I Pulled Out the Excalibur

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 – Beyond the World, Outland (5)

Witches, a race born from the mystical.

They appear no different from ordinary humans at first glance, but there was a reason they were classified as a special species known as witches. Although resembling humans, witches were fundamentally different. However, they were not initially referred to as witches.

-A race beloved by magic.

-Born from the mystical, the essence of mystery itself.

-A race granted the right to perform miracles by the world itself.

These were phrases used to describe them until a witch embodying the apocalypse appeared. Reflecting on the words Merlin once muttered, Najin looked up at the sky.

There she was, the witch.

Her red hair reminiscent of flames. Her red eyes. Her pale skin marred by soot. The woman, evoking flames and seated on her staff, floated in the sky, expressionlessly burning people alive.

The heat generated by the flames,

The shimmering heat haze,

The remnants of people turned to ash.

All of it felt as if it were part of the witch. Would this be what humans looked like if they were made of fire? Such a thought flickered through Najin’s mind.


A cold voice. Merlin’s chilling voice echoed in Najin’s ears. Glancing sideways, he saw Merlin looking sternly at the sky.

-She’s not an enemy you can handle. Run. Don’t even look back. Hurry.

There are those whose voices grow colder and more composed the more urgent the situation. Merlin was one of those people, and right now, her voice carried the lowest temperature Najin had ever heard.

-Flickering Witch, Ermina.

-A witch who had reached the 8th circle, the realm of the Archmage, a thousand years ago. I thought I had destroyed all the circles and stars back then…

Merlin clicked her tongue.

-As expected, those loved by magic found a way. It’s the worst. Run fast. There should still be time before her next spell.

Najin slowly nodded.

He knew Merlin wasn’t someone who reacted this way without reason. He trusted Merlin, and trusting her, he quickly made a decision.


Najin promptly turned his head and prepared to flee, joining the retreating soldiers. Just as he was about to step forward, he glanced sideways.


Silently standing there was Gillet. He hadn’t moved an inch and was still looking up at the sky.

“Sir Gillet.”

“Ah, rookie.”

“Aren’t you going? The order was to retreat…”

“I would like to, but…”

Gillet grimaced.

“Someone has to stay behind to buy time.”


“If we leave as it is, it’s an annihilation. I know what that’s like; I’ve been through it a few times.”

Gillet Reginfert.

As a soldier who had lived on the battlefield for many years, he knew exactly what he had to do. He had been in similar situations often, watching how his superiors or seniors acted.

‘It’s my turn now, isn’t it.’

Just as his seniors and superiors had done before.

Now it was his turn. It was just that simple. Damn, looks like I’m retiring today. Gillet sighed deeply and roughly ran his fingers through his hair.


Gillet shouted.

Not to Najin, but to the Wyvern Hunting Squad following his command. As he whipped out his chain with a swish, he announced.

“From now on, our squad will distract the Flickering Witch, Ermina. Do not approach her. Forget about intercepting. Focus solely on distracting her and buying time.”

They couldn’t win against such an asymmetric power.

So, at the very least, drag it out. Allow our allies to retreat and call for reinforcements while you hold the witch’s attention.

“Until Sir Kirchoff steps onto the battlefield, our squad will hold her off.”

Given the enemy had brought out asymmetric forces,

Someone had to buy time until allied asymmetric forces arrived on the battlefield. That role had fallen to their Squad, as Gillet declared.

The soldiers of the Wyvern Hunting Squad, resolute in their expressions, stood firmly beside Gillet. As they brandished their famed chain spikes, Gillet motioned to Najin.

“Hey, rookie.”

Gillet held a cigarette between his fingers.

No need to light it; the surrounding ash was enough to ignite it as he brought the cigarette to its end. As he smoked, he turned to Najin.

“Go on. You’ve worked hard these past seven days.”

He gave a wry smile.

Najin was just a mercenary who had come to aid; he had no duty or obligation to risk his life on this battlefield. Thus, Gillet waved his hand, urging him to escape.


Najin remained silent.


Merlin’s urging, the roaring flames,

And Gillet at the forefront with soldiers prepared to die. In contrast, soldiers fleeing, echoing screams, and voices continuously calling for retreat.

『Retreat, retreat!』


『Run away!』

Caught in that flow, Najin was pushed forward. He had not yet reached the transcendent realm; on the battlefield, Najin was just an individual swept along by a vast current.

Unlike the witch floating in the sky. Najin, unlike the witch, could neither dominate the battlefield nor wield a formidable presence like hers. The youngest Sword Seeker. A great achievement, but on the battlefield, Najin was nothing more than a remarkable soldier.

That was the difference between a Sword Seeker and a Master who had reached transcendence.

‘I know.’

Boom, Najin stepped forward.

Maintaining his balance among the retreating soldiers, he stood firm, not allowing himself to be swept away by the current.

‘I know it’s right to run, that I’m no match for her, that it’s a fight I can’t win.’

He knew all this, yet.

If you ask whether I’ll run because of that, I cannot easily voice my answer. Do I always flee when faced with a formidable foe? Do I run and retreat because there’s no chance of victory until I reach the Sword Master’s realm?

No, that’s not it.

That would be meaningless. Who would call such a person a hero? The Great Hero Arthur never fled in any battlefield. Arthur always struggled, resisted, and despite being utterly destroyed, he ultimately won.

That’s why Arthur was called a Great Hero.

Najin wanted to be such a hero, not an ordinary human who seeks to survive by running away.


Merlin no longer shouted for Najin to flee. His monologue, his emotions, had reached her. As she fell silent, Najin thought to himself.



‘What if I jump in, assuming I can just buy some time?’

I know I can’t beat the witch.

But this isn’t a duel; it’s a war. Defeating the opponent isn’t the only way to win.


Merlin sighed deeply.

-Honestly, I don’t recommend it. It’s too dangerous. Do you understand? You could die. You’re facing a witch, one who has lived since the era I was active.

‘I understand.’

-You understand, yet you still want to fight?

Najin’s silence affirmed his intent.

Merlin, as if driven mad, brushed her hair back. Somehow, this situation felt familiar to her.

-Arthur and you, neither of you know the value of life. Well, then…

She didn’t finish her thought.

Having vented enough, she composed herself and looked at Najin with a settled gaze, saying,

-The choice is yours.

-Whatever you decide, finding the best path forward is my responsibility.

-Go ahead and do what you want.

Merlin chuckled.

-I’ll help ensure you don’t die.

‘Thank you.’

-If you’re grateful, do well, at least.

Grumbling, Merlin began to explain how to confront a witch. Advice from the Archmage who had shattered countless witches’ circles and unravelled their mysteries. Najin listened intently to her voice as he raised his foot, which he had planted firmly on the ground.

The flow created by the retreating soldiers.

Against that current, Najin took a step towards where the witch was. Though not yet strong enough to reverse the flow, he was at least able to resist it as if to say so.

Gillet Reginfert.

A veteran soldier who had survived decades on the battlefield and had reached the level of a Sword Seeker. He was aware that the commanders of the ‘Wyvern Hunting Squad,’ often known as the Chain Squad, typically met grim ends.

It was inevitable.

The Chain Squad was comprised of elite soldiers used as a rapid response force. And, as is typical for such units, the Squad was tasked with immediately responding to unexpected situations.

Just like now.

Gillet puffed on his cigarette, contorting his expression.

‘Never gets old, really.’

A Sword Seeker is undeniably a formidable figure. However, staying in this accursed Outland teaches you that a Sword Seeker is nothing particularly special compared to the ancient heroes, monstrous beings, and constellations that roam this place.

Legendary figures from mythical times.

And creatures that appear as if plucked from legends.

This Outland is such a place. Just consider the witch currently hovering in the sky. Isn’t she proof that Sword Seekers are merely small figures before such colossal entities?

Yet even small beings can…


Draw the attention of these monstrous figures. Gillet knew this to be true.


The moment the Flickering Witch, Ermina, was about to unleash another spell. Led by Gillet, the Chain Squad flung their chains towards the sky. Anchoring their chains on the battlefield’s wall, they began to propel themselves upwards.

The witch frowned and waved her hand lightly.

Flames followed her gesture, melting the chains and engulfing the airborne soldiers. While some turned to black ash and fell, others managed to launch themselves up successfully.

They had forced the witch to waste a move.

Considering that each of her gestures could sweep away dozens, if not hundreds of soldiers, this was not a bad trade. Gillet had to think this way; such considerations were necessary to endure on the battlefield.

Swirl, and Gillet twirled his chain.

He wasn’t about to ask his subordinates to sacrifice themselves without doing the same. He, too, was prepared to die. Weaving through the air and drawing the witch’s attention, his troops did the same.

A single mistake could mean death.

Even without mistakes, death was imminent.

If so, they might as well struggle as much as they could.

A massive wave of fire swept over the cliff. The wall melted down and softened like heated mud. Narrowly avoiding the flames, Gillet chuckled. After all, wasn’t she a monstrous mage?

“A monster is matched by a monster.”

If Sir Kirchoff arrives.

If that monstrous man reaches the battlefield, then the tide will turn again. Until then, he would continue to struggle. With that thought, Gillet sprinted off the cliff.


Each wave of intense heat that swept the area brought down more soldiers who had dared to ascend. To hold the witch’s attention for just a few more seconds, a soldier’s life had to be sacrificed.

Gillet kicked off the wall. He kicked and kicked again.

But even he had an end.

As Gillet ran along his chain, he suddenly met the witch’s gaze. She was looking right at him. Those ominous red eyes met his, and Gillet sensed his impending death.

5th circle Spell, Scorching Ray.

Red flames surrounded the witch.

Concentrated beams of heat shot forth. It wasn’t just one beam. The number of circles she commanded indicated how many spells she could cast simultaneously.


Seven beams targeted Gillet. There was no escape. Evasion was impossible. As the beams rapidly closed in, the moment he sensed his death was upon him.

Bang, he heard.

It wasn’t something exploding behind him; rather, someone had kicked off the wall and was rushing towards him. Something was coming from behind faster than the searing beams.

And then, a flash.

Gillet saw a light streak past him. It was a constellation of white and gold. Why was a constellation, which should be in the sky, right in front of him? Belatedly, Gillet realized it was someone’s sword aura, someone who had grabbed him by the neck and swung their sword.

Screeching intensified!

The sword aura collided with the beams. Sparks flew, and fragments of the sword aura scattered around. As he was flung backward by the neck, Gillet finally saw the owner of the sword aura.

The youngest Sword Seeker, Najin.

He had returned to the battlefield after being swept away with the retreating troops. Clenching his teeth, Najin swung his sword mightily. He managed to deflect three of the seven beams and quickly moved out of position.


The remaining four beams pierced through where Najin had just stood. The wall melted down, forming a large hole, and Najin landed smoothly on the ground.


As Gillet landed and turned to look at Najin, he almost asked why he had returned. But before he could, Najin spoke.

“That Kirchoff person.”

A brief mention he had overheard.

A powerful ally who could turn the tide of the battle.

Referencing the context of an allied reinforcement, Najin asked,

“When will he arrive? I think we need to know how long we need to hold out.”

“…About fifteen minutes at most.”

“Fifteen minutes, I see.”

Najin took a deep breath.

He raised his head to look at the witch. Meeting her gaze, Najin smirked.

“Let’s give it a try.”

At that moment, the witch pointed at Najin.

Seven circles glowed simultaneously, turning the sky red. There was no time for a lengthy discussion. Gillet and Najin dispersed.

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