I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 101: A Busy Day

Chapter 101: A Busy Day

[Luna POV]

I was the first to wake up the next morning, so I decided to get some mapping done.  I made my way to the top of the pyramid and started using my space magic.  The range it covered was larger than the island itself and I mapped both the island and the land underneath.  When I was done with that, I sat there and watched the sunrise.

You know, I love the moon, but watching the sunrise like this is nice as well.

{It is a wonderful sight, and its enhanced when you are here.}

We sat there in silence as the sun rose over the mountain peaks, a natural mist covering the jungle below, and birds starting to make noise.

Its things like this that make adventuring fun.  If I just focused on getting to your side, I would have never seen something like this.  Plus, even if its not physically, I can feel you watching this by my side.  Im happy to have met you Tamamo.

{I feel the same.  Though my life has never been dull, when you arrived in my life, everything has seemed so much brighter and I find myself enjoying moments like this all the more.  I truly love you, my shining star.}

I love you too, my glowing moon.

We fell into another comfortable silence as we watched the sun.  After a while I could hear two people climbing the pyramid and once they reached the top, it was revealed to be Velvet and Soleil.

If the two of you were coming here to watch the sunrise, then you missed it. (Luna)

While that would have been nice, we came to look for you. (Soleil)

We wanted to discuss what to do now that we have captured the island. (Velvet)

Didnt we already decide to go to the sea? (Luna)

We did, but not the exact place.  There are many famous places in Beria to go to the sea. (Velvet)

Then we should discuss this when Ophidia wakes up. (Luna)

What were you doing up here, big sis? (Soleil)

Mapping the island and the area underneath, then watching the sunrise with Tamamo.  It was quite the beautiful sight. (Luna)

Then we should try to come and see it sometime, Velvet. (Soleil)

I agree.  If it has Lunas seal of approval, then its a must. (Velvet)

Fufu.  Im heading back down, you two should stay here a while and look at the scenery.  Soleil, if you ever feel like painting this, just ask and Ill hand over your painting stuff. (Luna)

Maybe later today. (Soleil)

I headed down the pyramid and looked around at the ruins.

I kind of feel bad for having to remove all of this, but it needs to be done for my future plans.

{I dont think the people of the past would mind.}

Then I will get started on my way back to our temporary lodging.

As I walked, I placed all of the crumbling stone from the ruins into my inventory.

I think I will leave the pyramid there until I can get whole island renovations started.

{I like that idea.  It adds a unique feel to the island.}

I just need to figure out what to do with it later.  Who knows, maybe I can throw it at someone as an attack like a certain pharaoh.

{What do you mean?}

Dont worry about it.  Its something only me, Blake, and probably Grey would understand.  By the way, how was the wyvern meat?

{One of the greatest things Ive ever eaten.}

Im happy it was to your taste.

{I will enjoy anything you make.  Though I need to start practicing again if Im going to match you.}

You know I dont mind if Im the one who cooks, right?

{I know, but its something I want to do.  If I dont, it feels like youre the only one putting effort into our relationship.}

But youre my biggest source of moral support and my main motivation.  If anything, Im the one lacking effort.

Geez, the two of you put equal effort into the relationship, ok. (Atmos)

{When did you get here, Atmos?}

Just a minute ago. (Atmos)

Is there something you needed? (Luna)

I just wanted to thank you for the food yesterday.  It was delicious. (Atmos)

Thanks for the compliment. (Luna)

By the way, do you have any use for those ruins youve been picking up? (Atmos)

None that I can think of, why? (Luna)

If you can collect all of them, give them to Grey and hell give them to Quetz.  She has a hobby of collecting things from that civilization. (Atmos)

Ok, but Im keeping the pyramid. (Luna)

Thats fine, she already has three of them. (Atmos)

Then Ill hand over what I collected so far when I go to get my new house in a bit. (Luna)

Ok, Ill go let him know.  See you later. (Atmos)

Now that I think of it, was there an ancient civilization the worshipped you specifically, Tamamo?

{Hmmm.  I cant recall one.  Though there was a time when my Authority over night caused people to dislike me.  That was a less fun 200 years.}

Are those people still around?

{No, they were wiped out by there own hands long ago.}

Serves them right.

{Now, now, dont be like that.  They were a people that feared the dark and they lived in a place that the moons light couldnt reach.}

Im surprised they lasted like that.

{They didnt.  They only lasted a short hundred years.  Their fear is what led to their downfall.  Thats why I said they fell by their own hands.  The fear of the dark kept them rooted in place until they couldnt sustain themselves.}

Now I pity them.

I finally made it to our temporary base and found Ophidia still asleep.  She was sprawled out on her back with her arms and legs outstretched.

How carefree.

{Its better than being always on-guard.}

True.  I guess I should wake her up now, though.

I knelt next to Ophidia and shook her.  She opened her eyes halfway and blinked slowly.

Uuuggghhh.  Master? (Ophidia)

Wake up Ophidia. (Luna)

I amawake? (Ophidia)

If youre asking me, then youre not. (Luna)

Is it time formeat? (Ophidia)

No.  Its time to get up and tackle the day. (Luna)

Uuuuuggggghhhhh. (Ophidia)

*Sigh*  I produced a small piece of ice and put it in Ophidias hands.  I made it a bit colder than normal ice and when she felt it, it woke her right up.

Eh?  Master, why am I holding ice? (Ophidia)

I handed it to you to wake you up.  Youre surprisingly childish when half-asleep. (Luna)

Ive shown you an embarrassing side of myself. Ophidia said with a pout.

No worries, it was kind of cute.  Anyway, I have something to go and do for a bit, I want you to stay here with Velvet and Soleil and have them explain some things to you. (Luna)

What in particular? (Ophidia)

Mostly what we plan to do when we are done here.  I will join the discussion when I get back.  Right now, the two of them should be at the top of the pyramid.  Let them have their alone time and speak with them when they come down. (Luna)

I understand. (Ophidia)

And dont go back to sleep. (Luna)

Gah. (Ophidia)

I left the building chuckling then teleported to the Celestia Kingdom.  The place I went to was the garden of Nias villa.  I left there and entered the castle proper to find Drome.  I found him in his office and he presented me three options for a house.

While these three are available, I would recommend this one. Drome said as he presented me a picture of the moderate sized home.

The reason?

Like I said yesterday, these houses were sold to the state due to the nobles unpaid debts.  Of the three, the one I recommend is the one that is in the best shape.  As they were all homes owned by nobles, they have magic that keeps them clean, so you wont have to expose your secrets to others or have to keep one of your party member there at all times.

Then Ill take your recommendation.

Then here is the deed and the key.  Its located close to the castle island.  I have told the nobles around there to not be surprised if one of the homes suddenly disappears.

Thank you.

Its no problem.  Honestly, I would give you any number of mansions or even a territory for more of that wyvern meat you cooked.

Haha, you dont need to do that.  I wouldnt even know how to manage a territory in the first place, and if you just want some wyvern meat, ask.  I have more than enough.

How much are we talking about?

Everything I cooked yesterday came from one wyvern.  I have hundreds of undismantled ones in my inventory.

Ill buy three of them from you at market price of wyvern materials.

I accept.  Ill go find Nia and ask were to put them.

Thank you again.  Ill send a letter to the guild to pay you what youre owed, you can pick it up when youre done with the mansion.

Alright.  See you again sometime.

I left Dromes office and went to find Nia.  I first checked the knights training grounds but didnt find her.  I asked one of the knights and he led me to Nias office.  I went inside and explained why I was there.

Sounds good to me.  How about we put them down in the training grounds so that my knights can get practice dismantling a wyvern.  Plus, I want to see their reactions.

Sounds fun.

We went back to the training grounds and Nia got everyone there to clear the way.  I placed three wyverns on the ground and every knight, squire, and bystander opened their eyes wide and their mouths hung open in shock.  Nia and I started laughing at their reactions for several minutes.  When  we calmed down, Nia ordered the knights to dismantle the wyverns and I decided to go and finish my business.

When I left the castle, I followed the directions Drome gave me to my new home.  When I found it, I discovered that it was a large building.  Not as large as home or Nias villa, but still large.  I walked up to it and placed my hand on it.  It instantly vanished into my inventory.

Im glad that worked.

{Why wouldnt it?}

Well, I thought it might have only pulled the building and not the stuff inside.

{Thats a funny thing to imagine.}

I know right.

I then went to the guild to get my payment for the wyverns.  When I got it, I asked Tomoe to see Grey and She brought me to see him.

Morning Luna.

Hello Grey.

What can I do for you?

I wanted to know if you can teach Ophidia the basics of being a brawler.

Pffft.  Your snake companion wants to be a brawler?  Thats hilarious.

I know right, but its what she wants.

I can teach her the basics easily, but any more in depth and youll have to find her a proper teacher.

Thats fine, I can ask dad if he knows anyone after she is proficient enough.

When do you want her to start?

In a few days.  I assume you already have something that will speed up the training.

Right you are.  It was a co-op project between me, Gear, and Crate.

Does it have any drawbacks?

The only people that it will work multiple time on are gods.  When she exits it, she wont be able to use it again.

Why is that?

Some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff that I dont understand.

Say no more.

{That was a good enough explanation?}


Well anyway, send her here when you want, and Ill do my part.

Thanks, tell Atmos she can fluff my tails next time I see her.

Will do.

I left the guild and teleported back to the island.  I found everyone waiting for me in from of our temporary base.

Got everything you needed finished? (Velvet)

Yep.  All thats left is to place the mansion and pick out our rooms and stuff. (Luna)

Got any ideas for a place to put it? (Soleil)

I was thinking in front of the pyramid.  Itll look a little weird, but well be the only people seeing it aside from our family, so it should be fine. (Luna)

What about maintenance? (Velvet)

It should all take care of itself.  At least thats what Drome told me. (Luna)

I wonder if this place will be different from the old peoples dens? (Ophidia)

Most likely.  By the way, I have made arrangements for you to learn the basics of being a brawler.  Ill bring you there in a few days once we get everything settled here. (Luna)

Thank you, master. (Ophidia)

We all walked to the clearing in front of the pyramid, and I placed the mansion down.  Everyone was surprised with Ophidia being the most shocked.

Oooooooooooh. (Ophidia)

Lets go inside and pick our rooms. (Luna)

We all went inside.  The room I chose was the master bedroom.  It had a study attached to it and a lot of books were already in there.

I guess I should go through all of these and bring any important looking ones to Drome.

{You could probably send them through your letter box, right?}

Oh yeah, I can do that.

{Can you explain to me again why you set it up like that?}

I originally set it up like that so I could get any interesting quests for the guild early.  When Drome asked me to make some for him, I made it so he could send me any messages in an emergency situation.

{So, it wasnt so you could spy on the entire network of message boxes?}

I can do that if I wanted to, but I wont unless absolutely necessary.  Actually, now that I think about it, I could totally sell these to vampire organizations like Velvets and make their black ops jobs easier.  Ill have to run this by her later.

I left the study and went to look for everyone else.  I found Velvet and Soleil checking another bedroom.

Already found your room? I said, a smirk spreading across my face.

Wipe that smirk off your face.  Were not sharing a room for now. (Velvet)

What Velvet said.  My room is across the hall from this one. (Soleil)

I was only kidding. (Luna)

What about you? (Soleil)

Down the hall, I chose the master bedroom and study. (Luna)

I figured as much. (Velvet)

Either of you know where Ophidia is? (Luna)

I think she is in the room over there. Soleil said, pointing to a room at the other end of the hall.

We went over there to find her sprawled on top of the bed in the room.

Master, this is amazing.  Its bouncy and soft. (Ophidia)

So, this is gap moe. (Luna)

Whats that? (Velvet)

Cuteness derived from the gap between how a person looks and acts.  Ophidia looks like a mature lady, but she acts childish when she encounters something like this.  She was the same this morning when I was waking her up. (Luna)

I see.  Its quite fitting when you describe it like that. (Soleil)

Anyway, since we all found ourselves a room, lets head downstairs to the kitchen for lunch and talk about our plans. (Luna)

Time for more cooking? (Ophidia)

Yes. (Luna)

I will follow you for eternity, master! (Ophidia)

Author's Note:

Luna, the comments want some wyvern meat.

Luna: Can they actually enjoy that?

Not really, but I thought I should at least tell you.

Luna: Ok then.


Luna: Gah!

Tamamo: Atmos.  What have I told you about showing up yelling?

Atmos: Sorry.

Tamamo: I didn't ask for an apology, I asked you about what I have told you before.

Atmos: You told me not to do it again.

Tamamo: And what did I say would happen if you didn't listen?

Atmos: My fluff privileges would be taken away.

Tamamo:  Good.  I'll let it slide this time, but not anymore after this.  Is that understood?

Atmos: Yes.

Sometimes I wonder who the big sister is.

Luna: I know right. 

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