I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates

Chapter 115 - 113: Ice Chi with its Own Little

Chapter 115: Chapter 113: Ice Chi with its Own Little


Translator: 549690339

Edge of the Thousand Dragon Lake.

Lu Xuan stood on a wooden platform twenty feet high, looking out across the lake.

Seemingly sensing feeding time had arrived, the figures of Flood Dragons and Chi Dragons began to surface on the Lake.

Lu Xuan retrieved three large wooden barrels full of chunks of Demon Beast Meat from his storage bag.

The meat was fresh, rich in spiritual energy, and still bore traces of blood.

Below, the Flood Dragon Pythons that were swimming restlessly quickened their pace and became more agitated as they sniffed the scent of the Demon Beast Meat.

Seeing this, Lu Xuan cracked a smile, picked up a barrel, and dumped all of its contents down below.

Rising from the lake were many Jiaolong Pythons of different forms, competing for the Demon Beast Meat. They caused the lake’s water to become huge frothing waves, attacking one another and the demon beasts that surrounded them, trying to prevent them from stealing their food.

Experiencing such a sight, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but to be reminded about a time when he was feeding the carp in a small lake.

The rush for food was quite similar, but the reaction stirred by the Flood Dragon Pythons was hundreds, if not thousands, of times greater.

While the many Draco Serpents were devouring the Demon Beast’s flesh and blood, Lu Xuan concentrated his focus on their bodies, quickly receiving various information about the Flood Dragons below.

“Two-Headed Serpent: A Tier-2 Demonic Beast that is fierce and brutal. Prefers the meat of avian type demon beasts.”

This type of Draco had two heads and was covered with black scales, appearing incredibly ferocious.

“Red-Scaled Python: A first grade, different species demon beast, extremely defensive. Prefers the flesh and blood of its own kind.”

A python, covered in red scales from head to toe, swam across the lake. Lu Xuan noticed it often waited by other struggling Pythons. When a demon beast was injured and its flesh fell, it would devour the fresh meat of the Flood Dragon.

“Ice Chi: A Tier-2 Demonic Beast, carrying a faint trace of ancient Chi Dragon blood. Prefers the blood and flesh of Ice attribute demon beasts.”

In the heart of the lake, a snow-white Chi dragon was quietly swirling around, emanating a faint cold, its body surrounded by frozen blocks of lake water.

There was a blank area around it formed by several Draco, no Draco dared to enter this area to compete for the meat of the demon beasts. Therefore, the snow-white Chi Dragon enjoyed its food leisurely, creating a stark contrast with the hectic scene nearby.

Soon, a large barrel of demon beast meat thrown down was devoured by the numerous Flood Dragons. They each kept to an area and swam slowly, as if waiting for the second batch of flesh to fall.

Lu Xuan picked up the huge wooden barrel and poured it down.

Dozens of Flood Dragons jumped up in a leap.

There was nothing in the air.

“Sorry, my bad.”

Lu Xuan looked at the numerous Flood Dragon beasts in the lake, who were tossed into a frenzy because they didn’t get any meat. His lips curled upwards.

He picked up a large barrel filled with Demon Beast Meat. Suddenly, a large amount of demon beast flesh and blood fell down.

A ferocious two-headed Flood Dragon leapt up, with momentum unabated, it even rushed towards Lu Xuan on the high platform.


Lu Xuan’s expression cooled, spiritual light emerging from the golden bracelet on his wrist. A dragon’s roar echoed as a small dragon-shaped phantom bolted out and burrowed into the neck of the two-headed serpent.

Suddenly, a fluctuating golden ring materialized beneath the two heads of the serpent, constricting it tightly.

The twin-headed serpent’s tail flailed weakly in mid-air before falling into the lake with a loud splash, stirring up vast waves.

Lu Xuan’s move immediately subdued the two-headed serpent, causing it to turn its attention towards fighting the other drake beasts for the demon beast meat floating on the lake surface.

“As expected, a naturally made third-rank magic weapon against drake beasts, it dealt with the situation effortlessly.”

Lu Xuan marveled in his heart. The serpent beast was considered to be one of the stronger creatures among those of the same rank. This two-headed

Serpent was evidently of special bloodline and difficult to provoke, yet it was simply and efficiently controlled by the replica of the Dragon Binding Ring.

He vigilantly observed the actions of the numerous drakes below.

In the outermost layer centered around the point where the demon beast meat was being scattered, over a dozen of the giant pythons and strange serpents lingered on the lake surface, refraining from joining the struggle for the meat.

They would wait for luck to favor them, hoping for some pieces of demon beast meat to be thrown towards the outskirts, or for the drake beasts in the center to finish their feast, leaving a few bits of leftovers.

Most of these giant pythons and strange serpents were first-grade demon beasts, weaker in strength. If they tried to compete, they might get killed by stronger drakes, so they chose a safer area.

Closer inwards, numerous different kinds of snakes and strange serpents, mostly of the second grade, lingered. They were aggressive, their bodies covered in scars. With their fierceness and favorable location, they were able to snatch a reasonable share of the demon-beast meat.

As for the central area, it was occupied by several of the most powerful drakes, including some with special bloodlines similar to the two-headed dragon.

Among them was an Ice Chi, surrounded by several second-grade drake beasts, occupying the centralmost position and even having the luxury to pick and choose their share of the demon-beast meat.

“There’s a huge disparity in the distribution of demon-beast meat. Some have abundant resources while others suffer scarcity. This Ice Chi leading other small dragons occupies the top layer, along with a few other different species of drakes like the dual-headed serpent in the upper layer, some tough second grade pythons and strange serpents in the mid layer, and the weaker creatures in the outskirts.”

“This arrangement is clearly detrimental to the collective growth of the drakes.”

Lu Xuan sighed.

In his view, this feeding method is extremely unscientific. With so many pieces of demon-beast meat being thrown in, most were snatched by the drake beasts in the central area, while those on the outskirts weren’t even filled.

For the drake beasts in the central area, like the Ice Chi and the two-headed serpent, even though they seized a lot of demon-beast meat, much of it didn’t contribute to their growth and only served to satisfy their hunger.

In this case, they were unable to maximize the benefits of the demon-beast meat being fed to them.

To the other cultivators, raising drakes was like their own competition for opportunities, fighting for demon beast meat with their strength to evolve or advance in rank.

However, Lu Xuan believed there was great room for improvement in this situation. By using the demon-beast meat rationally, not only could the drake beasts in the central area be improved, but also create opportunities for the pythons and strange serpents on the outskirts.

“The right kind of demon-beast meat can promote the development of drakes, pythons and others. What needs to be done next is to understand clearly the meat preferred and most beneficial for each type of drake beast, and then distribute it rationally.”

“Of course, the first issue to address is getting these drakes obey my instructions.”

Lu Xuan thought to himself. The drake beasts in the central area were powerful and aggressive, hence hard to control. He decided to take the strategy of starting from the outskirts and slowly taking control over these dozens of drakes.

Having thought this, he picked up the last large wooden barrel, leaving a small part of the demon-beast meat. When the drakes in the central area begin to scramble for it, he would precisely throw it towards the pythons and strange serpents on the outskirts.

A large amount of demon-beast meat fell, which slightly stunned the pythons who were used to eating the leftover bits. They quickly recovered and swallowed the meat..

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