell was he supposed to survive?! It was embarrassing to live!

Ji Rong fell into deep self-doubt.

Wen Qingling led Jiang Lan, Old Zhou, Feng Bin, Wen Bo, and Xiao Hen, They rushed toward a valley filled with mutated plants. Each of them had ropes wrapped around their bodies, prepared to tie up the poultry and livestock they planned to catch and bring back alive.

Inside the valley, there was a gathering of well-fed and strong mutated cows, sheep, and pigs. There were also quite a few mutated poultry. The six individuals spread out, surrounding the poultry and livestock, driving them toward the center. Once they were all gathered together, thin and long vines emerged from the ground, rapidly weaving in the air to form a large vine net, trapping all the animals inside.

Jiang Lan exclaimed happily, We found so many in this place alone. One large truck might be a bit insufficient.

Wen Qingling replied, If necessary, we can make multiple trips.

Wen Qingling asked, Who will go in and catch them?

Old Zhou volunteered, I have experience. Ill go in.

Wen Qingling opened a gap in the vine net, and Old Zhou crawled inside. He started with the mutated cows. These mutated poultry and livestock were all fierce; they ate both grass and meat. When they saw Old Zhou not hiding but actively attacking, they retaliated.

Old Zhou knocked down a mutated cow with a punch, and pounced on it, pressing its neck with his knee. He quickly tied the rope around the mutated cows horns and neck, securing it with a tight knot. Then he dragged the mutated cow out through the gap. Wen Bo outside grabbed the rope, preventing the mutated cow from escaping.

Jiang Lan and Feng Bin blocked the gap, and all the escaping mutated poultry fell into their hands.

There were quite a few mutated black chickens on this side. They were as large as turkeys and had strong fighting capabilities. They flew and jumped, pecking at people. Jiang Lan held a stick in her hand. If any of them dared to peck at her, she first knocked them out with a stick, then quickly tied their legs and threw them aside.

Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen were responsible for transporting the tied-up mutated chickens, ducks, and geese back.

Seeing the flurry of poultry on the ground, Wen Qingling realized that they needed to bring cages.

Wen Qingling disappeared from the spot and went back to fetch the cages. Soon, he returned holding four large cages. Xiao Hen put the mutated chickens, ducks, and geese into separate cages, while Wen Qingling was responsible for bringing all the large cages over.

Wen Bo tied the mutated cows, sheep, and pigs to a large tree, waiting to be led back later.

The group worked together and quickly packed and tied up the poultry and livestock on this side. They transported them back one trip at a time, placing the caged poultry neatly onto the truck. The remaining space was filled with mutated cows, sheep, and pigs. The large truck was already packed full.

They had initially thought the truck was spacious and could hold a lot, but the mutated cows and pigs took up too much space, and they couldnt fit many.

Wen Qinglings mental power swept over, Theres a semi-trailer with storage compartments in the small town. Im not sure if it can be driven. Old Zhou, come with me to take a look.

Old Zhou agreed and followed Wen Qingling. They quickly returned, each carrying a bucket of diesel. Before long, a red semi-trailer with storage compartments arrived.

The high metal fence would be sufficient to hold back the strong and robust mutated cows.

The group drove the livestock down from the large truck and herded them into the compartments of the semi-trailer, which could still accommodate a lot.

The group took action once again to catch the poultry and livestock.

Just as they had left for a while, two vehicles came towards them. The vehicles parked in a crisscross manner, blocking their retreat.

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