I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

TL: Moonlit

Since last night, Wen Qingling hasnt returned home after all the commotion.

Ji Rong and Shi Chong have already become reserved civilized zombies. Wen Qingling made an exception for them, allowing them to live in the base. They could either look for a new house or stay in Xiao Hens house.

Thats right, the villa next to the Wen familys residence has been allocated to Xiao Hen. It will be Xiao Hens new dwelling from now on.

As soon as Wen Qingling entered the house, he was startled by his parents standing in the dark living room. The dimly lit room with two figures appearing suddenly was indeed quite scary.

Wen Qingling:

Wen Qingling: Why arent you resting? Mom, did you give up on your beauty sleep?

Jiang Lan mysteriously pulled Wen Qingling to sit on the sofa. Tell Mom the truth, did you win over Xiaoxiao?

Wen Qingling thought for a moment. He had only transformed him, but what he truly felt was still unknown. It couldnt be considered as winning over.

Wen Qingling shook his head. No.

Wen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. See, I told you that you were overthinking.

Jiang Lan scolded, Shut up!

Wen Zheng obediently fell silent and dared not speak.

Jiang Lan grabbed the chicken feather blanket hidden under the coffee table and without a second thought, started hitting her son.

Wen Qingling quickly jumped up and rushed behind his biological father, seeking refuge. Dad, Dad, protect me!

Wen Zheng evaded repeatedly. You protect yourself. Dont drag me into this!

Just kidding, if his wife was angered, she would not only hit their son but also him. Shouldnt the score be settled between being hit together or just one person getting hit?!

Unable to get rid of his troublesome son, Wen Zheng immediately turned the tables and held onto his son, not letting him escape. Darling, Ive caught him. Start hitting.

Wen Qingling:

Jiang Lan rushed over in anger and started hitting Wen Qinglings legs. Although it didnt hurt, her imposing manner was quite intimidating.

Wen Qinglings reaction to his biological mother twisting his ear and the chicken feather blanket has become a conditioned reflex. Even though he couldnt feel any pain, being beaten by his mother still felt very painful to him.

Wen Qingling hopped on the spot. Mom, Mom, what did I do wrong?

Jiang Lan was so angry that she gasped for breath. Dont call me Mom. Im currently beating a scum man!

Wen Qingling: Mrs. Jiang, open your eyes and see clearly. Im not a scum man!

Jiang Lan pointed at him with the chicken feather blanket. You still deny it? The news about you transforming Xiaoxiao has spread throughout the entire base. You bit him and still refuse to take responsibility. If youre not a scum man, then what are you?!

Wen Qingling:

Wen Qingling:

Wen Qingling:

Wen Qingling had nothing to say. It was indeed him who bit the person, and he couldnt deny it.

Jiang Lan furiously said, You dont want to take responsibility for what you did? Why did you bite him?

Wen Qingling: The situation is more complicated

Wen Qingling looked at the chicken feather blanket pointed at him and could only obediently admit fault. Yes, I was wrong. I will take responsibility for it.

Jiang Lan put away the chicken feather blanket. Do you know why I hit you?

Wen Qingling: Because I dont take responsibility for biting someone?

Jiang Lan glared at him. Thats just one aspect. On the other hand, I dont want you to become a promiscuous person. I heard that your circle is quite chaotic. I can accept that you like the same sex, but I cant accept you being promiscuous!

Jiang Lans temper rose again. You like men, and I dont oppose that. But you cant bring a string of boyfriends home to me! If you want to be in a relationship, find someone you truly like and settle down. Dont play around and flirt with others all the time. Do you understand?!

Wen Qingling listened earnestly. I understand.

Wen Zheng, looking as if he had been struck by lightning, raised his hand stiffly. I dont understand.

Jiang Lan stared at him. What dont you understand?

Wen Zheng observed his son repeatedly. Darling, we did give birth to a son, right?

Jiang Lan crossed her arms. Definitely our son.

Wen Zheng looked a bit confused. Our son likes someone elses son It doesnt seem right. Shouldnt he like someone elses daughter?

Jiang Lan was already hopeless about his reaction. Our son likes boys, do you understand?

Wen Zheng:

Wen Zheng looked bewildered. Hold on, let me process this

Wen Zheng: When you said win over, you werent referring to recruiting Xiao Hen, but to that win over?

Jiang Lan nodded. Yes.

Wen Zhengs eyes glazed over, and he mechanically turned around. I must not have woken up yet. Im sleepwalking right now. Ill go back to sleep and talk about it tomorrow.

Jiang Lan:

Wen Qingling:

Jiang Lan whispered, Your dad got shocked. Let him recover slowly.

Wen Qingling: Okay.

Jiang Lan threw the chicken feather blanket aside and followed. Its already the apocalypse, and youre talking about taking it easy? Whats the point of acting like a human when youre already a zombie? If you have feelings, then take action!

Wen Qingling:

Thankfully, his biological father shared the firepower, or else he would definitely be in trouble tonight.

The next morning, before his parents woke up, Wen Qingling had already slipped away. He went to find the four research assistants to discuss some matters and also avoid attention.

Wen Qingling didnt know if his parents had cooled down yet, so he didnt dare to go home. He could only drive around Ling City, and by noon, he ended up in the city center where his big house was almost finished being built.

Wen Qingling had thought that his parents were still at the base saving the accidental zombies, but he didnt expect them to be in the city center as well.

In the morning, Xiao Hen didnt see Wen Qingling, so he went to the city center with Ji Rong and Shi Chong to check the specific planning of the area. At noon, Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng came over to inspect the progress of the construction of the big house.

Xiao Hen couldnt ignore Wen Qinglings parents, so he had a brief chat with them. However, the conversation started to become uncontrollable.

Originally, Xiao Hen was asking about the future planning of Ling City, but somehow the topic shifted to how many people were in his family and who was still alive, where they lived, whether Xiao Hen had someone he liked, and what he thought of Wen Qingling and so on.

Ji Rong was scared out of his wits and cowardly slipped away.

That was the legendary Wen Qingling, the one who could flip an armored vehicle with his bare hands. Who would dare to say anything bad about him?

Xiao Hen:

Jiang Lan tried to smile warmly, even though her smile was stiff. She had to make an effort to look good while smiling. Its okay, just tell us your thoughts about our Qingling.

Xiao Hens embarrassment was almost written on his face. He wasnt a fool. Wen Qinglings parents suddenly asked about his family and personal situation, even if he didnt realize it at first, he had enough time to process it now.

In front of Wen Qinglings parents, Xiao Hen didnt know how to respond.

If Wen Qingling also had feelings for him, then he could face Wen Qinglings parents more calmly. But now, how should he answer? Whatever he said would be his wishful thinking.

Jiang Lan asked, Do you hate him?

Xiao Hen was puzzled, Why would I hate him?

Jiang Lan was also puzzled, He turned you into one of us. Dont you hate him?

Wen Qingling quietly parked his car, got out quietly, and approached quietly, preparing to eavesdrop from a close distance.

Xiao Hen paused for a moment before saying, Before this, I had already prepared myself to turn into a zombie at any time. After being bitten by the General, I had given up hope. Now that Ive become like this, I feel fortunate.

Xiao Hen continued, I willingly underwent the transformation, so I dont hate him.

Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. What they feared the most was their son disregarding someone elses will and forcibly turning them. That would not only drive people away but also potentially create enemies.

Jiang Lan smiled and said, Then what do you think of our Qingling?

Xiao Hen smiled with a hint of bitterness, Hes great.

Xiao Hen, who usually had a serious demeanor, suddenly smiled. Jiang Lan, who couldnt resist Xiao Hens charm, received a sudden blow to her old heart, clutching her chest, I cant take it anymore. Why does Xiaoxiao smile so beautifully, so naturally, completely unforced? Hes even better than his biological parents. My old heart

Xiao Hen:

Wen Qingling emerged from behind cover, Now you understand what I meant by not taking him down, right?

The three of them looked at him with different expressions.

Wen Qingling said, Xiao Hen is now at most one-third civilized zombie. Two-thirds of his body still belongs to humans and the General. His natural expression is not my doing, but his own evolution.

The three of them continued to stare at him.

Wen Qingling blinked and said, Im stating a fact. He can be a civilized zombie, he can be human, and he can also be the General, although hes a weak General. This means he has three choices, and he could rebel at any time.

Xiao Hen immediately clarified, I wont do anything to harm civilized zombies.

Wen Qingling replied, Its not just about saying it with your mouth.

Xiao Hen helplessly asked, How can I make you believe me?

Wen Qingling responded, Can you kill all humans?

Xiao Hen:

Xiao Hen asked seriously, Are you serious?

Wen Qingling answered, Yes.

Xiao Hen:

Wen Qingling continued, I know you cant do it. You cant let go of your duty as a soldier, and you cant take off the military uniform youre wearing. Your identity, your heart, and your emotional attachment are all with humans. How can you expect me to believe you?

Xiao Hen said, Humans and civilized zombies can coexist peacefully.

Wen Qingling looked at him deeply and said, From the fact that you put humans before civilized zombies, I can see your choice.

Xiao Hen:

Wen Qingling turned and left, and Xiao Hen quickly caught up with him.

Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng exchanged a glance, finally realizing that the problem between the two of them wasnt about liking or loving each other, but about race and choice.

If Xiao Hen truly sided with the humans, they couldnt allow their son to be with him no matter what. Civilized zombies couldnt become sacrifices and tools for humans. They should exist independently and not become subordinate to any race.

Xiao Hen grabbed Wen Qinglings arm and asked, Why do you want to force me to make such a choice? Do you really want me to kill all humans?

Wen Qingling replied, I dont care about humans. What I want to know is your attitude. Your thoughts tell me that you cant let go of humans, and you want to go back to them, right?

Xiao Hen knew that Wen Qingling could sense peoples true thoughts, so lying to him was meaningless.

Xiao Hen said, I still have unfinished business. I cant just stay in Lingcheng and not go back.

Wen Qingling stared at him, Go back?

Xiao Hen looked determined, Yes.

Wen Qinglings eyes flashed with a cold light, Say it again.

Xiao Hen replied, I have a reason to go back. Wait for me ah!

Wen Qingling pushed him away forcefully, not controlling his strength, and it sounded like he heard the sound of his breastbone breaking. 

Xiao Hen stepped back, clutching his chest, his face showing pain. Being a partially transformed zombie still had its drawbacks, such as retaining human sensitivity, including pain.

After his transformation, Xiao Hens physical strength had greatly increased compared to before, but it was still not enough against Wen Qinglings monstrous strength, especially in an accidental situation.

Wen Qingling said angrily, Ill say it again, you belong to me! You belong to the civilized base! Besides here, theres nowhere else worth using the word go back for! Dont even think about leaving here unless you die!

Xiao Hen took a deep breath and said, Wen Qingling, you always say that I belong to you. Then let me ask you, what am I to you?

Wen Qingling replied, Youre mine, isnt that enough?

Xiao Hen asked, And what about the other people in the base? What are they to you?

Wen Qingling answered, Theyre also mine.

Xiao Hens heart had already turned cold halfway, and he said, So, theres no difference between me and them, right?

Wen Qingling said, Theres a difference.

The flickering hope was extinguished once again, and Xiao Hen said, What difference?

Wen Qingling replied, They are all 100% loyal to me, but youre not. Youre constantly thinking about humans, about leaving, about rebelling against me!

Xiao Hen:

He realized that he shouldnt have held onto hope.

Before, he didnt understand, but now that he has a partial zombie lineage, he can understand Wen Qingling. Zombies, even civilized ones, are essentially emotionless walking corpses. Even though they are civilized, their emotions are still lacking. Xiao Hen still retains his human lineage, and he can feel that his emotions have faded compared to before.

As the progenitor-level existence of all civilized zombies, Wen Qingling hardly has any emotions left besides his affection for his parents. Or rather, even familial affection is absent. Their family can only be maintained through blood ties, devoid of any emotional connection.

Xiao Hen felt bitter in his heart. Wen Qingling, how much of your emotions do you have left? Wen Qingling didnt speak. At this point, he had forgotten what emotions even were. What kind of feeling was that? He had completely forgotten.

Wen Qingling glanced at Xiao Hens hand clutching his chest, then looked again after a couple of seconds, and finally approached him. A green energy ball appeared in his palm. He took Xiao Hens hand and pressed the green energy ball onto Xiao Hens injured breastbone.

Xiao Hen wasnt in much pain anymore. His injuries were healing, as he possessed the dual regenerative power of Wen Qingling and the General. This slight injury only caused him momentary pain and would soon self-heal.

However, if Wen Qingling wanted to treat him, he certainly wouldnt refuse.

Xiao Hen kept looking at him. Wen Qingling.

Wen Qingling ignored him, lowering his gaze and focusing on the treatment.

Xiao Hen lowered his voice and called him again. Wen Qingling.

Wen Qingling still didnt respond.

Xiao Hen continued to lower his voice. Qingling.

Wen Qingling raised his eyes and looked at him. Xiao Hens gaze fell on his light-colored lips as if tempted. Xiao Hen leaned in, wanting to kiss him, but Wen Qingling turned his face away, avoiding it.

Wen Qingling said, Calling me Dad wont work either. I wont let you go.

Xiao Hen:

Xiao Hen was both annoyed and amused. He had no idea what to do with a zombie who didnt even have emotions. How could he inspire him? How could he teach him to like and love?

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