I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

TL: Moonlit

They arranged the situation in Civilization City, and Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen set off. The mutated zombies only had Lu Tianjin accompanying them, so the three of them traveled lightly and only needed one car. Wen Qingling emptied the space, leaving all the food in Civilization City, while Xiao Hen packed his space with a lot of weapons for occasional use.

None of the three were ordinary humans. They headed north without encountering any zombies that dared to show themselves in front of them. The journey was smooth, but the further they went, the more uncertain Xiao Hen became. Are you sure were not going the wrong way?

Lu Tianjins gray-white eyes revealed outside stared ahead with a chilling aura. No, this is the right direction, straight ahead.

Wen Qingling looked at the scenery on the side of the road and then turned to Xiao Hen. Whats ahead?

Xiao Hen didnt want it to be true, but if Lu Tianjin was right, then things were really not good. If we keep going in this direction, well reach Central Mega City. If Xu Shengfei really went to Central Mega City, Xiao Hen didnt dare to imagine the current situation there.

Well, thats great. Wen Qinglings voice was calm, and the scene he saw during his advancement was clearly imprinted in his mind. If Xu Shengfei was really in Central Mega City, then her threat was minimal. Otherwise, how could humans still have the leisure to eliminate zombies? Shouldnt they be focusing on internal conflicts?

Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen were both certain now. The giant city Wen Qingling saw during his advancement was indeed the legendary Central Mega City, housing over 100 million survivors

He wondered if Luo Fengjue was there. He had no idea where that kid had run off to.

Wen Qingling leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes, and his mental power began to wander aimlessly again. He hoped he wouldnt be gone for over a month this time. Xiao Hen would probably go crazy.

Wen Qingling thought to himself that he had completed his advancement, and he would only wander for a short while before quickly returning. Along the way, he would also search for Luo Fengjues whereabouts.

Just as he thought, his mental power, as he had intended, traveled ahead while the car continued to move. His mental power scanned all the bases along the way but found no one he was looking for.

Suddenly, the vision became hazy, and the mist was torn apart, revealing a clear image before him

In a dim basement, only one lamp stubbornly illuminated the room. Various parts were scattered on the wooden table, and black zombie crystals were scattered across the table. There were assembled wooden weapons and unfinished ones.

Beside the long table was a double sofa, stained with large dark marks. On it sat a person, soundly asleep. The person had stubble all over his face, messy hair that could be tied into a small braid, and a gaunt figure with distinct facial features. Wen Qingling immediately recognized him as Luo Fengjue, the one he had been looking for.

Wen Qingling couldnt understand how the once spirited Luo Fengjue, who cared so much about his appearance and would rather get injured than go naked, had become like this.

The dim basement seemed to be his dwelling, and the finished and unfinished products on the table should be his creations. Luo Fengjue had always enjoyed modifying weapons, which had turned into a decent skill in the apocalypse.

At that moment, the metal door was kicked open, and the sleeping Luo Fengjue jolted awake. Two burly men dragged a person in, their wrists dripping with blood and their hands severed. They threw him on the ground, oblivious and unaware of life or death.

As a reward for your cooperation, we brought him back to you. Just dont let him die. This is Brother Huis power source. Be careful with it! The two men left with cold indifference, and the metal door was locked once again.

Luo Fengjue hurriedly went over to check the situation. Seeing that the person was still breathing, he struggled to lift him and carried him to the only double sofa. He placed him on the sofa, and the fresh blood from the severed hand stained the sofa, leaving behind large dark stains.

Luo Fengjue took out a medical kit and found a syringe in it. He injected it into the wounded person, quickly stopping the bleeding from the severed hand. Luo Fengjue sprinkled some powder on the wound in silence and bandaged it with a bandage.

Everything was done skillfully, indicating that it wasnt the first time he had done it.

The unconscious patient moaned in pain, his long hair soaked with sweat sticking to his face, making it impossible to see his features clearly. He was weak and spoke with a feeble voice, Brother Luo, I cant hold on anymore

Luo Fengjue clenched his teeth. As long as youre not beaten to death on the spot, there is still hope.

Theres no hope. In this giant city, we cant fight against them The hoarse voice was filled with pain. You should escape. Your ability can help you escape. Dont get trapped here because of me Escape and find Lingzi

Wen Qinglings mind trembled, and he woke up abruptly, breathing heavily.

Are you awake? Xiao Hens worried voice came. What happened?

Wen Qingling breathed heavily and asked, How long has it been?

Over two hours, Xiao Hen replied.

Wen Qingling closed his eyes and took slow breaths.

He knew who that person was, his only friend during his university yearsMi Yan.

Back then, Feng Yi spread rumors about him liking boys at school, instigating their dormitory roommates to isolate and exclude him. People who were homophobic, jealous of him, or simply disliked him were filled with malice toward him. Wen Qingling was deeply hurt during that time, and wherever he went, he would hear whispers about him. He was alone, without any friends, except for Mi Yan. Mi Yan, carefree and open-minded, openly supported him, approached him proactively, and helped him. Every day, he stuck to him, insisting on being friends.

Mi Yan came from a well-off family and was a pampered young master, full of a sense of justice. He beat up the three roommates who bullied Wen Qingling, not because Mi Yan was physically strong, but because his family was wealthy. Those who were beaten could only back down, not daring to retaliate against Mi Yan.

Mi Yan proudly protected Wen Qingling, calling out Lingzi, Lingzi all the time. Wherever he went, he would drag Wen Qingling along and tell everyone that they were good friends and brothers.

When the apocalypse broke out, Wen Qingling hurriedly returned home, and Mi Yan also went home. Until now, there was no news of him. Wen Qingling didnt expect to receive news of him in this way, and to be with Luo Fengjue. Their situation seemed very dire.

How much longer until we reach the Central Mega City? Wen Qingling became anxious, as the miserable state of Luo Fengjue and Mi Yan lingered in his mind.

Were almost there, Xiao Hen knew that Wen Qingling must have seen something again, but with Lu Tianjin in the car, he didnt ask further.

Increase the speed, Wen Qingling urged. This ability should be a psychic ability called future prediction.

Psychic abilities indeed became strong as they developed. This ability had just appeared, and Wen Qingling couldnt fully control it yet. He didnt know how far in advance it could predict or if it would be enough to save Luo Fengjue and Mi Yan.

If it was indeed the ability to predict the future, it would be incredibly powerful. Wen Qingling wanted to test if this prediction could be controlled consciously. Like when he discovered Luo Fengjue, he focused hard on Xu Shengfei, wanting to predict something about Xu Shengfei.

The reality proved that extraordinary abilities came with extraordinary conditions. This prediction ability was completely uncontrollable. What could be predicted depended on luck. At least when Wen Qingling tried to predict Xu Shengfei, he failed.

Ahead, a clear path appeared, and a huge base could be faintly seen in the distance.

Wen Qingling suddenly said, Do you know someone called Brother Hui in the Central Mega City?

Xiao Hen furrowed his brow, That name is too common. Even among the warriors sacrificed under my command, there are two or three called Brother Hui or Hui Ge.

I see. Since he couldnt find out by asking, Wen Qingling could only perform a mental search.

Xiao Hen was certain that Wen Qingling must have seen something again, as he even mentioned a name this time.

Before Xiao Hen could ask, Wen Qingling took the initiative, I saw Luo Fengjue. He is locked in an underground room in the Central Mega City. I dont know where that is, but the person who has him captive is someone called Brother Hui.

Fengjue is still alive?! Lu Tianjin exclaimed in shock. He had always thought that Luo Fengjue was dead and felt guilty about it.

Wen Qingling glanced at the back seat and said, In my South City, do you think I would let him die?

Lu Tianjin was speechless, realizing the situation at that time, he felt even more ashamed. If he had known that Wen Qingling was such a person, how could he not have thought that Luo Fengjue might not be dead?

After a while, Lu Tianjin finally spoke, Its good that hes not dead.

This way, his guilt could be alleviated to some extent.

Wen Qingling had already seen through his thoughts, but he didnt expose them. From Lu Tianjins choice between seeking revenge on Xu Shengfei and choosing the latter, Wen Qingling knew that their friendship had already been severed. If Wen Qingling couldnt find Xu Shengfei, he wouldnt meet Lu Tianjin again.

Is Xu Shengfei inside the city? Wen Qingling asked coldly.

Lu Tianjin carefully sensed and replied, Inside the city.

Xiao Hen said, Where exactly?

Lu Tianjin hesitated for a moment, Probably deep inside the Mega City.

Xiao Hen asked further, Where exactly is deep inside? Is it in the central area or the far north?

Lu Tianjin tried his best to locate it but ultimately couldnt be certain. It would be better if you could enter the city. Otherwise, the positioning wont be accurate. I only know she is inside the city, but she is quite far from me. I cant pinpoint her exact location.

This Mega City was the last haven for survivors, filled with hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Wen Qingling didnt dare to use his psychic powers to investigate recklessly. His psychic powers could only reach the city gate.

It wont be easy for you to enter the city. The gate checks are very strict, and they perform blood tests. Based on Lu Tianjins appearance, he didnt need a blood test; exposing any part of him would prove that he wasnt human.

Xiao Hen understood. The existence of Undead had already drawn the attention of the high-ranking officials in Central Mega City. Otherwise, there wouldnt be blood tests. With the research institutes capabilities, it shouldnt be difficult to develop a quick detection method.

Do you see the testing method? Wen Qingling asked.

Xiao Hen had indeed seen it. Its a small device, like a stapler. It takes a fingertip blood sample, and for every drop it takes, it doesnt display the test result. It should have an automatic alarm system.

If the blood composition doesnt match, the small device will automatically trigger an alarm. This way, they can save time by eliminating the need to analyze the composition. Its faster, and anyone who has the small device can use it, which is very convenient.

Wen Qingling stroked his chin, This small device is not bad. We can bring some back.

This way, they wouldnt need manual inspections of Undead. They only need to prick their finger, making it very convenient.

Xiao Hen:

Xiao Hen: Our purpose for coming here this time isnt for supplies.

Wen Qingling said, Yes, if there is such a device, considering Xu Shengfeis appearance, how did she manage to enter the city safely?

This was indeed a good question. Xiao Hen couldnt think of an answer without considering the internal factors.

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